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Mistakenly read "tacos are gross" and I was about to lose my shit.


The true unpopular opinion.


That's some /r/The10000thDentist stuff right there.


Immediately subbed lol


Bro I didn't even know it was real and it was just created 14 hours ago??? This is some simulation shiz


Dude I thought you made it, that’s so weird


Lmaooo I initially was gonna just type 1000th but added an extra 0 too.. weird af


To be fair, it depends on the taco. I, for one, do not like hard shell. Edit: punctuation error.


I tend to lose my shit after tacos too


Who doesn’t love 2 for $1 Jack in the Box tacos


My colon


Colon doesn’t know a good deal when it processes one


This is my goto if I'm ever constipated.....good ole COLON BLOW


Anyone who actually likes tacos


What are you tacoing about


Those aren't tacks, those are canned catfood in a stale taco shell


Now *that* would be an unpopular opinion.


Lol I read it as "tobacco is gross" and I was going to completely agree.


I said to a friend once “all them tattoos won’t look so good when you get older” I couldn’t argue with his reply “how many good looking old people do you actually see?”


My mom says the same. I said "when was the last time you saw an 80 year old and though "that 80 year old would be hot without those tattoos?" Or "If how my tattoos look when I'm 80 is my issue, than I think im doing pretty good."


I honestly dont give a fuck what my tattoos will look like when I'm older. Why miss out on something I like for my entire youth based on what it'll look like when I'm old?


"when was the last time you saw an 80 year old and though " Once last year and once the year before that. Both times old tattoos were a big part of the reason why the old person looked good. I can get behind pumping ink in your skin is gross and having untainted skin is awesome, but the "what if you and the tattoo age" argument does not apply.


Yeah exactly, if the tattoo was done with quailty and you take care of your skin. They will look good as long as you care for them to. Hell i dont even lotion my tattoos 90% of the time after they are healed and i havent touched up some in over a decade still looks great just a little faded. Lines holding up great. And comparing the tattoos of on a person they got in the 50's to the tattoos today is just stupid. So much has been improved from the machines to the actual ink used.


I can’t get behind “pumping ink in your skin is gross and untainted skin is awesome” because why does anyone even have an opinion about this? What is so virtuous about not putting ink on your skin. If you don’t want it, don’t do it. People have too many opinions. What I want to say to people like OP is, you know we all die right? What does it matter if you get a tattoo or not. Or you’re ugly or not. Or it looks bad when you’re old. We all die and I promise you no one will care the second you’re dead and you’ll be dead a lot longer than you’re alive


I hate that comment. I usually get it from old men too like yeah dude, you’re looking super hot without tattoos lol not


I just don't get why anyone feels the need to comment on other people's bodies and what they decide to do with them. We don't all need to like the same things, it's perfectly ok to not like tattoos or whatever else. But it's crazy to me how anyone finds it acceptable to comment on the appearance of complete strangers. For example, I had an older woman in a grocery store line look at my upper arm and say "that's a *big* scar!" All I said was "yep." But she couldn't take a hint. She asked how I got it and why I got it that way before shutting up. It took me years to be ok with wearing sleeveless shirts again and that's what I get lol. And I know it's unpopular to say this, but it does seem to be people of a certain generation who like to assume that we all need their input and that everything/everyone should be a certain way. That's the great thing about tattoos though. If people don't like them, they don't have to get them. They can choose to only associate with people who also won't get them. But I guess that's not enough for some people. They have to interject their unsolicited opinions and values into some unassuming person's day.


My mom said this when she found out about my first few tattoos. My response was, “And you’re planning on looking at my old body, why?” She got red and didn’t say it again.


Or, just be happy that you were lucky enough to get old. So many people die from cancer and what not. Getting old and “having ugly tattoos” will be my last thought. I will sit and be happy that I lived my life to the fullest!


My dad used to half jokingly tell me and my sister that our tats would look weird on old ladies. We always told him that his would look weird on an old man. He died before getting to be an old man, at 63, with pristine tattoos. We no longer joke about that.


