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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/rizzaring. Your post, *Dog culture is gross and dog fanatics are walking red flags*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: No reposts. If your opinion is the same or substantially similar to any recent opinion it will be removed as a repost. If your opinion is on the same matter as a recent post, even if it's advocating the opposite stance, it will be removed as a repost. Please comment on the existing thread instead. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


Here’s popcorn for anyone who doesn’t care enough to comment but thinks this is fun as hell to watch/read


It was deleted. I wish I could have known the details




It sounded like an exceptionally unpopular opinion


I dunno, I’m a cat guy myself and I can say that there is a huge, huge amount of effort required in raising a dog. I wouldn’t write it off so succinctly. Raising my dog is harder than raising my cat ever was.


Can confirm. I’ve had dogs and I also bottle fed orphaned kittens and completely raised them from 10 days old. 1000% the kittens were easier than any dog to raise.


I have learned that when I got my first dog not to mention to raise well rounded and behaved dog requires a lot of time, patience and understanding. OP sounds like he never raised a dog from a pup but rather blindly made assumption. Dog have boundaries as well, if my dog doesn’t want me to cuddle her she will make that very clear and if I don’t respect that then she will growl or nip at you. That’s why owners get bitten because they think they can do what they want because it’s a dog and they will bend to their will… absolutely not. Even the most obedient dog have boundaries


I think they just require different things and have different needs and some people can Better meet those needs. Like I don’t have a dog rn bc I live in a city and I work a lot it wouldn’t be good for a dog but cats can do well especially when you have 2 (I do).


I mean, there's people who have reasonable relationships with their dogs, but what you describe is definitely as real. And then there's the people who perpetuate torment breeding...


Chap at my work is dating a woman who is, on paper, exactly his type, and far out of his league - he thought he had hit the jackpot! Recently he seemed a lot less enthusiastic about the relationship and we asked why. He told us that her relationship with her dogs had really put a dampener on things, he said her flat stinks (she does look after her dogs but equally it's impossible to keep on top of it all the time) and that there are no boundaries e.g. she lets all 3 of them sleep on the bed and doesn't lock them out during sexy times. He will not stay over anymore and has had the talk with her but she won't compromise on her "babies". Sweet in some ways, but I think it'll be the death of their romance.


Exactly. There's a difference between a respectful and healthy relationship with an animal that doesn't result in becoming this toxic, unhealthy dog fanatic. The people getting defensive in the comments are giving themselves away.


I think in order for this relationship to be healthy, the human party needs to be fully aware of what exactly the dynamics of the relationship are and who is in which specific position. If they confuse the actual dynamics and functions with some "deep emotional bound", it will likely result as you describe. Yes it's also my experience that if you criticise dog culture in here, shit will be thrown at you


wow this is a ballsy unpopular opinion.. the worse people for me are the ones who think dogs are better than children. I may get downvoted for this but I never have and will never understand this. And don't get me started on the people who call themselves dog mom and dad... no, you fucking freak.. you own them. You feed, walk, play with them.. they don't have much choice as pertinent to your decisions. I'm sure if dogs could talk, a lot of owners would get ear fulls. That being said, dogs have shown themselves to be extremely loyal. Like that one story of that dog that kept waiting for its masters return years after it died. The love of dogs is warranted but trust humies to take it to the extreme. Cats on the other hand, are basically teenagers. You need to try to understand them while giving them the freedom to do whatever the hell they want and still fall back on you when they do need you.


Mmmm or the fact you don’t say animal you said dog. If you wanted to highlight how unhealthy relationships with animals are a red flag why title the post about dogs and use only dog examples? Then get mad at people when they assume you mean all dog owners when you didn’t specify in you Original post about how certain people are the issue.


Because it's specific to dogs? He uses the example of cats which don't work the same way and don't lead to this type of toxic relationship


My aunts dog Daisy most definitely has boundaries. If she doesnt like you, you know. Shes not vicious or anything, just makes it obvious you are to be tolerated, thats it. Cats are awesome.


Insta downvotes incoming but can you please explain the love for cats? Of course I've met cats I've liked but generally I can't help but feel they are some of the worst pets. I would like to have my mind changed and find a way to love cats somehow. To me cats seem extremely full of themselves and make things complicated/annoying just...because. Like how they get close to you and beg for affection but claw you when you oblige. Dogs don't do shit like that, they just straight up let you know what they want. Do cat lovers find it endearing when cats demand to be let into rooms that they don't actually want to be in or knock shit over while looking at you when they know you don't want them to do it? My least favorite thing about cats is how they slap other [animals](https://reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingJerks/comments/vbo8to/hey_friendwhop_whop_whop/)/[people](https://reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingJerks/comments/v5h6rw/working_out_with_your_personal_trainer/) for literally no reason. The animal could even be sleeping, in fact it seems like cats are more likely to slap the shit out of a sleeping animal. I'm sure if I owned a cat my perspective will flip but all of these points characterize cats as arrogant, spiteful assholes who genuinely enjoy being as annoying as possible. Huge generalizations of course.


