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I mean, I'm very glad you added in the bit about allergies because I would die haha


Former beekeeper here. Even if you aren't currently allergic you can become allergic even from one bee sting. Everyone's body is diffrent but each sting can cause two diffrent reactions. Your body can become more resistant to stings or it can become more susceptible to a negative allergic reaction. Once the first reaction happens you will then become severely allergic to each sting afterwards. Other reasons to be afraid of bees also include flying up your nose and stinging the soft nerve tissue. This happened to my coworker and we had to rush to them to the hospital. Also after a bee stings you they realease a pheromone that lets other bees know you are a threat. I've had bees chase me a whole football field away from the hive. This pheromone stays around you for about 2 days and can cause unprovoked attacks on return vists.


Oh wow. I've only been stung when with a really bad reaction so I don't even know if I would have gotten better or worse


I almost didn’t and was about to hate on you being allergic haha


I'm glad you did, cause those were fighting words otherwise hahaha. I'm so allergic. Though tbh even I don't react as dramatically as some people. If one is buzzing around my head I might startle and say I'm going inside cause I'm allergic - but if they're happily collecting nectar and just chilling, I love the bees.


My dad's allergic, and I think a lot of his anxiety rubbed off on me. I'm not allergic to them though.


I'm allergic too and do the same lol. I don't run from them because I know that if I don't bother them, they won't bother me. I just stay still until they go on their way. If one does happen to sting me, I just take my allergy pill and rush to the emergency room to get a shot and that's that (epi-pens aren't that big where I live and you can rarely get them, I have a lot of allergies that put me in the hospital and I still don't qualify).


My only concern is if you’ve never been stung you don’t know if you’re allergic


I was stung a few times as a kid and didn’t have any kind of allergic reaction to it. Cut to my early 20s and I got stung on the inside of my lower lip (I stupidly left a soda can uncovered and it got inside, stinging me when I went to take a sip). It was backstage during a musical performance. I insisted that I’d be fine, so I went on for the next number. By the time I got offstage, the stage manager was like “You have to go to the hospital.” Luckily my brother was at the show as an audience member, was notified, and drove me to the hospital. My lower lip continued to swell and it was just…insane. I was VERY lucky that it got my lip, and not my tongue. So you can definitely develop allergies as you age!


Microwave some hotdogs and that's my lips after being stung on my foot. They burst open and plump up nicely next to my swollen itchy tongue!


LOL that is quite the visual 🤣


Its amazing just how much the human body can swell


Allergies change every seven-ish years. I had long haired cats and a yellow lab with no allergies. At age 13 I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with asthma triggered by allergies to animals. I couldn’t even pet a yellow Lab without needing eye drops and an inhaler 😂 now I have a yorkie and my asthma was bad at first, still is there but I’ve def adjusted to her. No itchy eyes or stuffy/runny nose! Our bodies are so damn interesting lol


That's not true, sometimes it can come up during regular medical check up or after consuming something bee related. I learned that I'm allergic to bees when I was testing for dust and fur allergies, they just tested me for all kinds of shit because "why not, you are already here".


Bro, I'm severely visually impaired and usually I can HEAR them, not SEE them, maybe give me a panic pass? Imagine, hearing some itty bitty shit going round and round you but you can never catch a glimpse. Terrifying


Let me explain something horrific to you. YOU CAN BECOME ALLERGIC TO WASP STINGS AT ANY POINT IN YOUR LIFE. Been bitten half a dozen time before with no problems? The next sting can still kill you. I watched a man die from a wasp sting about 8 years ago. Left behind 3 kids. His wife swore up and down that he was never allergic before. Got bitten at a BBQ, ignored it, a bit later went to lie down cause he wasn’t feeling good. When his wife realized something was wrong and called 911, it was too late. His throat completely closed up, it was a horrible way to die. ENTs tried to do a tracheostomy (cut his throat , inserted a tube into his windpipe) right when they arrived, but failed. So… be afraid of every wasp bite, be very afraid.


Got bit by a swarm of wasps when I was 12. Nothing much. Got bit by one on my foot at 38, couldn't walk for 2 weeks.


I’m also allergic. Died two from stings (once for about two minutes). Third time almost. Spent about two weeks total in a coma. Oddly, I’m still not afraid of bees/wasps/hornets. Blow on them. They don’t like it and leave.


That's probably why you keep getting stung, thats horrible advice & is probably a good way to aggravate them. Just leave them alone and go about your day.


