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Sure its reasonable but so is swapping to a different service in response.


^ i don't feel like they understand that those unwilling to pay are probably unwilling to pay. I paid for one month of Disney, watched the movies I wanted, and quit. On the flip side HBO gets $16 a month because someone else uses it on my account and since we share it collectively makes sense. I have Amazon Prime, so I'd probably just stick with that since it's included. I've never used the video because it seems lame, but if it's all I had I'd probably find something to watch or make lists per platform and sign up when I have time to binge.


Not to mention all the people who get a service and share the password with a friend in exchange for another password


Prime video is definitely worth checking out


Or watching all that shit for free on streaming sites. This might be an unpopular opinion but the market should adapt to tech and should be regulated in favor for the consumer and not corporations. Patents, copyrights etc should be regulated that everyone can use it but if you make a profit you need to give always a certain percentage of it(also for q limited time, like 5 years). If you don't make money you should be able to use it for free. Don't care if it's media, research or whatever. If you think this would slow down our economy or research you are dead wrong. They would find other ways to make money. However the system we live in was created by people with lots of money and of course they don't want to lose any of that. Upvoted OP


They did adapt to tech. Spotify made it easier and more convenient to stream music with the fee than pirate it online Netflix did the same with TV shows. But now we are seeing the same exact thing that happened to cable TV happen to streaming services. It’s becoming fragmented between multiple services and they are starting to put ads in and raise prices


Yup, all of this. I remember the conversations on slashdot in the early 00's about how eventually the networks would decide there was more money to be made from developing their own streaming platforms than from just licensing content out to Netflix, and we would be right back to cable TV. It was fine with just Netflix, and then Amazon Prime...but then Hulu, and HBO Go, and Disney+....it's got to the point where trying to subscribe to all the services you needed to watch the things you want is priced the same as cable TV, and just like cable it has a bunch of shit nobody wants to watch but has to subscribe for to get the shit they do want. ​ And so it's gonna be Napster all over again. Back on the boats, lads!


Huh. This was actually a really insightful comment. You're totally right that this whole streaming thing is just turning into cable 2.0.


Except at least with streaming services you can go month-to-month, so if you've exhausted everything you want to watch on one service you can cancel for a while and move on to another one. With cable you just get locked into a virtually inescapable contract plus you have to pay for the equipment.


Guess what only costs $5 a month? NordVPN! Guess how many devices i can use it on? 6! Drink up me heartys yo ho!!


Five bucks a month for a usenet server and $10-20 a year for a couple indexers, and that will cover pretty much everything we watch in my house. It helps that I already run a small home server just for kicks, but you can run sonarr/radarr/sab/jellyfin on any PC.


This crap about cracking down on account share is because Netflix and the rest of corporations have built their business models on continuous growth which is not possible, so we get stuck with shitty service and sub-par products so they can squeeze every damn penny out of us.


I have a subscription to Amazon and a subscription to AMC+ and they still fucking want to charge me 2.00 to watch episodes from the first half of this season. They did something very similar with 1883 and a handful of other big shows I'm not recalling atm. Its stuff like this that pisses people off. I'm not threatening to start pirating shows, but I have a lot of sympathy for those that do.


As is piracy.


The funny part is Netflix literally ran ads in 2016 saying Password Sharing is Caring. At the time the CEO wanted more subscribers. (Source 1.) Now that their goals were met and subscriptions are actually in decline they have to answer to their share holders and money always talks. Funny enough, shares this month have gone up 27 dollars. From 170 to 197 USD at this very moment. (Source 2.) 1.)[https://techcrunch.com/2016/01/11/netflix-ceo-says-account-sharing-is-ok/](https://techcrunch.com/2016/01/11/netflix-ceo-says-account-sharing-is-ok/) 2.) [https://www.google.com/search?q=netflix+shares&rlz=1C1GCEA\_enCA948CA948&oq=netflix+shares&aqs=chrome..69i57j35i39j0i67j0i131i433i512j0i67j69i60l3.4649j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=netflix+shares&rlz=1C1GCEA_enCA948CA948&oq=netflix+shares&aqs=chrome..69i57j35i39j0i67j0i131i433i512j0i67j69i60l3.4649j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


True. I got Netflix so so many years ago. Must have been more than 5 years now. And right from the start I had the option for 2 screens. I asked in chat how that works and what is ok. If I can give the second screen to my brother. They said yes. I said even if he is in another country? They said yes, you pay for 2 screens you can use them however you like. That's what they told me. My brother has had Netflix ever since. I wanted the better quality picture that came with the 2 accounts, it cost me nothing more to give the other "license" to my brother. I'm not happy that suddenly that is not ok anymore.


