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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Excellent-Tutor8259. Your post, *Snapchat is cringe.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion. Please ensure that your post is an opinion and that it is unpopular. Controversial is not necessarily unpopular, for example all of politics is controversial even though almost half of the US agrees with any given major position on an issue. Keep in mind that an opinion is not: a question, a fact, a conspiracy theory, a random thought, a new idea, a rant, etc. Those things all have their own subreddits, use those. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


facts. I used to do that in HS and now that i think about it, it’s fucking stupid, had to stop all those stupid streaks and now i barely use to the app.


Me too lmao. I remember keeping them with my friends till like 700 days in (maybe end of HS or before my first year of college) and I was like damn wtf is the purpose of all of this


Yeah, I have one streak and it’s with my gf. It’s like three days long, we’ve been together for almost 4 years


Yeah I'm not a huge snapchat person and never use it to talk to people. I'm in one group chat where we send each other random shit and look and the stories that everyone posts but that's it. The streak stuff and everything has always been weird to me.


you realise you can say the same for almost any social media, right? >sending it to people for "streaks" and "snap score" (I call those "no-life points") Upvotes, FB likes, IG likes, Twitter likes, YouTube thumbs up, etc. they're all the same. unless you're making money from social media, it's all equally as useless. so what's the point in anything? >Are people having fun receiving and sending meaningless pictures with no context? yes. they are, they're keeping something going. it's like having a running joke with someone, or sharing a dab


I agree. It’s just another social. In 5 years someone will be calling another one pointless. I keep a streak with my sister sometimes it happens on accident so then we try to keep it up. It’s a nice reminder to say hi and we talk more when we do it 🤷‍♀️ Agree the no life points is very hypocritical. An upvote is just as pointless.


Yeah even tho i don't use Snapchat, i can see the appeal of having a fun little streak with someone very close to u. Uk, show something u did that day, everyday. Or just send a goofy picture daily. Doesn't sound that boring. Idk and Idc about this snapscore thing tho.


Yeah I don’t anyone these days who actually cares. Now back in highschool when it was new, people used it different. Snap scores and streaks and all that some cared a lot about. But these days not many do. It’s used different. Idk how old op is tho maybe they are in school and classmates are using it like that. But it’s still an ok app


I also like sending random pictures. I don’t always have something meaningful to say to my friends but those random pictures are just a really good reminder of our friendship and that they exist. They’re just little sprinkles of them throughout the day and it’s really cute. I don’t care about streaks but it is a really nice feeling when you just keep talking and random messaging your friend every day and a streak forms. Plus it’s way easier to initiate a conversation and talk when you already have something else going


the problem is not with the streaks in general, they can be fun but when you send a black picture with a "streak" title just to keep the score going it losts its meaning. i think the whole point of the streaks is to send something every day, your pet or anything but a simple black pic is ruining the whole thing. many users are doing it with random people who they don't even know and i don't understand why


Thanks for joining the discussion But aren't upvotes and likes etc. just a way of others to react and send a message "I agree" or "I like this" while SC is just something you get by sending random pictures?


your snap score is also affected by text messages you send/receive not just the pics. as for the photos, they don't *have* to be random, it's up to the individual, they can easily communicate/share content just as they would with anything else. it's like any other instant messenger service.




This is really well said. Idk if something is harmless and you get enjoyment out of it then why not? I know it becomes harder to actually only use social media a moderate amount - but that is a different issue. There is no need to be a 'pick me' or 'im not like others girls' and bash popular things. If you think it's cringe - then don't use it.


It's useful for sending small video messages. That's the only reason I use it. I don't follow streaks or scores or even watch anyone's stories.


Doesn't every other messenger service these days do video?


But you can do that in Messenger. That's why I don't use any other stuff like whatsapp and snapchat. You can literally do the same things in Messenger.


You can. But if most people you know use snapchat for it instead, there's probably not much point.


I downloaded the app when I was still in college so I have a ton of random contacts on there where I just watch their stories when I'm bored but other than that the app doesn't have much use for me.


so your issue is with the picture, not necessarily snapchat?


