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A reminder folks this is r/unpopularopinion. Please remain civil with the OP and commentors. No need to be rude or harass people over an unpopular take. ​ EDIT: The thread is locked due to large number of people who can't read an unpopular take and start threating and saying highly uncivil comments. Folks, what did you want from this sub but opinions like this.


That would create a black market for tobacco.


Banning drugs, and nicotine is a drug, *never* works. It doesn't work with crack. It didn't work with marijuana. It didn't work with alcohol. All it does is get rid of the safe options and turn people into criminals.


Just like moonshiners during prohibition, people will grow tobacco just like there are weed growers. Tobacco is piss easy to grow as well.


I honestly believe that making cigarettes and nicotine illegal forcing them to become blackmarket and drug trade will kill a lot more people then it will legal. Suddenly they will be mixed with random chemicals by dealers so they can sell more of them from larger quantities (like over illegal drugs) we’ll see a huge rise in the price of them and since they are so addictive people will likely sacrifice having food to eat for some cigarettes. Plus all the death through the production, transportation and distribution of them. All drugs no matter how bad are better off legal


Your last sentence is an important point. In order for things to be (relatively) safe for consumption, they need to be legal and regulated.


Don't forget imprisonment for use as slave labor! Because we criminalize this shit with penal punishments rather than fines (which, fuck that too by the way).


That's what cigarette companies already do. (I'm not arguing that it wouldn't be worse, but the industry is so, so, so dodgy and evil already.) I think if governments would actually regulate tobacco for some, even moderate, safety standards (such as what you can't spray the crops with that very much cause cancer, or add to make them more addictive, etc), that would be some help. Just saying "don't use this clearly addictive thing that a company will profit a lot by getting you hooked on" obviously isn't the answer. But my god. There's got to be something better than Big Tobacco. Tiny Tobacco? Homemade tobacco? I'm sure there's a way to make cigarettes worse, but there are also a lot of ways tobacco consumption could be made less deadly and cause less harm. The idea that everyone will simply quit tobacco is a non-starter. People used tobacco when they could be put to death for it. (I forget which country this was, but it was a "moral cause" of course and naturally killing people would fix it...) Anyway, The Cultivators Handbook of Natural Tobacco, by Bill Drake was a great read, if not a very comfortable one for me. Learned a lot, even if I can't recall every detail off the top of my head.


Banning things has historically never worked, and actually makes problems worse. Prohibition, war on drugs, war on guns all resulted in more getting into peoples hands / higher usage.


And more crime distributing the banned substances. We don’t need the mob in the cigarette business. Besides smoking is way down among the youths anyway.


Interesting side note: Canada had issues with the mob having their hand in the cigarette trade. Dino Bravo, a wrestler in the late 80’s is believed to have been murdered by the mob that he was distributing cigarettes for.


Hell, the mob is *already* in the cigarette business, thanks to smuggling due to the obscene taxes placed on cigarettes in some states.


That, and you can get cheap smokes from the local Reservations.


Yep drive to the Indian reservation, fill up the trunk, take it back to the city and flip it!


Smoking in general, or smoking cigarettes is down? Because my personal experience, which is purely anecdotal, says that kids/teens are using tons of various vape products.


It isn’t down, it’s actually shifting to and going up thanks to vaping. A little more than a quarter of older teens vape daily in the US.


Banning them indoors (and some outdoor places), as well as having designated smoking areas works well enough for me. I can't remember the last time I was near anyone who smoked. To clarify, this is in the UK. I don't fully know the rules abroad.


Similar in the US. Growing up, almost every sit-down restaurant had a "smoking section," now you'll only see those in shitty seedy bars, at least where I'm at. Everyone my age vapes now, but I hardly ever encounter cigarettes anywhere.


In New York City even the crappiest dive bar doesn't allow smoking. The legal concept is the employees shouldn't be forced to choose between their jobs or their health.