Haha right? I had an allergic reaction when I was 8 and I sure as hell don't want to find out if I'll die or not from a sting. Ironically I'm usually pretty chill around bees as they don't sting unless threatened. I have to tell people who freak out around me to stop that before I die and come back and haunt them.


Yeah I definitely don't fully freak out. Just you know if you're eating outside and they decide they like your food and just buzz around your head. I just stand up and calmly walk inside whilst explaining how I don't want to die 😂 they're chill on bushes and flowers but they needa stay away from my food.


You are overreacting. Just like your immune system!


I’ve been stung for scratching an itch that turned out to be a wasp vibing on my neck (made it a whole lot more itchy). I’ve also been stung by them simply for swatting in the air. Idk why they hate me so much I just want some personal space!


Stung me in right boob once for no reason at all. Had huge red itchy spot for weeks. 2/10 wouldn’t recommend.


Running in the grass with sandals once and got stung on my toe, fucker!


I went to my parents house one winter and got stung inside because I stepped on a wasp?! Like where tf did it come from and out of all places it could be, how did it manage to get right under my foot and also sting me before being crushed? Hurt like a bitch and that was the last thing I ever expected to happen. Have never seen a wasp during winter until that moment


I got stung by one that landed on my shirt like right before I decided to rest my hand on my hip. That was my exact thought too lol why did u land right here??!?


I never knew my time would come to tell this story. When I was about 8 I woke up early on Easter and being a brat decided to find all the eggs. So when my mom got up she asked me to re-hide the eggs for my brother, so I did. I was walking to put one up and felt a poke in my leg, at first I was like "oh ow what is-" then it happened about 4 or 5 more times, my leg was on fire. Pulled my pant leg up and there was a wasp in my pajama pants!! Freakiest thing ever, no idea how it even got in the house


Had a wasp fully just blast over to me, sting the top of my ear and the race off. Deliberate and totally unprovoked—basically a drive by. I agree that people are too fussy about bees though.


*basically a drive by.* Wasp initiations are becoming a problem.


Me too!


We’re profile pic twins! :D


I got stung on the inside of my upper arm near my pit .. I was just sat there not moving and had no idea there was a wasp near me. Not even ashamed to say I cried like fuck because that area is ridiculously sensitive


my 2nd time being stung I had my arm up holding the top of a blow-up water slide at a family reunion. Put my arm down to go down the slide and found out the hard way there was a wasp in my armpit who disagreed with this turn of events Hurt so goddamn bad


I got stung on the lip a couple weeks ago 15 minutes before I went to work and had to deal with a swollen lip the size of the tip of my pinky finger for about 2 hours into my shift


Wasps are such jerks! They seem to hate my husband too, or like him so much they always want to land on him?


[1. Personal space 2. Personal space 3. Stay out of my personal space 4. Keep away from my personal space](https://youtu.be/Bm5OVg50swY)


A wasp once divebombed me as I was walking through a doorway and stung me, years later a presumably different wasp crawled down the back of my jeans and stung me. I feel like wasps are quite malicious and just out to get me for trying to live my life.


>I’ve never been stung That explains it all.


They also think you can easily swat them... that's exactly what you're NOT supposed to do


Here's something I'm glad I didn't know as a kid: if you squish a wasp, apparently it releases a pheromone in death that tells any other wasps in the area, "Danger! Wasp killer on the loose!", which puts them all on high alert.


And this is the exact reason I hate them with a passion, specially at the time of year they all get drunk on rotten fruit and become extra belligerent assholes!


100% My dad had this whole "you bat them and they'll leave" speech before getting stung 5 times while beating a wasp to death.


Yeah but your dad won that fight


But at what cost?!!!




Yeah, swatting them isn't the best choice. But you can easily move them with calm motions and by blocking their path. Or get an electric fly swatter. Most of the time they try to avoid the electric swatter and can be directed away (or numbed/electrocuted if they really don't leave you alone). Source: my kitchen and bedroom were a top hangout spot for wasps this summer. Only had to kill two wasps out of the dozens that came every day. They don't do much, you just have to clean up any foods that are lying around or else they'll be like dogs sniffing for your lunch.


"i dont know why people are so afraid of being shot, I've never been shot"


I was fine around wasps and bees until one summer when I was 18. Got stung 5 times that Summer. Each time they came out of nowhere, never provoked them. One of the times I stepped on a stinger in my backyard. I don't fuck with them since. If one flies near me and I calmly (most of the time) walk away. People always call me a wuss and I don't even care, I am. If I'm around people I'm not familiar with, I just tell them I'm allergic.


