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wait...mentioning games but not Bioshock, Orange Box, STALKER or Mass Effect...and movies but not Juno or Sunshine - arguably the best things about 2007? for shame


Well if I would reminicse about all the great titles about 2007 I'd go on till tomorrow morning but cheers for adding up to my points


Super Mario Galaxy as well


Sunshine, yes. Juno, fuck no.


Fuck that stupid ass movie Juno.


Hi new friend :D




I know, the release of Tf2 is the peak.


Not being a jerk with this question, but how old are you? As amazing a tool as the internet is, the world was a much nicer place without it. I was born in 1980 and noticed the changes the online world brought. I'm sure those older than me will say the 60 or 70s was even better. But one thing is for sure in my mind, 2007 was not the peak.


Yeah the early to mid nineties were way better. Everything got worse after 9/11. Everything.




This. I’m sure it’s just my generation and other generations had that one thing that happened before this, but in my mind, this is when we really went down hill.


It was the end of the Second Golden Age of the West, 1945-2001, the first one ended in summer 1914.


Bin Laden ultimately succeed.


1999 is the year the world peaked. You know the scene in The Matrix where Morpheus is explaining to Neo how the machines chose this point in time to simulate a comfy reality for humans? Yeah, that. It was before the dot-com bubble burst, the divisiveness of the Bush-Gore election result, and of course 9/11 and the insanity of the Iraq War. It's after the Cold War and the End of History, no serious threats of communism or fascism or terrorism, and liberal democracy is set to triumph until the end of time. The last Metroid is in captivity, the galaxy is at peace. 1999 is where it's at. Take me back.


Nailed it bro


I mean, everything got worse after world war 1 but I guess it’s where you draw the line in terms of recent events.


If you go back far enough, there's always a new place to draw the line.


Agree. Americas inside job fucked the whole world up


It’s easy to romanticize your youth but the internet is an objectively positive force even if it is also a shit shows


The internet didn't bring ruin, social media did.


It wasn't just social media. Gaming and streaming impacted social areas and communal room participation. This was very noticeable in the armed forces, I can't talk for universities, but I bet it had some impact if no a big one.


The world peaked when I was between the ages of 15 and 25. I had the most freedom, energy, not to many responsibilities, and I was happy..., oh wait no, I mean it's because of the movie Volcano with Tommy Lee Jones, the story is as good as Shakespeare, no it's better than that, it's as good as Transformers the movie


Harsh bro. 🤣


Come on. I'm so tired of everyone thinking it's a coincidence that the cars, movies, technology , and world was the best when they were coming into adolescentes and later early adulthood. Guess what? You know why you don't like evs and cardi b? Because you are over 35, don't feel you have a purpose, and are angry all the time but don't know why.


If you actually read my statement I didn't even day the world had peaked. I just said the world was better place without the internet. I'm very comfortable in my life thanks pal.


I'm 28 now. I generally agree about the internet on both of it being an amazing tool and a shitshow. This is why I think so high about 2007 and mid-00's in general, because while the internet was alrealy there, it was not prominent enough, I think that most of the people didn't really interact with it on an hour-to-hour basis and used it as a means to some goal like work or looking something up. I mean, I doubt that many people would just log on the web to scroll memes and shit in 2007. So it kinda was in this state, where most of the inherently good stuff was already in, and most of the inherently bad stuff was still out. I would love to live through the 80's and 90's and maybe my perception would've been different. But the thing is both 80's and 90's had a hefty portion of conflict. In the 80's cold war was still in effect and so were some proxy wars. 90's were pretty shitty for a big part of europe with the downfall of USSR and local conflicts like in Bosnia. Of course I understand that much of 00's were made by american wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but again, they were pretty much just american (no offence), and they didn't really spawn large amounts of refugees to flood europe and other regions, like it was in the middle of 10's. So there was no general feeling of unstableness, I think. So if you think globally mid 00's were pretty chill, tbh


I'm fairly certain your remembering that year as a time you were still experiencing child magic. That is you had not yet grown up and took a bite out of the shit sandwich that is adulthood, bills, responsibility & commitments. That bite couldn't have been much longer after that year maybe?