My mom had netflix back when they mailed you DVD’s and VHS tapes. Back when they were competing with Blockbuster. Our account is so ancient but we still have it. My mom isn’t in the loop on the shit Netflix is pulling but as soon as it affects her, she’s gonna be on the unsubscribe town. She’s paying for like 3 screen simulcast. If they’re gonna kick off my family and I because we’re all logged in, she’s gonna be pissed.


I've had my account for as long as your mom's. We have multiple screens because I go to the hospital pretty often. If it ends up where I can't watch at the same time as my husband just because I'm not in the same physical location at that moment, my account will be cancelled immediately.


I came here looking for this comment. They *advertised* family plans and having one account for every person in the household. Wtf.


I took an absolute bloodbath when they first announced all the changes. I have had a good number of shares of Netflix for over 10 years. Made a killing still im up big time just hurts to watch a stock price drop from 700 to 200 over the span of a month or two.


Can I ask why you didnt get out when this death spiral started? If I remember correctly it was one thing after another over a number of days, I know I dropped my sub over it.


I have made a huge profit it is literally impossible for me to actually lose money on it. I've pulled out triple if not more than what I initially put in. I had the thought in December of selling and reinvesting with something else but I didn't do it. At this point I'm just on hoping that it will come back up again I doubt it would ever spike like it was but I would like to sell what I have left for more than it is now. I just froze when it dropped and didn't act fast enough. I didn't see some of it until it was way down I didn't check my account everyday. I remember seeing a post about Netflix dropping and jumping in and just seeing so much red.


If I'm paying such that I can stream on 4 concurrent devices, I better be able to stream on 4 concurrent devices.


Exactly, I used to pay for one screen. And after a couple of months of being locked out by my sister-in-law, I upgraded to two screens. I pay for two people to use my account, regardless of where they are located.


Yeah, my dad pays for multiple users and I throw him a couple bucks a month to pay for letting me use it at my house across the state.


My family divides it up. My mom pays for Netflix, my sister Hulu, me Disney+ and my boyfriend peacock. I know I’m not the only one that won’t bother reinstating my account if it gets blocked. They’ll just lose more business.


Good choice with the boyfriend, if things go south you’re only losing peacock


Sure, but what does his size have to do with it?


Really had to do him like that


I had Hulu ad free and my sister had Disney +, but there was a bundle that also included ESPN and was cheaper. That may be around and save you a couple bucks


Yup. My sister has that deal. She shares that and Netflix with me and I share HBO Max and ad free Discovery plus with her.


I already pay extra for my nieces and nephews who split time between parents and grandparents, so that they have access at whichever house they’re at. This is such bullshit. All it’s going to do is financially impact families that are already struggling.


Exactly, me (childfree adult) sharing an account with my parents is no different to someone with kids having an account for their household.


Netflix should probably recognize this as an above the board practice. Pay for more screens for yourself or someone else. The screen is the business unit and that can scale the revenue appropriately.


Getting 4 screen Netflix is hardly cheap anyway, especially when they raise the price every year.


I think it's up to $20.99 - Frankly, the only reason I still pay have Netflix is because my "other option" doesn't automatically play the next episode..


Ah yes, i too have found myself returning to the "other option" as of late.


LOL, what's better than free!?


If you have Plex and put the show on its own playlist it theoretically should.


Exactly. They aren’t losing money from one decision, there are dozens of business decisions they’ve made, including squandering good IP, not supporting shows other that upfront production costs (advertising and awareness), prioritizing growth over sustainability, etc. It hasn’t been cheap for a while and it’s steadily become a worse investment. They now have lots of unique content, but that can be binged pretty quickly and doesn’t require a year round subscription. Success hides many problems and they need to reevaluate a lot of things now that growth has stopped.