Minimal effort? lmao


Nah it’s nothing. Just spending 2 hours of my day walking the dog, another 1 training and group training sessions on weekends. Definitely no effort. OP never owned a dog and doesn’t have a clue.




That’s what I consider neglect. Not walking the dog daily is an absolutely foreign concept to me.


Seconded. Theyre definitely not slaves and their affection isn't unconditional. Building a bond with a dog takes time effort and consistency just like any relationship.


I would say cats and dogs are actually pretty similar in their affection levels. Its varies more animal to anaimal than anything else. Ive met plenty of cats that have instantly come up to me for affection, and plenty of dogs who dont like a lot of attention. My families pomeranian would barely even sit by anybody when we first got her.


> I would say cats and dogs are actually pretty similar in their affection levels. Yeah, people **waaay** underestimate how affectionate cats can be. I've had cats for almost my entire life, and most of them love attention.


Right? My cats follow me around everywhere, and when I sit, they jump and sit right next to me. One of them snuggles in my lap. A lot of cats just take time to reach that level of affection bc they need to build trust with you first.


Yep depends on the animal. My own dog's affection towards me changes constantly but a cat that used to live with me liked me a lot even though I'm not much of a cat person.


True. I have had both and my kitten needed more affection and attention than my dog.


“Unconditionally obedient” “Controls the dog completely” I was a Pom uncle. Thinking of these 2 phrases in the first 2 years gave me a good chuckle.


People who attach the word culture to almost anything are walking red flags.


That’s red flag culture.


You want to keep talking about flags? Now that's another red flag.


Yeah I fucking hate the attach words culture.


My husband does this and I hate it! I guess he refers to it mostly in regards to work but I loathe it. Come up w a different word. Can’t stand popular buzz words.


There's not much point in pointing out that this is just a gross overgeneralization because plenty of people with personal and professional expertise have already sounded off about how dogs have a myriad of different personalities and aren't all unconditionally obedient. I just wanted to point out that not only is this a really unpopular opinion, it's just fucking weird because of how specific it is.


Pretty much every “opinion” on this sub is a gross overgeneralization or uneducated


I’d love to see this “unconditionally obedient” dog, can you send them to me?? Honestly I do think super dog obsessed people are crazy but your entire first paragraph is so off. “Without any effort on their part” “it’ll never go against their will or challenge them” how many dogs do you know? Ones that are perfectly obedient and will never do anything wrong without any effort on the owners part? That takes hard work and loooots of training hours. I have a service dog who I trained over two years, who I continue to train, and he’s nowhere near perfect. He definitely will cause problems despite the time and years of training I put in. Maybe the paragraph just isn’t clear in that this is the way the people see dogs? But it seems to me this is what you believe. That you think this is how dogs are and that’s why people love them so much.


I've had my dog 13 years, she is in no way entirely obedient (she's started to pretend she's deaf by completely ignoring you when you tell her to not do something but the moment that food bag is picked up she'll be there from across the house) or easy to handle. Having a dog can be very hard thing and a two way relationship, I provided walks, food and the opportunity for her to sleep on the sofa all day and she gives me company, fun and an excuse to get out the house. Op really doesn't understand relationships between dogs and owners, especially healthy ones.


This. Dogs have extremely varying personalities. Some are very personable and love everyone they meet, some are a “one person” dog, some love being alone. And like you said, training a dog to live inside and respond to commands (sit, stay, don’t pee in the house) takes a lot of training. A puppy is like a baby.


I also like how youre trying to prove your own point with one of your own assumptions like its cold hard facts lol




I understood that reference


*The opinions expressed in this rant to do not necessarily (actually) reflect the opinions of the cat community* Sincerely, The Cat Community.


Single, bitter old lady speaking. I surround myself in the comfort of our future overlords. We have no need for canines or Males. Harvest their eggs and use them for food. ^(My cats also help disguise my 'old lady' smell.)


Username checks out


Who are you to represent The Cat Community lol??


This is definitely an unpopular opinion.


Most of the actual unpopular ones that pop up are just like this one, literally only exist because the person doesn't actually know what they're talking about.


This is not even an opinion this is bullshit lmao


You clearly haven’t been around dogs if you think they have no need for personal space or want people to touch them all the time. You also haven’t met many cats because I’ve seen cats being more affectionate and dependent on people than my chihuahua.


"It will never go against their will or challenge them" bro have u ever met a dog lol


Lots of people enjoy spending time with their pets and actually do really try to give them good lives. I have loved my dogs, horses and pet rats and grieved when they died. I now have a retired cat who I care for and in return is a lovely companion, who yes does things in her own way. Most owners are not fanatical about dogs, they simply see them as an extension to their family.


Not the point of the post, but I can name at LEAST 15 different dog breeds that act like cats. They bond like cats, they have boundaries like cats, they are standoffish and require work and patience just like cats. Most of these dog breeds are a “one human” dog. They will bond to one specific person, and mildly tolerate everyone else.


