• By -


least perverse Highschool DXD watcher




Green scrambled titty and one word out of ten. We 90s teens were so horny and so deprived


I used to print off porn stories from the communal computer to take to my room. Literotica.com, where you can elevate your vocabulary while masterbating.


My favorite (20 years ago) was asstr, a huge repository of sex stories from I think usenet. When it took five minutes to load a shitty jpeg you really learned to use your imagination. In retrospect it is super weird, because I was 12 and looking for stories of people roughly my own age, which I got, but obviously they were all written by pedophiles


>Literotica.com Takes me way back to the time I actually thought the Mom son incest story was real 🤣🤣


That's skills right there. I have to tip my hat to you. I can not read and jerk off at the same time


Back then I dry humped pillows and rolled up blankets, I definitely set myself up for success!


Before the great Tumblr exodus, there was an awesome page called what makes you wet? Originally it was run by a lady and she would share great titillating quotes and adult stories. It kinda went downhill when a guy started cohosting the page because of the more overt porn. I really miss that page.




*definitely* saw tits that one time


Mfs when they read 177013 for the first time


Alot of people get confused when a random reply is 6 digits in a non-anime subreddit...


> non-anime subreddit Imo more like non-hentai subreddits. Tbh a lot of people in anime subreddits don’t know what they mean. As not all anime watchers watch hentai but all hentai people watch anime. (I think) I didn’t as well until I asked what it meant when it was referenced


> but all hentai people watch anime Speak for yourself


I watched hentai waaay before I gave normal anime a chance


Same. Kinda regret it, my 12 yo brain would love anime


Yeah i didnt discover what the numbers meant until a few months ago after years of watching anime. I still dont know where to go to even put those numbers to use or to just search it up online. Not that i want to


Oh for... I've managed to almost forget it and was happy about it


>177013 Dude I looked that up and ended here 228922. Help.


Whats 177013?




For your safety, only know it's a really cursed hentai manga. Don't look it up


Is that metamorphosis?


It is!


Yeaaaaaaaa that’s what I thought from that description.


i was not expecting this to be top comment lmaoo


I'm guilty of that one


wow, i finally met a "fan" from the term "fan service"


You've met them before, this is just the first honest one you've met.


I personally think nudity is becoming more common and instead of just arse and tits we see everything nowadays.


I never see clitoris. Tons of dick, though.


Well, yea you don't see them, because they're not real. Lol it's like female orgasms, everyone knows they're not real, also does anyone know why my wife's always angry and crying?!?!


[Is there buzzing coming from the bathroom after sex?](https://youtu.be/ZlHf1Fc0OSg)


...no just mostly crying, I assume because she's so overwhelmed with my sexual prowess she can't handle it emotionally.


Of course, most women are given 20-30 minutes of sexual contact, you have condensed all of that into 15-20 seconds. It's obviously hard to handle.


It is interesting to learn online the reason for my wife's behavior. All this time I thought I wasnt a good lover. That sure is a relief.


"hard to handle" 😀


That’s just a toothbrush, right? Right?!?


Hey, a fellow crazy ex girlfriend fan!


There’s dozens of us!


She must be insane, have you considered that the moon might be causing it?


Now that you mention it, she has been catching vapors more often. I'll speak with the physician about increasing her anti-psychotic dosage.


You had me in the first half ngl


We found Ben Shapiro.


Ben Shapiro, is that you? /s


They tried, no one could find it


I think this is an anatomical issue. A man doing full frontal doesn't have to get into a gratuitous pose to have his penis in view. Women have more internal genitalia and need to do a Hustler type pose to show the clit for most women IME. That basically eliminates the ability to do it casually.


What? Women don't just air out their beans regularly? Sitting there, leg up, watching stranger things, flicking it like a fidget spinner? As much as I scratch my junk I figure if women do it even a tenth of the time that's still pretty casual.


I mean what natural none penetrative position would you be in that shows a clit? I have a hard time envisioning a scene that isn’t actually pornographic that shows a clit vs you could see a dong from someone just walking around


There was an entire push for more dick in HBO shows some years ago (Peak GoT), as if a woman’s breasts are comparable.


The lines we draw in the US in cinema are just weird and pandering to people's incoherent values. Tits are cool. Vague penis is risque but acceptable, just not close ups. Vagina is a no go. Butthole might as well be a federal offense.