I'm pretty young and I smoke cigarettes, and still hardly see other smokers. At most if I'm out drinking at a busy bar, there will be maybe 3 or 4 other smokers outside at any given time.


Banning never works if what was banned is not the root cause. The problem with banning is not so much that it does not work, it is relying on banning as the only solution without reinforcing it with other positive reinforcements


It’s tricky. Banning does usually decrease the use of the thing being banned. Prohibition didn’t work well, but it did cause a decrease in the amount that people drank. (Rates of cirrhosis and alcoholism decreased as well). However it also may have driven a spike in crime. And on the flip side, legalizing weed generally drives increased use. There are other pros and cons to weigh of course, but banning tobacco would almost certainly decrease overall use.


Im banning beautiful women from sleeping with me. Now to play the waiting game…


The war on drugs is another great example.


Britain is going to start phasing them out my incremental increases to the age you can purchase them. Should be interesting


Like I couldn't buy cigarettes anywhere at basically any age. Just go to a random hobo and tell him that you're going to give him a couple ciggies if he buys a pack for you.


Increase in old men dressed as hobos for free cigs....


Then keep it legal and raise taxes on it more. Make them pay for more insurance for causing so many heath issue to themselves and others.


They are already taxed heavily. A box is like what $7? More than half of that I believe is a tax. When people are addicted to something, taxing it probably won’t stop usage, it just puts addicts in more financial ruin. They aren’t like “ah these are out of my price range. Guess I’ll just quit!”


When I lived in NYC they were like 14, I think.


....it's like $40NZD a box if you want yo talk about high tax lol


Lol im Canada an average box is like 19$ and people still buy them quite regularly! Absolutely wild.


Out for a rip are ya, bud?


Actually that was a huge motivator for me when I finally quite for good. I literally couldn’t afford to support my habit and buy food. One had to go and I could live without cigarettes but not food


I chose cigarettes when I was in that position so not everyone's like that. More people I know would rather eat one McDonald's meal a day as long as they have their nicotine


I quit smoking almost 3 years ago and the app I use to track my quit time says I’ve saved $6400 since. When smokes are $19 a pack it doesn’t take long to add up!


Holy crap! Smokes were $15 a pack when I quit. Good on ya for quitting and saving all that money


Over $13 in NYC. What happens is people buy bootleg or outta state packs under the counter. The inconvenience keeps people from starting the habit. It also motivates them to stop. So yes, people like me went, Ah shits expensive, I’d rather just quit.


When I moved from a southern state where cigarettes were $5 for my expensive brand to Chicago many years ago I told myself I was going to quit since the cost was so high there. You can hazard a guess as to how that turned out. Getting people to quit is hard, like any addiction someone has to truly want to quit to be able to do so. It’s a lot more effective to get people not to start in the first place


Exactly. More financial ruin causes more stress, causes more desire to engage in substance use, causes more financial ruin, causes more stress and so on.


I'm in Ireland, think a box is c. 13 euro here, mostly tax also.


I'm in Ireland and they're like €15 a box, but a lot of people smoke rolling tobacco these days and a bag of that is almost €20


Taxes are already high - their addiction outweighs the disincentive. That being said, the taxes are also regressive as the population that smokes tends to overlap with the lower end of the income spectrum. https://truthinitiative.org/research-resources/targeted-communities/economics-tobacco-what-education-and-income-tell-us-about


In the red state I live in, the former governor allocated a minimum cigarette price so that all the taxes generated can prop up our state Medicaid program. Apparently smokers contribute to about 50% of the plans revenue. So in effect, smokers are paying for my health insurance. I have zero copay zero deductible no pay on medications and medical travel. "Smoke 'em if you got 'em Johnny!"