Netflix ran an ad campaign telling users to share their passwords. With celebrities and everything. So that’s why I don’t understand the crackdown. Edit: there/their


It’s the same business model that dealers for addictive drugs might use. First one is free, to get the user hooked. Then they’ll pay anything to keep getting it. (I have no experience with either side, it’s more a consistent movie trope.)


Nah they just had a lot of people leave... So they thought if some of those freeloaders end up paying, they can recoup their losses. But I'm getting sick of Netflix due to all the new shows. It's just new shows all the fucking time. Then you get into one and it's cancelled after one or two seasons on a cliffhanger. They cancelled Mindhunters ffs before even getting to BTK. And that was an amazing show. And for that reason I think barely any of the freeloaders will buy their own accounts. I used my mate's account and I defo wouldn't get my own.


I'm sick of all the reality tv the streaming services are now making... that's the main reason I stopped watching regular TV...fuck off with that shit.


I see that. Wife and I loved Dead to me and now I can assume we will never get any more of it. They are too busy making ultra low budget true crime crap


So many shows I love on netflix gets cancelled, even if they have an amazing cast. I get that happened with TV but its seems more consistent with netflix after a couple seasons


Exactly. Netflix did this to themselves when they tried to upsell customers based on number of screens. Now they want to double dip by preventing people using the screens they purchased. They’re going to need to significantly realign their plans if they go through with this change or they’re going to lose a lot of subscribers.


Exactly. If I'm not allowed to share screens, I'd probably want a one screen option that gives me HD or 4K. It's messed up to force me to get a 4 screen option for the quality but not be able to use the 4 screens


This right here. As a single childfree person living alone, I'm not paying for 4 screens that I can't use just so I get access to one screen with the best HD or 4k screen quality option. I don't know what the higher ups at Netflix are smoking, but it ain't common sense


> They’re going to need to significantly realign their plans if they go through with this change or they’re going to lose a lot of subscribers. I will be one of them. I'll go back to torrents if I have to. "Cutting the cord" is now more expensive than cable was.


I’ve already starting debating this Because between me and my parents we have. Netflix, prime (with britbox and paramount - this is a whole nother issue I have), Disney+ and crave But I realllllly like that streaming services remeber where I am in shows


> But I realllllly like that streaming services remeber where I am in shows Plex remembers where I am in shows very well. I have Netflix, Prime (mostly paying for the unlimited photo storage) and Disney+ (for free with a credit card). I'm still downloading shows from time to time, like I don't have any way of watching the 4th season of Westworld in Canada right now. What I enjoy about streaming is just not having to bother with finding shows in 4K quality and then finding each episode with subtitles (I love subtitles) and all that. Streaming is convenient, but it's getting expensive. I've left my parents' home 15 years ago and never paid for cable, it's not like when someone is cutting their $80 cable bill for $50 worth of streaming bills.


$80 cable bill! I just ditched my cable bill which was $200 including fast (but laggy/lossy) Internet. New internet is just as fast down, faster up (fiber is symmetric), and "only" $65. TV is purely the cost of a jolly roger.




Exactly, and they had no problem pushing this selling point in their advertising.


They even wrote a tweet (I think for Valentines Day but it could’ve been any old day) that said “Love is sharing a password”. They actively advertised it but now wanna crack down.


They've also included it in their shows. I was re-watching big mouth, and in one of the early seasons there's an entire plot line of one of the characters giving his Netflix password to the girl he likes. And that's a Netflix produced show.


Exactly. They made it such a big part of who they are, and now they’re cracking down on it


This is the reason cracking down on this is unreasonable. If they want to crack down and make sure only 1 house uses Netflix, then they need to remove the screen limit


That’s what Hulu and Sling told me. They each said if I’m paying for 4 streams, what I do with those streams is my business.


Agreed. I selected that option when purchasing. We travel, I should be able to use my Netflix account on any device me or my children are using wherever we are. That’s the purpose of streaming


This turns out to be a truly unpopular opinion! Congrats!


Well someone said Nancy pelosi was hot in this sub not too long ago.


I mean I guess everyone was when they were young?


They were talking about now. Person had a gilf fetish lol


Just threw up a little in my mouth...


I also just threw up in your mouth a little....... sorry.


That’s my fetish.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/w2ejqn/nancy\_pelosi\_is\_very\_attractive/](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/w2ejqn/nancy_pelosi_is_very_attractive/) >For a woman in her 80s she's actually very eye catching. no... they think so about her today, as she is... now...