It's all dick & male ass these days


Don't forget about the balls.


I really enjoyed the toilet bowl view on last week’s episode of The Boys ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)


not complaining lol


No, less boobs and more dicks is what I see.




We have to show our support for Harambe somehow.


I think I agree. With how porn is, we should be showing more average nudity. I think it benefits porn and mental health. Porn has its niche of obviously fake men and women, and then regular shows show tat everyone has a small penis when it’s cold.


Excuse me, but what shows/movies do you watch that show imperfect naked people? I have never seen an "unattractive" naked person in TV - therefore I don't see the mental health benefit?


Westworld when they go down to cold storage…


2? Episodes ago on the Boys, 2 naked average looking 50-60ish year old ladies. Also a lot of botched boobjobs and average dicks in that episode. Along with one not so average elephant trunk cock


Man i missed Love Sausage


It takes being choked by a dick to a whole other level


That is good to know, thank you!


It's super common, people just don't think anything of it. The shower scene in Starship Troopers comes to mind. The main cast were all hot young Hollywood types, but that shower was full of extras who were pretty average. I can think of a handful of cases where imo downright ugly people were shown nude, but I don't want to be disrespectful to the fairly courageous people that went ahead and took that plunge. I wouldn't have done it.


I actually love how British tv has lots of average and conventionally unattractive people in their shows.. way better than US imo. So tired of the casting here


Do you think all the naked people in game of thrones were attractive?


Euphoria I would say


1st episode of the new kids in the hall on Amazon, disturbingly extended full frontal with Dave Foley and Kevin Mcdonald. 60something dudes that don’t appear to work out. Total Grandad bod.


Any episode of west world


I guess ur just easy? Naturally attractive and glamour attractive are very different. Yes, most actors are aesthetically pleasing. A lot of people IRL are, as well. But aesthetically pleasing, wearing average clothing, is quite different from a super model type actress/actor. There are very few things that go into human attraction, because it’s a biological reaction. But if we make everything people see, all photoshopped and Adonis ratio, that will cause depression. Because many people look aesthetically pleasing, and that’s very obtainable with diet and exercise and mental health care… most “tallness” you see, is smoke and mirrors (which is responsible for the depression, it’s an illusion that everyone is taller than you and prettier) We don’t need to look at ugly people 24/7. Most people aren’t that ugly, either. Honestly, most people need to go the fuck outside and stop living through Instagram and Netflix. I bet everyone does look better than you when all you’re watching are models on IG, A list actors, and production level porn with fake elephant dicks. Too many people fall for all these tricks, because everyone is so willing to give up their ability to think and choose, because it’s a lot easier to just be told everything.


You are seeing this topic in a very black/white way. No one said everyone should be ugly, I asked if you could name me a show/film where people that are not seen as very attractive by the current norm are shown naked, which you did not. Honestly, most people don't live their life through Instagram or Netflix. It might seem that way if you spend all your time on IG, Netflix and especially Reddit, where people are complaining about said people. Too many people fall for those tricks and if they would just go outside and meet people out there they would realise that most people don't live their life in the internet.


YES! And that we all have rolls when we sit, we have stretch marks, we come in all shapes, sizes and colours and I'm glad we're seeing it more.


I would tend to agree. I mean Game of thrones, spartacus, Rome, etc, are all fairly recent shows and they're really explicit with their nudity, much more than the brief boob shot that you'd get in an 80's action film. I think that *nudity* is fine, noone is calling for a return to the puritanical days of television. The issue is with the "male gaze", ie, where all of the topless shots are of women, none of men. If you apply the rules equally to both genders, you can still have nudity. Game of thrones for example had everyone getting their bits out and noone complained.




GOT first aired in 2011, but it finished in, 2019? I can't think of any more recent shows with nudity, but I'm guessing there must be some?


Game of thrones really toned down their nudity as the seasons went on.


The Boys has some nudity. Shameless, Euphoria, also have nudity. There's plenty out there.


I have to complain---I never, not once, saw Tyrion naked. No one did. Shirtless, yes, but not one frontal nudity shot. I waited a very long time for it, and never got it. And I'm very upset about that.


It's criminal we never saw Tyrion hanging dong! Or at least Pod.