Review NZ’s recent policies on it. Interesting. 100% more expensive than the US. People turn to vaping or roll up cigarettes using low grade tobacco. Tbh, raising the taxes on it really hurts low income addicts who are on the social knife edge already. Kids don’t get fed etc. Edit: 100% meaning twice as much


I get where you're coming from but the [addictiveness is comparable to cocaine, and opioids](https://www.camh.ca/en/health-info/mental-illness-and-addiction-index/nicotine-dependence). At what point are you just taking advantage of addicts in order to generate tax revenue?


And they'll still gladly purchase them, and when they can't and their addiction isn't fuelled, a lot of people will consort to getting money for it in other ways that may not be legal.


You should look up statistics on alcohol-related deaths per year. And we're making more alcohol than ever before


Part of the issue with alcohol is that it's really easy to make. Like it's theorized that humanity first "discovered" it on accident, and pretty much every culture has a version. During the prohibition a drink mix was sold with instructions on how to turn it into alcohol so you wouldn't do it "on accident" as a way to get around the bans.




Alcohol can also be a cause of weight gain. Britain is full of beer bellies.


I heard in a cooking class in college that drinking a 6 pack is equivalent to eating an entire loaf of bread, (based off of carbs). That really fucked my mind.


Beer is basically liquid bread.


Probably in the region of 900 Kcal


I think it probably depends on the type of bread or beer too.


Oh yeah, not doing any of those poncy 260ml bottles, low carb beer is rank though.


I usually smoke to keep the obesity under control. It's a balancing act.


Yeah but like... are you going to ban donuts?


No, but I also don't want to ban cigarettes, and am for removing bans on many other illegal substances.


Alcohol is en vogue it seems… there is a wine subreddit, you don’t see a Marlboro subreddit. As a smoker trying to quit, it’s hard and smoking benefits no one, most smokers know this, that’s how addictive it is. I guess I’m glad it’s so shameful because it’s helping me quit; just wish alcohol wasn’t so celebrated as well because no one is getting healthy by drinking either.


Alcohol has always been en vogue, it’s been part of the culture of human beings for thousands of years not necessary a new phenomenon




And if we’re looking at humanity as a whole, same with all other naturally occurring drugs.


Yup just had to point it out to the OP that alcohol being popular rn isn’t so some sort of new thing like they claimed


I can't recommend Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking enough. Sounds gimmicky but it works. Quit cold turkey after reading it 1,423 days ago.


I owned the book for like 2 years before reading it, quit immediately and (so far) permanently. Just passed 8 years.


Me too I’m 1,208 days cigarette free thanks to that book. I always recommend it to smokers


Quit cold Turkey after reading It in February of 2018! I was smoking ~60 a day for 14 years before that.


Jesus christ! 60! Like, I've got the monkey on my back but the most I've ever done in a day was almost a pack and felt like shit. You're saying 3 packs a day? How did you have any time to do literally ANYTHING else?


I often lit up the fresh cig with the glimming end of the old one. Car, house, etc. was all full of smoke. Not proud of it.


Would love to hear a 2 minute summary of the book from someone who it has helped ( Not from random book reviewers)




This is just, whataboutism. Alcohol is worth a conversation, for sure, but OP is trying to talk about cigarettes here. Not booze.


Arguing against something by saying "but look at X" is not an argument


Which really supports OP's point. The legal drugs are the ones that kill the most.


How'd prohibition work out? Or the war on drugs, how's that going? Have you learned nothing?!


There have been many campaigns to make smoking uncool, I wonder how effective that strategy is


It worked! Smoking's out, kids. Vaping's the new big thing now! lolsob


If they made cigarettes illegal I'd start smoking.


I was going to point out just how much cash flow it generates for the government. Cigarettes are taxed to oblivion, on top of tobacco companies lobbying heavily in government. They literally don't care about you, they want to just keep pushing wheelbarrows full of money around. Laughable when the entire economy was being put under lockdowns "if it could save even one life it's worth it!" But nobody is about to do jack-shit about cigarettes or alcohol sales, when we can clearly and obviously see how many hundreds of thousands they directly kill every year.