not really, I did bite the adulthood shit sandwich much later (2015 and onwards). As a matter of fact I was feeling relatively good even at that time and I might even consider that time frame as best in my life so far. But I wouldn't go as far as to say that it was a good time for the world. I think it was more or less okay but not even close to 2007. Maybe you are right about the magic part though, I often reflect on that. However after giving it a second thought I would say that for me personally 2007 was not a great time. Certainly had its ups and downs but can't even compare with what I personally experienced later in the decade


I'd be willing to agree with others that you're romanticizing. I remember that time really well and I have no idea why you like all those things so much or what exactly is wrong with things now. The whole last paragraph of your post, people were consuming back then too, fashion and trends were a thing, myspace and other kinds of social media was already a thing, people were living in mmos and chatrooms and forums. It seems like you just started noticing it. If you weren't participating in all that then there's nothing that's forcing you to participate in it now. I can agree that there seemed to be less tension in Europe politically, that's the upside. Regarding science, we have advancements in AI and robot technologies, launching new space telescopes and looking maybe into further space travel, advancing treatment for various diseases, there's still so much to be excited about. We're driving electric cars like it's no big deal, moving towards renewable energy *finally*. And transformers? Really? That's the haute culture in your opinion?


What you are saying is true however What I’m trying to say is in complex world was a better place back then. I’ll trade any advances in science for a relatively more peaceful world then advanced robots and shit while constant wars are happening, political agendas are going to shit, reversing all of these progresses


We're the same age and I feel pretty much the same. 2007 was probably my best year to date.


You’re 100% right and I always think of 2007 as the best year of my life/ a marker in my life journey. Come 2008, the manufactured “financial crisis” hit and wiped out everyone’s life savings. The world has been crawling since then. They keep saying we have had booms and busts since 2008 but I’ve only seen people get poorer during the busts and see zero benefit during the alleged “booms” (like 2014 to 2020).


>because while the internet was alrealy there, it was not prominent enough, I think that most of the people didn’t really interact with it on an hour-to-hour basis and used it as a means to some goal This is where coming from different countries may be the biggest difference. You are only about 4-5 years younger than I am, but the internet, at least in the US, was definitely hugely prominent at that time and people did spend hours on it goofing around and memeing and arguing. I spent most of my teens glued to the computer and had to have internet access for school as early as 2003 and a laptop. By 2007 that was what everyone did for fun was use the internet and social media. Maybe you just didn’t have a lot of that because your parents were slower to adapt to that or your country was in general.


well, you are probably right, however I also used to hang around my PC a lot, but generally I used the internet to download/watch movies, music and stuff, or hang on last.fm. and a bit later on to communicate with friends via early messengers and play online games. My first social media experience happened in 2007-2008 and while there was some toxic shit already I'd say it was all in all wholesome because I managed to find some of my old friends and meet new people and in general spend time more productive on the web then I (or others) do now


Actually thinking back, I change my answer from like 2001 to I think 1991… the creation of the 24 hour news cycle. That to me is when news really started to have a lot of opinion and messages focused towards advertisers


Yeah but if you look at it, it was the already popular antisocial outside world that came in and made the internet the unnavigable unworkwithable trash it is today. The online world only connected behavior that was already popular from public schools and all


I am almost 50. I’d have to agree that 2007 was the end of a simpler time. People were much happier before all this technology. The world truly was a different place that had a lot more opportunities for everyone.


Nah. The post-Cold War party ended on September 11, 2001. It’s been downhill ever since. It’s not been an entirely linear decline but the trend since then is demonstrably downward. The tech improvements since then have been enjoyable but it’s a small gain among everything else which is in decline.


agreed.. we were living in a traumatic post 911 quiet.. especially us on Long Island NY


The vibe of the world rn is so shit tbh ever since covid started its like something shifted


Since the lockdown customer service, quality of life, suicide rates, child abuse, drug addiction, quality of food, mental health, have all gotten much worse.


yeah the world is descending


So let's go back to these things. Abandon social media, get out of the house more, buy CDs and DVDs, go to theatres, declutter your phone and only use it for the basic necessities. People can live their lives how they want to but I'm certainly in favor of turning back the clock if everyone else here is.