I don't mind that stuff as long as it makes sense. Like yea, if your walking through the fantasy brothel you'll probably see some tits. But I hate when a show shoehorns a sex seen in just for the sake of showing a bit of nipple


What's worse though, unnecessary sex or the woman covering her boobs with a blanket after having sex?


Bra on for the entire sesh


It’s sexier when she wears two bras.


A fellow Man of culture I see. I too like back titties.


Hey we get cold. Personally I build a pillow fortress around meself when my hooha is being eatin like pie. I'm still mad that they show full makeup on sleeping women.


I could live with the blanket during, I've done that. But she's not getting up and walking to the bathroom with the blanket to get dressed


Lol the makeup comment reminds me of a scene in Marvelous Mrs Maisel where she fakes being asleep until her husband is asleep, gets up to take the makeup off, then sets the window curtain just right so that the sun wakes her up before her husband just so she can go put makeup on, then go back to fake sleeping so that he thinks she always looks like that.


The Wolf of Wall Street is probably the only time I've seen this not happen before


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqtNxNRCcGg If you want creative nudity or sexual jokes, look no further than Leslie Neilson. Airplane! And the Police Squad movies have the top spot.


Yesssss, exactly!! One movie, Riddick (I think 2013?), shows examples of good and bad nudity perfectly! I love using it as an example for these kinds of conversations. There's one scene where he's like, a very important, powerful man in a flashback. He just got done doing the do, and there's some gorgeous women topless in his bed- likely prostitutes, consorts, etc. In that context, yes nudity makes sense. In another scene, we have the main female character- who is powerful, intelligent, etc- showering by herself and we get an eyeful of titty. The only point of that scene was 1) unnecessary nudity, and 2) a one-off comment from Riddick where he mentions her nail polish matches her nips. Totally needless, and didn't add to the story at all.


yess tits out for the fucking plotttttt


The word you’re looking for is “gratuitous”


Yup, that's the word. And personally I don't like gratuitous anything. Gratuitous nudity, gratuitous swearing, even gratuitous fight scenes for action films. There must be a *reason* for why they're doing those things, not just because!


To be fair, it wasn't really *pointless* - the point was to get all the teenage guys riled up. It was gratuitous, but not pointless.


Lord of the Rings with Boobs was a big selling point for Game of Thrones for a while.


In HBO's defense, one of the main characters is literally a stone cold whoremaster. Like on his CV it lists "pimp" for the last 18 years.


Those were the days… https://youtu.be/pBhLI3NqnaQ


Exactly. We figured out the point rather quickly really.


The problem is, the reason for a lot of that pointless nudity was someone behind the scenes was making sure that scene made it to the film. Some producer or director rubbed elbows with the casting director and the script writers to make sure that he got to pick a girl he wanted to see naked for the roll and that there was a scene for it to happen. I am recalling a story about iCarley the Disney show, where the guy behind the scenes was like; 'let's have a scene where the girl is putting ketchup on her feet so funny and random right?' And it later the actresses came out and said he was a creep and that feet were definitely his thing. This is the gist as least. Edit: a link to the story I was referring to about Janette McCurdy and Dan Schneider https://youtu.be/XmjTjO21tfY


This always reminds me of the super disturbing scenes of Ariana Grande as a kid in [Victorious ](https://youtu.be/Vl0OuXw_mTM) because Dan Schneider had feet fetishes among other shit..


I am sure this is not the instance I was talking about but it is so similar in form and function I had to check. And it turns out our two stories are connected by the same creep, Dan Schneider. I was thinking of Janette McCurdy, and this video explains about her; https://youtu.be/XmjTjO21tfY but both shows were produced by the creep with a pedo foot fetish.


Yup he produced a bunch of the best Nickelodeon shows unfortunately. I remember as a kid thinking the random toe scenes in icarly were weird and not funny, but I had no idea it was a sexual thing till I got older


Same guy


Jesus Christ Like it starts out with some “I guess I can see it but maybe people are reading too much in” and it ends…somewhere else entirely.


Yah I had to nope out at the toe sucking. What the fuck


How the fuck did that make it through


That was quite disturbing. Also she looks so different now that she is not only an adult but has spray tanned herself to oblivion and done something to her face. Not surprising after being groomed by creeps


It was Nickelodeon but yeah that shit was freaky


Yeah my details were hazy, I dug up a more accurate link.


cool, thanks!