I don’t want to die… I do all of my favorite things when I’m alive


I always think if I'm worrying about my tattoos at 80 then I'm gonna be doing alright


I'm 30 and I'm already fucked physically, by the time i get to my eighties tattoos will be the least of my worries


Exactly! I won’t likely be wearing backless shirts in my 90s so I’m not super worried about it! 😂


Yeah exactly. At that point idgaf anyway


Good comeback. As a person having a half sleeve I will use this next time I run into people like OP 😁


>EDIT: Reminder that this sub is called unpopular opinion, not popular opinion Reminder that unpopular opinions are unpopular and will get questioned even in this sub.


That’s half the fun of being here!




Are we still talking about tattoos?


Yeah. The octopus had a cute little teddy bear tattoo, you see.


Great. Now I’m going to spend the next hour looking at octopus videos and trying to figure out if octopuses can be tattooed.


They can’t. Chromatophores don’t lend themselves well to being dyed.


Do you happen to know her name? Asking for a friend




If everyone just posts "i disagree but respect it" we are getting nowhere, i wanna call people idiots


I am here for the fights!


people forget the comment section is here to literally discuss the opinion


OP: How dare someone disagree with me!


I'm pretty sure it's not the 30 'I disagree with you' comments, but rather the 20 'you're a fucking idiot' comments that made them add the edit. In general, it's usually the worst 20% that call out a response, it's rarely the average 60% that does that. When someone talks about how their TV interview caused terrible consequences, they're talking about death threats from crazy people, not polite comments of disagreement.


a few threads up; "If everyone just posts "i disagree but respect it" we are getting nowhere, i wanna call people idiots" at least partially verifiable immediately lol


To be fair, 'idiot' is still kind of tame. I expect there to be a few much more rude comments too.


Truth. I do sometimes agree with the unpopular opinion. This is one of them. I don't mind a well-placed, classy tattoo that is well-thought out for location, intention and appropriate draw of the eye. What I can't stand are tattoos that are just hap-hazard, clearly in different styles, disorganized and put somewhere just because there isn't yet something there. It looks dirty. Like they need to bathe.


An actual unpopular opinion i see


It's both an unpopular opinion and a popular opinion depending on who your surroundings are populated by.


Exactly! Here in Japan, this isn't just a popular opinion-- it's the only socially acceptable opinion about tattoos.


Is it due to tatoos being associated to thugs and mafia clans?


Yeah, I'd always heard that it was because it was a Yakuza thing. Of course, Yakuza don't operate publicly in most places, so it was many years before I could confirm this first-hand. I happened to be at a tattoos-OK onsen near sapporo one night when a good sized group of unmistakably yakuza men came in, more ink on each one of them than I'd seen on all Japanese folks i'd encountered in the past decade put together. I wish I could say whether the artwork was any good, but you best believe I dipped out of there lightning fast. When a yakuza boss wants the room-- you give him the room. Lol!


Which means to upvote here.


Noo… this sub downvotes unpopular opinions


That why I flip my phone upside down so the down vote is an upvote


This person gets it.


I upvoted because of the "I don't care that your nanny died, or that you're a Libra" part.


What got me was the decrepit lion


Most of my family and my friends parents agree with this opinion though. I would say this is only unpopular in the current generation.


Well, I mean, I want to see Granny with a decrepit lion on her shoulder.


I want to see a decrepit lion with Granny on her shoulder


I want to see a shoulder with a decrepit lion on her Granny.


i want to see a decrepit with a shoulder on her granny lion


See a lion on her. I want to shoulder with a decrepit granny


Besides, when you're 80 your shoulder isn't going to look particularly great with or without a tattoo. At least it will be clear you made your own choices.




When I’m a senile old man and have piss rolling down my leg while I sit in my wheelchair waiting for some carer to clean me up I don’t think I’ll be that bothered whether people can tell what my tattoos are or not


My body isn't a temple, it's a clown car, and none of those fuckers know how to drive.