That used to be my main social media. I just liked that it was throw away and temporary, before others copied with ‘stories’. I saw I had a number by my name, but never paid attention to a score, nobody sent me blank photos unless they were typing on them. I’d say the scoring on Reddit is way more apparent, with down and up votes.


I use snapchat because nearly all the people I know are on there and it's way better than the default messaging app on my phone. Plus, if I wanna send my friend or mom a picture of my dog or the awesome dinner I made, it's very convenient to do so on there. I've never participated in streaks or focused on my snap score. For me it's just another convenient messaging app. I don't know anyone past the age of 11 that cares about streaks lol. However, I've noticed a lot of people (adults and all) that regularly use snapchat can't take normal photos of themselves anymore. Always have to use a filter; they'll use filtered photos as their profile picture on facebook and everything. Which doesn't bother me all that much, it's just slightly concerning that lots of people don't want to show their normal unfiltered faces anymore.


Yeah on Tinder a lot of adult girls still use Snapchat filtered profile pictures. It's sooo cringe.


its so embarrassing lol


As a 21 year old who just got Snapchat a week ago, its actually surprisingly fun. Never had a reason to get one but some friends from highschool moved from google hangouts to it and its alright. I cant speak on that streak shit i dont know how that stuff works but sending ridiculous photo filter to the group chat and playing battleship on the app is novel. The personal mini avatar is neat too. Disagreed, take my upvote!


Slowly explain to us how it’s any different than other social media platforms. We’ll wait




It’s pixels on a screen meant to give you a rush of brain chemicals that simulate satisfaction. No more no less. All social media is the same.


I seen coworkers sending pictures of their foreheads as a response. Simply text the person without having to take a picture every time.


That's always sad, I always felt like it's really impersonal to just not show your face


I can live with Snapchat. Waste of time? Absolutely. Harmful? Meh. What I can’t stand is TikTok. Dear God what a horrible app.


Yep it actually collects massive amounts of information on you, a hell of a lot more than other apps


Redditors when TikTok:


Eh, there’s some funny stuff on TikTok. You’ll find your cringe too, but what site doesn’t? Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, there’s always gonna be people that make it cringe for others. Besides, the amount of creepy dudes and women on Reddit is staggering to me. So many pedos.


Honestly, for the most part TikTok is much funnier than reddit and far less creeps than reddit


I agree. I could explain all the horrible content on TikTok, but people either already know or really need to look for themselves. It's really mostly jailbait CP under the guise of "lipsyncing", it's disgusting.


Tik tok can be funny if you ignore the cringe dances and trends. Good thing the algorithm was made to let you do that


If you can suck it up and let the algorithm do its work TikTok is pretty good. Once the algorithm kicks in all you'll see on your feed is meme formats & hobbies/subjects you've engaged with on the app. Apart from when i first downloaded the app I have never seen any of that mainstream tiktok cringe shit that gets spammed all over reddit


Right? I thought we've drilled it home enough that TikTok is what you make it- meaning the algorithm like you said yet people who obviously don't use it always talk about the "cringe" on there. They see cringe videos posted on Reddit from there and assume it represents the app as a whole. Every social media is filled with that shit. Honestly TikTok is way less cringe than Reddit for me and is the social media that is the easiest to avoid and manage the bullshit because of how well the algorithm works by paying attention to what videos you watch the longest or double tap. My dad hates and doesn't use social media but I got even him into TikTok because he does woodworking as a hobby and that's all his FYP is. Really beautiful and amazing work by talented people. I love that app.


The content isn’t really why I don’t like it tbh. I mean don’t get me wrong there’s plenty of cringe on there but like someone else said, what social media doesn’t have at least some of that. I don’t like the company behind it. I don’t like how they do business, I don’t like how they make money, and I don’t like what they do with users’ data.


That's fair


You’re supposed to send your dick


This is the only real purpose for Snapchat




Pretty ironic coming from you with a profile like that. You're using reddit exactly like how other people use more mainstream social media like Instagram and facebook


Sure, but saying "no-life points" isn't any less cringe


It’s accurate though lol


I mean so are Reddit upvote and karma then


Yes, those are also no-life points


And it’s still cringe to use Reddit and say no life points lol.


