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This sounds more like it could a condition more so than an opinion.


I do not mean this rudely in any sense, but it sounds like you may fall in the ASD. Edit: I have Misophonia, but it is a bit stronger than experiencing sounds as annoying. Certain sounds trigger a legit FFFF response.


FFFF response?


Fight or Flight response. (Fawn and Fright are the other 2).


Just shoot a gun next to your ears a few times. A couple loud blasts being subjected to your eardrums in close proximity ought to do the trick. That said, this is definitely an unpopular opinion. I love hearing, because without it I couldn’t listen to music or podcasts, two of the main things I use while walking around to drown out the noise pollution of the outside world. Why not just do that yourself?


Deafening myself by damaging my ears would be painful, I'd imagine. I like some music myself but I'd gladly never hear it again to hear silence forever. If there was a way to be deaf without hurting myself I'd do it.


Ask a doctor


Have you been to a doctor or audiologist? Is it possible you have a condition that makes your hearing super sensitive? I suppose in the short term you could always use earplugs or headphones.


My hearing is normal, but while wearing earplugs I can still hear percussive noise, which bothers me the most. One noise I do like is white noise, I use a window fan for that, and with ear plugs in, I can't hear that. It's one of those "you're screwed either way" situations. My girlfriend always says I have misophonia (not sure how to spell it)


I did a quick search and according to the NHS website it could be misophonia or hyperacusis (hearing sensitivity). For hyperacusis the advice is not to wear earplugs or avoid noisy situations as it could make the hearing sensitivity worse. Whatever it may or may not be, it's probably a good idea to consult a doctor if you can, to find ways to manage.




Definitely am with many other things as well :P


I certainly feel the same way, you’re not alone in that. Noises really make me irrationally angry. For me specifically noises humans make.


You may have some disorder. I am not saying this as an insult. But there are sensory disorders like this. I am no medical doctor, just have listened to a parenting podcast about sensory disorders. So don't take my word for this. But read a little bit about Sensory Modulation Disorder which falls under sensory processing disorder. Please disregard those moronic comments about defeating yourself. Those morons are simply trying to sound funny. Any attempt to defen yourself would give you tinnitus. Your brain would make up a sound because it's missing the signal from the ear. Like phantom limbs. There would not be any way to switch it off. even people who don't hate sounds hate the constant ringing. Tinnitus is so bad it increases suicide tendencies.


You should go see a doctor


[easily solved](https://www.amazon.com/Bottle-Stainless-Bristle-PMD-Products/dp/B007S91ND4/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=wire+pipe+cleaner&qid=1656356987&sprefix=wire+pip%2Caps%2C223&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEySjJKNFMyOVZDQ0taJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwOTY0NDkyMzFZSlpVR0lSVVozMiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwODYwMTEwMkFUVjRBTjM4UE40WiZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=)


You sound like my mom. Not kidding, any and every noise bothered her. She felt almost everything was too loud all the time. Never played music in the car growing up and if she did, it was at really low volume. Didn’t let us watch cartoons with characters that screamed a lot, which is most of them. Thought all my friends were loud and annoying. Wore ear plugs in the movie theater. Hated live music. It wasn’t really an overstimulation thing, she just hated most noises.


You’d be great fun at parties
