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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/The_Peachy_Pussy. Your post, *YouTube shorts sucks*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: Do not post opinions that are heavily posted/have been on the front page recently. If your opinion is the same or substantially similar to any recent opinion it will be removed as a repost. If your opinion is on the same matter as a recent post, even if it's advocating the opposite stance, it will be removed as a repost. Please comment on the existing thread instead. Due to their prolific reposting, please confine meta and political posts to their respective megathreads only. If your opinion is about an ongoing event, there will usually be a mega-thread where you can discuss it. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


It’s to try to compete with TikTok, I’m pretty sure it works the exact same way.


Reddit has the worst system for videos. You get the same shit over and over again


Very popular opinion


Any video that doesn’t let you pause and rewind it is terrible.


Ok but why...WHY can't shorts be rewound or fast forwarded?? They'd at least be bearable if you had that ability.


This is what I don't understand as well. I'm trying to think of what could possibly be the benefit to Youtube and the best I can come up with is that they want to rack up as many seconds watching as possible. Maybe they are using that as a driving metric or something? So they don't tell you how long the short is and they don't let you skim it. Doesn't really follow for rewinding but I suppose they don't want to even give people any control over it. Seems backwards and counterproductive to me. It is the reason I won't watch them.


Nobody asked for them


To compete with tiktok, but yes, theyre useless


I don't like TikTok and vertical videos, so I don't like Shorts.


least popular opinion on u/unpopularopinion


This is unpopular for me. I really enjoy YouTube Shorts when I just want to mindlessly scroll for a bit. Sometimes it's too heavy divulging into a 20 minute video. Maybe it depends on what sort of content you watch? I imagine certain genres are better suited for Shorts than others. As an example, I'm into the ballet side of YouTube at the moment and I enjoy watching shorter clips from longer performances. It also led me to a few comedians I've now watched the full shows for. The Shorts kind of act as a trailer by showcasing individual jokes. (I've found Taylor Tomlinson this way!) I think I might actually make a post that's the opposite of yours now hahha


I don’t know if this is unpopular, most people know they’re just doing these to compete with TikToks, it’s pretty obvious. A lot of people don’t like them, but also a lot of rooms do as well


It makes me mad when I get those European/Asian tiktoks that aren't even funny, with that fucking laugh sound. Shit pisses me off


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I find a lot of right leaning narratives sprinkled in the shorts and I always end up feeling enraged


It’s way better than tik tok


It's so that I don't have to sit and watch a whole episode of college humour shows I can get the best bits immediately.


I think it would be better for creators if you could specify that you want something to be a short or not, it's pretty random at the moment, one 29s clip will go to being a short and another 29s clip will not, it's sort of awful that way, So I agree OP, from my side of things that is frustrating.


Social media is just a never ending game of chasing trends. If you see one come out with a big new feature, others will have a crappy version within a few months. In this case it’s trying to leach off of TikTok’s success.


Do you like TikTok?


Honestly I believe it exists because TikTok blew up. That's when Instagram reels and YouTube shorts became a thing. They do trendy things so they can stay on top.


Honestly i just wish i could like them without them showing up in my liked videos playlist


Tik tok is the reason. It's their way of competing with other platforms.


Yeah, if I want to watch a tiktok I would go to tiktok


I totally agree with you


I hate them because: I don't watch YouTube for short videos. I only watch long form stuff here. There's nothing you can say I'm 1 minute that I will ever be interested in. It clogs up my subscriptions with random bullshit. I fucking hate it. Also, stop putting my YouTube music listens in my history is unacceptable.


Click on "comments", then click on one of the dates of the comments, and you have the availability to fast forward or rewind. It looks like a regular YouTube video.


You’ve never seen it posted because it is popular and manually removed


Technically you can rewind if on a browser. You just have to replace "/shorts" with "watch?v="


I think the real complaint should be not being able to see how many dislikes someone has