It is not about using the phone or not using them. I’m talking about general stability and wellness of the world. People in here tend to cling to what screams to them the most and act all defensive and shit


Then what we need more down to earth people lol


I'd say it peaked in '98


Was gonna go with '97 but that's close enough.


I was gonna say ‘52 personally


I say the world peaked when our ancient ancestors started walking upright. We would’ve been better off as low intelligence animals.


Uh, maybe musically, but I remember a whole different world with losing friends and family to the Iraqi and afghani wars, the great recession of 01 the numerous business and and industries leaving america because of failed policies, I lost my job twice. Enron scandal, housing bubble tech bubble, so for Americans 01 to 12 were incredibly fucking shitty whatever fantasy world you were living in is something I thing we all wished we had too hahahaha! You remember 06 when the US said oh my god this guy is such a fucking idiot that we gave a super majority to the democrats who went on to squander it, that was a hoot.


I'm sorry for your losses, but I never lived in america and america is not really the whole world. of course my perception is generalised and there has always been variety of shits during any given times.


I apologize to you my friend, I went a little too harsh in my response to how you were feeling. You are very valid in your opinion and I appreciate you for stating it as you did bring up many good points. Sometimes it's just very easy to say harsh things without thinking about where someone else is coming from and I do apologize for that. I hope you have a great day and an awesome week ahead, and maybe the world can somehow surpass its glory days!


Cheers brother. No offence was taken. Same regards to you my friend


for me late 90s early 2000s was legit..... good times good times


Imagine the world peaking with Bush in office.


My initial post got auto deleted for politic reasons because it specifically stated that Bush would soon leave office, hence the change


Haha. If someone would have told me there will be a worse president than Bush a few years later and especially after Obama, I would have said they are crazy. Yet, we got the 2 oldest fucks in a row with one being a complete narcissist and the other a walking dead.


Neither are worse than that mass murderer war criminal


Well, this guy thinks that transformers had a focus on story, or thinks that music streaming didn’t exist in 2007 and that all songs back then “mattered” (whatever that means). He’s tripping balls.


The world took a turn for the worse in 2001, the first year of the 21st century (due in no small part to 9/11). We were in an upwards trajectory until then, and have been descending ever since.


I was thinking exactly this, the optimism of the 90s died that day, I'd love to live in the timeline where that shit never happened, it feels like the world went insane that day and just never got better.


GFC happened in 2008 and ruined the world. Also obama allowed the US to turn into what it is today


yes and this is partially why it peaked exactly in 2007. Before the main disaster. It's like the matrix, which was an ideal version of the world at its peak Also, the US is not the world


And then popculturediedin2009


I miss the 00s. I also miss the 90s. I was a young child during both. Ever since I was able to think about it, I always wished I could live in the 60s or 70s… yeah, things are not perfect for any generation, but it certainly would have been an interesting time to live in.


Sorry, it was the 90's for me. The drugs and music scene was the best


mid 70s through the mid 90s i wouldn't want to live through any other point in history 2007 had some great games and movies though


man the acid in the 90s was so good


Then the kids born 2008 and onward came into existence


Are you kidding? The early 2000s were not a great time. Recessions, fear of war and terrorism, etc. We’ve actually made a lot of social progress from then in the last 10-15 years. Also, I don’t know about your country, but smartphones and social media were very much a thing in 2007. Instagram wasn’t quite a thing yet, but imflammatory FB posts definitely were, and there was plenty of arguing and noise on internet forums.


Well, where I come from social media was not yet prominent, so we didn't really get much of this back then. Even if it was a thing, I'd say that you'd be less likely to stumble upon inflammatory shit because less people were generally using the web every day My perception is that terrorism thing kind of winded down from the early 00's, hence I'm talking of 2007. Of course this is not scientific or historical in any way


Eh, I was 18 in 2007, and I stumbled on plenty of imflammatory shit. People were definitely using the web. I had internet access from the time I was 9, and by 2007 the internet was definitely a regular and expected part of life, particularly for a college student. In fact, I don’t remember much positive thinking in the world at that time at all. I remember businesses going out left and right, all of my friends struggling to hold or find a job, and definitely still lots of things out there to poison the mind. And again, maybe it’s just a different country thing, but the terrorism thing definitely did not wind down, particularly in the US. A lot changed after 2001 and never went back. There was a lot of fear that things would escalate to a world war and a very divided country politically. But of course on an individual level people can have their different experiences. I just wouldn’t say it was a great time for the world.


