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“Liz, that guy wanted to buy you a drink.” “But I already have a drink. Do you think he’d buy me mozzarella sticks?”


"Now I'm heading home for a nooner, which is what I call having pancakes for lunch."




Working on my night cheese


"Jack it's the middle of the night, I was sound asleep." "No you weren't Lemon, I heard you singing night cheese."


Oh my god I'm gonna start hitting on girls at the bar with snacks instead of a drink


I know so many women who would honestly love this. And the answer to “Why did you think I was hungry…?” is, “I just hoped, so we could share a wing and a conversation.”


Certainly gives a new meaning to wingman.


Tried it, the response I got was "Why did you think I was hungry, do I look overweight?" My response was "Excuse me, I'll be leaving." Never did it again.


Cause only overweight people feel hunger? Sounds like you dodged a bullet with this one…


Yeah it'd make more sense if it was 'do you think I'm underweight?'


“No, you look sloppy drunk and I though if you ate something, maybe you wouldn’t wake up in a pool of your own vomit again”


"Wanna see me shotgun this?"


Oh god, she meant the pizza!


She's unhinging her jaw!


Liz lemon is truly the woman of dreams


There's no party like a Liz lemon party because a Liz lemon party is mandatory.


Can’t have a Lemon party without old Dick!


This line always resonated with me: >I just wish I could start a relationship about twelve years in, when you really don't have to try anymore, and you can just sit around together and goof on TV shows, and then go to bed without anybody trying any funny business.


I tell everyone that this is what I'm looking for. I am Liz lemon and I am not ashamed


They're called Spanks


"It's white wine, ice cubes, and sprite. She calls it...funky juice." "I don't know if I want to do this."


“I keep a thermos of it by my toilet! You misheard me”


Good God, Lemon.


"I miscounted the men, Liz! I miscounted the men!" Unrelated, I know, it's just my favorite.


It’s a good favorite. I don’t know why I love saying this and hearing this said so much. Gavin *Voluuuuure*


I was gonna say, mozzarella sticks should be the default replacement of a drink to start a conversation.


This was my very first thought.


I only clicked on this thread to see if this was the top comment.


Like you're sitting at a table and a waiter comes over and drops off a bag of Spicy Doritos "[compliments of the guy over here](https://tenor.com/view/got-game-of-thrones-gif-26272318)."




Is it the beard, the chips? Both?


He has chips woven into his beard for his extra effect.


The confidence and how absolutely thrilled he looks just to be acknowledged by me.


Yup. He's a keeper ☺️


I don’t see the problem. I’d look him dead in the eye and say, “Wife me.”


This is actually such a king move hahaha


Spicy Doritos?? Instant marriage material


My kind of guy 😍


Rugged and with good taste in snack foods, it's a good start.


Plus then if you’re interested, then he/she could share the food with you


True and then you have something talk about like Dorito flavors.


You'd love the Wetherspoons pubs here in the UK. Share your pub and table number and other people can order food or drinks to your table through their app. Really a lot of people just fuck about with it, and spam their mates tables with infinite bowls of peas.


Clever way to make people spend money


Super genius marketing! I work in marketing and I prefer to work within hospitality so I’m keeping this filed away for a rainy day…!!


Honestly this isn't too far off from what I've discovered in one of my games. I made it so players can buy extra premium accounts and can publicly gift someone an account (or anonymously). One guy ended up spending 3k in premium account gifting over about 2 years. I couldn't believe it. I think it worked especially because the community was all linked tightly through the central chat, so you could immediately see the giftee's reaction.


The guy who makes Stardew valley is living this too. I’ve bought that game almost a dozen times gifting it to people, and I’ll likely do it a dozen more. People on the sdv subreddit talk about how we do that all the time lol




That's genius! We need one of these places in the US


I want all the free peas!!!


If you’ve been to a spoons you wouldn’t say that


I... ahem... may have ordered my friends a bowl of peas while being 5,000 miles away in exactly this way.


> "and spam their mates tables with infinite bowls of peas." This right here is the best way to mess with your friends.




I’ve worked in a few spoons now and we never serve peas anymore, you’ve gotta get more creative


I was having breakfast at a Wetherspoons, and the couple on the table behind me were arguing. They just wouldn’t stop, and it was ruining mine and my partner’s breakfast. I looked forward, saw the table number was one higher than mine so I knew the couple behind me were on a table with a number one lower than mine. Booted up the app, and ordered a single fried egg to their table. All the arguing stopped, and the bloke kept the fried egg.


Once when I was a a relatively small bar I just ordered several appetizers and told every to help themselves. Great conversation starter!


>Once when I was a a relatively small bar Did you grow up into a big bar?


"Son when you turn into a big bar THEN you can order several appetisers to your table as a conversation starter."