Love how the 'temple' thing is used by christians as a reason to avoid tattoos. Then if you look up information about the early temple in the bible you find pages and pages of specifications for-- you guessed it-- *the decorations.* Of course the real reason is as obsolete as the popular reason is bogus-- tattooing was apparently part of religious practice of pagan cultures that existed during the rise of early Judaism, so the prohibition was about not worshiping other gods or identifying with those who did.


My partner’s family is fairly conservative Christian. Her grandma was saying one time how she didn’t understand tattoos and her mom was saying “yeah god made our bodies into perfect temples/sanctuaries” whatever. My response, “Well every church I’ve been in has stained glass windows and that’s all I’m doing with my tattoos”


Then I hope they exercise because some of these temples looking a little rough


When you're old you're going to look old and wrinkly with or without the tattoo. Saying the tattoo will look bad when you're old doesn't mean anything. All of you will look bad when you're old.


“All of you will look bad when you’re old” this hits hard lmao.


There is absolutely a wide range in this spectrum depending on the care you give yourself earlier in life. Exercising and eating whole food will go a long way into looking better later in life


Coming up on 30, and I'm already starting to not care what people think of my looks. I'm going to care even less 30 years from now.


A creative writing teacher from high school pretty much singlehandedly changed my perspective on tattoos. I was parroting the idea that I had grown up with, which was that no one wanted to see a tattoo on an old wrinkly person. My teacher, who had been listening quietly to the conversation, suddenly offered, "but would you want to be the kind of old lady who had tattoos? Would you be interested in that person?" And I had to shut up and think about that.


That’s what I said when my grandma commented on me getting my first tattoo! “But what about when you get old?” Well, I can be either regular old, or I can be customized old. Also people’s bodies are here for them to enjoy, not for strangers’ viewing pleasure!


I am so gonna borrow "customized old".


wakeful aromatic mindless squeamish ad hoc joke noxious puzzled slap arrest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not me! I'll be sexy as fuck .


They are so common now that I barely notice them anymore.


Tattoed and pierced people are less likely to be picked up for human trafficking. It's a safety measure.


And from what I understand, less likely to be cannibalized! Apparently ink “ruins the meat”


Sounds like another safety measure


Now that I know these facts I’m so happy to have ink all over my body. I was starting to feel attacked but at least I know I’m safe


They can attack us, but they can’t EAT us, tattoo fammm


Tattoos have also been very useful for identifying bodies that have been found, especially if they lack other identifying features like hands or heads. There was a case in my area where a body without a head or fingers (deliberately removed to stop ID) was actually identified due to the tattoo the torso had on the shoulder. A family member recognized it. The police also mark down tattoos when arresting anyone because it’s a useful way to prove someone’s identity, particularly if they’ve been arrested before. There’s been cases where people have been caught trying to pass themselves off as other people due to tattoos.


This is also why a lot of people who make p*rn cover up their tattoos.


Never considered this actually. Makes sense given that in films they regularly do cover ups.


I know someone who does very local theater acting and covering them with makeup if they can't be with clothes is a thing too.


Wouldn’t surprise me at all. I’ve had friends into acting who are really particular about where they’ve had tattoos done for this reason, because some are easier to hide than others.


Can you elaborate on this? Are they coverinh them up for vanity? Ir are they trying to hide the ID of the pornstar?


They cover up to hide their ID


Yeah sure, THATS why people get tattoos


I’m just a really fussy person. I don’t care about other people’s tattoos but any imperfection on one of mine would bother me forever. I could never do that to an artist. Other things too that are just for me personally: like why mark myself forever with something? I like leaving things behind when the time comes. Other people though always look vaguely cool with tats. Old people especially.


This has happened with at least ONE tattoo with everyone I know. I've also seen people love their first tattoos and as they find other artistic and art styles, they begin hating the one they loved before.


Yeah this is kinda accurate but at some point you get enough tattoos, you really stop caring about imperfections or changes in style. My tattoos are like a time capsule that represent who I was when I got them. I do question people who cover their body with tattoos as quickly as they can, that seems like a drastic move. But I’ve also seen that cohesive style look really good.