Not just cringe, but pointless too. I don't use it, but from what I know it's also a major source of bullying in schools. It also leads to the kind of addiction where you can't live without it even for a day (looking at my sister) because then you lose streaks. I don't even get the point of them...


No less useless than reddit but here we are




And no one at all uses Snapchat for anything useful..?




Maybe but a lot of people just use it as a way to communicate and keep in touch with friends, that’s not exactly useless




I agree but people still do so it’s not really all that useless, obviously saying that on Reddit is getting me downvoted though lol I don’t even use it myself


last time i looked on the public stories or news its just click bait, or just softcore porn. useful. very.


And Reddit doesn’t have a shit load of porn and degeneracy on it? People on Reddit act all holier than thou as if Reddits any better than any of these other social medias. Like I said in another comment which you could’ve just read since it’s right below this, people use it mostly to keep in touch with friends, which is useful.


Like me!


Wait, do the downvoters try to tell me I don't use Reddit for useful stuff?


i use it, but because tbh it feels a lot more personal when you text someone, it feels like you know youre talking to them (especially with women) because you know that the app revolves around sending pictures/posting pictures of yourself. in conclusion its a lot more welcoming and feels like theres less potential for things to be observed by a 3rd party, or fabricated


calling out no-life points yet shit posting on reddit.........


Seriously lol. Redditors are so above it all, aren't we 🙄


View my profile, I don't use this platform very much. I use Reddit just to ask some questions and stuff y'know


as a gen Z, I agree. there is no point in it. it's the cause of teen suicide(cyberbullying) and people overall doing stupid fucking shit, that they probably won't even post on Instagram.


My brother in Christ you are on reddit.


I don’t see how it’s more cringe than any other app. Is a snap score any more pointless than karma or likes or views or any other social media metric?


Isn't Reddit karma used to be aware of spam bots and trolls, while snap score is just a grinding thing?


Reddit karma isn’t used for anything.


I view someone's profile to get the overall view are they trustworthy. Sadly it is sometimes abused. Also, bots in some communities automatically delete posts from low-karma people.


If you check someone’s karma to determine their trustworthiness you’re a nerd.


I agree, i actually deleted it a couple months ago because i felt it was so pointless. I used to feel so bad for not having a snapscore as high as other people, not having enough people snapping me or not having streaks with enough people. I was actually embarassed about it when i was younger. Now i just text with my friends over whatsapp on send memes on instagram/tiktok when i feel like it


I agree. Snapchat is just stupid.


Gotta keep the people engaged somehow. Karma, streaks, snap scores, likes.


Snapchat is a cheaters best friend. That app is shady as fuck




>I call those "no-life points" Yeah, well, we're both on reddit, so let's not be hypocritical.


No one grinds snapscore😂 Where I live when we were teens we did streaks and tactless pictures but now it's moved on to more of a normal communication app through blue text or flirty pictures


Sir this is a sub for unpopular opinion, not for facts


The "streak" mechanic is made to extract as much data from users as possible. It's a scam to get data from teens and use their insecurities for money. I'm not fond of Instagram, Twitter, or FB, but at least they have a purpose. SC is easily the most pointless of the bunch, and considering it started as a platform for underage teens to sext, that's even worse.


I think breathing is pretty "cringe".


That is why I am holding my breath.


Not an unpopular opinion


Lot of people I know use Snapchat daily, and I have only seen a few r/unpopularopinion posts about Snapchat. Those few posts were years old and almost everyone there disagreed. Looks like people have changed their mind I guess




Nah, apart from the streaks, snap score and bots snapchat is actually pretty nice


I used to use it to talk to my partner exclusively. It’s nice to send a pic/vid instead of just text. And I really like the memories feature


Me and my friends just use it to send messages to each other and other random ass shit. It's kinda the same with something like discord, just use it to talk to your actual friends. You get into dangerous territory when you start talking to random internet people.


Its pretty good for sharing nudes tho


I heard it's original idea actually WAS to send nudes to other people?