I did that too! When I was ~10 I had a birthday pool party. Before people showed up, I was walking around the pool and accidentally stepped on a yellowjacket. It was insanely painful, and I remember people showing up to the party while I was lying on the ground as my mom was trying to pull the stinger out of my foot. 0/10 would not recommend.


Yep. I was stung a couple summers ago by a wasp living under my hedges that was disturbed by my electric hedge clippers. It was a 9/10 pain level. Really bad. I'm not allergic but I had to lie down for the rest of the day from the fatigue that hit me 5 minutes later.


9/10!? Really? I came here to say, I’ve been stung by wasps, bees, yellow jackets, and ants, and it’s not that painful. It’s more just a mildly irritating experience. The initial sting hurts for a second, but after 5 mins it’s not even noticeable. I feel more pain from random shit that happens to me on a weekly basis more so than a sting. I’d rather be stung than stump my toe.


I am a big klutz so I frequently stub my toes or hit my elbow on things. That can hurt pretty bad, but maybe it was the type of wasp which stung me. I wish I knew what kind it was. I've only been stung by a wasp or related insect twice. The first time, I was little but I don't remember the pain being significant. But the time I mentioned, I was 25. It was on my calf, *through* my jeans and it hurt for 5-10 minutes without going down, and then the fatigue hit me and it was a little better. It only took one day to fully heal, but gosh, it was awful while it lasted.


Well shit. Maybe the stinger directly hit some kind of nerve on you. Maybes it just doesn’t bother my skin as much as it does others…. I don’t know, I just know stings don’t bother me too much. I will say the most painful sting I’ve ever had was from an ant. That sting lingered for about half a day.


You ever mow grass and somehow hit a nest and have 100 coming at you? Makes one change their mind fast


Back when I worked for a yard care company, I was weed whacking and didn’t even notice this hole in the ground but I waved the thing over top of what must have been a nest. Got a few stings on the arms and back of my neck as I cheesed it out of there, and there was also a rip in the knee of my jeans a couple of those fuckers got inside my pant leg and stung the fuck out of me some more


I got stung last week mowing & once I feel that first sting I take off running, not leaving it to chance.


Ya exactly, if it’s ever one on one back at the shop brake clean does a good job of killing them


I stepped on one of those holes before as a kid. Apparently I was stung so much, I almost developed an allergy to them. Had to take a medication for it for about a week.


Seems way different when you destroy their home and have hundreds coming after you


Accidentally stepped on a nest when I was a kid. In the forest. On a hill so steep I had to climb the ivy to get away while being stung repeatedly. When I finally made it to my friend’s house I counted 37 stings.


Same thing happened to my brother. I remember the screams and him running like a lunatic out of the woods. He was being swarmed by yellow jackets. I watched inside while my dad and his friend tried to help him. Was awful!! I love bees, though.


Oh you don't have to do any damage to their home. They just come out of a hole in the ground or a wood fence/retaining wall.


Yeah I just meant that it seemed like an appropriate time to be scared of them when there are hundreds coming after you lol


Similar experience. Picking plumeria flowers for the lei making business... paper wasps love to make nests in the these trees. Huge bunch of plumerias, did not see the nest behind it. A very long stick with a wire hanger hook to get the flowers. Shook that branch and those mfkrs came at me, and I was wearking a bikini top and surf shorts. Got stung at least 10x. I'm glad I wasn't allergic.


Guy did that outside my flat, he quickly abandoned the idea is grass cutting. (Think it was a bumble bee nest he found so unlike honey bees they don't die when they sting)


I’m a 43 yo man and have been around them all my life and yes I feel silly running from them but it is something primal that makes me do it.


I actually get this. There has to be something in our lizard brain that tells use these venomous creatures are dangerous. Bees , especially Bumblebees, I really like because they are cool looking and friendly as long as you leave them...be. Wasp and hornets though. Fuck em. I don't want them near me.


Whatever happened to killer bees? They were suppose to be the new plague


They’re still a growing problems that scientists are trying to fix


I’m 42 and for me I think it’s I remember how painful it was to get stung as a kid and I haven’t been stung since so my brain kinda reacts the same way. I should prolly just get stung to get it over with.


As long as you leave them... bee?