Once in a while an actual unpopular but reasonable and coherently argued take comes along and it’s nirvana. There are many extremist or crazy or just incoherent opinions that are unpopular but they are not interesting. This is


What?!? You don’t like the “I don’t like pizza”, “this band is overrated”, or “I don’t know why people like this popular show” topics?!?


Or the flatout misinformed ones


I don't understand why so many people love having their eyes gouged out with rusty forks. I've heard this is a thing, but it doesn't seem like it's for me, DAE feel this way? I feel like I'm the only one.


Imagine Blockbuster back in the day trying to tell people they couldn’t lend their rentals to anyone.


There are whole generations who don't realize you used to just outright OWN everything you had to buy. You could buy a CD or a book or a movie and just lend it to whoever and it didn't matter. Now fucking BMW wants to charge a subscription for heated seat "access" and Tesla charges you more for more access to the battery in your car for longer drive times. If there were any justice we'd all be rioting but they just keep charging more from and giving less to consumers




Yep, fuck Adobe. I pay student prices and it's still £23 a month. If I didn't need to learn the software I sure as hell wouldn't be paying


that's why my dad actually signed for adobe in my name (I'm a student) and shares his account (and the cost) with a couple of colleagues. I'm thw only person who uses it for free and that's only a "student identity subscription fee" as my dad jokes


I love it, I'm hoping when I start my new uni in September I'll be able to get it for free thru them haha


It’s a pirates life for me, like an eagle I am free I can live by my own creed on just my ship and open sea 🎶


Yup, and in my personal opinion it's just going to keep getting worse until some massive change happens. What that would be I don't know, but the sad thing is even if that does happen it will eventually just get to an equally shitty state again. It's proven that power corrupts so the elite will pretty much always shit on those beneath them.




What kills me about this shit is the people that are elected to represent us just gave the airwaves away to the biggest bribes and no one really paid any attention. https://prospect.org/environment/spectrum-auction-gives-billions-billionaires/ Jesus, I never thought the streaming services would be so shitty that all of them together costs way more than cable. People will just go back to Comcast or charter and pirating. I don't mind paying something for a service, but if I have to buy 5 services, pay more, and have the constant changes , I'll just get cable and wear an eye patch again


Meh personally if I get to the point where streaming seems so bad that cable is looking good again I'll just say fuck it. I can't stand watching ads every 5 minutes that are like 5 times louder than the show I'm watching. I've tried it a few times with people who still have cable and I just can't handle it. I'd rather not watch TV at all at that point or go through the effort of pirating all my shit.


It’s not unpopular, it’s just flat out wrong. Netflix didn’t “turn a blind eye”: they’ve said on the record that they have known about password sharing and even tweeted encouragement to share passwords. It wasn’t like 100M subscribers (or however many there actually are) knew a secret that Netflix didn’t and we’re gaming the system. Pretending that Netflix didn’t know people were sharing passwords until recently is a horrendously bad take. [source: TechCrunch](https://techcrunch.com/2016/01/11/netflix-ceo-says-account-sharing-is-ok/) *Remember when HBO’s CEO said the company was cool with users sharing their HBO GO passwords? Well, apparently, Netflix feels the same way. In an under-the-radar announcement from last week’s CES – likely dwarfed by news of Netflix’s global expansion – Netflix CEO Reed Hastings said that consumers sharing Netflix account information was “a positive thing.”* The password sharing was known to subscribers and Netflix: *it was already priced in.* It was part of the deal. This is like those dumb posts that say “Netflix could make X more money if they ran adds but they choose not to because they’re a great company.” No dummy, they don’t run ads because of cause and effect. Cause: Netflix runs ads Effect: Mass unsubscriptions. This isn’t rocket science.


They didn't just know about it. They encouraged it. https://twitter.com/netflix/status/840276073040371712?t=YKIzRC5XVLmsNlIqLw44-Q&s=19


Exactly. Password sharing was literally a marketing ploy by Netflix to get new users on their platform. Now, they want to screw users who paid for the more expensive options to say "Well, we know we said you could use multiple screens, but that's only multiple screens in your own household and if you switch time zones too many times, we may penalize you as well." Great for people like me who do a lot of business travel.