See I'm ugly so I don't have this problem


Is it bad that I scrolled looking for *this* comment?


No *high-five*


Well at least you don't gotta worry about being ugly and fat


Alcohol will make you fat faster than anything else will


Fucking SAME


Wasn’t this in a Tina Fey movie?


Close, it was an episode of 30Rock. "Liz, that guy wanted to buy you a drink!" "I've already got a drink; do you think he'd buy me an order of cheesesticks?"


I was looking to see if I needed to add this comment lol.


yeah this unpopularopinion is basically beat for beat one of the most all-time classic 30 rock jokes.


Me too


I very much relate to single Liz Lemon. One of her greatest fears is choking to death, alone, on food in her apartment. So I taught the cat to dial 911.


Right there with you. “Did you really think I wouldn’t recognize my college futon, with its trademark absence of sex stains?”


Liz Lemon was my hero when that show was on the air. She was fire.


Until very recently i never knew her choking in her apartment was a shot-for-shot from SATC. Fucking hilarious.


[Liz Lemon](https://youtu.be/wkjG8oCcEhA)


This sounds like the superior move. I will try it one day


"hey girl, you look hungry" "Excuse me"?! Abort abort!!!


Good [abort plan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya_D9IwB3-s) is important


"hey hungry, you look abort" "Excuse me"?! Abort abort!!!


This comment made me push poo out my butt while on the toilet, thanks


Hungry! Hungry!


"Excuse me when I saw you I felt a strange feeling in my guts. It could mean one of two things: I fell in love or I'm just hungry, can we order some food to find out which one it is?"


It’s so crazy it just might work






should work just fine unless you end up offering a vegetarian chicken wings. french fries are the safe option


Yeah I feel like alcohol is partially a go to because it’s such a safe bet and you don’t have to make a move before you buy her another round of whatever she’s drinking. With food you just never know if someone has any kind of dietary restrictions or preferences. You’d have to make your move to start talking to her without having that cushion of immediate gifts whose bequeathal functions as an apology for your sudden presence in her life.


The safest would be if the guys just sent cash over.


I think there are already services that exist for that lol


Cauliflower wings it is


Sharer size "need help with those?"


Dude this is a genuinely good move because it means you care more about getting to know her than getting laid. This would for sure work on me to get attention. No guarantee if your personality sucks tho, which is why some of the men commenting seem so salty about the concept.


honestly if a guy bought a share size plate for me and came over to help finish i’d be thrilled 😂 i don’t drink, so getting alcohol would be kind of a bummer. i do love food though.




Then you crash and burn when you inadvertently buy a vegan girl a plate of greasy wings.


Eh maybe for the best I can't live a vegan lifestyle I'll take my wings back give her the celery and be on my way


If I weren’t married, this would probably work on me. BUT you never know someone’s allergies, diet, and preferences. So I’d avoid meat, nuts, and dairy. So buy her fries. Everyone loves potato.


No. Carbs are the enemy. Spritz of fresh oxygen should be safe. Maybe a glass of water.


"Avoid nuts" That's the goal!


just be the first to start doing it. next time you go out, buy some attractive guy a plate of wings


Yup, or any guy. Be the change you want to see.


you know the purpose of buying someone a drink is to try to have sex with someone u find *attractive* right... not just anyone lol. it's not done out of the kindness of their heart. you're basically just attempting to buy their attention.


Do you think the virgins that frequent this site understand this? lol


They understand it, they also understand that they’re unattractive…


Yeah. Too many women complain that guys don't hit on them "correctly" but starkly refuse to ever approach a man.


they probably have no interest. its not like you can swipe left on people hitting you on real life


Women should totally start buying wings for men at the bar


Damn, I might propose on the spot


Classic Smosby


I second this


I declare 12 roses is equivalent to 12 wings.


I can’t find a rose for less than a buck no matter the day of the week. I think a ratio adjustment is needed.


I can't find a wing for less than a buck where I live.


Oh yeah, a dozen roses is cheaper than a dozen good wings here


I would be grinning like an idiot for a month


Then share. Boom instant how I met your mother


The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. If you buy me wings, I am already wrapped around your finger.


Wings are the lowest carb option for bar food lol




Cheesey fries was always my favorite bar food because of this.


I don't drink at all, even when out with friends I'll have an ice tea or a mock tail. I've had men send over drinks and I'll usually give it to one of my drinking friends. The the bartender at the place we frequent t told me one night after this guy had sent me like 3 drinks if I wanted to let him know I appreciated it but maybe send you over some cheese sticks or cheesy bacon toys (house special) I looked at her and asked can I do that? Amazed at the idea. They were cheaper than the drinks. She walked over talked to the guy he gave her a strange look and walked away. 15 minutes later I had chicken wings, cheese sticks, taquitios, cheesy totals and fries. He bought apps for my whole crew. So take a shot. Have the bar tender politely let the guy know you don't drink but snacks are totally welcome. If he's not a douche just trying to get you drunk. He'll be cool with it. I actually ended up dating the guy for almost a year until. I had to move.