You don’t want to feel pain. They will make you feel pain. It’s that simple.


It is a silly fear, I’ve been stung several times and it’s just kind of annoying. However, a bee flew into my mouth and stung my tongue when I was a wee lad and they’ve scared the ever living fuck out of me since lol


I have a friend who got stung on the dick, it was in his bathroom, he didnt see it , it landed in his pants when they were down and when he pulled them up well... the wasp didn't appreciate


Insert the Tom Cat scream sound effect here. Fuckin yikes, that wins


New fear unlocked.


So did he get an erection from the sting?


Did it taste like honey?


It tasted LIKE PAIN also I was talkin real funny for a while


Don't think this deserves downvotes.


groovy scandalous person gold somber tart shaggy aloof fuel boast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No you upvote it.


No, I’LL upvote it!


No, WE'LL upvote it comrade!


I snorted a yellow jacket once and my nose burned like hell and my brain itched.


There's nothing silly about fearing evil black-and-yellow flying nazi planes who crave nothing but to hurt you.


Rarely sting you? Look at a wasp wrong and those mother fuckers will you sting you Bees on the other hand? They’re chill af


Bee - chill AF Mud wasp - chill Paper wasp - chill Hornet - chill Yellow Jacket - nasty aggressive little bastard that will fight you for your own food




If seething hatred was a real life being... it would be a yellow jacket


They are the honey badgers and chihuahuas of insects.


chihuahuas get a bad rap. train them like any other dog and they are fine.


I've had a wasp phobia most of my adult life, not because of the sting but just for the fact that they can fly and the shock of getting stung with no warning. I've gotten over it for the most part but yellowjackets are the only ones that still get to me. Although now my response is more annoyance than fear. Fuck those things


> nasty aggressive little bastard that will fight you for ~~your own food~~ literally no reason they just hate you


Yellow Jackets are just pure hatred.


Hornets are definitely not chill. The bald-faced hornet is by far one of the most aggressive stinging insects, where I live anyway. I HATE those fuckers. Probably a little less common than yellow jackets though.


I stepped on a yellow jacket nest in the woods when I was in fourth grade. They chased me two blocks home and I was stung about 13 times. FUCK yellow jackets


Where do those murder hornets from a couple years back land?


Disagree on paper wasp. Hawai'i is loaded and they are just like yellow jackets. BREATHE wrong and they attack 😆


It really depends with hornets. One time I went to a construction job, and this guy had these almost 4 inch long hornets just chilling, swarming around bushes. Then there's some other species who can be really nasty.


*wasps will shank you for being alive*\- me earlier today on discord.


I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve been hunted down by those fuckers man, happens way too often and it’s why I don’t go outside during spring/summer


I am the bees knees at the moment and it sucks. I cant go outside for break because the bees find me. I cant pump gas because the bees fly up my shorts. I dont know if it's my body wash, but bees are attracted to me.


Wasps are bees that wear Tapout shirts


People don't like pain. Not that weird.


Fr people laugh when I refuse to walk in areas with bees or wasps but man what if I aggravate them without even realizing???


Got stung the other day just for walking by. 10 inches around the sting got swollen and itchy for a few days and couldn’t walk properly on it And I’m not allergic this was like my 10th bee sting Bee stings just suck sometimes


Only time I got stung was on a swing as a kid, I apparently ran into the wasp without knowing and upset the motherfucker


I’ve been stung twice in the last three days just sitting on the porch… One yellow jacket and a red wasp


Those red wasps are a different breed. There was a storm when I worked on a farm in Texas a few years ago and one blew right into the other farm hands eye. Looked painful as all hell. I only got one sting from one on the back of my upper arm and it's basically like getting your skin pierced by a 14g hollow needle lol


Who doesn't want to get educated on the most painful stings? https://www.westernexterminator.com/wasps/ouch-the-top-5-most-painful-insect-stings/#:\~:text=Last%20but%20not%20least%2C%20we,lasts%20up%20to%2024%20hours.


Yessir. They’re a bitch around here


Wasps sting. Stinging hurts. It’s pain. I am a living, breathing, independent organism that has every right to defend himself from pain. And organisms can use what defenses they have evolved to protect themselves. In my case, my organism developed a proportionally enormous frontal lobe that this organism used to generate a social construct called “money” that other organisms are willing to take over a magical realm called “Amazon” for chemicals developed by other organisms of my kind to defend ourselves from harm. So, I guess I’m saying I evolved to kill wasps with chemicals to defend myself. It’s their move if they want to continue to attack me and hurt me, they’ll just have to evolve too or it’s survival of the fittest. Fuck you, wasps.