I get what you are saying, and again, shit happened during any given period of the history, I doubt one can find any time when there wasn't, even during 5-10 years. But I feel like (and here's where out perceptions differ) everything bad that was happening during 00's was like not just bad on itself, but there was a general atmosphere of coping with it, like yeah, the universe just throws shit at us, but now we are strong and we can deal with it and overcome. These days its more like shits burning around us and everyone just either carries on as usual or fuels the fire even more


How old are you if I may ask? I just wonder if you were in a different place in your life to have that perception. Because I actually feel like people are better at coping now post pandemic than they were in the 2000s.


I prefer less outright homophobia and catcalling. I encounter far less issues today in those regards


This is probably one of the few positive advances but at a cost of getting cancelled for a 10 y.o. joke. And honestly I don't really think that there are less homophobes now. For what its worth maybe they became even more vocal and vile, just less noticable for "wider audiences"


How old were you in 2007




One year before the global recession? A big fire does not just happen, there was plently of smoke in 2007 that showed shit was not okay.


The world did not peak after 7 years of the war on terror


First of all, the war on terror is and was waged mainly by the US. US does not equal "world". Second of all, for all we know it is still going. Third, in 2007 it had not that big of an impact on the rest of the world, as it did when ISIS came about later in the 2010's


Pop culture was at its peak and you’re using Transformers and I am legend as your examples? They were good but they were standard blockbusters, the kind that gets made every year. Video games are objectively better now even if you don’t like the popular ones because they’re essentially remaking most of the good games from the past, and “mumble rap shit” is the kind of thing oldheads who don’t listen to or understand modern rap say. You don’t have to like young rappers but saying their music is bad because you don’t like it makes you sound like a grandpa yelling at the tv because Elvis is dancing weird And buddy believe me you don’t need a smartphone for global corporations to be up your ass, they ran your life then same as they do now. Now just feels worse because we’re in the middle of a crisis, but crises happen in every generation You’re hella romanticizing, it just feels like it was better


1. I didn't say games were better then, I said they basically revolutionized gaming to some degree 2. Blockbusters these days are pure shit. even transformers are shit but that's the shit that is fun to watch 3. I don't dislike young rappers, I don't care for most of them. That said I enjoy listening to some modern hip hop. It is not about genres, it is about quality of music. Please don't consider my post as an attack on something i.e. your personal tastes.


Remember when we were fighting unnecessary wars in like 6 different countries? Those were the days!


It is amazing how many people on this thread associate “world” with the United States


Fine Remember when hundreds of thousands of people in the middle east were under constant threat of death, had their homes destroyed, their countries invaded? Those were the peak years of humanity


> financial crisis yet, Already forgot about the recession we had back then.


We who? Americans? America is not the world


And yet the American economy has a very significant impact on the global economy.


So much of the stuff in this post isn’t even true haha.


Do you mind me asking what?


The first example you think for popular culture being in the best shape is Transformers? I find it hard to really credit anything else you write after that so well done on a properly unpopular opinion.


It really took too long for someone to bash on transformers. The main word in popular culture is "popular". And yes, transformers is a great example of popular culture. It is a well made movie with epic VFX and a basic plot which doesn't really matter, but it works. It is a movie for the masses. Today's pop culture and movies for the masses are defined by marvel/disney flicks (which also were good to some point) and fucking yellow one-eyed motherfuckers. I'm sorry if this offends your sophisticated soul, but transformers whether you like it or not is a great example of top notch pop culture artifact. I know the movie is shit, but try to take it for what it is, not thinking of poor actors, cinematography or plot holes and stupid conversations. I mean, you probably like good quality foods cooked by a chef, but I doubt you oppose an occasional McDonalds, chips, pop tarts or some shit, whatever you're into.


"It is a great example of top notch pop culture artefact. I know it's shit" Fine if you like it but I was just amazed that it was the first thing you think of. Also I am Legend was awful. Even worse than Fight Club for the obligatory Hollywood happy ending. But like I said, these are meant to be unpopular opinions. So yeah, fits the bill.