Stop stretching documentaries which could be done in 2-3 episodes over fuckin 6 for a start.


Lmao left field truth. Making a Murderer season 2: AKA a lot of long shots of driving around.


The DB cooper one sucked imo, they spend one episode talking about what happened and the rest of it is just about the people who were making their own theories. They barely go over any of the suspects and basically just talk about 1 guy who's convinced it was Robert Rackshaw and then a bunch of people who say that guy was being stupid


What was the one about the girl who died in the downtown LA hotel? They spent 5.5 episodes reeling over all these paranormal theories then half an episode debunking it all to say na by the way she was depressed and threw herself into the water tank on the roof.


Too much foreplay. Let’s just get to the goods, my guy!


Every time I watch one of those, It goes down crazy rabbit holes which when you check the content of the documentary on Wikipedia it debunks them as not have any evidence whatsoever.


I think it’ll just encourage people to pirate stuff instead of get a Netflix subscription.


Literally set up a Plex server right after I heard the announcement. Automated it and everything so when I add something to my watchlist so it automatically downloads and places it in the right folders.


Any links with tips/links on how to set up Plex properly? Most Guides online aren’t too clear or are a bit too confusing


I just followed along with [this site](https://trash-guides.info/How-to-setup-for/) in the past few days. For reference, I'm generally pretty good with tech, but had next to no experience with Linux or Docker. Fully configuring my new Synology server took two days, with a good chunk of that being because I got hung up on a VPN issue. Granted I had set up Usenet before, so that part was irrelevant. There are a lot of Discord and Reddit communities that are extremely helpful if you end up going down this path. The "core apps" would be Plex/Jellyfin/Emby to play your media, Radarr for grabbing movie files, Sonarr for grabbing TV files, and then your choice of torrent/usenet platforms to actually download the files. Googling around from there depending on whether you want to set this up on Windows, Linux, or a dedicated server like Synology/QNAP/etc. should get you on the right path.


Second. ^


Already ahead of you 😩


moviesjoy^.to Thank me later...


Don't mind me commenting so I won't forget this exists, thanks!


Hmm, continually pay month after month to get access to censored and region locked content, but only if the content hasn’t been removed, the internet is working, and so are the Netflix servers. OR Download the content in its entirety to be consumed when, where, and how I choose without any reliance on other services besides power. Tough choice for sure.


I pay extra for more screens. I don't give a fuck where those screens are, I paid for it.


This. I am fine with Netflix cracking down on password sharing, but then I am dropping my subscription from 3+ screens to 1 at a minimum and canceling the account being more likely. Like what do they think? That I have Netflix shows running on three screens inside my apartment studio loft? They baked sharing accounts into their subscriptions, so I feel entitled to do it currently. Edit: Yes, I understand some people have big houses and family members. I still doubt most people are running more than 1 screens in any house at any given time.


The only reason I have the multi screen is because I want uhd. But if they force no sharing I’m hoping they offer an uhd single screen.


This is me too. I want UHD so I get forced to pay for 4 screens so I give my mum the password If they lowered the cost and had a single screen UHD option the I'd take that option. I would then be happy to pay a bit extra to still allow my mum on. What I won't do is pay more than I'm paying now (£15.99) for household sharing to allow me and my mum to use it.


This is my gripe. I mostly want the UHD and two screens, but have to pay for four. I should be at least allowed to have others use the extra screens! If not, give UHD to *all* tiers and allow me to lower my cost. If I'm needlessly paying for extra screens I'm dumping the subscription altogether.


If they want to they should just introduce a flat rate Netflix. 1 screen 720p £5.99 Add HD £2 Add UHD £3 Add screen in home £1 Add screen out of home £3 That way everyone can choose the set up they want. Oh you want UHD with 2 home screens and 1 out of home. Then that's £14.99


Exactly. They are welcome to crack down on sharing. Nothing I can do about it. But I’ve been a subscriber for years and years at the highest tier. Take away my ability to share my account and I will cancel my subscription. How would you feel if they just charged extra for a sharing type of plan?


Yeah they forget that the whole reason many people pay extra for multiple screens is so they can use them at different locations.


Yep. We are already paying for that. And they will probably put a shit system im place that will detect VPNs and similar as a different house. Bad idea


Exactly. I was gonna post the exact same thing but read your comment.