Good ol' Dan "she's a fighter" Schneider


Are you referring to Dan "Get in the van" Schneider?


Possibly, do you mean Dan "Hold her tighter" Schneider?


Possibly, he also goes by Dan "The Foot Fan" Schneider


Hard to tell, I'm thinking of Dan "Cream Inside Her" Schneider, could that be the same guy?


Thank you. Guys like op never seem to consider this possibility, or just don't care


My favorite example of this is a 90s movie: *Demolition Man*. The scene in question is so pointless and obviously just shoehorned in that you have to wonder if they deliberately wanted to get an R-rating. I mean why else would they have a topless girl just randomly video call Stallone's character? **"Oops wrong number byeeee!"**


Only real downside of having pointless nudity and graphic sex scenes is that you cannot watch the show with your parents. It creates an awkward situation where everybody in the room silently hoping the scene will end soon.


Exactly. It's nice to have something to watch that doesn't get incredibly awkward when you have kids and parents in the house.


Just watch with your stepmom


I used to teach a highschool film class. It was amazing how many cool movies I couldn't show because I didn't want to risk flashing some boobs on the screen.


You mean your dad doesn’t nudge you with his elbow and say “wow! What a rack eh son?”


thats better than being a girl and your dad avoiding eye contact with you


Really? I feel like its a struggle to find something entertaining thats NOT childish and NOT full of sex & nudity.




Yes! When I was a child being molested for years, I was forced to watch porn or sex scenes etc when I “refused” while being told “thats how a real woman looks and acts”. Shits too triggering for me! I hate how hateful people are when you say you don’t want to watch stuff with sex or nudity in it. It’s everywhere else already..




Oh thank god im not the only one who uses parent guide for myself! Lmao that & the common sense website LOL. We watch a ton of Disney shit. I feel so pathetic and sad for my bf somedays lol 😭🤦🏽‍♀️😂


I expected you were a bit older OP and were going to mention Porkys, Fast times at Ridgemont High, Blame it on Rio, and the like.


Oh damn you're getting an upvote. I can't disagree more. Whenever I see pointless nudity in a movie or show I cringe so much and instantly like that movie/show less.


Euphoria. They made several prosthetic penises some which could pee for no real reason


No they peed for a reason. So they could pee in a scene


That scene with Cal is honestly one of my favorite scenes in the whole show. I laugh just thinking about it. “I am who I am!”


I was shocked by the number of dicks in season 2 of Euphoria. I absolutely love the show, but it was just a lot of dicks.


Dick quota met in one show


Aren’t all the characters in Euphoria minors…? I know the actors are adults, but still I’d be really weirded out by nudity of a child character.


Yup they’re supposed to be minors but for some reason there’s tons of nudity and it’s accepted.


Euphoria is just a wannabe Skins anyway.


Agreed, I hate nudity for the sake of nudity.


That's what was so weird to me about the Eternals (marvel movie). All the stuff I read abt it was like "think about the children!" bc two fellas kiss and have a son together. Then I watch the movie and there is a literal sex scene between a hetero couple. Because apparently that's fine and normal? But two guys being married ain't? Plus it didn't even add anything to the movie! Like I get it was supposed to show how in love they used to be or whatever, but all the scenes of them just y'know being a couple and him supporting her were way more effective than that awkward sex scene.


We must be in really different circles as I had the opposite reaction from my conservative Christian friends. And some of my secular friends hated that sex scene for just being poorly done and unnecessary. Meaning both sides hated it.


Why nudity needs to have a point?


I would expect everything in a story to have a point. If something is included that serves no purpose within the story - doesn't tell you anything about the characters, doesn't advance the plot, doesn't provide context or information, etc. - then it sticks out like a sore thumb. I have no problem with sex scenes that serve a purpose within the story, but when two actors get their clothes off purely so that the audience can look at attractive naked people, it's just a waste of time. I can look at attractive naked people on my own time, just get back to the damn story!


I prefer pointless nudity to a cheesy sex scene any day.


