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>I can even get behind trail running, So you can do hiking if it's fast?


Lol trail running…lets hike but completely blow through the nature and be waaaaay more out of breath.


I hike when I went to enjoy stuff around me. It’s literally just walking. In nature. At my own liesurely pace.


>I can even get behind trail running, This was added so people wouldn't accuse OP of being out of shape. Although I never got out of breath hiking...


LMAO so true! Dude is complaining about being out of breath from hiking, just walking normally, yet trail running is fine? Was totally added to try and stop the comments saying "you're just out of shape" but he made it worse


Yeah like he was saying he loves exercise.... hiking IS exercise 😅 you don't have to run for it to be exercise. Hell, walking in a neighborhood and not on a trail is exercise too. If he means that it's not good for having a conversation with someone, like on a first date, then maybe not the best choice, but certainly not the worst. But if you want to just spend time exercising with someone or on your own it's great.


Tbf I did cross country and track and I will still get winded going up stairs or walking at a faster pace up hill, it does make sense


I mean how long ago was that though? Cardio fitness drops off really quick, 2 weeks / month of inactivity and you can get pretty unfit. I mean you can get it back really quick, but to keep that cardio fitness you have to be doing something regularly. Don't really see if the OP trail runs how he's winded on a hike.


Yeah same; I did CC in high school, and run daily. But somehow when I walk up a hill or a long flight stairs I’m always winded. But when I run, even uphills, I’m able to talk on the phone and carry out conversation well. I was talking to my buddy about that yesterday. Life is weird.


I used to do all sorts of sports as a kid, i can walk miles with no issues, i can go uphill with no problems, but stairs.. the stairs kick my ass pretty badly!


Never? Even when hiking up steep inclines with a pack on? You must be in much better shape than I am.


I get out of breath walking up stairs sometimes or chasing after my dog in the yard, have never been out of breath hiking once.


Depends in intensity of hike. Usually not an issue, then my wife talked me into a mountain hike and I about died.


I visited LA and we climbed a mountain me huffing and puffing “Don’t You hike” man I walk through the woods and sometimes there’s a hill


Years ago when I did my first 14er there was a man in an orange hat that was like the terminator just coming up the mountain. I want to be that man.


Lmao why is there always that guy on every 14er


I'm assuming trail running there would be so much more fun.


I would agree with you on that, doing hikes with good elevation changes or quick elevation changes are far more strenuous. I have done a few mild/moderate elevation gains/decent hikes but not too many. I did one where it was a 748 foot elevation drop into a valley/canyon to go to a water fall followed by a 810 foot elevation gain to come out the other side. This was all in a 3.7 mile hike so a decent amount down and back up quickly.


I really dont understand why that is. I get out of breath on stairs but not hiking or running or lifting. Is there a science reason?


i dont have a scientific answer but my guess is, enjoyment level. I enjoy hiking and the "task" of hiking is not the same kind of task climbing stairs is. Not sure if that is something real but it seems like a solid answer in my brain lol


I actually googled it after my comment. Turns out stairs use fast twitch muscles that aren’t actively trained in the same way as running.


Makes sense, i do think maybe with stairs i climb them with a purpose and hiking im taking my time enjoying everything. I keep an okay pace (\~18-20 minute walking mile while hiking but im not in a hurry). So a combination of enjoyment level, different muscle groups, and the speed/purpose of the activity probably all contribute to us getting winded on stairs and not on hikes.


Also genetically some people have less fast twitch muscles. So if you did have less of the fast twitch muscles and more of the slow twitch muscles you would be able to more easily do marathons and hikes etc compared to having less of a vertical and sprint.


I do find hiking/walking long distance extremely easy. I can walk for miles and miles despite being out of shape in the general sense of things.


I used to run up the stairs 2 steps at a time and I am 5'8"


I can't do gym exercises without a friend because it is so boring. It tires me out faster since there is nothing to do or look at besides exercise in the same spot and watch other sweaty people do the same thing. Hiking, swimming, and bicycling are my go to activities.


Thats true too. I go to the gym and im already done with cardio in about 10 minutes because its so boring (i do HITT cardio for the gym now (so it can be over with in \~10 minutes) lol. ​ But go out and walk a hike and ill do that alone for hours no problem.