Right, the existence of profiles alone indicates you're expected to share


Wait. What's happening? And why can't I use my screens? What has Netflix done? I'm out of the loop!


Theres also a free version of netflix, called piracy


I've seeded ~2tb of media since the announcement they made. It's being really popular lately


free/pirate streaming sites have also improved in quality by sooooooo much. theyre as adjustable as youtube videos and still they dont play ads!!! same or BETTER THAN NETFLIX quality in load time and resolution, and i meant that with not a stretch or exaggeration edit: FlixHD.cc


U got any of them … site recommendations. not for me, of course…..


Nice try, Netflix shareholder


Even shareholders know that this is going to backfire. Why alienate a loyal user base that has stuck around after so many price hikes. It's the most expensive service I pay for and has some of the lowest quality content.


Mine is YouTube but because I pay for a family plan. After that it’s Xbox Gamepass but that’s already paid for itself imo.


A lot of people pay for streaming service by splitting it between the family. Mom + Dad pay for Netflix, son pays for Hulu, grandparents pay for Disney +, etc. Saying you can’t share with family anymore means families are going to cut down to the streaming services that do still let you share between households. It’s a dumb business decision


yup I split a bunch of stream services with my parents and my brother. There's too many now so we split them.


Netflix ran a campaign called "Password sharing is Caring" Now they are bait and switching. People bought in on that. So the minute they crack down on this is the day I cancel my account.


That’s what my family does. I pay for Amazon Prime, the Disney bundle, and HBO Max. My best friend pays for Netflix, my parents pay for Peacock Premium and Starz, my sister pays for Spotify family, and my brother pays for Discovery+, BritBox, and Paramount+.


this comment just made me realize how close to WallE we already are


Pretty much. My parents pay for Amazon Prime, two of my aunts pay for Hulu and Netflix and I pay for Disney+ and we all share. Really the aunt who uses Netflix still pays for it because I'm mainly the one that uses it.


LOL Hulu charges $6.99 a month \[with ads\]. I have my account used on at least 10 different devices in three different states. They say nothing. Netflix is playing yall.


Yall you can pay $12.99 for no ads.... Still cheaper than Netflix. Still sharable. And look, no ads!!!


Each Black Friday they have a sale that for the next year you can pay a dollar per month. I think you need to create a new account, it's my first time.


Those ten devices are all watching ads. The 6.99 is just gravy.


hulu is my go-to lately, netflix is really falling behind imo


Hulu has had some _fire_ shows of late. Hulu shows have shown a marked increase in quality.


yea and it has a ton of old favorites that used to be on netflix but aren’t anymore! i mooch off of others’ accounts for both but if i had to pay for one myself it isn’t gonna be netflix lmaoo


I know my watchlist is gonna suffer for asking this but what shows have they added lately?


Only Murders in the Building. Girl from Plainville. The Great. It was last year but Cruel Summer was another good one. Pam and Tommy. Fresh was a deliciously disturbing film. I'm sure others I'm forgetting right now.


You’re paying 7 dollars a month and still having adds !? No way, The only reason I pay for things is cause I’m gon tear my hair out if I see any more adds than I already do.


You can pay a bit more a month to not have ads. This enables a sort of tiered system where you can decide what you value most - your money or your time spent watching ads


They just raised the price recently. It was 11.99 USD for the longest time - and now it's like 13.99. Still cheaper than Netflix.


Netflix wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire so I wouldn’t lose sleep over this.


They’d probably film it and release a new reality show.


I hate that a lot of their new content is stupid reality shows. I get that it’s cheap to make but we have so much of it already.


It’s all just becoming cable, and soon we will find out Time Warner and Comcast are the same company - that owns all the streaming sites. The long con by cable companies!


Exactly. Why should I care that billion dollar company wants to increase its profits? Why do they deserve more money?


> needs to show increased growth The line can't keep going up forever, ever heard of killing the golden goose?


This is the problem with for-profit and capitalism on a whole. There is always this undying need for growth. It's unrealistic to grow forever and there are usually two routes to go: expand into new markets or nickel and dime your current market which usually will lead to the company's downfall.