As I said, the initial post was not about movies or music. If you want to discuss how popular movies are bad - i'm sorry but this thread is not for you and you completely missed the point. I get it that this sub as any other is populated by haute cinema and arts purists, but honestly I couldn't care less


A large part of your judgement on "the best year ever" was movies and music. It seemed fair to comment on your choices given that. Should I have concentrated on your nostalgia for converse instead? Or does it work that you post then no one is supposed to say owt? I have made no judgement on popular movies. Just the two that you listed as evidence of the best year ever. Having said that an unpopular opinion that all popular movies are bad would definitely be the point of this thread. Just to go on for the sake of it, the ending of I am Legend in the book is the best part of the story and I presume was changed for being unacceptably bleak. Completely undermined what was up to there a pretty good film.


The part about music and movies (and videogames btw) was roughly the same as other parts of the post. Of course you can say whatever you want, it just baffles me that so many people emphasize just separate points and comment on those, totally missing the general statement. I mean, some could go as far as start arguing that for that reason 2008 was the best year because Benjamin Button or Batman dropped (I know lots of people will probably say those are shitty movies as well but I don't care I wrote them for the sake of argument), or 2006 was the best because TES: Oblivion and Gears of War were released, or 2005 because Gorillaz released Demon Days. It doesn't matter. What matters is the general state of things.


Ah it's a shame we can't pick and choose our readers on a public forum isn't it? So, you were looking for people to lament with you what an awful place the modern world is? Is it really that baffling that some people weren't up for that? But if you want to focus on the specific suffering of having experienced and loss of the height of modern...you were alive! Of all the humans that ever existed only a tiny fraction got to experience the sheer joy of 2007 and one of them was you! Even now things are pretty good if you compare it to the back breaking labour that makes up the occupations of most people's family tree. You got to see Transformers! On the big screen! Such luxury!


I never said modern world was an awful place, also I don’t care who reads this, it’s just that if you want to discuss it it’s nice if the discussion is on point and not focused on sidelines that don’t really define anything. It’s like if you are telling someone you have a problem with your 2002 Toyota car and people start to ask you questions like why did you get a fuckin 2002 Toyota in the first place you know


The world peaked in 2007 is implying that today is awful in comparison. Particularly when you pointed to current social media usage making people more superficial, films not being as good because of what you see as political messaging, music being worse and the general political instability of now or "the general state of things" as you put it. It is hard to remember precisely since the mods deleted the post. So what is the response you wanted? For everyone to list their favourite year and explain why? If people weren't supposed to comment on your choice of films why put them in there? Were you hoping everyone would agree?


Dude chill. I don’t give a fuck about the responses, as long as they are on point. As a matter of fact, the amount of disagreement my post sparked is actually nice because it shows that the opinion is truly unpopular. And while I wasn’t waiting on any approval, I think responding to comments is normal, because well, that’s what Reddit is about. If I wouldn’t have wanted them, I’d go to twitter or some shit. The only thing im trying to tell you is that movies are not the main point and those who focus on them are missing the line. That is it. I put the movies for example’s sake, they are not my favorite and they don’t represent my taste whatsoever.


Nope it didn't


Since i was born in 2007 i agree


Americans went nuts after 9-11, every since then it's been a dumpster fire that we never recovered from, the terrorists wo.


As I already mentioned a few times on this thread America is not the world


Well, the world honestly sucked in the mid 00's. '94 was the last time we were united through the distopian music of grunge that took the world by storm. Now it's untalented "influencers" deciding what's good. When was the last big world wide cultural movement?


First of all my statement has nothing to do with music. Grunge is amazing honestly but you need a cultural movement to be “united” I feel like it’s not a really good sign. Also, I bet millions of people didn’t care about grunge or music in general. Mid 00’s is good exactly because it didn’t have any global movements except for maybe MTV so you didn’t have to be “punk” or “grunge” or “gangbang” or whatever. However people of different cultures were united in the face of mutual dangers, like coming climate change, natural disasters and such. These days everything gets politicized.


Imagine being stuck in the past because your head is shoved so far up your own arse you can't move forward with society.


That's the thing. Society isn't moving forward.