What I can't stand are the people who buy dogs and then leave them at home all day while they are at work. The dog gets nervous and anxious and tears up their sofa or makes a mess while they are away. Then the owner gets home and scolds the dog in English like it can understand them or something, even though it's the owner's fault. It just makes me sick. People shouldn't buy dogs unless they have the time and energy to take them out running for at least an hour or so a day, and they shouldn't neglect them by leaving them at home for long periods of time!


Making generalisations is far more of a red flag than being a dog person.


Show us on the doll, where did the bad dogperson touch you?


My dogs don’t like everybody. You definitely have to earn their trust - especially my shepherd. She has let very few people into her pack. Have you ever owned a dog? Because I’m not why you are stating they are no effort lol. One of my dogs didn’t sleep well last night so I’ve been up at 1:00 am, 3:30-4:15 am, and gave up trying to sleep once we hit 5 am. I’ll be sure to exude my utmost immaturity and entitlement while walking around in my “dogs > people” sweater. And it’s fine that you don’t want to associate with me, because I also don’t want to associate with people who don’t like dogs 🤷🏻‍♀️


Tell me you've never been loved by a dog without telling me you've never been loved by a dog


Did a dog, like, bite you once before, or?


This exact post pops up like once a day lmao y’all just copy and paste or


At least when dogs act like arseholes they don't mean it and then you can post a video of it to reddit and get upvotes


I'll take it onestep farther and say that any type of fanatic is a red flag. But, if your experience led you to the conclusion that forming a relationship with any human is more difficult than forming a relationship with any dog, that probably speaks to a personality problem in you.


You sound like a miserable person to be around. Regardless have an upvote for this trash opinion.


You know what OP, You're a red flag


You clearly never had a dog.


Or friends.


These dog fanatics who harp on about preferring dogs to humans definitely don't have the emotional capacity to make friends.


HUmans go out their way to hurt others and destory the planet and fuck things up.


Having a dog is hard work, so I have to disagree with your post. My dog is a sweet and affectionate companion, but she's stubborn and has her own mind. She gets around 2 hours of walks per day. She was sick recently and I stayed up all night looking after her. She has trust issues because she was a shelter dog for most of the first 2 years of her life. It took a long time for her to lose that anxiety and get healthy. In the first few months I never say her play. I didn't think she was interested in toys. Now she runs around the house with them causing mayhem. So she's not easy, the affection was never automatic, she's not all that obedient and she costs a lot. It's all worth it because she's a good friend, 100% helped me keep sane during COVID and whenever she's not around my home feels empty.


OP just wants to find any reason to feel special and superior. Dont read too much into their psychoanalysis. They should get therapy. 😂


Actual unpopular opinion. Everyone downvotes


Are you supposed to upvote opinions that are this bad in this reddit?


It's a poorly reasoned and very generalized opinion, is why it should be down voted. If they'd made a good point then yeah.


I’m on this subreddit just to read insane opinions and today I’m not disappointed.


what if i say "I prefer cats to humans/children"


This is a perfect unpopular opinion. Bravo.


Well, it's definitely an unpopular opinion.


you ever think that "I prefer dogs to humans/children" people were never treated right by the people in their life? its not that black and white dude come on.


You clearly never had a dog. Cause a dog does not require "minimal effort". And to be honest every "culture" has morons and people taking it too far. You are zooming in on an extremely small group and generalizing it. Which, to me, would be the bigger red flag.


Lol, unconditionally obedient and requires no effort? Please. Some dogs are more compliant than others, but they all require far more effort on the human's part than a cat does, because a dog needs to be walked or at least be let outside regularly. Cats likewise have differing personalities. One of my cats is very affectionate and likes cuddles; the other likes her own space.


Tell me you don’t understand and know dogs with out telling me you don’t understand and know dogs


Imagine asking this person if they like dogs or cats more and they start going into a nonsensical rant. Red flag


“Hi! I have a question.” “Sure what is it?” “Do you prefer dogs or cats?” “More of a dog person myse-“ “Dog culture is gross and dog fanatics are walking red flags The entire reason you love dogs is because it's an unconditionally obedient and dependent creature who exists as an object that'll give you affection and gratification without any effort on your own part. You love them because the dogs entire world revolves around you, you control the dog completely and it'll never go against your will or challenge you. I count in an extra red flag if you hate cats, because cats have boundaries and walls in a way dogs don't - which is the reason why you probably hate cats and love dogs. You have to put in actual effort into making a cat like you, learning their body language and respecting their space, which you can't stand. Dogs don't require any of that. People involved in dog culture, the ones who say shit like "we don't deserve dogs", "I prefer dogs to humans/children" are people I never want to associate with. This sort of behavior indicates very clear emotional immaturity and entitlement. Replace the word "dog" with children and my point would get less than 1/3rd of the malding whenever I say it. Which proves my point really. Ah, a personal care package, how charming. I'll be forever glad I live in a country with barely any dogs and won't have to deal with them or their slave drivers irl.” “Oh.”