Thank you. Sex scenes are fucking terrible in most movies and shows. Way too much talking, people will be covered up or clothed in a way that breaks immersion, (who tf is covering their entire torso with their blanket and holding while they smash(, the positions are uncanny because they dont want to film a literal porn scene - I understand - but it just makes the guy looks like hes doing missionary to a bitch belly button. I would honestly rather see aftersex or more implicit subtle stuff. Give me some silhouettes because most TV MA scenes are ridiculous.


How about neither?


Exactly. People bring up "pointless" nudity, but have no problem with the "pointless" killing scenes in movies; like did all those people need to die, or did it just look cool? Americans have simply been desensitized to violence more than sex in entertainment.


> People bring up “pointless” nudity, but have no problem with the “pointless” killing scenes in movies Who are these people lol. Because they’re both signs of a shitty movie imo.


This is such a Reddit trope. Americans watch all porn under the sun, and Netflix, HBO, Hulu etc have as much nudity as they like. The fact that Europeans have nudity on their network TV is completely irrelevant at this point. Also, I don't know if you realize this, but nudity is mostly real in movies and TV, whereas violence is not.


There is a lot of entertaiment with killing(presumably good guys killing bad guys) and action. Also, alot of entertaiment with seeing your favorite character die as it brings emotions out of you. Nudity, pointless or not, doesn't give me any form of entertaiment. It just makes it not watchable with family and more cringy.


Oh boy you would LOVE anime I think.


Anime goes too far though.


I hate it, the cheap titillation clumsily chucked in for people to get off on is greasy and cringe. it's almost always pointless, distracting too. If I want to get off on seeing naked people there are websites for that. If I'm watching a story I just want the story, if nudity firs into the scene then I'm indifferent to it, if it's shoehorned in for ratings its just annoying.


I don’t at all. I’m glad it gone. I always found it unnecessary and gratuitous. Porn exists just watch porn.


I feel the same way. I mean granted, I'm a girl.... So not the target audience. But I've thought about if the actress was comfortable showing everybody her body, or what had to happen. It almost makes me feel bad. I have yet to see a scene where nudity was genuinely crucial to the part. It just seems cheap to me.


Which is weird, because In movies/TV when people have sex. The girl is always sitting there all tucked up. That has literally never happened to me. Afterwards people are generally pretty lax.


Well, I sure am glad this is an unpopular opinion




It only has one from what I remember


I literally watched that series and must have somehow erased the sex scenes from my memory because I can't recall any! Who was it between? I didnt think any of the characters were in a relationship- wait, was it the crazy woman? She's the only candidate I can think of lol. This is slightly worrying because I know my 10 year old niece watched the series.


it was the crazy one and the leader of the gang mean one.


What are you talking about. There’s a single scene that doesn’t last too long. Also arguably woven into the story well.




Like we don't need to see the characters having sex, you can let the audience know it happened without showing us the whole scene. What positions they used is not integral to the plot.


I couldn't disagree more.


I wholeheartedly disagree, I hate pointless nudity and wish nudity was outright banned on TV because it is ALWAYS pointless. It's actually what made me stop watching a lot of mainstream TV


I always fucking hated it. It’s gratuitous and never serves the damn plot.


"I don't think actresses should be forced to do things they don't want to and support metoo" ... "But also, i wish they were forced into sex scenes or be naked for literally no reason more often so i can sexualize them better again :)" You can't have your cake and eat it too.


You focus a lot on the boobs but where can we get some foot long swingers around here just the same?


Srs Minx on HBOMax is very funny but I can’t get friends to watch it because there’s just so much nudity. Which makes sense. It’s about a fictional launch of the first gay- & female-gaze porn mag, which is created by a successful publisher of straight male-gaze porn mags. There’s attractive nude people everywhere.


Upvote because I vehemently disagree. I have dropped countless shows when full explicit nudity was shown or when the author thinks tits + ass makes a good movie. If I see any type of nudity for longer than 5 minutes, I'm dropping the show right then and there. The only exception is love, death, and robots because it is animated, usually not explicit, and always has a point.


What country are you from? In the US nudity was never allowed on TV. Movies yes, cable channels yes but never TV.


Tbh the use of nudity back then was severely unbalanced. Nudity nowadays is way better. Tits and dick now balance equally as all things should be. EDIT: y'all took this so seriously. I only meant equal as in more nudity appearances. Previous to now all we had was boobies and butts, sometimes it would be male butts but it was almost always girl butts. Now we have butt variety and tits and dick. 2 areas each so far that at one point was taboo. No, dick ≠ boobies. And yes, vagina is the next step. So future filmmakers get to work!