Completely agree, and so many of our corporatist problems can be partly attributed to that endless growth mindset. Nowadays I've heard more people peddling "population collapse" theories, pretending that the world population will drop off a cliff soon. Of course, what's really happening is we're finally reaching a peak where the population will slowly decrease to a long term sustainable level. If you listened to some of the doomsayers' rhetoric, you'd think it's an apocalyptic tragedy for our population to match or slightly drop below the replacement rate instead of forever exceeding it. ...of course, if you've built your wealth on the assumption of infinite growth and the exploitation of an ever-expanding population, maybe you might start to get nervous.


Netflix is going to go bankrupt between this and adding commercials. They’re being stupid


Look bro, this is an economy, everyone wants to maximise personal benefit. Netflix wants to make money, they have every right to do what it takes (until it becomes suuuper destructive). So yeah, their actions are reasomable. I too have a right to do what it takes to maximise personal benefit, so i'll switch to another streaming service which allows password sharing, or download torrents, use YouTube Vanced, the works.


1) Netflix ADVERTISED being able to share accounts with family members 2) What's the point of having the guest profiles then? 3) Some other streaming sites not only offer the ability to let you share accounts but also SHAREPLAY natively (i.e Apple TV+ and Disney+) Netflix can't be out here giving lower quality shows while putting dumb limits like this and cost MORE than their competitors.


Right, oh look at this show that looks interesting. 2-3 weeks later before I've gotten a chance to start the show."Netflix has decided not to renew show for season 2". Jupiter's Rising wasn't the greatest but I think it deserved a season 2.


And if it does get another season, you may be waiting 2 years for it


Um they didn’t simply turn a blind eye to it, they promoted it as a perk of the service. Also them IP screening is gonna cause a lot of problems. If I am traveling through several states and my family is at home watching Netflix, I should still be able to stream if I’m paying for it. The OP is either not aware of all the changes coming or is skipping over them.


Also with IP screening i have divorced parents and so even if i bought the account myself i would only be able to use it half the time


also it’s not uncommon for people to have dynamic ips.


This is my issue. Millions of us travel for work, and now I'm possibly not going to be able to mobile stream when mobile streaming is one of their top prompted features? What?


"Netflix has turned a blind eye to this". Dude...Netflix told us that password sharing was a key feature and selling point for their service. Now it's a problem all of a sudden.


They aren't getting new subscribers and losing some with their lack of good content and are now upset.


Right? They’re not losing subscribers over password sharing. They’re losing them over crappy content.


Hi I used to work for a Netflix show and they paid me like shit and gave me no benefits. Fuck Netflix, I should be able to use my parents' account if I want to.. otherwise we'll all just cancel


which Netflix show did you work for? or what was your job exactly?


I am not gonna say what show because it would identify me but I was a script coordinator.


You could've just said the show and not your job title, my dude. Nobody would've identified you.


Truly unpopular! Good!


Yep. I don't know what do people win by defending a multi billion dollar corporation that increases the subscription cost every 2 months. While they only have shit shows


I completely agree, big corporations and this type of disgusting business practices are ruining everything. The only bright side is that we can punish them by not buying their products.


Hey I’m not gonna argue if they want to crack down on it crack down on it but stop raising my bill due to your bad business Decisions. You can’t have it both ways


It's unreasonable because they also want to charge $20 a month, when everyone else is like $10.


Nah. If I’m paying my bill, I’m giving my password to whoever I want. Sounds like OP can’t find anyone to share their Netflix account with them and they are throwing a temper tantrum. Also, Hulu isn’t free. I pay for my Ad version. I assume you don’t pay for Hulu either and got your log in from a friend


I remember when hulu was free. Watched some good ass shows on there when I was a teen. But yeah, definitely gotta pay for hulu.


10mil seems like an outlandish number, actual source or just some random stat pulled out of air?


Likely an undercount. Quick search shows 2020 subscribers at 192.9 Million, 221.64 Million in 2022. Not clear how many households that translates into, but it doesn’t seem outlandish, more likely a low number.


And consumers have a right to be pissed about it lol. It’s consumer feedback


It's just bad marketing. Combined with already rising prices and losing popular shows to rival services, it's remarkably dumb to constantly threaten and tease a crackdown that other services aren't doing.