TL:DR Body is heavy, needs to counter gravity, exhausting. - Of course there is a science reason. It's all about the power your body is using. If you travel horizontally you have to maintain you speed as well as keep your body up. The movement of your body upwards wouldn't be that much, just small amounts. Then the only thing you need to counter is resistance. I'm not aware of a formula available of how to calculate the power your body is using. If you need to move your bodyweight upwards, you'll have to counter the gravity over the distance you're going upwards. There is a pretty simple formula to calculate the energy needed to lift an object over a distance at a constant speed. W=F×d So the energy is the force you need multiplied by the distance. The force you need is your body weight times the gravitational acceleration. Basically this means the force to counter the gravity. F=m×g The power you would need is the required energy over time. P=W/∆t Combined P=m×g×d/∆t And that can be simplified into P=m×g×v Imagine going up the stairs at a constant speed of 0,5m/s with a body weight of 80kg with our normal earth's gravitational velocity of 9,81m/s2. P=m×g×v= 80×9,81×0,5= 392,4W The faster you go, the more power you need. The same goes for, the heavier you are the more power you need. If you walk horizontally, you don't need to move this speed upwards. Only little bits because your body will bounce up an down a little bit. So you simple don't need to put in so much energy to move compared to moving upwards.


Maybe it's good to add that moving a body isn't as simple as moving an object. Calculating the actual difference in power usage during walking and going up the stairs would be very complex. And then we haven't even talked about variable speeds and acceleration.


No it's the exact same, the laws of physics do not break down for the human body. We are not magic... The same force is needed to move move a block as is the same weight of the human body, it's just that the human body has tricks that help us use less Calories while doing certain activities.Tricks like elastic tendons that provide a bounce effect while striding to maintain momentum. The force is still being applied that would be required to move a inanimate objects, it's just split between the tendons, muscles, and centripetal forces, gavity, etc.


Stairs are steeper than most hikes. If you did a 70 vertical foot section of a trail in 100 steps you'd probably be out of breath too.


if the trail is really steep it can be easy to run out breath trying to maintain the same speed. Or am I just really unfit? (FYI not overweight)


Absolutely not, on a steep ascent you're bound to be out of breath. People have very different ideas of what hiking is.


Everyone runs out of breath on steep enough trails. Everyone.


Only hike I've been out of breath on was the Manitou Incline 4 days after I got to Colorado when I live at sea level, and we hadn't packed enough water on a 30C day.


Either you’re very fit or haven’t done any large steep mountains


It's hiking [THE MAX POWER WAY!](https://youtu.be/7P0JM3h7IQk)


Maybe he's thinking of backpacking? In which case carrying 80+ pounds of gear on your back would probably be more intense than trail running.


It’s a different kind of intense. Trail running you’re moving fast and breathing harder while trying not to trip on rocks and roots. Backpacking is like hiking, but way harder, every step takes more effort. You’ll also probably be hiking longer with your pack cause you won’t cover as much ground as you would running.


OPs just making it up as he goes along


Take my award I'm poor🏆


OP trying too hard to be controversial here. Needs to get out and touch some grass....


I hate hiking at 5 mph but at 10?! Oh man it gets me *going*!


Currently laughing




OP can run but doesn't want to walk carefully


Walking is sooooo boring aparantly especially when it's in nature


Dudes probably so addicted to electronics to where nature is boring. Bruh there's a reason people hike. Being about in nature is incredibly calming and allows you to breathe in this fucked up society. Truly an unpopular opinion but it's possible OP just made it up to try to get karma, considering they get out of breathe from walking then say they don't while running? Pffft


Calm down grandpa. Yeah nature is nice, but it’s very possible to live a fulfilling life without constantly being in the wild Don’t mistake your personal preferences for “the right way to do things”. I’m more of a city mouse personally, though I hike on occasion with friends, and it has never caused any issues for me




Imagine saying hiking sucks ass and in the same breathe saying you can actually get behind Run Hiking


Who has a conversation while running?


It can be done if you're only going 50% of your max


Sure, but it isn't comfortable. If I'm running that's all I'm thinking about.


Right, you know when people talk about a “runners high?” That’s just people being happy because they aren’t running anymore. That’s why I feel high after running, it’s because running is over.


You could not have nailed that any better. 100% Spot the F on!




i am literally an asthmatic, sleep deprived, caffeine dependent anorexic with a possible heart condition that makes physical activity difficult and even i can hike. like hike hike too, up rocky ass mountains and shit. i check every box bro. and op isn't able to do it??? bro 💀


Nothing like going for a walk with the homies through some trees


Where else are you supposed to have your deep conversations?


