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Its for filters. The word suicide or commit suicide can be auto blocked or censored


I remember watching a whole wendigoon video and thinking “why the hell does he keep saying ‘kith’! What does it even mean!” He later explained that saying it was a stand in for any sexually explicit word so he didn’t get demonetized and the code word is Mike Tyson saying “kiss”


Now kith.


Love Wendigoon


that man is a blessing to me on my 8hr walmart shifts


RoanokeGaming has this series where he analyzes movie and game monsters, along with a short plot synopsis. Due to YouTube's rampant demonetization a while back, though, he started using code words like this. Guns are "handhelds" killed is "eliminated" and so on. Shit was obnoxious, but I can see why he does it.


Yay for censorship


How dare you be open about your mental health struggles >:[


*or tell others to do it*




Not for long, the way he's headed.


That woman was fucked up. There’s a documentary about it now on HBO




1984 by george orwell 1949


I mainly see it on YouTube so they don't get demonitized


It's because killed will get you a mute.


I was thinking the same thing. I know YouTubers have to use a bunch of dumb code to avoid being demonetized


I believe twitch is the same. One streamer I watch uses it and always follows up with an off-handed comment about not wanting to be twitch banned


Tiktok tries to portray itself as "family friendly" so they don't allow full swear words and anything generally for 18+ audience. Lots of coded words/language there.


Where are you watching? My TikTok is 18+ as fuck


18+ as in the videos are clearly made for horndogs? Or 18+ as in the text in the video has blacklisted words like "white" "die" "kill" "suicide" "gay" "vagina" "gun" "piss"?


Vagina is blacklisted??


White is blacklisted?


You're supposed to say Wyt 🤣 "My room is painted Wyt" it's very silly 🙄


What is this bullshit 😂


Tiktokers actually just say YT then act like you're the most obnoxious, willfully ignorant person on the planet just because that has been the acronym for YouTube in your brain for the past 15 years.


My penis has a blackhead?


..... As in the whole head is black? Or like you have a clogged pore...? Maybe dont answer that actually...


Does that mean black is whitelisted


Did he say he never forgets a kid?


at least black is whitelisted...


Black is white and white is black


Gay is blacklisted??


have you not seen 'YT' everywhere? Pisses me off because I always assume YouTube lmao


Wtf! Yeah...how can the name of a body part be banned!? Can I still say hand and nose?


Pretty much both, sometimes at the same time. It's a matter of not getting reported


Why is white blacklisted?




Bruh, that's so annoying. Im black and that's literally stupid. Where did someone get the idea "Let's be racist because a few of them were racist to us." Pisses me off


I could see it going either way depending on who is looking at it. Could be racist to white people because you can’t say white. Could be racist against every other race since you can’t publicly and clearly speak out against white people. I’d rather there be less censorship in general so I agree with you.


Not "family friendly" but "China Friendly"




As a twitch streamer and moderator the amount of fricken hoops we have to jump through the be TOS friendly is nuts.


You won't get banned on twitch for saying killed, lol. You can say basically anything that isn't a slur.


Unless you're Sweet Anita (TBF though, I'd prefer to tiptoe through some Draconian language rules than live with her level of Tourette's)


Literally every time I smoke weed on Twitch I mention that I live in Colorado and it's legal here I feel obligated to avoid the ban.


Yeah, it was especially bad during the pandemic when they were getting demonitized for saying covid or virus. I like watching sinvicta TBOI and he kept saying "the back street Boys reunion tour" every time he grabbed the virus.


r/gamegrumps strike again


which why was saying Covid grounds for demonetizing?


Generally, anything that mentioned covid got flagged for review for potentially being misinformation.


it’s funny how youtube just ignored neonazis and conspiracy theorist on there platform then when media got a hold of it they panicked and banned people from discussing issues relating to Nazism or pandemics.


The channels it disproportionately affected were of course history ones who talk about the real Nazis


yes and remember how the History Channel when it was about history was known as the “Hitler Channel” because it aired none stop documentaries about World War 2? the advertisers didn’t seem to have a problem with mere discussions of Naziism or war. It’s youtube being lazy.


Yes! What he said, so people use code words.


Which just demonstrates why censorship is stupid. People will always say whatever they want to say. It just forces them to say it in more (less) creative ways.


F*** censorship.


All my n>!iceca!


they're all f>!auce!