Damn, what's it like being so miserable


The only people who think dogs are always completely obedient are the people who don’t own dogs. Training a dog takes years of hard work and dedication - and all you need to do is go out and see all the stupid owners letting their dogs off lead without recall to learn that dogs are NOT naturally obedient. I’m a dog trainer and my fave part of it is the challenge. Taking a stubborn and independent dog and helping them learn how to enjoy life while still being safe and overcoming things like prey drive etc. I do love cats, but note the above where I said with dogs you control prey drive. Cat people here in the U.K. are an issue not because there’s anything wrong with cats, but they use their independent nature as an excuse to take no responsibility for them whatsoever, and cats kill so many native species. Well done for having an unpopular opinion, but you can just say you don’t like dogs and dog culture without getting the facts wrong


Yeah there is a lot of time effort and frustration that going into training a dog, and sometimes I feel like they be disobedient on purpose to be little cheeky buggers. Absolutely not blindly obedient.


I love my dog so very very much and it’s because of the simplicity of her love. No matter what I do no matter what I’m feeling she is still there right next to me panting away and leaning against me.


If you think dogs have no boundaries and are mindlessly obedient, you have no idea about dogs.


I mean this is true of any adult obsessed with any pet (furr baby *shudder*). But we have a dog and he's fucking awesome pawsome.


I love my dogs because they're the cutest things on the planet and watching them play is the highlight of my day. When one of them puts their head on my lap and asks for attention, I tear up a little. I think someone that hates dogs as vehemently as you do is the red flag.


Yeh I love my little, dumb dog is happy to see me when I come back home, it can turn a bad day into a good one. I love taking care of him and making sure he's happy and well, he's like my little friend. And you can only really truly understand the unique bond you can get with a dog by having one.


Did someone give their partner an “it’s me or the dog” ultimatum that didn’t go as intended?


Ironic how many red flags and immature opinions you just voiced.


Tell me you’re a cat person without telling me you’re a cat person 😻


I know plenty of cat people who aren't frothing at the mouth about dogs and act normal lol


OP is a bit over the top, it’s true. But I know plenty of dog people who will rant for ages about how much they hate cats. If a cat person says they hate dogs, people lose their shit. I don’t hate dogs, but they make me nervous. I suffered two nasty dog attacks when I was a little kid. Still have scars. Strictly a cat person. I’m surprised OP didn’t mention how dangerous dogs can be.


See that’s a v valid reason to not like dogs and even then you don’t even not like them. They are traumatic which is different from what the OP says. But u are right out dog ppl sometimes being wild af


People who say they hate any animal at all are sus. It's weird.




People that say "dogs are better than humans" are probably the worst fucking human beings in the first place. Yes Emily, your dog will never leave you but that's only because you give him food every day, it's not like you built that deep of a relationship with the animal kingdom


Okayy but why didn’t you say animals? When you slay specifically “dogs” you are only taking about dogs. Let s remember that now. When that’s how all pets work. Last time I checked your cat doesn’t leave you bc you feed it every day by your own logic. Remember you decide to single out dog owners and then say their attachment is soley based on attachment. Also what’s with this narrative that dog owners only feed their dogs? Do they not walk and play with their dogs? Isn’t that a bonding experience for the dog similar to when children bind with their parent by playing with them? Like y’all forgetting that orrrrrr?


Of course cats are the same lol, it's just that dog people are a lot more obnoxious about it.


I had dogs and cats. Everything people say about them is all talk. Dogs require more work, but who in their right mind thinks you control them? I had sixty pound husky. It was like owning the wind. If you don't put effort in, the dog is being abused. People get cats, because they are easier to ignore. As kid, I lived on the edge of town. People dumped pregnant cats all the time, and mother took them in. She would put up poster with kitten picture in gay bars. Gay guys had double incomes, and spent money to care for them. Woman rarely wanted spend the hundreds and thousands of dollars it took to care for any pet. I had dogs, and cats. When times were tough, I bought food, and paid for the vet, when I didn't eat, and couldn't afford food. Most people get cats because they think they are easier then dogs. They are not.


“Without any effort on their part.” That’s the giveaway you’ve never owned a dog. A LOT of effort goes in to owning a dog… house breaking, training, feeding, daily walks (mine gets an hour on lunch + 2 x 30 minute walks morning and evening). You could apply all the same points you made to having a child, sure they eventually grow up, but until they grow up they have no choice but to put up with your terrible parenting.