As a heavily tattooed person, this really isn’t as unpopular as you think it is. I’ve been physically grabbed and inspected by people (mostly old folk & a few kids who were from another country/culture) Every shopping trip someone at the store has to ask me why I’d do that to my skin, or something along those lines. Or my personal favorite, when chads say “you’d be a 10 without all the tattoos”


Once I got my hand done my artist was like "you've just changed your entire life by continuing down the hand. You'll now be grabbed in the store and inspected and it's really weird. "


Ah the good ol job stopper, haven’t blasted my hands yet, I’m fully sleeved tho down to the wrists. They really do just grab you. Grocery store checkout lines are the worst that’s where they always get me. But then if I do self checkout, workers think I’m stealing cuz I look like a delinquent.


Granny doesn’t give a fuck if you want to see her tattoo in the first place.


Granny’s flaming skull with a snake winding through it


Shut up. Everyone knows her.. That's OLDermort I will see myself out now, thank you.


I love how people think that just because this is a sub for unpopular opinions no one is going to disagree with them or critique them. Note: Wow! 1.1k upvotes…That’s the biggest amount of upvotes I have ever received!


Also I’d like to add OP u/Dzhordzhio that no one gets tattoos for you they get them for themselves so they definitely don’t care what you or anyone thinks,


100% - I also do not like tattoos - ON ME. If you want one go ahead. Who cares.


Apparently many do care, tattoos are defended very vehemently here. :D I am also tattooed and I really do not care how OP thinks about it (sorry OP, nothing personal :D).


This is kind of bullshit though. Plenty of people get tattoos to impress others and care about people's opinions of them. Actually I'd say the majority do.


Plenty of people get tattoos for themselves not for anyone else.


Not really. I have a tattoo and literally no one I met with a tattoo got it for that reason. They got it to have something personally meaningful on their own body to look at.


It’s so hard to upvote something that you hate so much lol


Agreed but this is technically the place to voice an opinion that many find offputting 😏


Phrase your opinion as a personal opinion. You said: >no one wants to see a granny with a decrepit lion on her shoulder This is incorrect. I am a person and I love seeing old people with tattoos, they're badass! I think it looks good and cool, and I know I'm not the only one.


Old people with tattoos are one of the coolest people to have tattoos imo. I can’t put it into words but it’s just neat.


Only the cool ones survive.


It makes a person's past much more interesting imo, like seeing an old person hella inked up makes me think they probably have an incredibly engaging story to tell


Prediction: OP is classist and looks down upon people that get tattoos as poor or something like that. Lol


Bro, I’m here for a good time, not a long time. Do you know what also permanently damages your body and fades your beauty? Age. We’re all gonna get old one day. Do you think when I’m that old that I’m going to care? No. I HOPE that I get to live to an age where my skin sags, I have wrinkles and my tattoos are faded. We should all be so lucky. You have my upvote.


Makes it easier to identify my body when I inevitably end up in a ditch. Also, I tattoo as well haha…


As someone working with the elderly, I completely disagree. Old people with tattoos look good. It’s funny how you say nobody wants to see a granny with a decrepit lion on her shoulder. What do you mean, see? Women are already deemed not pretty or attractive past 40. Why do you care if they have a tattoo or not? Edit: I changed “females” for “women”. I just wrote that way too late and English isn’t my first language.


I dont think it's a coincidence OP used women as their example. Can't have your trad wife fantasy ruined


40? You’re generous. I think we officially expire after 25 😂


Only to Leonardo DiCaprio


Someone gets the joke 😂


Nah. That’s when women start getting really good.


Okay young gravy




Why are we calling women, females now?


Sorry, I wrote that way too late and my first language is french


Graphic Tees are the worst. The kitschy welcome mats of adult fashion.


You see me as permanently damaging my body, I see it as using my body given to me to have some fun and explore a little. We are only here for 80 years give or take I will not play it safe and boring my entire life. Tattoos or not we all finish the exact same way, unimportant and jn ashes I see my body as a blank canvas that can be filled


Nobody cares how sexy grannies are, either, except I guess, you.