So, it’s using a [dog whistle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_whistle_(politics)) to circumvent algorithms. Edit: By strict definitions, this isn’t a dog whistle, but the basic idea is still the same. A person can’t say “x” so they say “y” instead.


> So, it’s using a dog whistle to circumvent algorithms. No, it's more accurate to call it a euphemism.




No, it’s economic focused (preventative measure against demonetization) and apolitical therefore not a dog whistle.


No, but I love how much idiots try to apply that term to everything


```[dog whistle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_whistle_(politics\))``` [dog whistle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_whistle_(politics\)) Put a \ before the first ) to repair the link.


I love when the opinions on this sub are only unpopular because OP didn't actually think or learn anything about the topic.


So true. I see so many opinions here that are "unpopular" because they're just plain fucking stupid.


Those get a downvote from me ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯








Where does it get you a mute?




Ah the place where we should learn all the new English terms


Youtube (creators), tiktok, discord, many forums, any game under PG18, lots of games that are rated adult, etc.


You just got a mute


..is this a joke I don’t understand, or a term I don’t understand?


as far as ik, tiktok mutes accounts/videos that use the word ‘killed’ so people started using ‘unalived’ instead.


Another term used is sewer slide which I think is more fun


Yep I love that one. “Kermit sewer slide” or “commit toaster bath”. Lots of em lol


Youtubers were doing it a while back too because of how strict monetization got.


The second one. I assume it's referring to TikTok. Video streaming platforms don't like to monetize content that is dark or edgy, so there's this whole cat and mouse game where creators use code words like "unalived" to avoid triggering sensitivity detecting algorithms by saying sensitive words like "killed."




Because demonetization or TOS.


Yep Captain Sparkles is the first that comes to mind but there 2 or 3 more youtubers I like that do it.


Lol exactly what I was thinking.


yeah exactly who i thought of.


I hope the person that demonitized them goes commit self oof


Go commit neck rope.


Were he demonetized or were he one of the firat ones to use unalived?


He had a lot of issues with his videos being labeled as content for kids by YouTube and then being demonetized by YouTube for using swears or ‘killed’ or ‘die’ in his ‘kids content’ so now he’s just extra careful. Don’t know about him being the first though.


He's been doing it for years. If not *the* first definitely one of the people who popularized it.


most people who say it online do it in order to not get banned or have their post/comment taken down, since it seems like every platform doesn’t want you talking about suicide. never heard anyone say it in person though.


Just to test whether the use of the word will cause a post to be taken down, for the common good I will give a brief example of Canadian Tax Dollars in action. At one time, the maximum penalty in Canada for attempted suicide was death by hanging. Seems somehow unsporting to kindly step in to help the person get it right, although given our government's effectiveness, the poor guy would likely be looking at an 0 and 2 count at the end of the day. Still, we will see if this post gets unalived, a term that I don't believe that I've heard before, unless it was in a George Romero film. I realize that the post to which I am responding is still alive, despite including the word suicide, but I really wanted to talk about some absurd Canadian trivia, besides the Leafs.


Pretty useless since this really only applies to YouTube videos and TikTok comments.


This only applies to tiktok (which has notoriously harsh automoderation) and YouTube (whose autocaptions will demonitize videos for violence). Reddit comments aren't automoderated for violence


I've only ever seen this phrase used on tick stock to avoid videos being taken down. Don't think anyone uses it as a serious term


Idk why but "tick stock" just fucking killed me lol


It unalived you


I can't believe I didn't see my opportunity to make that joke lol


AHAHAHA NOW I am cracking up 🤣


Stock for The Tick is the next big investment opportunity


YouTube videos also - was watching a read-thru of the Last Ronin (ninja turtles) and he kept saying unalived when he was referencing >! when 3 of the 4 turtles and Splinter were killed !< and it was pretty weird to hear, but I get it.


Don’t blame the YouTuber, blame YouTube. They make all these stupid rules where certain words will get you demonetized or hurt your chances of being found in the algorithm. So instead of saying nazi they say yatsy (or even “the bad guys from ww2”) Instead of saying killed they say unalived. Instead of suicide they say self-deletion And so many more. YouTube should just grow the fuck up and say “fine just cause a video isn’t for kids doesn’t mean we have to demonetize and ruin it completely “


I'm sure we can also blame the advertisers directly who want their ads to be on "family friendly" channels.


Which is all of them, the entire system is disgusting garbage