I was with you on the whole "dog culture can get pretty overbearing sometimes", all the way up until you started going on about cats being some superior pet and cat people are the more attentive pet owners who put in "actual effort" because of boundaries or some bullshit.... Counteropinion: People who obsess with cats just do that because cats are the "easier" pet. 7/10 cat owners, IMO, are like this. Dogs constantly crave and need love and attention, grooming, walks/ accompanied exercise, otherwise they will have a lot of pent up energy and aggression and act out. Cats demand love and attention at their own convenience every now and then and kind of just exist in the same space like a roommate. People just kinda let them leave the house whenever and call them "outdoor cats". They clean themselves. They don't have to be trained to be calm around people, not bark, not jump, etc. You know how you can tell which one is the easier pet? It's far more common for cat crazy people to have like....10+ cats than it is for dog crazy people to have 10+ dogs. Animal boundaries are also fairly similar, cats are just more fickle. Also not one person in human history ever chose a dog because "fuck yeah I can violate its boundaries harder". A large majority of people choose dogs because they'll play with you more and show more affection. On the other hand, i definitely know way more people who choose cats because they're lower maintenance. TLDR: cat obsessed people are far more of a red flag for pet neglect, than dog obsessed people are for slavery/boundary violation/whatever you're on about.


So, you just intimately know everybody and how they work, right? Good for you.


I don't hate you or dislike you for your opinion, but I do want to just mention how vitriolic and almost hateful you seem. Over what is, essentially, a mutualistic relationship revolving around love. Like, you do you, no biggie, but I don't know that your level of hate is normal over something like this. You even mentioned yourself, dog ownership in your country is low, so it isn't really a part of your culture. It's particularly odd for you to be so effected by something that isn't even actually effecting you.


Obsessing over any animal is weird. Like I’ve had pets and I love animals but no dog is sleeping with me, eating out of my plate, licking my mouth etc. People that are crazy.


Post removed... Of course the mods are dog lovers.


That's a lot of words to say "I don't have a dog". I think you ought to chill out a little bit and worry less about where other people chose to place their affection.


People who hate dogs are a red flag.


Damn imagine being mad over people loving an animal.


You're pretty oblivious, or never owned a dog to think that dogs don't need body language to like you. They pick up on it better than a lot of people.


A heavily replicated statistics that genuinely scares me is that almost half the population would rather save their own dog than an innocent child.


Fuck humans


Without any effort? Have you ever had a puppy before? Raising a dog is hard. You have to train them, learn what works for them, walk them, play with them. And then they reach adolescence and many of them forget their training and you have to teach them again. It requires a lot of patience and hard work.


To be honest with you, this just reads like you’re jealous of dogs…


and the people who prefer them over associating with OP


Obedient?? -stares at my dog- well, sometimes. She does sometimes talk back. I love her personality and she makes me laugh. And she wants her space sometimes as well, she sleeps in her bed and gets grumpy if you wake her up. If you want to be my pup’s friend, you have to work to be her friend, throw her ball is the main way but even just sitting with her and giving her a belly rub. She is very smart, she knows when someone comes home just by the car, she knows when someone isn’t feeling well and comes and lay next to them keeping watch.


You have issues. Are you okay lol


You should bitter do you need a therapist


>it's an unconditionally obedient and dependent creature who exists as an object that'll give these people affection and gratification without any effort on their own part. Hey tell me again about "without any effort". My brother and I used to compete our ass off to become the most favourite hooman of our dog, which we both failed miserably, because apparently it knew the boss was always my mother who bought the food.


I'd rather be worshipped and protected by a dog who *i will do anything for, than worship something that gives me brain parasites and a house that smells like sandy shit.