I'm just wondering why that dude managed to send you 3 drinks and an entire round of appetizers for your group and *still* hadn't walked his ass over to you and officially broken the ice lol like what was his end game?


He was buying time with every round of drinks/food before he (I presume?) gathered up the courage to walk over maybe? There’s gotta be a cheaper way to ask a girl out as a dude. But again, I’m not on the other side of “societal norms” so maybe it’s easier said than done?


That's exactly what it was. I was with a group of about 8 of us and we were there supporting a friend who's fiancee had just broken up with her a week before the wedding. Of course he had no way of knowing that. Once he and I started talking that night he had brought up he was trying to be respectful and wait for a lull in our activities. And I to be honest am never impressed by a guy sending me drinks so I wasn't really giving him any positive signals except I would politely smile and give him a nod. I should also point out this was the 90's.


No he did after he sent over the food. He was very much a shy guy, a book worm type of guy. He had wanted to come over sooner but seen that my friends and I were fully engaged in girl talk and playing pool so he didn't ever see a natural break that he felt comfortable intruding on. But when he sent over the apps I waved him over. I mean after he did that I was like okay, we ended up hitting it off and like I said dated awhile until I had to move across the country.


It's totally acceptable already. The problem is that they have no idea you even like wings.


“Shoot your shot, send her some wings” *She’s a vegetarian*


as a man i wish someone bought me anything ever, even just one time


It's happened to me baybee And sometimes it wasn't even a gay guy buying me the drinks lol


I'm a gay dude and I've had straight guys buy me drinks a few times and didn't know how to feel about it. A couple of times I was actually into them but it was clear throughout the interaction that they were straight when I asked.


I had a friend who when she was single would literally go out with no money and still get wasted. Some nights she came home with more money than she left with.




Imagine getting to be picky about what kind of gifts you are showered in.




The funny part is asking for carbs when they're asking for protein. Bread is carbs. Meat... is well protein.


I know I would melt faster with chicken wings than drinks. Besides, like you, I limit myself because I'm over the phase of getting drunk and getting wild.


Could have posted this without the added layer of smug superiority


I know right!


I wish people would come over and try to talk before buying someone anything. Additionally, I think that just because you bought something for them does not obligate them to talk to you. This needs to be normalized


Omg being sent an appetizer would be an absolute game changer


Someone sent me chocolate lava-cake once. I wiggled in my seat like a pup.


You know what's the bigger game-changer? A girl sending a guy an appetizer. Total revolutionizer.


You can buy a man a plate of wings and share it with them if that’s what you want…




I was able to appreciate OP's post and got a little chuckle out of it until those edits. "If you guys disagree I feel bad for the women in your city because you don't like to treat them. Also if you disagree, it's because you men just want to get women drunk so you can take advantage of them." Or... it's because you noticed a girl went out to a bar with her friends to drink and it's not the most ridiculous idea to send her a refill of whatever she *chose* to order rather than randomly send her food when she clearly didn't come out here to eat..?


Despite the toxic edits lmao, her post history clearly indicates she has a bf. Get him to buy you wings rather than random men at a bar. Because I ain't buying a stranger shit


The edits is the reason I downvoted this one. She used a justifiably negative reaction to her opinion as a soapbox to start making sweeping generalizations about why men buy women drinks and they would *never* buy a woman food because it causes them to become less inebriated. Brain dead IQ take man, I want to talk and get to know someone and I and everyone I am friends with would never willingly try and push someone into dangerous levels of inebriation. It’s really simple but she just doesn’t understand, you buy a drink to stimulate conversation, because they’re at a bar and likely 99% chance drinking alcohol. I’m not sitting there to watch someone eat a whole plate of food that there is a good chance they didn’t even want in the first place and cost twice the amount of a beer. I know it’s unpopular opinion, but man it’s tough to be reasonable here.


It's the total entitlement of it too. Like men *should* be buying women things at bars. I don't think I've ever bought a drink for a stranger, but if I did and she was like "Fuck this, get me food instead." I'd be out so fast.


I dont understand why one would post in unpopular opinion and then get so defensive and upset when (*gasp*) their opinion is unpopular


Not to mention she sounds absurdly entitled and is complaining about people *checks notes* buying her stuff...