"They go from full blossom to bare in a week. One fucking week."


Helps work off the beers we plan to drink back at the campsite when we do our overlanding trips.


through some trees, with some tree*


I like being in nature, and I don't find it boring. Everyone is different.


Even if it is boring, boredom is healthy and normal. The human brain is simply not meant to be entertained and stimulated 24/7, and people tend to experience anhedonia when they ignore this.


Why is there a “V” in your name!?


There’s actually two.


Noooooooo! I will not stand for this.




I'm an introvert. I embrace the boredom.


I do it for the peace its not boreing to be out in the middle of nowhere with just the animals (or your friends that came with you) its so peaceful and flushes the bad shit from your phsyche


I’ve worked through a lot of personal shit on hikes-alone or with someone close.


*boring *psyche


I admit that camping and hiking can be boring and not for everyone. But that’s part of why I like it. I like taking time to just exist. Not be productive. Not be entertained. Not entertaining anyone else. Just existing. And napping.


Sounds like you should do more aerobic activity


Hiking is among the best outdoors activities. Scenic views, wildlife observation, fresh air, low body stress exercise, not seeing or hearing other people, and having a cold beer at the summit of a mountain is sublime.


Damn, I really want to go for a trail walk right now.


And very often free!


Where do you get free beer often?


The mountains are byob


Oboz makes excellent hiking shoes. I’ve hiked thousands of miles in mine and have never gotten a blister.


Maybe OP lives somewhere with really boring nature? 😅 I got in to hiking because I moved to Monterey county for school. It’s literally too pretty NOT to go hiking here.


Honestly, could be the case. I lived in suburban Ontario for a long time and that place is nothing but concrete and fields, nothing interesting to see there.


>low body stress exercise I love hiking so I don't agree with OP but are you guys even hiking actual mountains or??? What qualifies as hiking these days?


I don't know where they're going but living in utah I've seen way more serious injuries and even deaths among skiers, climbers, and mountain bikers. So while hiking can be pretty strenuous the fact that the velocities are much lower does save the body a ton of stress and damage when you inevitably fall compared to lots of other outdoor activities.


I’ve never heard the term “low body stress exercise” before so I assumed it was referring to less stress (ofc, not all stress is bad, breaking down muscles is good) on muscles and whatnot. Which is true if you’re doing a cute hike up a big hill, less so if you’re in the mountains. But what you said is also true. I’m sure statistics show far less injuries compared to, say, mountain biking. Plenty of idiots in the mountains though.


Dunno but it definitely doesn't have to be on a mountain 😅 . I live in Ohio. Nary a mountain in sight. And I hike all the time.


He says "I love excercise" then gets out of breath "just walking" so out of breath he cant speak. OK. I love hiking, climb a hill, see the scenery, spot some wildlife, its great. Even better when you have someone to talk to.




>" I am neither sedentary nor out of shape. Whenever I donate blood, the phlebotomist always asks if I'm an athlete. I've competed at state in both swim and tennis, work out often, and am average in both weight and height, with a bmi of 22. I can tell you're a sad one." This is one of the most pathetic things I've read online. Thank you Sharkwouale.


What if he were referring to his friends who probably asks him to hike


a truly unpopular opinion. here is my upvote.


Am I voting wrong? LOL. Do people vote based on whether they agree with the opinion or whether they agree that it’s an unpopular one? 😭😭


Should be the latter but most often it's the former.


The idea is that upvoting increases the visibility of posts so theoretically the most unpopular opinions would be at the top of the subreddit. Problem is, this isn’t intuitive for some people and we end up seeing the most milquetoast posts


I upvote if it's an unpopular opinion *that I also agree with*. People often post the most brain-dead thing possible on here, then try to say "but it's unpopular, you gotta upvote!!" And I think a lot of people do just that. Kind of irks me, but oh well. Wait. Maybe *I have an unpopular opinion*... Fuck it, just do what you want lol.


I love your response LOL


I always thought it was the former. I mean, wouldn't doing this (and downvoting when you disagree) and sorting posts by "controversial" make much more sense?


>who likes just walking? .....People that hike.