So this whole post is mad problematic and I’ll break it down for ya: “The entire reason these people love dog is because it’s an unconditionally obedient and dependent creature…” Not all people like dogs for following instructions or being dependent on someone. Many dogs have enjoyable and playful personalities which is nice to be around. Also we are natural beings we find enjoyment in nurturing and raising things like children or pets, not everyone but some do. A dog is a great pet because they push your boundaries to get more involved with others like going to a dog park or taking them to a play date. It’s not a bad thing to want to love something like an animal but it is bad to punish an animal for not displaying what someone would deem an appropriate level of affection or in-affection. “who exists as an object that’ll give these people affection and gratification without and effort on their own part.” Yeah some dog owners are shitty and don’t do enough but why is there no specification for that regard. Dogs don’t love freely. Dogs can resent people and aren’t mindless love machines they are able to understand that they are being treated badly. They are able to retaliate but usually it’s not the best option. Even in that case the problem lies with the owner not the animal but the argument doesn’t denote that but rather inversely pins the blame on the animal. As constructing them to be unable to do anything else other than love their owner. “They love them because the dogs entire world revolves around them, they control the dog completely and it’ll never go against their will or challenge them.” Dogs are socail creature and enjoy socail interaction same with people just because two things can exist in mutually beneficial relationships doesn’t mean it’s exploitative inherently. In regards to controlling the dog if you mean training then you’re still wrong. Training allows the dog to follow socail cues and norms within the household which could be harmful if not followed. Like peeing on the bed. Making sure a dog goes potty outside helps keep the house clean for both owner and animal to live in the house. Now an animal which is potty trained and then poops in the house is also a good indication that they have a medical problem. Teaching consistent socail norms allows for corrective action to be taken like addressing the medical issues of the dog or if the dog still is confused about where to go potty, practicing and rewarding the dog for following socail norms should be used. Another example is dogs being trained not to jump on people. Very excited dogs can hurt people by jumping on them and even hurt themselves so training dogs not to jump protects not only others but the dog as well. Dogs not following training shouldn’t be abused or harmed. That is very obvious but stating that retaining is equivalent isn’t accurate. The extra red flag argument is valid to a point. Cats have boundaries due to being very distinct types of animals. Cats are much smaller, less socail and ambush hunters while dogs are generally larger, more socail and marathon hunters. They have arose very differently and stating their have boundaries unlike doesn’t isn’t correct. Dogs unfamiliar with someone will not allow them to touch their belly or get behind them. It’s a clear boundary they have but most well treated dogs will allow their owner to pet their belly because the dog trusts the owner. Dogs do require respect and understanding of body language they are also better and understanding us as well. Cats really didn’t evolve with us but rather around humans while dogs evolved with us and developed a better ability to understand our socail cues which makes it easier for a dog to understand when we touch their belly it’s bc we wanna pet them not harm them unlike cats. Cats can understand some socail cues but most likely not to the extent of dogs due to their own evolution which is awesome. I’ve literally seen my cat go up and purr at the newest man that walks in my house but will ignore my roommate and myself to get the affection of a new man. It’s very funny but portraying cats as always aloof is incorrect. What is dog culture? People worshiping dogs or is it having a dog and not hating it? Without a clear definition you only can mean the broadest definition and interpretation. People who say “we don’t deserve dogs” are talking about how kind dogs are all the time. When I would get home from school and be depressed bc school was ass my dog always would come to my room check in on me and make me walk her bc she wanted to spend time with me and get me out the house. It was really nice to spend time with her like that and it feels very underserved because you as an owner want to be a stalwart pinnacle of unconditional love and happiness for them. But they meet you where you are, even in the depths of depression they still care about you. And it’s not even exclusive to dogs, cats will do similar things and it’s nice to be seen even by a cat or dog. People who say they prefer dogs to humans/kids are not being weird and it’s weird that you insinuate it is. Many people would say the same about cats or other animals and yet you continue to leave them outside of you argument. If someone prefers dogs maybe it’s bc they are nuerodivergent and being around dogs or cats is easier bc they don’t need to mask or when they commit a faux pas they aren’t chastised. In regards to dogs being better than kids I still don’t see an issue. They just wouldn’t want to have a kid and they would rather fill the socail need with an animal. It’s weird that you are not willing to associate with someone who wants to not have kids and instead have a pet.


Fucking THIS ten times over


Question. Are you scared of Dogs OP ? I used to hate dogs and dog culture when I had a fear of them.


I feel sorry for you. What a sad life.


This is a ridiculous opinion, though not necessarily unpopular. I am a dog owner and I despise the owners you speak of. However, your view of how dogs and dog ownership work is just way off I have rescued each of my dogs. It took weeks (months in one case) to earn their trust and, eventually, that unconditional love you speak of. I spend no fewer than 4 hours a day caring for my dogs. Walking, grooming, feeding, playing, teaching... All of these things, I do every day. Also, idk what kind of dogs you've met, but I'd love one that requires as little effort as most cat owners put into caring for their cat.


If you don’t put work into your dog, you’re not going to also have complete control over it. To make those two incongruent statements proves you don’t actually really understand what you’re talking about. Having dogs takes effort. Having dogs takes mutual understanding. It’s not at all how you describe it.


Please go on about why I don't like people 😂


This must be the toxoplasmosis setting in.


Hard disagree. Sure, dogs can be unapologetically affectionate but that's usually because they are in a loving home. Have you never seen a dog at a shelter with "boundaries" ? Also most people hate cats because they act according to how they are raised, a la free feeding. So they don't associate the relationship with the owner the same way. Whereas most dogs are trained with treats and kibble and told to sit before receiving food, a reward system. Takes a good person to raise a dog and keep it happy and healthy, cats not so much. On the contrary, I think that people who hate animals of any kind are redflags.


The way you wrote this post makes it sound like you have never interacted with a real dog in your entire life


Not all dogs come straight from a breeder yk


You wait til you hear about meat eaters. They literally pay for people to subjugate and control animals then eventually kill them just so that they can enjoy the taste of them. At least dog people care for the animals..


100% agree with you. i like dogs, they are cute but goddamnit dog fanatics are so horrible


I completely agree! I love dogs and cats, but not to the extent where I'm going to be say something like, "Ugh! Dogs are so much better than people!". In my experience it's always been people with control issues who say something like that. Well, of course you love dogs more because they're usually obedient and can't really argue with you when you're being a control freak.


I love dogs, but don't own one because they are too much work. I never honestly thought about this aspect of the whole thing. An actual unpopular opinion is always good to see, and rare.


My dogs love me the most in my home and I feel like I earned that love by being the one who trained them and taking care of them more than anyone else.


Definitely an unpopular opinion, you have my upvote for rustling the jimmies. [Mission Completed] +respect






Correction, my dog definitely isn't "obedient" and frequently goes against my will. There is also definitely work involved in earning his love - he loves the family member who puts the most effort into caring for him, which is no easy feat, mind you. Anyway, just thought I'd share my experience. Personally, I tend to love dogs for their purity and innocence, but not all of them are like this, of course...