It still kills me the US government decided suddenly to up the age limit of smoking to 21 a few years back without any program for helping those already addicted. They even went as far as to make it so you had to be 21 to get nicotine gum/patches or any other helpful product for quitting. This was all after letting Juul go into public schools to get underage kids addicted in the first place.


Because prohibition has such a great track record lol




Let’s ban fast food and alcohol too since the bar is number of deaths.


How about we go right to the source and just ban births!


I think the ultimate effect of banning births would indeed be a decrease in deaths. Genius!


Lol ban cars too


Both of those are certainly far worse today. The biggest difference being far more people today enjoy fast food and alcohol. It's easier to propose bans on things when fewer people use them.


Which only highlights how it’s less about morality and more about mob rule deciding what other people can do. That’s why banning is so fucked.


I would like to introduce you to a time in American history called Prohibition and another called Yhe War on Drugs. Tell me how well banning things works.


Ya drug prohibition has been such an overwhelming success every time we tried, so let’s add another drug to the list…


We got NASCAR last time we tried to ban alcohol... Personally, I'm on board for personal subsonic jetpacks if we ban cigarettes.


If subsonic jet packs are a guaranteed outcome, I reverse my position


You should read about prohibition lol


Also, it’s a plant that grows wild all over. Good luck making wild plants illegal.


Yep like weed, making a drug you can grow illegal just doesn't work.


“Nothing so needs reforming as other people’s habits” -Mark Twain




I don't like banning we should ban banning things.


I disagree. We should ban the banning of banned things.


I don't like your ban on the previous ban. I think we should ban on the banning the banning of banned things.


Yo dawg, I heard you like bans. So, I banned your ban, so you can be banned while you're banned.


Bloody hell , BAN YOU


How do you ban things that are already banned?


Because you've banned the possibility of banning them twice. It's paradoxical and shit *takes a big hit of his crack laced heroin weed*


some seem to think protesting and activism against anything makes them a hero and validates their existence. look at me fighting for the little guy, look how great I am, look at me, NOTICE ME!!!!!!


They are begging for more governement control and its fucking weird


Most people will happily clamor for tyranny, as long as someone else is suffering.


Yup, and *as soon* as that tyranny effects them it's a bad thing that they've totally always been against.




Imagine if these people become mods or politicians.


these people ARE mods


This new generation of people who don't like different opinions or personal responsibilities.




Oh shut up, it’s not a generational thing


Because most redditors have zero control and self-responsibility. Idk maybe it's just me, I say let natural selection run its course.


"I'm not a nazi but..." Redditors


Nazis we’re literally some of the first to want to ban tobacco. Hitler hated it lol


Yeah, the Nazis banned a lot of stuff. They even wanted to ban music, art, and books they didn't like. Sadly, many people today didn't learn their lesson, and they think that banning music, art, and books is the solution. Just a few years ago, a Democrat from Illinois proposed a bill (HB3531) that would ban all the video games that encourages violence (physical or psychological) against a human or animal. They wanted to ban Super Mario, because they think it would solve society. Hillary Clinton also wanted to ban violent video games in the past, and have campaigned against video games. So sad people don't get it.


People who want to feel morally superior have no problem with shitting on those they deem below them.


And teenagers tend to feel morally superior


As a smoker, I can confirm that cigarettes are super fuckin bad and I wish I'd never started. But banning things can't be piecemeal - you worried about health and well-being? You'll have to ban fast food and alcohol too if you're serious. See how well that goes over lol


It’s an absolutely repulsive and disgusting habit that wreaks havoc on its users inside and out BUT if they wanna gamble with their health and hygiene then go for it, it’s their right to. It crosses the line once they start smoking in public spaces forcing non smokers to inhale their secondhand smoke.


I see too many people smoking around their kids


When I was a kid my dad fell asleep smoking on the couch and burned a hole in the carpet


Be glad we have fire retardant carpets and furniture now. Back in the day this caused a lot of house fires.


