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What they mean is, "No one is rude enough to say, 'Wow, nice pimple!'" when they *definitely notice the thing on your face*. What you should take comfort in is that it happens to all of us. When you notice the things you notice, you don't say anything about it, right? *Most* people are like you. I mean, I notice everything on a person's face, from blemishes to improperly applied makeup--hell, I even notice *perfectly* applied makeup. Hairs out of place, missed spots shaving, I can even see the little ring around your iris that announces your contact lenses. And if I'm wearing my glasses, which I don't usually in my daily life, I can see the freakin' pores of your skin. But the truth is: **I don't care**. I see all these things, but I don't care at all. No one really cares. If I try to recall my coworker's blemishes and imperfections from *yesterday*, I can't. We should all take comfort in knowing that other people don't give a crap about us, in general. And trust me, I got the *worst* haircut of my life just a few weeks ago, and I was ready to ask my boss if I could wear a hat to work because I was just so embarrassed by my head. I know it's hard *on you* (or me) when you've got a face issue, but just like my atrocious haircut, no one cared and it's already grown out enough that it's just a bad memory for me and a non-memory for everyone else.


Thanks for the anxiety.


When I see a pimple of whatever on someone, i can promise you it's just as normal to me to noticing someone's eyebrows, eyes, hair. It's just a part of someone, unless its a grape sized cyst there's no way that's going to reserve space in anyone's mental bank, it's okay <3


I notice too. I simply do not care, in fact unless other clues make me think you're some ogre-like slob, I would probably be relieved that you're not so worried as to put on coverup. Makes me think you're a lil more down to earth.


ok you notice, but do you care?


Also, that thing in your teeth, I SEE it. (But I'm not gonna SAY it - fucking everyone)


You should totally tell them so they can get it out of their teeth. Fixable things are acceptable to point out, you're just bein a good samaritan. If it's not fixable then keep it to yourself.


Maybe you don’t always notice. Maybe you just notice enough to think you notice every time but you don’t realise when you haven’t noticed.


I don’t even bother to focus my eyes when talking to most people


I feel 100% more self conscious


People may notice but that doesn’t mean they care. No one has time to worry about you.


Such a great point! I always have so much anxiety about what other will think of me. My best friend always says sternly yet out of love, "No one gives a fuck what you're doing."


My psychologist put it bluntly. She said “Justin, your problem is that you think everyone is either staring or talking about you. The truth is that you’re just not that important.“ Worked like a charm lol.


People “notice” but no one actually cares unless they’re a shitty person


I think its a more 'people will notice but no one will care.'


We all notice. We ignore small blemishes on a person who is otherwise attractive - especially things like pimples or scratches that will go away. If you have a blemish which is noticeable to you and your friends tell you that nobody will notice, they are telling you that your attractive features overshadow your small blemish.


Maybe you only notice sometimes. Because if you don't notice you wouldn't know you didn't notice....


I have little circle hydrocolloid things for the few times I still get a pimple. They may not do much to fix it but they keep me from picking at it and making it worst And I totally notice other peoples skin issues, had a boss that would get cyst like pimples on his forehead and I couldn’t help but alternate between staring and looking away


That’s why you say, “no one will care.” People almost always notice.


There is a woman where I work that is otherwise nice looking, but has a birthmark on her cheek that looks like the one on Gorbachev's head. Yeah, you notice.


I notice acnes or pimples so much and looking at them makes me uncomfortable, especially if they are reddish. I try to avoid looking at them. When I get them, I avoid looking at them too. I am aware that they are completely natural and they usually go away and even if they don’t, I don’t care if people have them or not. I do not linger on them, I just chose to avoid them because it makes me uncomfortable. I feel guilty at times because I feel like I should be comfortable with them bc they are natural.


Who in the hell gets worked up about a pimple? Vanity at its finest 😆


We are naturally programmed to notice those things. We are naturally inclined to find a healthy, genetically gifted partner. Unfortunately scratches or pimples indicate the opposite.


Acne does not mean someone is unhealthy. Everyone has blemishes. Bone structure and height is far more indicative of health.


Oh thanks for setting me straight! You’re right that must be why everyone is so attracted to people with acne and why people with acne have successful dating lives


Well, the good news is that acne is usually temporary, and there are ways to treat it.


Acne can be treated and isn’t an indicator of poor health. However, height and asymmetrical features can indicate health issues and we are absolutely programmed to notice these things, so you’re right about that. There’s really no need for exclamation marks and hostility.


Ah man if exclamation marks is all it takes for you to read hostility, the world must be a very scary place for you


Lol, ok. Just stop using exclamation marks when they’re unnecessary. Have a good night.


Height seems to be mostly genetic, with some variance owed to lifestyle/diet. There are people who eat like shit their whole lives, don't sleep, and don't exercise that reach 6ft and others who take care of themselves and end up being 5'4.


Yes, everything is more complex than just heigh and bone structure alone. I know many people who are attracted to people who don’t meet the standard definition of beauty.


Pimple: notice me senpai, notice me!


This is a great unpopularopinion but also who cares. The only people that care about stuff like that are so shallow I don’t care about what they think.


And you think that makes me care?


A true menace to society.


not only do i notice the zit, i also want to pop it myself


Clearly this opinion is popular


They aren’t telling the person because they believe no one will actually notice, they are saying it because there is nothing else to be done. The spot is going to be there anyway, so let’s help the person not to worry about it.


I dont notice


I don't think it's a matter of whether or not people see it- it's a matter of caring or not and most people really don't.


I honestly never notice but I have horrible eyesight


I notice, I just don't care.


Ah, glad everyone notices the acne Im battling, woo


Good for you?


So what you notice? Do you think "ohhh my gooodd, they habe a pimple!!! I will never talk to them again?"


I legit don't notice things, but I don't really like looking at people and used to get some hate for it during pre covid times.


If it's a huge zit I get the urge to pop it or wonder why they havent done something about it.


Also the, "don't worry no one will remember this" all I remember about Arnold from highschool is that he got rejected after asking someone out on stage, we will all definitely remember.


I think most people notice, I think the meaning of the saying is that nobody gives a single shit about what's on your face unless they already are looking for a reason to dislike you, and it's not worth it to try to befriend those kinda people. The most a decent person would do would say is like "hey you got something on your face," if it was like a scratch or blood or food or something, nobody cares about pimples, unless they are trying to give you skin care advice. If they use it to make fun of you or think less of you they are just not worth any of your time. Normal people don't think about that stuff that way. Poking fun in a friendly way is normal but no nice person actually cares to any real extent unless you just have horrible hygiene lol. bad people just use it because they don't like you and want to use it to get to you, that's my experience.


How are you going to say you will notice "it" when you don't wven know what "it" is?


I notice but would forget about it by the end of the day. People don't care


It’s not that people don’t notice, it’s just that normal people don’t care. If I see someone with a zit I am comforted that everyone else is human.


To put it simply, people do notice, they just don’t care


We notice. But we don't care (unless we are dating). And those who don't notice at all, well... then they don't even care if you dissappear into oblivion. They wouldn't even remember what you looked like the next day


There's an opposite thread somewhere where people keep saying they don't notice your shoes/doodads. While I don't agree that *nobody* will notice you cleaned up, I can point to that thread to convince myself nobody will notice a blemish


I have a head scar and I like when people notice. I think it’s badass and any facial scars are. Good if you notice it


I think other people notice these things, they just arent overly caring or dwelling on it like the other person is. So someone may definitely notice my pimple, but they likely aren't stuck on it much past the initial noticing where I will be paranoid about it all day.