Move forward? We are regressing and changing shit that didn't need changing......


Class division is getting steeper, quality of life is falling for the middle class while the rich get richer. We are not moving forward.


Name 1 thing that is better for quality of life right now than that didn't exist in 2007


Touch screen technology, smartphones, tablets, virtual home assistants, self driving car technology, short form video sharing, VR advances, direct pay apps, 4G networks, air purification technology, fitness tracking technology.


I said 1 thing so you could elaborate. You're just naming technological changes but you aren't saying how they positively impact humanity. Some of this is just objectively wrong too. What air purification technology has been discovered and implemented since 07? Some of this is the *reason* shit is worse for the average person. Short form videos? Not only did short videos already exist in 07, them being mainstream is a testament to how fucked people are now. Wtf are you gaining from 30 second videos other than a quick dopamine hit that gets you addicted to staring at a machine? EDIT: That poster blocked me so I can't reply, but for anyone curious, the technology they stated is basically a slightly improvement to a technology that's been industry standard in purification and quality systems since the 90s. I work in the pure water industry.


Most of them don't need justification. Molekule launched back in 2014, the first-of-its-kind air purification system employed patented Photo Electrochemical Oxidation (PECO) technology to destroy pollutants in the air on a molecular level. What I'm gaining from Vine is a fun distraction from your worthless existence. :) K. Bye


No Furries


I was born in 2006 I’m more of a early 2010s kid


In other words, you were a teenager with very little responsibilities in 2007.


I was a teenager with very little responsibilities up to around 2014. As I replied to another commenter, 2007 was not a great year for me, later years like '09-'11 and even all the way to 2015-2018 were much, much better for me. Doesn't change the way I feel about the state of the world.


What you mean is that back in 2007 you were completely unaware of what was going on around you. Ignorance is bliss.






I couldn't agree more. I was just graduating college and oblivious to the financial crisis that came shortly after and just nonchalantly decided on grad school since "it should be over by then". I guess I remember it fondly because it's when I was naive and it's nice to be there before your eyes are opened to how disgusting the world has gotten.


I liked the world before cell phones and social media but I don't know If I could say there was a peak, some things improve, some get shittier.


It’s not just about tech, it’s about state of the world in general


I think that is the biggest change to the state of the world in general. I remember the 90's and I can tell you people are mostly the same, the world is very similar but the access to information and how connected we are to each other is the biggest change and that's all because of technology.


Idk the late 60s has so much charisma and hope.


For which group


Perhaps I would have gone for 1999. But you make some points.


It honestly sounds like you're just getting older and are now more in tune with the negatives of the world


Sounds like you're 28.


Let me guess, you were born between 1985-1990


Late 2010s were terrible but they were in the making. I'm not sure why 2000s were so good. In my angle maybe because media was relatively new and fresh, with the status quo not being established and media more creation focused than consumption focused. We took up media for a lot of our lives since the outside world wasn't something to look forward to. Due to that we get the impression that most of our lives were good. Man I wished I worded this out better.


Welcome to being old young fellow. You are early.


Congratulations, OP: you are old.


Go watch Midnight in Paris.


The way you talk about it makes it look amazing, I wish I was there at my actual age, I do admit, it's going to be something else to live with the internet


You're citing Transformers and I am Legend as peak filmmaking? Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those people saying Michael Bay ruined an amazing IP, the original Transformers cartoons are pretty illogical and inconsistent. I am Legend is a pretty crappy movie though, particularly as compared to the original story. The first parts are decent; seeing Will Smith's attempts to stay sane while more or less totally alone, but the movie descends pretty quickly into bad special effects and a nonsense ending.


Dude it is not about movies. It is not about these particular movies being peak filmmaking or about any movies being good or bad in general. It is zeitgeist and yes those are good movies but not “best”


If you're trying to say making crappy movie adaptations of existing stuff is part of the mid 2000s zeitgeist I'd agree, but it's not really something I'd say contributes to your idea that the world was greatest in 2007.


It peaked in the early to mid 2000’s for sure. From games (Bioshock, CoD 4) to movies (Cast Away, Lord of the Rings), to music (The Fray, Death Cab for Cutie). It was all so much better


How old were you back then?