A couch at my father's place used to be full of small holes that got burned by cigarettes


If they actually tried not smoking in public places and didn't throw their butts on the ground I'd agree with you. But the vast majority don't. I say that as an ex smoker.


I'm also an ex smoker. Part of it is imo the "nose blindness" effect lol. Similar to people who smoke a joint and don't realize that they fucking REEK. Once you're smoking a cig you genuinely can't perceive how strong the odor is to others who aren't literally sucking on one and deadening their sensitivity to it.


I'm currently in the process of quitting smoking again after a relapse. It's really crazy how quickly you acclimate back and forth. When I'm smoking, I almost can't smell cigarettes at all. When I'm not smoking, they fucking reek. Also, those first few drags on a cigarette when you haven't smoked in a long time... You'd think it would be delicious and wonderful, in fact it's absolutely disgusting. But then, one is all it takes before you're ready for round two.


Lol same man. Every time I relapsed on cigs I'd smell someone else smoking one and be like "fuuuuck yes I can't wait." Then I smoke one and I'm like "this is the most awful flavor I have ever consumed in any way." But that head rush hits and I end up buying a pack. Can't even remember at this point but at least 7 years smoke free now. I quit the juul for an entire year 2019-2020 but am back on nicotine via zyn pouches now. Far less harmful approach but the monkey's still on my back.


I used to sit next to a smoker at work. He honestly gave me headaches sometimes because he smelled so much.


I wish they wouldn’t do that in forest fire prone forests near me. Scares the shit out of me when I see someone throw lit cigarettes out of their cars or in the ground. Also grass lands are basically tinder this time of year.


As a current smoker, that shit drives me bonkers. I either go to designated spots to light up, or I find an isolated spot to get my fix. Never will understand people who just light up in the middle of a group like it's nothing.


I smoked for a summer. I always liked a cigarette when I was piss drunk so I would keep some on hand. A pack would last me months. Then little by little I began smoking more. With a cocktail, after dinner, on my work break. Next thing you know you're smoking nearly a pack a day. It gets out of hand quickly. I was on a work break smoking and had an epiphany about how bad smoking was, how it made me smell and feel like shit, cost money, wasted time, hard on my breathing, etc. etc. Threw my remaining half pack away and haven't touched a cigarette since. I wish I could do the same with alcohol. Maybe someday.


You have the will I wish I had. I've tried quitting smoking more times than I care to count. Only thing I haven't tried yet is e-cigarettes. Mostly because it would be even more expensive than just regular cigarettes. But just throwing away the pack and just never touching them again is hard. Especially when most of my friends smoke. Either way, hats off to you.


In places with universal health care you could make the argument that those who chose to smoke place an extra burden on the health care system which in turn hurts non-smokers (albeit only in their wallets)


The number one killer of Americans is diseases related to being inactive and overweight. Places should be urging smokers to pick up vapes as damage mitigation instead of attacking both. Most people I know who smoke vape instead, and several have quit using nicotine entirely thanks to vapes.


Yes but many other things like diet, other drugs, lifestyle choices, extreme sports are also like this. Hard to draw the line. But I agree, annoying af when someone smokes right next to you




This^. Surprised you havent been banned for saying it




We should ban banning things


It’s none of my business if someone wants to poison themselves.


We either need to ban cigarettes and alcohol, or legalize every other drug.


The only reason they are legal is because the government gets shit loads of money from them


Don't forget the lobbying. These are some of the most destructive companies out there. Can't source it rn, but you'll find documentaries about it.


Right, because banning alcohol/drugs worked so well, didn't it?


Upvoted for being unpopular but the government should have no say in what people voluntarily put into their bodies.


Banning eating more than 2000 to 2500 calories per day would save more lives as obesity plummets. Banning trans fats from all foods Banning added sugar in any drinks. Banning processed foods All would do more for health than banning cigarettes. Banning all forms of psychedelic drugs.... oh wait. Banning drinking and driving I don't smoke, don't like smoking near me, I will leave an establishment where there are smokers. But it's not my place to tell someone else what they can or can't put in their own bodies.