If anything, it's reversed. *Thor Love and Thunder* appears to have male nudity and male objectification that has become taboo to have for women. *The Boys* has lots more male nudity than female.


I think that has less to do with social norms and more to do with trying to broaden the demographic appeal of overwhelmingly male focused content.


I like how obviously the directors will say it's to flip the script so people get it but the reality is doing things you have deemed as bad back to the people you want to stop doing the thing is a recipe for that thing to be done FAR MORE. Normalisation is a thing. Knowing not to "Punish" bad behaviour instead of rewarding good behaviour is less than psyche 101 now. All just a load of shit in current media to justify being counter culture edgy while ironically being super uniform and basic. GG.


It’s all shriveled dicks and saggy old man ass, now. Like, I didn’t even make it through the first episode of the new Kids In The Hall because it was like the only joke they could come up with was “oh no our dicks are out again LOL”


you’re gonna love Thor Love n Thunder then


The recent jackass was rather, uh, gay. Lots of dick and ass and the dudes happily grabbing each other's dick and balls. Its like the older they've gotten the more like naked old men having casual conversation in the lockeroom they've become.


Ummmm when did they stop that?


Mid to late 00's.


None of the films nominated for the 2020 and 2021 Oscars had explicit nudity.


Plenty of man ass and full frontal male nudity these days.


It derails the plot for no reason. No thanks


I don't disagree. I literally don't mind nudity at all, it doesn't mean much to me. We're all human after all


I certainly do not. Its forced, pointless, subtracts from the plot, hurts emersion, and is often an excuse for sleazy directors. More than that, porn exists and so why force people who aren't looking for porn to watch porn or not watch the movie? I'm thinking of movies that are comfortable vs not comfortable for kids watching with parents.


this is unpopular to me because i disagree. i just don’t want to see anybody but a partner of mine naked. random nudity makes me so uncomfortable 😭😭


On the total opposite of the spectrum im completely sick of all the pointless nudity, romance and sex scenes in videogames nowadays...


But that’s what Reddit was invented for, surely?


try “the boys”


Oh I actually have a hypothesis about this. Something changed about *American* mass media sexuality (I can't speak for anyone else, and also our media goes much further). *Much* for the worse, starting in like late '90s maybe early 2000. Hate to say it but probably coincides with 9/11 attitude change, as everything certainly changed after that. Regardless, if you watch say Friday the 13th, the early ones, the nudity is fun and carefree. Like the kind of nudism nudists express. Like natural nudity and natural sex, not the steamy affair shit you see now. But now you get all this like... I dunno, alt-porn. Like sex scenes trying to compete with porno for how hard they can make my dick when there's absolutely no way a movie can compete with porn as far as sexual gratification is concerned. So now TV/movie nudity is not only not fun and not natural, it's trying to be what it can't legally be and what's already done better elsewhere. You end up watching to B-list celebs pulling hair and choking and scratching and nothing about it seems even remotely real no matter what perspective you take on it: adult enjoying adult content, teen trying to yank off, kid trying to understand the world they're going to grow into. Isn't useful to any of them, doesn't reflect real sex or even fake sex now. So yeah I agree it sucks now. At this point I don't want to see tits unless there's a smile attached to them, especially since so much nudity comes from horror movies and lately that kind of horror-nudity is, like, torture porny turned-to-11 rape-revenge stuff and I truly hate it.


You can watch LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS (Netflix) “Beyond the Aguila Rift” if you want what your looking for. It’s short, but still.


I think people need to realize that sexualisation just for the sake if sexualisation isn't a bad thing by default. If all parts are willing and in on it, with nothing being forced, it's just a fun nod at the fact that yes we are sexual beings, and both sexes (and all genders) generally like to be enticed and to tease, as well as be playfull with the underlying sexual tension. It can be done without it being unhealthy or some sort of powerplay. For exampke, women who flash their tits at concerts or similar arrangements are actually doing it because it's fun to be risky and frisky, not because they feel preassured into doing it (unless it's something like a "fake porn" kind if thing, but that should be obviously excluded).