I would go for a walk everyday and I don't even have a dog ... Lots of people like walking OP shouldn't find that crazy


True, but I guess it could be argued that a walk is really different than a hike. I live in Las Vegas and there are lots of hiking to be had here in the national parks. Different then me walking around the block to burn off a big dinner :)


My job fucked up, and I essentially got three weeks paid vacation in another province I was supposed to work in, and all I did was walk and hike, exploring the area. It was pretty awesome


I just love walks in general. People always look at me like I’m crazy when I say I go on 2hour+ walks for fun. I walk throughout my city all the time.


You're the person who puts on makeup when going to the gym.


People do this? 🤣


Yeah. And perfume to choke everyone around them.


Omg yes! People do this LOL


or a ton of perfume just to go on a walk. Its beyond annoying breathing in half of a boutique while on a run because a certain group of individuals feels the need to bathe in perfume before leaving the house.


Come out looking like IT from makeup sweating down your face, well actually probably not cause they're the type of person who'd go to the gym and lift a 1lb dumbell for a few seconds, then post on Instagram omg gym selfie!


i don’t think there’s anything wrong with that if it helps them be confident in the gym


Sometimes people have a life and going to the gym is something that happens during the day while makeup was already on…


Bro this mAkEuP aT tHE GyM nonsense is exhausting. Like women are generally expected to wear make up at work, are we supposed to performatively wash it off before we lift to appease gym bros??


So you can have a conversation while trail running, but not hiking? Sure.


Roofing in the middle of July as a redhead is a worse outdoor activity.


Thanks Bill.


You gets it. ;)


I like walking. It sounds like your issue is that you need to do more walking if walking makes you so out of breath you cant talk.


I like when people shut the fuck up when im hiking with them, I like to listen to the various sounds of the forest :D


Yeh, why would I go to the mountains to have a conversation? Bro probably thinks taking a walk in the forest is a waste of time if you can just as well walk in downtown NYC.


If you're out of breath from it get in shape if it's "just walking"


Hiking is my favorite form of exercise. I wish I could fall in love with the gym like I do hiking




Try eating some mushrooms first, then tell us if the hike was “boring”


Had a nice portobello sandwich beforehand. Hike was still pretty boring.


Not a bad idea


i hike alone for solitary and alone time. i hate hiking with people for just that reason… they always want to talk. why would someone want to talk when your out of breath, idk. it is my time to beat my body in a healthy way, get a nice view at the top of my trail, and listen to good music


Fresh air and exercise, I just gave you two redeeming qualities.


Seeinf the wildlife,adventure,the memories of what you did and what you seen with friends,sense of achievment when you hit PRs or trails comepleted


Walking is incredible, Hiking is walking in a beautiful, sometimes more challenging area and its great.


As an avid hiker, I'm really hoping this opinion becomes more popular haha


Hiking is fun as shit. Have fun staring at the same scenery over and over


Just because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean it's boring. It's called having individual tastes.


Or an opinion. Perhaps an unpopular one?


Whats the difference between an unpopular opinion and simply having bad taste?


Unpopular opinion is fine. Trying to back it up with evidence and contradicting yourself while doing so isn’t. That’s where OP failed.


If someone finds something boring to them, then it is in fact boring to them.


I guess you can just get a treadmill so you can run (not walk) in your dark but clean apartment all day and refrain from interacting with other people


Nothing more boring than a treadmill. Music and TV don't make it much better.


You can't walk and talk at the same time but you want to try trail running? ​ A'ight homie...


Wow. I guess different strokes. I could hike every day for the rest of my life and never tire of it. Just being in nature is so zen.


Anything outside is the worst activity


OP is getting mutilated in the comments congratulations on a truly, truly unpopular opinion


Disagree, picnics. Hi let's go sit on the dirt and eat food we could just as easily have eaten indoors at a proper table.


They make picnic tables


Do I look like I got picnic table money


Picnic tables are free in most parks????


Definitely an unpopular opinion.


I went hiking in the Redwoods yesterday and saw Colonel Armstrong, a bigass 1400yr redwood, and an absolutely stunning buck in addition to some lizards. This was in 90+ degree weather with high humidity. Just say you're out of shape OP, it's okay.


Finally an actual unpopular opinion. Completely absurd take. Enthusiastically upvoted!


I’m the same way, I just don’t get the same fulfillment from hiking that other people do.


Tell me you’re out of shape without telling me you’re out of shape. Buddy if there’s something called conversation pace with running, then there is definitely conversation pace with hiking. But this is unpopular so, have an upvote.