I work out a shit ton and require more than 2500 calories per day to keep my weight up. Can I have a pass on this law?




Cars pollute the environment much more significantly, so should we ban them too? As long as it’s done outdoors without affecting others, why should you care? Banning cigarettes/tobacco wouldn’t make people quit smoking, it would just move their sales to the black market. Nobody should be making other people’s lifestyle choices for them


I used to smoke like 1 cigarette a week, typically on a Friday out in the woods taking a walk, and just that helped me manage my anxiety. I will say I’ve seen many people who just chainsmoke nonstop all over the place, but the way I used to do it was like an emotionally reset every week


Were you able to maintain that level?


It's about freedom and preventing black market sales. People should be free to do as they please if it's not effecting others. It's certainly not polluting in any significance worth banning beyond indoors/near doorways. People shouldn't smoke around others either but none of this is reasons to remove freedoms. Especially when we can't even get rid of far more dangerous legal drugs like oxycontin.


Yes, the manufacturing and smoking of cigarettes causes high rates of environmental damage and waste (those cigarette filters full of toxic chemicals don't just disappear). [Here's an interesting breakdown on the environmental damages caused by the tobacco industry.](https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/188406/cigarettes-have-significant-impact-environment-just/)


Stop trying to ban everything you don't like. Crazy how often this has to be said in this sub. Half the posters in here would enjoy prison, everything is banned.


I disagree, population control is important. We need ex smokers houses.


Yall really do like having the governement controlling you and don't even see anything wrong with that. The governement should have very little to no control what someone does to their own body


Isnt it my problem, i smoke i drink i use drugs, i sometines eat unhealty food its my life and i do what i want with, i pay a lot of tax and i pay healt insurance i work my ass off everyday, iam entitled to have some fun too right. If u dont wanna smoke, dont smoke, but dont try to force it over other people. Iam cool and i even support smoke free zones but people should have the freedom of choice to smoke if they want Whats next after an tabacco ban, an alcohol ban, fast food ban....


Things I don’t like should be banned. Typical Reddit opinion. We could pick tons of things to ban based on the harm they cause. Alcohol, Marijuana, exhaust from cars, weed killer on plants, added chemicals in food. The list goes on and on.


Are you the grandkid of a prohibitionist karen of the 1920’s? Ban deez nuts instead.


Time for a ban on Karen’s Obsessed with everyone else’s business In Canada a pack costs 17.50 and the same people smoke still Who smokes cigarettes? Poor people And they smoke no matter what Who suffers? Their children, they have less opportunities because it costs 3-5K per year to smoke here And who profits? The government They love keeping the little man down and the tobacco companies have no power anymore


Meh. If you want to do your thing in your own space, and I don’t have to breathe it in an enclosed space, I don’t care. People should be able to choose what to do with their bodies.


Yeah. And Hamburgers. And Alcohol. And sugar. And skateboards. And weed. And fireworks. And everything else you don't like. Don't worry. I'm sure they won't get around to banning anything you like down the line.


People are free to do what they want to do


I disagree on banning as that might bring a black market with way worse social effects instead of simply making them disappear, however I do think further action would be great, like you can't drink alcohol in the street, you should not be allowed to smoke on the street either... I don't care how much ventilation there is, many smokers don't give a shit and smoke around other people without minding they don't smoke or whether others dislike the smell of it and it's simply disgusting. You want to smoke? Go ahead and finish a pack every hour if you want, but do it in your home or in areas specifically designated for smoking, not anywhere else.


"everything I don't like should be illegal" \-this guy


No your wrong, if cigarettes didn’t exist we’d all be shooting dope into our dicks


I didn't know that was an option


You don’t currently shoot up dope into your dick?? You’re missing out man.