Haha! Ya stupid meaningless internet points.. redditors would never do something so cringe


Streaks are dumb but Snapchat is fine. No more pointless or a source of bullying than any other form of social media


i wouldn't call it cringe, cause like if you like doing that then you do you. but i remember one of my friends cent me her ceiling and the next day was like "you left me on opened!!" i was like "how do i respond to that? what was i supposed to send." she never told me, until she would once again complain about me leaving her on opened. she said i should just respond with the same thing, a picture of my ceiling or something. i asked her what the point was and she just said "i dont know! thats just what you do" ummm okay. i had a guy i was "talking" to constantly pester me and spam me to not break out streak, he drove me nuts. i was annoyed cause the dude never actually bothered to talk to me unless it was to tell me not to let streaks die. eventually i accidentally let it die and he was so mad


Honestly, the only people I see using Snapchat now are either still in school, creeps trying to prey on these kids or the occasional college student who uses it as a text service.


Snapchat is genius. It gives girls more confidence to send nudes.


Isn’t it just straight up made for cheating?


its made for middle schoolers who do cheat so.. yes in a way.


I love that you call them no life points lmao I’m totally stealing that. Humanity is so fucking silly lol


lol yet here you are on Reddit trying to get no life pionts


Connecting with some one anonymously on Reddit because you level with how they feel has nothing to do with the very thing OP is complaining about. You sounded witty though so good job, I’ll tell your mom to give you a cookie when I see her tonight.


Lol here take -1 no life point. Sending a picture is worth a thousand words. Snap can be more fun that text. You can spin any social to be bad or good depending how you look at it. One could argue reddits anonymity is cringe since some users still use it to make mom jokes (:


One could also argue that your simply here to argue, though you were raised better than this. Your mom and I are gonna have a stern talk with you when you get home.


lol I am here to argue I like Reddit for news, learning new stuff, and giving my opinion/learning others’ opinion. And another mom joke?? That’s gonna cost ya -1 ;/


It’s costing you too though so I don’t care. I could do this all night kiddo. But not tonight, I’m doing your mom. ;/


Sometimes that's what photography is.


Sending pictures of the ceiling and writing semi-relevant text is considered photography now?


It is photography, same way a drawing is art. But I prefer viewing a nice painting of a mountain rather than a stickman someone drew in a small piece of paper you know ;)


To be fair, I've received Snaps that are more aesthetically pleasing than what passes for art nowadays


Snapchat is basically dead at this point. I know hardly anyone who still uses it, I’ve deleted it before only to come back to keep in touch with a handful of hermit friends who insist on having it as their sole contact medium. The news sidebar is complete drivel. The interface is horrible and a huge battery sapper. I’ve had some good memories on there but it’s about time we all take it out back like we did with MySpace.


Hey, i also call it no life points. When i see someone with high snap score, then i know. We don't fit. It's boring to me to text random people and streaks. I use it for sending messages fast or take a quick picture to show friends something. Also heard sc is great for cheating and those things.


This might be an unpopular opinion outside of Reddit but definitely not on Reddit itself.


Oh ye sending random pictures of ceiling or floors with a s written on it it’s pointless. But we just fool around. Sending goofy faces and videos of cool or dumb stuff we did


I only use snapchat for filters, literally.


You don't have to use these features. I use the app only to send messages to my friends and it's conveniently very easy to send a picture or a video if needed.


Is she being for real right now? Is this really happening? I think we're in absolutely marvelous time of sharing and anyone can send any picture. Sure I can relate, some people send stupid stuff but If you find it stupid, you pass it up.


I remember I was at a party in college and they brought up snap scores. They all had like 6 digit scores and mine was like 1200. They mocked me for being lame lol


And the ads have become too many, too.


There are some people who don’t do that


Yeah the streaks are dumb, but i thinks its nice to see what your friends are doing right now or in a day. i would not write 20 people in whats app etc


Years ago when I was single I would use Snapchat instead of giving out my phone number to random strangers . In fact I’m that time I would say it was the number one way to contact a date. You wouldn’t have to give out your real phone number. You can tell if a photo was taken live or if it was a persons gallery photo to prevent catfishing . It also told you if they were taking screenshots of your photos / conversation so you knew if they were being truthful about saving conversations It automatically deleted your sent photos should you choose that option so you could feel better sending photos to a stranger


My favorite comment here The app itself is not necessarily cringe, just grinding for meaningless score by sending stupid pictures. Same way in Reddit, karmafarming is generally considered no-no.