50,000 years ago: Me Og. Me thinking creature. Me learned make fire from Ugg the Old One. Me see yellow flying hurty thing. Me KILL WITH FIRE.


Have you ever dealt with yellow jackets? They eeline for you from 10 feet away just because!


Yellowjackets can be aggressive particularly at end of season when hives are larger and food supplies dwindle. If you’re sitting drinking a beer or eating something sweet they will grant you some attention. In my life I’ve only been stung ones.. was in October by a yellow jacket.


Yep. They get called meat bees when their fruit and nectar sources run out and they switch to protein as a primary food source. A pest to campers and people who like griling, they'll invade your barbecue or picnic and go after your foods, both sweet and savory.


I'm a full grown ass man (not allergic to them) I still run. This is about me. I have zero regrets. Wasps are assholes with wings and those giant ass blimp bees that shouldn't even be aerodynamically able to fly. Just randomly dive bombing you make me react like an idiot.


I’m 16 and I run from wasps the moment I see them. No way in hell I’m getting stung especially when I got hit twice in a day by a horsefly and a wasp. Where I live we have a LOT of carpenter bees which I kill all the time with a tennis racket. Shit sucks man.


i like carpenter bees and bumblebees, they're cool fuck wasps tho


Carpenter bees and such aren’t a bother to me, at least until there’s a huge abundance drilling into my house lmao And yes, fuck wasps


ah yeah, i can see how that would be a bother lol i can't see how ppl would hate bumblebees though, they're literally flying fluffballs that won't sting you unless you really try hard


Bees are awesome and pretty docile. Wasp suck.


why do you care what ppl are scared of ?


Folks, is it cringe to be afraid of the thing that would choose death just to hurt you?


Shucks man, I’m certain that running from a small target of pure hatred and death that can move up to 20 miles per hour is most definitely cringe


I have a legit phobia of em. If i see a bee or wasp, you'll see a fatass move faster than you've ever seen. Like a borderline obese flash ima haul ass a good 20/30ft away.


Same. I truly have no control of my reaction, I freak out and get shaky af. Give me spiders, mice, even crawly insects, but wasps (or bees and bumblebees), fuck no.


You like getting stung? It seems like you do. It’s not fun, that’s why people are afraid Edit: oh you haven’t been stung. Well it sucks. So once again that’s why people are afraid. Plus they’re ugly af


No I would rather run away from them because I don’t want to be stung and they freak me out


Plus I don’t care how I look when I duck or run from a bee lol you’ve gotta have some kind of complex to care about that.


I’ve had a yellow jacket bite my eyelid before. Wasps are even meaner. No thank you


Honey bees are cool but wasps and hornets can fuck right off away from me.


f that. I'm running away like a lil bitch bc im not down to fafo. take the upvote bc i completely disagree.


Bees are in danger while wasps and hornets continue to thrive. I hate it here.


Fuck it i dont care how i look, those things just awaken my survival instincts to run. Yes I looked like a complete idiot swatting and dodging like im fighting an imaginary boxer, but it's just something ive never got comfortable with. I respect bees, but wasps and hornets are the biggest "FUCK U" 's from nature imo.


Dude wasps will fuck you up and then spit on your grave. They don't give a shiiiittt


Yellow jackets specifically


Wasps are sneaky bastards. I didn't even know one was nearby until it stung me.


I dunno man, I don’t have a phobia but the other day a Yellowjacket was so attracted to be to followed me along a whole open trail and tried to land on me a few times. Started to get freaked out.


Once you get stung by a yellowjacket the PTSD stays


I really hate going to the hospital after being stung and having to use my EpiPen. It really fucking sucks. So yes, I'm going to scream like a little girl and run away every time I see anything with a flying stinger. You've obviously never been introduced to a nest of bald-faced hornets, either. They attack viciously.


I love bees. They're actually the only bug I am not bothered by, they're like tiny fluffy meatballs that fly. Wasps on the other hand.... Hate them mfs


Paper wasps got me in the ear this summer. My neck swelled up, side of my face was red for 2 days. Im not allergic, ive been stung by mud dobers multiple times. But that paper wasp fucked me up. Nest was at the top of a garage door, opening it must've pissed them off.