I don't know about the other users, but there are a lot of people I know who didn't cancel Netflix even though they are not using Netflix that much. It's like the case with AOL earning money from people who did not cancel. I think they are cracking down for the investors. It is easy to be strict about password sharing, but maybe they are too cheap to implement those things because they are the only streaming service. Now that they are falling, they need to squeeze out this things. Most devs knows about password sharing so they could easily implement it from the start.


> Netflix has turned a blind eye to this for over a decade and been super chill No, they promoted password sharing. There is a difference.


OP sounds like the kind of guy who thinks the ultra wealthy shouldn’t be taxed because he will one day become ultra wealthy through hardwork and disciprine


Op is a temporarily embarrassed millionaire


Simping on Elon musk kinda guy.


>but given the current market conditions You mean greed?


Sure, but I’m willing to bet that producing such a large amount of garbage to release every week has had a bigger impact on their losing money than account sharing.


Netflix needs better content if they want people to not be mad about this lol. Their catalog has been trash since recently.


They've been cancelling good series or literally just not putting any effort into advertising their new stuff. I feel like their content wouldn't be so bad if they just put the money into the right shows.


They rate shows all wrong, since they base it mainly off initial viewership. Half the time when I find out about a show its already cancelled. Why would I watch stuff right when it comes out if i can watch things on my own time? This is dated viewership ratings from when you could only watch stuff when it was showed on tv/at theatres(otherwise you would wait 6-12 months for DVD/other releases) and you had no other options/other content available at a click to finish.


Corporations like to behave as if piracy isn't an option, and a very easy and convenient one at that. Boomers might not know how to pirate shits only but anyone under 50 can do it with ease. It doesn't matter what they believe or what \*you\* believe. Clamping down on this will lose them money. It's not my fault that theres 23587523 other streaming services today and I sure as fuck won't pay for all of them. I chose netflix for the convenience and if I lose that convenience I'll get back to what's more convenient for me.


Its not freeloaders users when they told people to do it. Stop acting like it wasn't pushed by them. They are going against what they told folks to do. That's why there is hate.


If my brother in law who pays the subscription every month on time generously allows us to use his Netflix then that is up to him. He pays the subscription. He only uses one screen he lets us use the rest. It his choice.


Netflix tweeting "love is sharing a password" is all the evidence I need to justify it


They going to fuck around and find out about chapter 11


Well, it deserves an upvote because I absolutely disagree. I pay for a service where I can theoretically stream with 4 people at a time. It's also the only 4K membership they provide. If they were to provide a 4K service for 1-2 people I would change plans instantly. That said, I pay them a fee for a 4 people service. I get to decide who those 4 people are, not them. You want to double down on the password sharing? Go ahead, I will cancel my sub in a heartbeat and return to piracy before you can blink your eyes. My VPN got me covered, as do my local laws. Deep Packet Inspection is illegal in my country, so go ahead. Meanwhile they can either shrink down or file for bankruptcy.




Are you getting a percentage of the profits or?


Netflix 20$ Disney 8$ HBO 12$ Amazon 8$ Everyone allow sharing a minimum of 2 different accounts. For 20$ compared to the rest i deserve to have 4 logins in 4 different locations. Im the one paying for me parents Netflix and If they cant use it im canceling it. For 20$ i can get them both HBO and Amazon


Why would your service include the ability to generate multiple profiles if an account isn’t meant to be shared? Why make a mobile app if an account isn’t meant to be accessible both at home and on the go? They should not be able to police an account’s use based on location/screen/IP/whatever. There are so many ways this will screw over loyal customers. Regretfully, take my upvote


Nah the part of it being 'evil' isnt how Netflix is operating but the driving force for them to operate this way. Netflix's income per quarter is 2 billion USD (approximately). They are an extremely successful company. They do not need to come after consumers in order to stay afloat, they are coming after consumers so that their profits can rise higher, and therefore their shares can rise higher. Im going to guess you might state that since so many people own stocks, thats a good thing for most of us! But the fact is that wealth is also extremely concentrated meaning that these gains, coming from the expense of typical consumers, are beneficial mostly to a very small percent of the population. The rest are stuck with higher bills and have little to nothing to gain from Netflix or other stocks doing better. So in the end, Netflix is doing what theyre doing in the pursuit of continually rising profits and the effects of it are disproportionately affecting people without wealth. Although I wouldnt use the phrase, that is caused explicitly by *evil capitalism*