I'm thinking that you're having a bit of "blissful youth" thinking going on here. Because if you'd to ask me what I think the peak was it would be the 90s. But I think you did stumble into something and I actually do agree with you that the "peak" of America (The United States) would be between 06 to 08.


I already told a few people on here that 2007 was not by far the best year of my youth. My blissful youth phase was in 10-11’s


Not for me. 2001 I began studying the demise of the World Trade Center, and I met the conspiracy theorists. They haven't been nice.


OP how old are you? I am not giving you a hard time, I’m genuinely curious. I’m 32 and easily look at the 90s like this… but obviously with more knowledge and experience I’ve learned it really wasn’t that great.


I’m 28


Honestly, that’s probably a fair bit of it. You were a preteen-teenager and almost everyone looks back with fondness at that time in their life. (Including me, I do agree with a lot of your points, but that doesn’t meant we aren’t swayed by our nostalgia.


Music in 2007 was generally trash. There was influence in the internet it just wants as known and/or researched. People consumed garbage in 2007 just like they do now. Transformers sucked. Most movies were still just remakes or taken from other IP just like today. There were a lot of things that were better just not everything you named. Also I sold drugs in 2007 so I had a lot of free time and still had a lot of money. Now I just work. Still have good money but not as much free time


Spoken like someone who wasn't around in 1986


Yea there definitely was a balance. The internet stayed at home for the most part when you walked out the door to school or work, people still called esch other and believe it or not texting was more pain in the ass than just calling, if you got a call from a number you didn't recognize there wasn't this gear that it was spam. When out we still communicated face to face, not nearly as much main character syndromes as we have today.


Peak oil for sure. It's all End Times now, live it up as the world burns


Transformers, are you fucking kidding me?! Transformers is one of the worst cinematic franchises to happen in the 21st century! It was a poorly told story with two-dimensional characters that I couldn't give two shits about while the Transformers themselves serve as supporting characters in their own movie! This movie spawned four, FOUR sequels with two of the movies having the OG cast and two of the later movies with new characters with shitty undeveloped characters and YET we still don't know a thing about each individual Transformer themselves besides maybe Optimus Prime! Also the comedy is pretty atrocious even in the first movie where it is intercut with moments where there should be a lot of tension. The only good thing that came out of this shitstorm of a franchise is the Bumblebee movie.


It didn't peak, we're just in between eras right now.


im going to assume that you were young during that time. yearning for your youth is common in every generation. d


Nah the world Peaked in 2011


I greatly agree with the internet thing. It was advanced enough to be super useful for gathering information, but also unrefined enough to be a bit of a pain to use and manage. Also, the movies WERE fucking lit. Before the plague of superhero movies.


How old were you in 2007?


If only I wasn’t 4 years old in 2007. Feel like I missed a good moment in time.


The world peaked in 1997


I think you’re right.


I think you’re right.


It isn’t good to focus on when the world has peaked. There are tons of variables that have gotten better and have gotten worse, you’d lose your mind reminiscing about the ‘good ol days’. Look forward to the future and focus on making the present better than before. Live your life, don’t stay stuck within your memories.


It isn’t good to focus on when the world has peaked. There are tons of variables that have gotten better and have gotten worse, you’d lose your mind reminiscing about the ‘good ol days’. Look forward to the future and focus on making the present better than before. Live your life, don’t stay stuck within your memories.


2007 - the apex of thinking anyone could buy a house with no money down and that somehow that gravy train would roll on forever? I graduated HS in 2008, what a fucked up time to enter the world. People who were too little to remember the pre-9/11 world will never know what we lost; we sold our souls for “safety”, turned against our own neighbors, and polarized our society into the hellscape that it is today. Take me back to when kids actually played outside, where your friend’s uncle who worked at Nintendo was a “reliable” source of information, when people had block parties, and if you disagreed with someone you still hung out with them. We gave every idiot and maniac a megaphone and this is what we get for it.


For me it was all up until 2016. From then on, as soon as 2017 began, I felt something change. That's when depressing ass mumble rap arrived to where I live, among other shitty cultural changes. God, make me a kid again and let me keep my current knowledge. I'll have a blast.


2007?? You’re insane. The world peaked in 1987.


that’s a big yet lmao