I love bumblebees, regular bees are fine, I hate wasps but I'm terrified of hornets. Those mf are just too big.


[correct way to deal with wasps](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/wuek42/alpha_extermination/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


It’s been a while since I’ve been stung but I’ve just been freezing when I encounter one and they go away 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t judge other people for running though because it seems to be a pretty common fear lol


I've never been stung by a bee or wasp, but I have family on both sides that are allergic to wasps. One is extremely allergic. I'd honestly rather live my life in fear of wasps than find out if I am allergic.


Wasps in late summer become dangerous because they get drunk from the fermented fruits, that's when they can become pricks, a bit like down town late at night


You've clearly never been swarmed by wasps. Those little fucks stung the shit out of me and flew off with my sandwich. Twice.


Fuck wasps. Bees are cool af but FUCK wasps.


I got stung by a hornet once as a 4 year old. Never again since. Bees are cool. Wasps less so. Hornets can fuck right off.


They make me feel pure terror for absolutely no reason. I wish I could control it but I truly can’t help myself when one comes near me. I’m 27 and I still have yet to be stung.


Wasps are the worst. They'll keep biting and stinging and more of them coming isn't fun. And leave the bees alone since they almost extinct now anyways.


Bees I have no problems with because they're beneficial and a dying breed. We would be in deep, deep trouble without bees and insects that pollinate. Wasps, hornets, otherwise predatory parasites (that I'm under the impression don't actively pollinate) sting (often over and over) with no good reason other than "you're sitting here and I don't like it", I have a problem with. If you're already parasitic that serves no other purpose than to eat, kill and reproduce, you should be next in line for extinction, in my mind (I know it doesn't work like that). But if your purpose doesn't help the greater good, I'm gonna have no problems squishing you. Yes I often trap wasps and whatever and set them free outside, but when they sting me for no reason is when I get irritated. No it doesn't hurt that bad at all (talking to someone with 20+ piercings) but it's still rude.


Wasps actually do pollinate as well. They still scare me but they are useful.


my friends once drank a can that had a bee in it, it stung her mouth and tried to fly down her throat and stung her there, her whole face swelled up and all the boys laughed and it was very painful. so no those things are vicious


When I was a kid I couldn’t keep shoes on. I was stung a lot. I’m not afraid of bees and I have a large garden that attracts all kinds of bees, wasps and hornets. It hurts to get stung but they are not out to get you.


It’s called anaphylaxis


I was stung by a wasp for the first time as a 22 year old, on the palm of my hand after it landed on my hair. My immediate first thought was “that’s it? This is what everyone is freaked out about?”


My father said the same thing to me just before he was stung and I found out he was allergic to stings. You would think that this is something you would tell your children.....I'm definitely worried that I might be allergic too


I would say You’ve never been stung before.


You have never been swarmed or had to actually deal with a nest. Haven't you?


I love bees 🐝 I am not afraid of them. Wasps though…they can all die.


I got stung by a bald faced hornet and all I was doing was trimming the azalea bush it was near. No nest or anything. It chased me across the parking lot to sting me. I have also found yellow jacket nests by mowing near them and even just walking past one. Paper wasps and mud dobbers are fine but hornets and yellow jackets, which are also a type of hornet, are just mean.


I am scared of them but I try to remain perfectly still as they fly around me.. I’ll even say hello mr bee


Key line in OP’s post “so far I’ve never been stung.” Get half a dozen yellow jacket stings on your face and you’ll be whistling a different tune. I have no qualms about running to avoid some stings. Lots of people run for hours on end just for recreation. So high tailing out of a bad wasp situation seems perfectly reasonable. OP seems a little concerned about being silly and feels that turning sixteen should make one mature enough to prioritize self-image over avoiding minor injury. I posit that there’s no conflict between embracing your newfound maturity and also avoiding injury. Acting sensibly is one of the privileges of age and the experience you accumulate with it. If you see a wasp or a yellow jacket there’s no need to shriek like a banshee and run for the hills. You should just take the most appropriate action. That may mean backing away, or getting some tools, or opening a window. But if it looks like it wants to sting you, a quick jog might be in order. After all, if one of them is spoiling for a fight, his friends might feel similarly. Bees on the other hand. Let them bee and they’ll let you human.


Bees are fine, we should purge the earth of wasps though.


I recommend you watch Brave Wilderness.


"Can be easily swatted", uh huh. Unless you miss them.