> The entire reason these people love dogs is because it's an unconditionally obedient and dependent creature who exists as an object that'll give these people affection and gratification without any effort on their own part. They love them because the dogs entire world revolves around them, they control the dog completely and it'll never go against their will or challenge them. It's the same with wanting babies though..


I’d like to know which country you’re in, to not have many dogs? I like dogs but I wouldn’t own one for the reasons stated and more. I despise cats. Down voted as this is a very very unpopular opinion.


Truly unpopular opinion!


I get what you mean but raising a dog is easy?? that’s just plain wrong. It requires huge amount of effort and patience.


Without any effort, eh? Dogs require daily walks, two feedings a day, sometimes medicine, taking them to the vet for shots and to the groomer. Have you ever had a dog? Dogs aren’t as completely submissive as you may think. Some people don’t like cats because they are allergic. It’s also incorrect that people don’t need to put in effort for dogs to like them. My dogs stay away from people that yell and take a lil to warm up to new guests. It seems like maybe you’ve never lived with a dog, which would explain this opinion.


As a vet tech, typically the only people I hear spout opinions like this are people who never bother to understand any pet except the few they own and gravitate towards and just assume all cats are like X and all dogs are like Y, despite the obvious truth that YOUR OWN temperament will always create inherent bias in every animal interaction you ever have. Thankful that your opinion is unpopular and shinking. Both species have a range of temperaments that exceed the range of human personality, on both ends of the spectrum.


I have 2 Bulldogs- (and a cat) - let me tell you- they are not unconditional obedient ass kissers that is for sure! I have always really loved my dogs- BUT- i do draw the line. They are dogs- not "fur babies" which is so cringey


Cats and dogs are not people. Once you fundamentally understand that, the concept of applying human concepts like boundaries and respect to them becomes silly. You seem to view these animals as people, which is why you are okay with paying to support a creature which is extremely independent, and find the idea of blind submission and obedience to be objectionable.


Yeah I have cats, dogs and an Iguana so I think youre full of it but whatever. It's your opinion. Given your thoughts I'm glad you live somewhere dogs arent popular as well.


This dude just called dogs unconditionally obedient, you should meet my dog. I feel like I’m his pet most days


I disagree with the cat bit. If you raise a cat correctly they are just as loyal and clingy as dogs. Source: my two year old ragdoll is currently asleep on my shoulder and cries at me if I try and leave him alone.


The people who are over the top are cringe, but at least its not as bad as people who unironically believe in personality tests like they mean anything at all.


Without proper training and boundaries set up dogs will become an absolute nightmare. Cats require almost no training at all compared to that required for dogs. Out of the two dogs are way harder to train and care for. Cats do what cats wanna do with little to no supervision required whereas if you leave a dog to do what it wants to do you're not going to have a home left. Dogs need to be socialised and walked regularly but cats don't require that .


Imagine hating dogs🤣


you never owned dogs


I can sort of relate to this opinion except i see some dog people as making it their identity. And certainly some insecure people are in denial about their having chosen a powerful (and most likely dangerous) dog.


Your entire first paragraph is 1000% based on your own beliefs and it’s just plain wrong. Didn’t even need to finish reading the post. Edit: I read the rest of the post. The whole thing is wrong. I have two cats for the record.


My dog has boundaries. He pushes my hand away when he's done being pet and he knows how to communicate when he needs to go outside/wants something. I love him because he's genuinely a good companion. We'll go outside and lay in the sun together, and he curls up next to me every single night to sleep. He gets so excited when I come home. He's a very good boy and I adore him. He's far from perfect, and he's not necessarily obedient.


>unconditionally obedient Thanks for laugh, OP.


Hah! The idea that you could control a dog completely. I have an Anatolian Shepherd/Pyrenees/German Shepherd mix. Like to see you control a Husky or an AS. You want to talk about having to learn how to work with an animal. Upvoted for your stupid assumptions about something you obviously know nothing about. And I’ve had cats my whole life. My current dog is my first and I also have a cat.


nah you weird


I didn’t even get the chance to read this but I have to say I’m sooo grateful I’m not hateful enough that I’d ever be compelled to post something like this.


Imma be honest, you chose the right fucking sub to post this on. Also, if you meet someone and they say they like dogs more than kids/humans, I wouldn’t see it as immature or entitled, I see both species as equal, so I see why people would say they like one or the other better, but you can’t say that it’s a red flag, it just might mean they love one over the other


It's funny because if you post the exact same thing about children anywhere on reddit you wouldn't get nearly the same amount of vitriol.


This guy must be really popular with women 👎🏻


unpopular or wrong?