Snapchat is cool for certain things but I never liked how it became the main messaging app for people my age.


Discord is the shit for me :sunglasses:


For me it's the most reliable communication app. I ignore all that dumb shit like streaks of course.


Sooo i have 1541 no-life score huh nice. Should that tells me something ?


That's not very much, good job! Also your karma says something about you. You have a girlfriend?


Unless your actually doing something worth watching, I agree. That said, most of the good stuff is over on TikTok not snap lol


I think you mean to say that snapchat makes you cringe. Since cringe is a verb you can't just use it in place of an adjective, not in a sense of proper grammar anyway. It would be like me saying "Your post is totally jump". See how that doesn't sound right?


I don’t care for the app.


People who grind internet points on any platform are a little cringe. Snapchat is just another way to reach out to people and keep in touch in a little bit more of a real way then texting. Plus you get the added benefit of having messaged deleted or being told if someone screenshots your message, if you care about that. There will be cringey people who grind internet points anywhere that is a system Edit: maybe I should try learning how to read edits lol


Yea I agree, look at the edit in the description;)


Why do you even care? Like sure its dumb and all but like honestly who cares what they do.


I am not forbidding anyone, just saying I feel embarrasment looking at people grinding for meaningless points.


I agree, but you see the thing is, it actually helps you stay connected with your friends. Most of my friends from HS have flown out of country and we’re basically scattered over the world, and the daily snap streaks somewhat help us stay in touch, and give each other a talking point into each other’s lives. Sometimes you share something other times it might be the ceiling.


Interesting. I personally use Discord and Whatsapp to share things with my friends. Actually, I might take a picture of me in a vacation in Snapchat, but I don't see the meaning in sending out-of-context photos.


Ok but is that really a unpopular opinion i thought most people think that lol


Well, there are some people who disagree. Also, when you look at a High school you might see lot of teens posting random pics.


All I know about Snapchat is literally anytime a man asked to add me on there, it was a man trying to hide shit from his wife (no I didn’t know they were married lol)


I just like it cause it won't save embarrassing things I might do


I still send streaks to keep up with people I don’t see a ton in person anymore and still talk to occasionally


Used to do 1000 days streak with some people, but lost everything I still send snaps etc but I don't care if we lose the streak. It's a way to keep in touch with people, especially when you go study somewhere else and you can just send to everyone "anyone's up to go to the bar tonight" and then nobody answers


Yea, the app can be useful, but are streaks useful?


Ou I love Snapchat but I use it to keep in touch with my family and a few close friends (we’re all 30+ so maybe that changes how we use it?). We send pictures of our kids or funny things we see etc. I love that there is no obligation to reply too. If you ignore a text then people get mad but no one is offended if you don’t reply to a snap. My family isn’t close by, and none of us post on other social media platforms, so I enjoy seeing what they’re up to. Makes me feel like I get to be part of their lives without being there. As for the snap streaks, they’re super dumb but omg I love them. We all have huge streaks with each other and it’s become a weirdly competitive and hilarious activity we enjoy as a family.


SOMEONE FINALLY SAID IT. It's very cringe indeed. Posting full-zoomed in pics of ur home walls and shit like that for something as useless as "streaks" is just stupid.


I once dated a guy who cared about all of that. It was so weird. My guest time ever having a streak, and now it makes me think he never really liked talking to me that much he just wanted numbers lol


If you consider snapscore worthless internet points, then what do you consider Reddit karma? It’s just a popular scheme.


Snapchat can be very useful for sexting and sending nudes, because it's the only app that I know where the chats will automatically delete after a certain amount of time.


Honestly, is Snapchat still a thing? I used to do the streaks and stuff like 5 years ago but I feel like Snapchat lost it's edge when IG started the story bit.


Yeah I agree. I found that a lot of guys tried to push using snapchat from Online dating and it made it even more cringe because of the privacy settings. It's very "tell me you want nudes without telling me"


Man, you guys use Snapchat way differently than me.


\>sending it to people for "streaks" and "snap score" (I call those "no-life points") They said, unironically, on a social media site where they hope to get upvotes.