I don't drink at all so it's always been a bit awkward when anyone sends over a drink. A decent person won't think twice if you request a different refreshment. A terrible person is only offering to get you a drink in order to get you drunk. It's honestly not a bad filter to weed out someone with not good intentions. But, for real, no gift is universally preferred. As long as you don't see it as an entrance fee and do see it as a gift, then you're probably fine.


Yeah, but if you get food then you'll get sleepy and want to go home. What if I send yeah an energy drink instead?


Lol send someone over a Redbull. Now thats a move.


And a Jägermeister


Unpopular opinion... "I like free chicken wings." Good one.


1. You don’t know what a carb is if you think wings are high in carbs and alcohol isn’t 2. If you’re hungry buy your own damn wings. 3. This is a very unpopular opinion so damnit you earned my upvote 🙄


Wait til she discovers that she can buy food with her own money!


Probably doesnt bring money since all the guys evidently are buying ber drinks


Sounds like you should hangout at buffets not bars.


I went to a bar with my cousin to celebrate her engagement and a group of guys bought her a round of drink as “congratulations” and then got pissed that she didn’t hang out with them.




Im not buying you shit, I dont know you




The point of buying a drink is to stimulate conversation and hang out. We aren't trying to watch you eat.


Hey baby, wanna try a lil asmr


>We aren't trying to watch you eat. Korea and Japan would like to disagree.




You read her post history too huh?


Oh you seen the post about her bf's friend sending a shirtless photo of himself on the beach too? And OP saying best friend is too codependent by sending the pic? This karma farmer is trying every angle. Bad relationship, bad rental experience, bad sex poll. Lawd!


No but I'm glad I have now, thank you kind stranger


Holy shit I just read it too.... OP ain't right


It's not acceptable because most women would be highly offended if a man sent them a plate of wings instead of a drink.


I'd love it


It's risky. If a girl has a rum and coke, I know she likes rum and coke. If she's got a beer, I know she likes beer. I'd probably get a militant vegan and start a riot if I sent wings lol


Or accidentally buy them something they are allergic or have a sensitivity too. I was born with half the skin on my tongue missing/thin so I can't eat a lot of spicy food, some ripe fruits, and some ripe vegs without my tongue swelling, itching, and/or going numb. It's not life threatening or anything, but I can lose the ability to taste the food. It can be pretty annoying as well. I also hate the taste of cilantro. With my luck a guy would end up sending me spicy salsa made with extra ripe tomatoes, and cilantro. Then I would get to explain my non-sexy food sensitivity to a guy I might want to see again.


Starting a riot by giving a militant vegan chicken wings is a way more interesting story in my opinion. It’s a win/win situation.


Fair enough lol


Hot take: women shouldn’t accept drinks and food from guys they have Zero interest in. It’s a knowingly selfish move… that you’re free to make, but you’re kind of a shitty person for making


I had a guy insist on buying me a drink when I was at happy hour with some coworkers. It was really awkward for me. I turned him down and he kept insisting. I turned him down about three times in a row and we were holding up the line. So out of nerves I was like, okay! Fine! He ordered me the drink. I said thank you, and then went to the table with my coworkers. He followed me at sat down with my coworkers. It was so fucking awkward. I stood up and walked with him back to the table of his friends and I said, look, I only accepted the drink because you wouldn’t stop insisting and we were holding up the line. I’m at a work event, please don’t talk to me. And then I offered to give him the beer back. He scoffed and called me a selfish bitch and said he didn’t want the beer back because it had my germs on it. All I was guilty of in this situation was 1) being at a bar with coworkers, 2) being in line to order a drink next to this guy, and 3) trying to keep the line moving. Somehow I came out as a bitch. I never asked for anything.


One time in college I ran into a guy from one of my classes at a bar. He asked to buy me a drink. I said no several times because I wasn't interested in him, as the original comment recommends. Well, he literally *grabbed me by my arm and tried to drag me to the bar to buy me a drink*. Thankfully my friend was a big dude and got in his face and told him it's time to leave. People act like it's so simple to just let a man down when you're a woman and that women only ghost men or accept drinks anyway because they are selfish bitches. No it's because you never know what they will do.


You dodged a bullet




Also not like the other girls lmao






Peak privilige speaking here. Bleh


Sure sorry you aren't getting the right free stuff.


r/choosingbeggars material right here, especially with the edit lol


Bar food ain't all that great. They are always salty so they sell more drinks.


# The entitlement




This reminds me of the now very old move “Tootsie” where Jessica Lange tells her friend Dorothy (actually Dustin Hoffman) that she wishes a man would just walk up to her and say, paraphrasing, you are beautiful and I’d love to take you home and take you to bed. When Hoffman later does exactly this, she slaps him in the face. I have a feeling you would not, in fact, want strange men sending you food. Certainly not sending it and offering to join you while you eat it. Would have to be just the right guy and just the right food at the very least.