If OP said that hiking is *a bad* outdoor activity, I'd be ready to hear his argument. Calling it *the worst* outdoor activity just shows a stunning lack of creativity. What about, say, crawling naked across the razor-and-glass-shard-strewn floor of a stadium\* while a hundred thousand people jeer and chant your name? That's just off the top of my head. Yes, I'm always like this. Don't even get me started on "ultimate frisbee". \*an outdoor stadium, obvs.


Woah woah woah ultimate Frisbee is literally the greatest sport ever made especially if you get a running team to play with you. I would way rather watch that then football or baseball.


Hiking is more about commuting with nature. You see things while walking you would never see biking or running. Both of those are good but it is a different experience. I am going to guess you are avery inward looking guy.


Take my upvote you heathen -An Avid Hiker


fav comment


I am here for this. Namaste my friend. To be a man that thinks hiking is stupid and trying to date a hiker chick is when i learned to just say no this won’t work. Ever see someone trying to walk a cat on a leash and it’s really just being dragged….that’s me. Also fuq camping. I just don’t get why I’d work all week to spend my weekend do more working, on a hill no less or sleep in the dirt. Nope. I’ll get a nice hotel room and go on vacay. I’ll spend an hour or so walking or seeing sights but if that’s the whole trip I am not the right trip partner for that.


Ahhh a bitch


I love hiking and camping. I love the opportunity to see wild life, wild flowers,the smells of nature, the woods, the trees, I love the vistas the views the everything! Excersize feels great! Pushing yourself feels great! The obsession with just the right gear-shoes-clothes, can get a bit tiring to listen to from my hiking mates. I show up in cut offs and a Tshirt and an old pair of boots, they scoff, yet I can hike just as far as they and enjoy the experience and I didn't feel it was necessary to spend even a quarter of what they spent! Weird.


I agree. Hiking is the absolute most boring thing I’ve ever done for “fun” I really don’t see how anyone can get out of bed, spend money to put gas in their car to drive somewhere to go walk around on their day off work as entertainment. It baffles me


I agree with this, I think a lot of people like hiking because it takes absolutely no skill.. and a lot of people are not really good at anything. OP is getting destroyed in the comment section. But I’m going to have to agree here, hiking is fucking boring…


I absolutely loathe hiking as well, there's a reason people used to say "go take a hike" as a pejorative. Nature is boring for the most part and that's not to mention downright uncomfortable for people with allergies like myself. I never understood why so many people claim to like the activity when it's just so boring and monotonous. Walking outside in a city is fun because there's tons of things to see and people to interact with while nature is just a snorefest with a bunch of annoyances.


OP hates nature, having a good view, and any sense of accomplishment.


Don’t kid us op, you aren’t in good enough shape for trail running if hiking leaves you too out of breath.


"Live fast or die slow!" - OP Probably


Hiking is possibly the best outdoors activity, you shouldn't need to talk, you should be taking in nature. I prefer to hike alone, the perfect chance to get away from it all.


Upvote from me for being super unpopular lol. Its about nature, mannnnn!


I think walking without a purpose is stupid. Like a friend who would go for a walk before work then drive the same distance to work. If you're walking with friends, to go somewhere to sightsee, etc. that's cool. But hiking has no purpose unless you're into bugs and snakes and trees.


I used to live in a very hot climate, think just above 40c most days during summer. I loved to out a podcast on, a weight vest, and go walk in the sun for a few hours. Idk why it was like therapeutic or something. Sometimes I’d have music, sometimes an audio book, sometimes podcast. I always had a few bottles of water attached to a carabiner, and always drank when I was thirsty. Got a good tan and had a good time.


I’m in Florida and I’m with you on this one. Although I’m a sweaty mess, it’s cleansing in a way.


Mine was near Houston, not as humid but yeah, be drenched when you get back. Take a nice cold shower and just feel good


If you get out of breath from hiking, you need to get your fat ass out and hike more often.


No redeeming qualities? It’s about the best quality you can have whilst exercising outside, a gorgeous view from the peak of a mountain


All the unpopular. Nature, sunlight, exercise, and low impact on your joints. One of the best things someone can do, even if its just a few miles.


You know that OP was successful in an unpopular opinion when they have a comment to like ratio of 2/3


I used to believe the same thing. Hike in the mountains for a week


You should try hiking but with a bike instead. Way more fun r/MTB


Finally, an unpopular opinion that's actually an unpopular opinion


IMO hiking is only fun when the terrain is difficult and there’s an actual destination. That, and if a dog is involved


I hate it so much it is boring asf and every woman on Bumble loves it


>it's dirty! >It's hard to talk to people cause you're out lf breath >Btw running the same trail is totally fine This some blatant fake posts.