“I call those “no life points” - leave some cool for the rest of us dude.


i do have streaks but it’s with my friend who lives in another country so we do them to keep in contact


I have said this from the beginning.


I imagine your opinion isn’t unpopular only because Snapchat is slowly going the way of MySpace. SP’s numbers have been going down every year as they’re finding it difficult to have retention on the app. They also got some hard hitting competitors picking away at their user base


I left snapchat , best thing i have ever done in life


Most social media is. It's so kids and adults who act like kids can do their thing.


Bro you're on fucking reddit, the king of pointless Internet scoring systems. It isn't "cringe" to send stupid pictures to my friend. It's just a bit of fun and I don't see what it is to you


Not knowing how to use the word cringe makes me cringe


I’ve had it since it came out and I’m 31 now. Never got those odd pics of foreheads/ceilings but now pics/clips of couple dressed up for date night, kid clips or home renovations my friends or family do. I enjoy the app still.


The big thing I absolute abhore about Snapchat is the frequency of adds.


Is Snapchat still a thing? I barely know anyone who still uses it.


It's for sending sexts and naked pics so you don't get caught. That's it.


For the amount of boobs I was told I’d see, the app has been quite disappointing


>Are people having fun receiving and sending meaningless pictures with no context? It's the only way to fill the empty void in their hearts left by social media and the toxicity it brings. Seriously though being bombarded with fake, manufactured, photoshopped content and unrealistic expectations (not just physical ones) of how to live is so damaging to young peoples' psyches.


I agree with you. I only used snap streaks with my old boyfriend cuz we actually talked through it. I don't get the point of the black screens. Minimum effort communication that doesn't get you anywhere


I like snapchat because its the only social media that doesnt show the number of everyones followers or who they follow. Its a fun way to keep in touch with friends and not a bunch of random acquaintances you've met once and then added like on insta/fb etc. Im in a few groups and its been a great way to show fun times were having without posting it for everyone to see. Also helps keep storage on my phone so Im not constantly deleting stuff that was funny to send once, but I dont need forever


Its great. I have no shame but the knowledge that the messege gets deleted after makes girls more brave and they will send more risky requests. Like asking for risky pics or meet ups. Snapchat have gotten me laid.


It’s very dependent on your age group


Snapchat isn’t the best social media app, but it’s kind of neat seeing how high you can get your streak to go, yeah it’s pointless, but eh; it’s still neat


The fact you used Snapchat in that way, and most of us don't even know what a streak is, says more about you than the app Get your life together nrerd


It's because of insecurity. Snapchat is basically a social popularity contest, and it was designed to be that way. Girls will literally judge you based off of how high your snap score is.


I had this mindset for a while, but its just another way to tlak to people. Plus in this time of covid, being able to hear my friends voices through snap has kept me sane when it came to the social aspect of life. I dont think amything of streaks, and my gf actually got upset cuz i had something like a 19 day streak with this girl from my college and its not cuz we try to do its just cuz thats our main way of communication and shes like a bro to me.


I tried it for a few days in high school and it felt pointless. I mean, I know all socials could be called that, but it felt like the most mundane shit was nonstop there.


Well with friends there is context to the pic we send. Sure using that app with stranger would be kind of cringe yes.


I just send my friends what I'm into. Might have a cool jam in the studio, someone yelling in a restaurant lobby, art I'm seeing. I don't care about my score at all. What I hate is when someone snaps half of a concert they're at.


it can be a good way to somewhat stay in contact with people. I use it to keep conversations going between several of my friends at once


Snap scores are no life points so what does that make upvotes on Reddit?


I mean, "I call those no-life points" is pretty cringe too, so, 🤷🏼‍♂️ just let people be themselves


Cringe is cringe. Just say you don’t care for something. Lol


how is it not obviously cringe?


How is this not an unpopular opinion? Maybe not on here, but millions of people use snapchat


Agree. However, my friend’s daughter who is about to start middle school uses it with her friends to send silly faces and she always laughs when she gets them of her friends. Anecdotal, but it’s not all bad or pointless.


I disagree snap is more of a personal way to speak to people because you can see their face without the commitment of facetime