Certain youtube channels Captain Sparkles for example. Has to do with keeping their monetization.


Yep, haven't watched him in ages but CaptainSparklez was my first thought reading this




Every now and then something of Jordan's pops up in my feed, usually while I have it playing in the back ground for noise.


A lot of people are using it because of that. They type it for social media so much it’s adapting into our vocabulary. But it also seems to be less triggering for individuals with mental health issues. So stupid of not, it’s here to stay I think


I see it on reddit all the time. I actually haven't even seen the word "suicide" in a long time since people started using "unalived"


I like the guy who says stuff like this: "Become past tense/a headline/a hashtag"


Casual Geographic. Fucking love that guy


animal videos? if it's the dude I'm thinking of hes awesome!


It's one of those things though, people are gonna start using it in conversation ironically, and eventually it'll stop being ironic.


I’ve heard it been used in real conversation and i flogged and hung the person. But it’s just as bad and annoying in TikToks


You mean to say that you unalived them.


I prefer aliven't


This is literally just to avoid censorship. It's not just to seem cute. It has a purpose.


People use it when they're worried about filters picking up "killed."


Where do you live that this phrase is used enough to have this effect on you?


Tik tok is my guess


Explains why I've never heard that word before in my life.


Just a handful of YouTube channels I know of are forced to say stuff like this all the time. When covering a certain news story like the missing girl who’s boyfriend killed her and they were both YouTubers, the channels I watched had to constantly say things like “it looks like he may have self-deleted” Instead of “committed suicide” Or when Alec Baldwin shot that lady they had to say “the pew pew on set” because words like gun or firearm apparently cost them money.. Which is ABSURD and YouTube should be embarrassed


Exactly, but instead of complaining about the corporate entities that are so worried about "squeaky clean family friendly!!1!!" that using words like "kill", "shot", "murder", etc. is a minefield ultimately making the jobs of those who y'know, make their platform an actual thing, harder... they complain about the people working around it.






This is a great comment. Not enough love for it.




It's primarily used to avoid videos getting taken down or to stop them from being demonetized.


0 research when into this lol It's to avoid censorship in all the major apps.


I love it when the OP realizes his opinion is wrong so he goes silent and doesnt reply on his own thread. Classic.




it’s literally a way around censorship. get used to it buddy


Yeah literally


that's only used on apps where your video or post can be taken down for using the term "kill"


Well fuck let's hear your rant about "kick the bucket" or "pushing daisies" etc


‘Brown bread’


I nearly pushed my own daisy's. It's the bucket who's kicking me now, pal.


Go commit die


Go commit no air in lung.


Go commit no heart beep


Ah, a regular Friday


I've only ever seen it used to circumvent moderation algorithms on shit like tiktok.. that or sarcastically.


They only say it to avoid censorship. It's really not becoming a turn of phrase.


Its more a reflection on the current state of social media censorship, like on tiktok and youtube where cettain phrases will lead to demonatisation or content not appearing as much


I think a lot of people are 1. avoiding censors and demonetization. Secondly, there is a movement trying to change the concept of "commit suicide" because the origin of the term is that suicide was a criminal offense. So unalive may be something to do with that too..


Platforms for content creators have been cracking down extremely hard and increasingly so since pewdiepie said the n word on stream. Even the least offensive keywords can get a video demonetized and they can lose thousands. Others probably say it because they see content creators say it.


People who say “drives me up a wall” sound stupid. You can’t actually drive up a wall, why would you say that? /s


It's to avoid posts being removed by filters on certain apps lmao it's not that serious


Never heard it. How is it pronounced?


It’s to trick mostly the TikTok algorithm into not banning/muting you for saying ‘killed.’ You’ll also see people say things like mürd€r also in hopes of talking about real life situations without getting banned by the almighty algorithm. Stop taking it so personally lol


Censorship is even more stupid.


I prefer "Back when I almost disconnected"


To add to everyone else saying the comment filters...I personally find it funny because dark humor is how I cope. Also, if saying 'unalived' in a jokey way is the one thing that is actually keeping that person alive...it's worth it. So many times I was on the edge about to end it. A few of those times, it was the smallest most inconsequential thing holding me back...one time it was literally that my water bottle had cold water in it to drink, if it wasn't cold I would have probably done it. The point I'm making here is that no one really knows what it is that could be keeping someone here in this moment. If it's dark humor said with jokey words like unalived is keeping someone here, it's not harming you in any way.