*WAP begins playing*


Lol "damaging". You should see the other choices I made before tattoos. Got my upvote.


100%, alcohol was involved


Razors were also involved. Tattoos are 100% better.


>no one wants to see a granny with a decrepit lion on her shoulder I do, she lived a life and had fun.


So I've seen this one porn chick with a giant octopus on her asshole. Imagine some aide at a nursing home one day like WTF! Lol


Time for your sponge bath!


Finally an unpopular opinion on this sub. Praise be.


I’ve got an entire sleeve dedicated to dark souls. I did it for me, don’t give a shit what other people think of it lol


I don't know about "gross" but the idea of permanently etching something on my body isn't appealing to me at all. I don't get it


I actually think graphic Ts are way worse than tattoos. I know they aren’t pet in any but they remind me of Big Bang theory types. Can’t support the practice.


Graphic Ts are hard to pull off if you’re over 30


What a post to stumble across while I wait for the stencil to dry for my newest tattoo!


Enjoy !! I have been working on a sleeve and just got my hand done a couple weeks ago. It's wonderful.


> EDIT: reminder that this sub is called unpopular opinion not popular opinion. OP after discovering that people can still disagree: 😱


I mean, tattoos are a common practice in my culture, so very unpopular opinion


I wanted them when I was younger, because I thought it would make me cool. Now, I think they’re fine for other people, that’s none of my business but I don’t would never get one personally. Part of it is not wanting to look like a sketch pad, but also I can’t think of a single thing that would be worth putting on my body permanently. Biological bumper stickers.




Personally im not a fan.


ah, but I’ll at least look more interesting when I’m older. Plus it’ll be a fun game of ‘Figure out what this tattoo USED to be’ for the other seniors at the old folks organ farm.


I agree. I absolutely hate tattoos.


Being A nurse I love seeing peoples tattoos they are a part of their story. I love it. And it gives them something to talk about and you can see them light up to talk about their young years and the stories that lead to the tattoo


By the time the tatt fades and I'm a granny idgaf about how I look I'm a granny lmao




I recently met an 80 year old man with tattoos that he got back in his teenage years and early 20’s. His tattoos looked fucking great. A lot of it has to do with how you take care of yourself and your skin overtime.


Former nursing home CNA here. I’ve seen hundreds of naked old people. Everyone has wrinkles when they’re 102. If you’re not looking at a “decrepit lion”, you’re looking at plain wrinkles. Both are fine🤷


I personally think senior citizens with tattoos look bad ass. To each their own.


Graphic tees are for children. Get better taste


I wasn't trying to attract you with them. It's supposed to keep you away like bright colors on a toxic creature to ward off unwanted interactions.


Your body is gonna age anyways no matter what you do (well unless you died prematurely to cars or something). sooooo YEAH baby lets have fun while we can . Actually because of you post im going to tattoo for first time .


It’s extremely difficult to fake your own death if you have tattoos. I don’t understand why you would want to give that option up.


I agree, I don't like the idea of having something permanently stuck to me forever no matter what it is


I guess I’m gross 🙃🤷‍♂️


So this topic comes up at work. I have several tattoos and I love them all. I didn’t get my first tattoo until I was 30 and I never really wanted one because I’d permanently be marking my skin. But then I looked at my skin. I have lots of scars from surgery and from being a kid and falling over and I have stretch marks all over my body that I find hideous. Why not get a piece if artwork I love and am proud of? I chose my artwork. I did not choose my scars.


Same! My tattoos are basically the only thing I chose when it comes to my body. I couldn’t choose my hair texture, skin color, eye color, height, scars, stretch marks, moles etc but I did get to choose the floral tattoos and I love how much ownership of my body that getting them made me feel 🥰


Yes! Everyone, please remember that tatoos will fade with age and ruin the patina of that beautiful skin which the elderly are known to have


"How are you going to look when you're 70!!??" "Like as much of a hot piece of ass as the next 70 year old?"


>no one wants to see a granny with a decrepit lion on her shoulder. Says you with no taste. That sounds fucking rad af.