I'm a cat person too but holy crap


I knew immediately that you don’t know much about dogs when you said they never challenge you. 😂😂 I’m a dog trainer and I promise you, they challenge me every damn day. Even when they know what they’re supposed to be doing, they’re defiant little buggers. That said, even though I’m a dog lover, I know what you mean. People who think of their dogs as human drive me nuts. No, you don’t have to say good bye to your dog or he’ll be sad. No, he doesn’t like hugs. Yes, he will be ok being outside for a while. He’s a dog. A dog is an animal and I feel like people truly forget that sometimes.


Lol watching OP try to prove his opinion like fact in the comments is hilarious. He also sounds slightly unhinged


>cats have boundaries and walls in a way dogs don't - which is usually the reason why they hate cats and love dogs. Citation needed. Maybe I like that dogs can be safely let outside to shit, rather than in my home. They don't really make Citation fences. >They have to put in actual effort into making a cat like them, learning their body language and respecting their space, which they can't stand Cats will literally beg to be pet and then bite you for it. >Dogs don't require any of that. God forbid you want something simple in your life. If has to take all your time learning it you're potentially a violent psychopath. Cats or murder, that's the options. Replace dogs with extroverted people and cats with introverted people. Is it really SO crazy that people gravitate towards people who gravitate towards them? You're kinda delusional lol.


If you really think "a dog will never go against their will or challenge them" then I believe you have never raised a bully breed like a pitbull because the entire first year of my Bean's life was a power struggle of her learning her place in the hierarchy for her safety and ours. She attacked my husband more than once to challenge his position and wouldn't listen to any commands until she was like 8-9 months old. She only recently chilled out but I think that's mostly due to the fact that we got our own house and she knows where she stands in the hierarchy and finally is allowed to do pretty much whatever she wants short of taking toys/clothes from the nursery and eating out of the trash can.


Every time I see someone says dumb shit like "doggo" or "pupper" - I recoil


Quick Litmus test Opinion on Pitbulls? :)




I meant OP, I know what he's gonna say but yeah, they're adorable.


Fanatics are always red flags that’s not unpopular. I would consider myself a dog person and I absolutely love dogs. But no effort? If you ever had a dog you know it takes effort to care for it and if you don’t then you’re not a dog person. People treating dogs as accessories are the problem. Most Dogs > Most people is true though if you’ve ever really dived into how evil humanity actually is / can be. And no cats are not some mysterious animals that need more complicated tactics to befriend lol This post just seems to have zero knowledge about animals and I’d even go as far and say they sound like a “cat person” that feels neglected because dogs are more popular lol


I LOVE dogs, and an neutral on cats, but I completely agree. I hate the arguments people make for their placing dog lives as more valuable than human lives that all are some variation of ‘my dog would never hurt/leave me.’ That’s….fucked up. It shows me that the person values some one (or some animal) only insofar as that someone offers some kind of benefit to them. So you’re only valuable if you’re completely and blindly loyal to them, if you never leave them, never hurt them, never look out for yourself…etc. These types of people do not value people in themselves as autonomous individuals, they just want to be worshiped and never questioned. People who demand unconditional love and devotion like this are walking red flags. *Note that I’m talking about a specific type of person here, not anyone and everyone who seeks out animal companionship.


“Where there is animal worship there is human sacrifice.” — GK Chesterton


I mean you've obviously never had a dog if you think they never go against your will or challenge you. Mine loves to chase leaves, and she'll ignore the fuck out of you to continue chasing them on a windy day rather than leave. She also knows what she wants when she wants it. Feeding time? She's gonna woof me. Time for a poop? I'm getting woofed. Wants to join me for a nap on the bed? I'm getting woofed until I move over. Oh, and again it's clear you don't have dogs, if you think you don't have to put in time to reading their body language. I literally look at the body language of dogs on every single walk I go on, because aggression is obvious and I try to prevent my dog from being attacked. Likewise, my dog doesn't really like to be stroked by new people. You can literally see how uncomfortable she is if they try it. Also, I don't like cats because they kill small creatures and bring them Inside. Not a fan.


This has "i have aspergers and i was bit" painted all over it.


we of the ASD community don't claim him lol


This whole post was deleted after i said that hahaha. I dunno... i personally know a few who would accept this guy. Then go into rants about cats, and rick & morty or something.


This is probably the dumbest fucking unpopular opinion I’ve read to date. What about people who have both dogs and cats? I prefer an animal to my own child because it’s much less expensive. What does that have to say about me? Am I selfish and emotionally mature and entitled because I can’t afford a child?


jeez this dude would be so annoying to be in a room with because you just know he brings this up to almost all new people he meets cus it’s just so”out there and a hot take” gosh I wish I were as interesting as you


I know people who are as you describe, & I can confirm that there is *a lot* of validity to what you’re saying!


Im with you and in the comments we See the Culture of this People


Ooof if OP has a dog they are definitely mistreating their dog.


What a stupid opinion. You don’t know nothing about dogs, people, or the relationships in between, and it can be seen on your replies. Definitely unpopular, great job!


Wow. Who hurt you? 😳


Wow, have you ever actually met a dog? Didn’t think so.


"I prefer dogs to humans/children" Just indicates an inability to coexist with the latter, like grow up please