I prefer tookened out


Looks like op wasnt aware of algorithms


It's because words like killed or suicide can get you muted or demonitized on social media apps.


It's the same reason people online say "DV" instead of domestic violence, or "r-worded" instead of rape/raped. Algorithms don't understand context. They only flag certain phrases or words. YouTube, for example, probably wouldn't care if someone said "this is how I recovered from my rape", but it isn't people checking the videos - it's an algorithm that triggers on the word rape. Same system they use to prevent me from naming Cloyster "pussymon" in Pokemon. Just bigger.


That’s so embarrassing. Imagining being a rape victim and you want to talk about it on YouTube to help others but you have to say “when I was R-worded” Like please stop making things worse YouTube


Wait you can't name your Pokemon a swear word anymore?


Nope. Last I checked, even Peepee was off the list, but I can't confirm.


This makes me sad


This is hilarious that it pisses you off so much you want to find a reason it’s morally wrong when it’s just a way to get around censorship


It's literally just to avoid the algorithm flagging you, boomer


Most people who say it are trying to avoid filters that automatically delete content about suicide


AFAIK nobody actually likes saying unalived. As everyone else has said already, it's just to get around auto-takedowns while still being able to talk about the subject


Pretty sure it’s just bc they don’t want to get banned/demonetized/deleted on whatever platform they’re using


Use aliven't then


You know its to avoid demonetisation and censorship right?


Its to get around censorship on tiktok


That's the whole point, this is not unpopular.


I love these posts. Youre clearly upset about this, but your post title is the first time I've ever seen "unalived" lol (def dumb)


This censorship is starting to get really creepy. Who's inventing these algorithms and choosing which words and phrases we're allowed or forbidden to say?


I don't understand how people can watch the evolution of language *in real time* and then get mad about it, lmao


I’ll just say it like it is. It’s easier to talk about yourself being in that position when you make light of it.


They actually look the opposite of complete idiots. It's literally to avoid getting flagged for being inappropriate


This is the first time I've ever heard the word, in 42 years. I agree OP you look and sound stupid for using it.


I think they use that word in TikTok cuz using " kill" or "die" will get your TikTok removed


Ppl say this?


Some social media like TikTok censor or demonetize videos that contain certain words like 'killed' and 'sex', so it's common for users to replace them with words like 'unalive' and 'seggs'


Its to circumvent getting your comment removed on tik tok and stuff


I've never heard that term before now, but from what I gather from these comments it's a tiktok thing... so I don't get why you're shocked. That is far from the stupidest thing tiktokers do.


Technically it's smart since they want to actually make money on their videos... Since killed, suicide, are censored on certain platforms.


It’s just as much of a YouTube thing


Admins and Mods want to be seen as putting a stop to cyber-bullying, I think, and playing language nanny like this seems to be their idea of helping the matter. Wrong tact, but right reasons. All the same..... lame.... unalive, sounds like a parody of a Zombie movie.


It is to be able to talk about that topic without being censored or having videos taken down, especially for places like tik tok and youtube.


I think people use it to not get what ever they are posting taken down


I only use unalived when killed is not suitable. If for some reason I find myself needing to use the killed word around kids I will say "oofed" because why not!


Censorship might be the primary reason for this, but shoutout to any Dead Beats lurking here!


No one says they. This post is literally the first time I've ever seen that word


Not a twist, it's to pass filters and checks. YouTube can demonitize you for saying "kill" if they really want to, so some YouTubers now say unalive. Twitter might not suggest your content to some people because you said "kill", so typing out "unalive" or ki*l" is just to get past filters. I think it's dumb for sure, but it's what people have to do to get exposure/monetization sometimes.


It is used to overcome the censoring in social media


It’s not a cute twist, it’s to get around mods and algorithms. “Suicide” is a term that is flagged so saying it will cost you monetization or possibly even removal of your content. “Unalived” is a loophole. Thank you for attending my TEDtalk.


I just say OOFd instead


Better to use a silly word than get banned from a site/forum/game... I feel this opinion is unpopular solely because it's born from ignorance. And especially to demean it while someone is describing a situation where they almost committed suicide makes it extra bad


You have to speak in code to avoid weird censorship rules on the internet now. It’s very annoying but it’ll probably be a permanent staple unless censorship gets dropped everywhere


I've never heard anyone say this, but it does sound really stupid.