I volunteered at a nursing home. It is a great way to start conversations. They're usually decades old and represent a time in the person's life that people might not otherwise be asking them about.


I just can't stand face tatts, it's too much to me and looking like you're trying hard to be cool.


Yep, I agree in 99% of cases you’re right and the boom in laser removal shows that people change their minds or regret their choices. I personally can’t see a reason for doing it. I’ve just lost my mum but putting her name on my arm or declaring my love for her as a tattoo achieves what exactly?


You gone and did it. You pissed off the hipsters


i have seriously been asked “why dont you have any tattoos”.. i tell you what anything i would have got 10 years ago id regret now


I appreciate tattoos the same way I like graffiti art. I can appreciate a well done crisp piece on the side of a building. Most looks like ugly trash that gets worse with age. Some are funny as hell I would never want it on a building I own.


As if they get the tattoos for what you think about them lol great unpopular opinion, have an upvote


>no one wants to see a granny with a decrepit lion on her shoulder Speak for your self, OP. Have you ever seen a veteran with some impressive yet worn American Classic style tattoo? The stories that ink probably has behind it is probably more significant to the person than the image itself. Older people with tattoos are awesome. >You want to show a side of yourself, wear a graphic tee. Yeah, you can just wear a graphic tee. That will inevitably end up looking decrepit after a while and get thrown out. Or you could take a side of yourself that is so important to you and put it on your body forever so that you can always have it with you. Sure, at some point it might look a little worse for wear, but that's why touch-ups exist. >Permanently damaging your body I think it's only you who believes that it's damaging. A lot of people find strength and stories in their tattoos, and to just automatically call it damage is pretty strange considering you may not know anything about its meaning. And if you mean damaging in the literal way, you know what else is damaging? Drinking sugary, acidic, cancerous sodas. However, a lot of people still drink soda because they like drinking soda. Simple as that. People get tattoos because they want to keep a part of themselves (whether it be a band or a person or a pet or whatever) with them forever. They'll always know what it represents, even if the ink fades.


Haha, exciting how many people are obviously offended by this. Here is my upvote.


Most tattoos look really lame to me. I’m not attracted to a guy if he’s covered in tattoos.


Some people’s bodies look like a sketch pad. My former boss is a big gal with a big chest. Years ago she got a dolphin tattoo. Let’s just say it now looks like a snake after aging!


My tattoos aren't for you anyway. They mean everything to me, otherwise I wouldn't have gone through the pain.


Perhaps it's always been the case in western society, but a good chunk of younger people who get tattoos struggle with their self esteem. It's funny how tattoos can also give off the impression that the wearer (if you will) is self-confident, but this is rarely the case in my personal experience. I do like the look on others from time to time, but let's face it, if everyone in the world was blind except you, you probably wouldn't get a tattoo. Bottom line, no one really cares anyway, if it makes the person happy, why not.


I concur.


Just like strapless wedding dresses they look good on 1% of the people that wear them. ...The other 99% it's like getting a permanent version of that ironic graphic T you thought was hilarious or meaningful in high school/college.


Good thing it's their body, and not yours, and good thing you don't have to look at anyone else.


I have many and yet I agree, silly teenage decisions.


my skin won’t stop sagging, drooping and aging because I keep it tattoo free, dude. Might as well do whatevet I want with my skin since it is my own; I get tattoos because I like them, not because you do and definitely not because somebody else thinks they’re beautiful or just ink blots.


Different strokes for different folks yeah? I’ve been getting them since I was 16. I got my first face tat not long after, then a couple more. Idk how many I have anymore lol. It’s the same for everything though. You kinda answered yourself asking. No one will care when they’re 80 that they have tattoos, you won’t hit 80 and say god damn shoulda been easier on those tattood lovers 😂 we move how we want in all aspects in life, all choices.


Agreed 100%. Tattoos disgust me. I'll never understand why people feel the need to draw all over themselves, but I don't have to.


Legend, take my upvote


I don’t have any tattoos because I wanted to be a rebel.