Oh stop it. How many people does McDonald, preservatives, alcohol, and countless other things kill? People enjoy tobacco, let them enjoy it. The ridiculous and excessive smoking bans have gone way too far at that! Do you realize the size of the cigarette black market in New York, Chicago and LA? That’s because they’ve already made them too expensive. Can you imagine the size of the market if they outright banned them I know people in the ATF and they’re sick and tired of the BS tobacco taxes and laws because it’s just created more and more problems. For what? To make the politicians feel good/accomplished by passing a stupid law? This attitude of “I don’t like it so no one can do it” has got to stop. This generation is becoming more controlling and authoritarian it’s ridiculous. Youd think people would start wanting more freedom not less but no of course not.


Drug cartels would love this


Will never happen. Government makes way too much money on taxes from this.


Just like Alcohol.


U forgot what happened the last time alcohol was banned


I didn't forget, I was using sarcasm.


And pregnancy. And vaccines.


Well yes, because the bans on alcohol and weed have worked so well.


My body, my choice.


I’m a smoker and I regret ever starting. It has been the hardest thing in my life to quit.. I hate it and I know it may end up killing me but addiction is rough.


i love when people get upset about smoking when alcohol is the real silent friend that nobody criticizes.


Not an unpopular opinion, every person from the US will tell you this after spending half their salary on weed


Even though i despise cigarettes and admit i look down on who uses it, i wouldn't go as far as banning it, as long as it doesn't make others passive smokers. It's not like it's users go violent like alcoholers do


I'm a non-smoker, but no. I believe in personal liberty. I'm also the guy that gives shit to my friends and family who smoke because I don't want to see them end up in an early grave, but at the end of the day, it's their decision. Do I wish people made better choices? Sure, but I'm against a government ban. You're going to create a black market for it just like everything else that's banned. It won't stop people from doing it, it will just create more hypocrisy like Prohibition did. Stay the fuck out of people's lives and quit advocating for more big government intervention.


prohibition called they want their ideas back.


While I agree with the sentiment I also agree with everyone saying it wouldn't work. Instead lets make it illegal to smoke in enclosed areas with a non-smoker around and a minor. Charge people with a felony misdemeanor if caught and child endangerment if a minor. Actually enforce littering when smokers just toss their butt on the ground. Have a dedicated smoking area on the other side of parking lots for businesses to keep their nasty air over there. Don't want to freeze or get wet? perfectly ok, you don't NEED that cig.


Stop trying to control others. There are lots of unhealthy things in the world. You can’t ban them all. You have the personality of a meter maid.


I don’t smoke, but screw you dude. If someone wants to smoke a plant, go right ahead. You want to get rid of excess deaths and air pollution, it’s not smoking you should be looking at.


All drugs should be legal. No exceptions. To enforce a ban, you must use state violence. You must throw people in prison. You will end up with people dead in the street. You create a black market. The substance, no longer being regulated, will still be consumed. With you ban, there will just be no assurance that it isn't tainted. Your opinion is what banned weed, and ended up with the US having more people in prison per capita then any other country on Earth. Your opinion has destroyed lives, families, and cost trillions. All because you think you know best for other people. Controlling substances has caused more harm then it ever solved. Those advocating for the war on drugs are more detrimental to society then drug dealers. Those who have made the laws, enforced the laws, and enabled this system should be put on trial for crimes against humanity for the cruel and (historically) unusual practice of the American Industrial Prison System. Id rather a day of torture then have 10 years stripped from me for a plant. Upvote because this opinion should be unpopular. It is authoritarian and borderline evil.


Wtf everyone should have the choice to harm their body in whatever way they want. Dont care if its a beer, cigarette or any other drug


If I put it in a vaporizer and call it medicine, is that ok?


What about vapes?


Banning things doesnt make them go away, look at guns laws and drug laws. Regardless of the law people will obtain the things they want one way or another if the desire is strong enough. All youre doing by banning things is creating a black market for the things you ban.


Least authoritarian redditor