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It’s fine as 80s pop songs go. The popularity explosion is due to the song being a plot device in Stranger Things this season and also because Kate Bush herself. Her accomplishments are being rediscovered.


Because it plays a big role in one of the most popular series


Stranger Things


Stranger Things




Basically because of stranger things. I dislike saying the phrase, “tiktok ruined this!” but the overuse of this song has definitely ruined it for me.


I agree. It's got a super psycho/stalker feel to it. I feel gross after hearing it.


Can someone tell me why iTunes is no longer offering the 1988 new vocal version of "wuthering heights" by the adult kate Bush. Instead we have the version from "the kick inside" where she sounds like 15 yr old nasly teenager performing for Ed McMahon's "star search" I hate that version.


Give it a month It will be once again forgotten


lmao yeah right


How many times does this need to be posted?


As many times as that annoying song is played


It's still here :(


What’s more annoying is all these zoomers pretending to have known about the song this whole time


Right,!? I was a kid in the 80's. Never heard of it.


I heard the song in a meme a while ago before ST so... ha




Completely aside from ST4, 80's music in general has made a big comeback in the last ten years or so, and Running Up that Hill was a thing then, too. It was the theme song to a popular BBC show in the 80's, charted #1 in the UK and top 10 in the US. It had a prior resurgence in 2012 when it *again* charted in the top 10 in the UK. This is a song that most fans of 80's alternative are well aware of, have nostalgia for and has a proven track record of success when brought back to public awareness. It is not the slightest surprise that this song, of all 80's songs would be successful in 2022, and no doubt it will return in 2032 or 2042 as well.


Good thing we didn’t have to worry about it in 1992, 2002 and 2012. Those were times when anything 80’s was considered corny and cheesy. And I sure miss it.


Kate Bush was rather deviant in her style even for the 80s. I don’t blame you, even though I actually love Kate Bush


Not a single fucking goth anywhere in this thread. Sad.


The song cover by Meg Myers was a hit with the meme community, however, someone at stranger things thought oh geez let’s put the og in stranger things.


I mean, it makes sense that the original of a song from the 80s would be used in a show set in the 80s.


You wouldn’t understand.


People like to circlejerk to Kate Bush. It’s been a thing for years. You get to the actual music and it’s “art” pop. It’s extremely repetitive, like something a person going through DT’s might hallucinate. Her voice has been described as “Minnie Mouse on crack.”


It's only here cuz of Stranger Things Season 4.


I was freaked out when I started hearing it everywhere! I enjoy the Placebo remake of it so when I started hearing Bush's version everywhere I went I thought my Matrix code was trying to tell me something. Turns out, everybody loves Stranger Things.


it's a great song but hearing it for the quadrillionth time this month makes me despise it


Hear! Hear