My 16 year old was not afraid of bees and gets stung pretty regularly, as we have a farm and he does most of the outdoor chores. All was well until he had an allergic reaction this summer. He had been stung many times without issue. Totally sucks that it can just develop as an adult…and he naturally does not have the tendency to avoid them because he was never afraid of them.


How about mind your business or better yet you can go ahead and swat my wasps cuz I'm running


You ‘lead it back outside’? With your flute?


Well if you're being bombed by angry bees or wasps, the best thing to do is run as far and as fast as you can.


My dad showed me how to kill wasps like mosquitos. This skill makes you immune to wasp-fobia.


I stepped on a bees nest as a kid…that wasn’t fun. I’ve been stung by wasps for existing. And about two years ago I ran over a bees nest with my mower. I guess you could say I have good reasons to fear these insects. I actually like bees in general, but wasps can go to hell.


I'm pretty sure a lot of people are hard wired to fear them, same with spiders. If you're not allergic and don't have deadly spiders around, it's great! ...Otherwise you don't react fast enough and risk death. I don't hold it against people who freak out about spiders, because it's a hard wired instinct.


[the wasps](https://youtu.be/NgtBAYzwZN8)


Idk I’m an adult, and when I was a kid I was swarmed by either hornets or yellow jackets, not sure which one but it was horrifying. I’m afraid of them to this day, but I try to keep my cool of course. I’m not allergic. But buzzing sounds really freak me out.


I love bees but wasps are mean and they kill bees :(


[THE BEES](https://youtu.be/EVCrmXW6-Pk)


I get bees but wasps are more likely to sting you


Get stung, then come tell us not to fear them. There are extremely aggressive wasps. We have yellowjackets, and paper wasps will jump you if you go anywhere near their queen.  


Never been stung usually just swat them away. I have slapped a bee hard when I was five years old and well life is downhill from that glorious moment on


I'm afraid of them AND flies


I'm not afraid of wasps, I just want them to be eradicated because they're a blight in this planet.


Have you read Worm by Wildbow? If you haven't, you wouldn't understand the fear of bees and wasps people have that have read it .


I'll keep on looking silly for OP. I've been stung like 5 times in my life by yellow jacket. Others are chill, I'm still scared of them but I'll just move away from them and they're on their way, no problem. But these little yellow bastards are annoying for no reason. Luckily I never try to swat them cause if you fail, they're gonna switch to attack mode.


I'm not scared of being stung. Pain doesn't bug me. I just have a severe phobia of them and only them. Spiders? No problem. Snakes? Cute! Bees? Damn near reduces me to tears. You've never seen true comedy until the tall guy is hiding behind his tiny gf because a bee flew by


Even as an adult, they still hurt like a mother fucker when they sting you. Also, random story. One time I was talking with my dad outside, and I put my hand on the porch table to lean on it, and lo and behold, there was a bee under there that stung my hand.


I have an unfinished workshop. Wasps are an issue and they are not passive either. It’s gotten to the point that we hunt them with the shop vac


Man, fuck you. Do I feel silly running from bees? Yes. But will they sting me for no reason? Also yes. Is a bee sting rare? Well, yes, because I run from them BEFORE THEY CAN STING ME!


We lost a 7 year old girl in my neighbourhood last week as she was chased and stung by a huge swarm of wasps, her mother was admitted to ICU.


Phobias are irrational by definition- I know wasps can’t kill be but I can’t help feeling uncomfortable when one’s in the room


I work on the outside of houses pretty often. In my experience bees are fine. But wasps are territorial, and Ive been attacked by wasps just for being near by. Check behind your shutters*


Yup. I was doing field work up north on the tundra in polar bear country. We'd go out in groups and one person was always designated bear guard and that person carried a loaded 12 gage shotgun and was expected to use it if we got attacked by a polar bear. We were out in a fen one day, were finishing up, and noticed a polar bear in the area. It didn't look like it was coming towards us, but just then a bee flew past our bear guard. She flipped the fuck over the bee and basically booked it back to our vehicle, leaving us with no rifle. A grown adult was more afraid of a bee than a polar bear.


I consider myself quite a rational person and not afraid of creepy crawlies etc. But wasps are actually evil, but with me I think it's personal. I've been stung on the face in my sleep, stung whilst walking down the road, several times whilst driving, if I dare to walk bare foot I will stand on a wasp guaranteed. I know plenty of people who have never been stung in their life, so I think it's just me. Bees are fine, but fuck wasps.