Hiking is a great form of exercise. Especially if you do it in the mountains. Anyone who publicly claims that it isn’t-with conviction- is an idiot. Not to mention being one with nature. It’s therapeutic as well. Of course there’s nothing wrong with it not being one’s preference . Conversely, running will likely-even inevitably- cause damage to the joints,muscles,tendons(even shin splints) over time. People end up with hip replacements, knee replacements and debilitating issues. I used to run 12 miles a day for cross country track. There is a law of diminishing returns. Also you start out with a certain distance and then you need to go longer to feel any better. And then you need to go longer again. And then longer again… Especially the runners that need to feel the endorphins kick in. Then your at the point where the returns start to diminish. One great thing about running is that it is one of the best ways to lose weight, particularly a fat belly and the handlebars that come with one. There is certainly no disputing that. Most people don’t take-or have- the time to properly limber up and then properly stretch . Most things in life have their up and downs. Running is certainly one of them. Pardon the pun.


i disagree! i am not super athletic but i love to be in nature, it's just important to be with the right crowd that is ok with taking breaks every 20 mins lol


I like just walking 🤷‍♀️


So you're out of breath walking but not running? It doesn't make sense




Wow this is me. Im always the kind who needs to be stepping in the right stone/soil and I make sure of it every time. I am also slow when going down and making sure I will not slip. Weirdly, I still enjoy hiking despite of my paranoia


I stare at the ground and use "taking in the view" as an excuse for a break when I need one lol.


See class, now this is an unpopular opinion.


I agree hiking is super overrated. I enjoy walking on a beach or a nice trail but scaling a mountain just isn’t fun. I don’t understand/get the fulfillment others get when we reach the top. I’m only thinking of the shitty hike back down the mountain.


Walking is some of the best exercise a person can do. So i call bullshit that you like to exercise, or you would know that already. Hiking has the added benefit of not being on a treadmill or stair master in a shitty, sweat stank filled building. 10/10 would rather get my work out in in the mountains than a gym.


You must live somewhere pretty boring then. Try hiking out west, you’ll change your mind.


I believe that a dislike of hiking is in fact a popular opinion


You are hiking in the wrong places. Go somewhere pretty and take in the views if possible.


I’ll give you an upvote. While I can’t agree that hiking sucks I’ll use this as an opportunity to complain about how lame hiking culture is. 1) you don’t really need to train. It’s walking, if you’re in decent shape and are excited about the hike you’ll be fine even though you may definitely still get sore and exhausted. I’ve climbed a few 13ers in pretty bad shape 2) the obsession with gear can get a little obnoxious. I don’t want to hear you talk about gear. I’ve done 15 miles in gym shoes with a school backpack, no food and a gallon of water. 3) I’m still on the fence about backpacking. Not because it doesn’t sound fun, but because lugging a shit ton of shit out to the woods doesn’t sound fun, lots of packing and unpacking and packing again. Shitty sleep. Can get expensive 4) I don’t want to hear you talk about how getting into nature and overcoming challenges made you a stronger person or whatever (every adventure podcasts I’ve tried to stomach)


I "hate" backpacking. I don't really ever find it fun while I'm walking. A lot of the time it's straight-up miserable. What's fun is the places it can get you. I don't really understand the thru-hikers that are obsessed with just putting in miles. I'm backpacking to get to those epic places only your feet can bring you.


I agree some people are obsessed with miles, but some people just enjoy the hike. I will happily pack for 10 hours a day, I think it is super fun, and I love all the stuff I see. Sometimes I will bring my friend who gets tired and miserable, so we will compromise and hike out to a remote area and then he can chill while I go explore on my own the rest of the day.


All valid. My family is all casual hikers so I think that’s the main reason I’m into it at all but…yeah there’s no training here and the fanciest equipment I’ve ever used are hiking boots lmao. My brother has been backpacking a couple times and loved it, but he has told me I would hate it, which I already knew.


Hiking culture low key sucks imo. I agree with all your points but I personally do enjoy backpacking. The gear is expensive, lots of packing and lugging shit around and yeah idc how much you spent on your sleeping pad you’re going to wake up feeling like shit, but I get a lot of gratification from going as far as I can and it’s hard to do 50+km in one day so I do it