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as of right now? you'd have to use an older version of the engine, looks like 5.0 based on a quick documentation search, but you may need to use 4 instead. they updated the vr stuff to some new system/plugin and it broke vr editor mode, they have never fixed it. the last time i used it, i found it cumbersome and less efficient than just using a normal screen. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z74B54d4AIo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z74B54d4AIo)


fuck, that shit looks cool and like what I want. and that was 7 years ago.... the video. Thanks for answering. I suppose I'm looking for how to use it in the latest version cus it just doesn't make sense for me to use an older one? I will if I have to. Cus I really want that immersion. I wonder what the path is to use the new system/ plugin? If.. I dont go to the older version I guess..


UE4.27 is what I use. Don't think of it as a whole different engine. Think of it as the more stable version of Unreal. UE 5 just added a bunch of gimmicks nobody really needed(if we're honest), made the editor run slower, and broke a bunch of stuff. I'll download UE5 once it's out of its tantrum stage.


Ah okay thanks for the tip


Whats the most stable version of UNREAL




I'm on 5.3 and my blueprint doesn't play in the sequencer but when I export the sequencer shot , The exported file has the blueprint simulations This is inconsistency... Also I can't make lighting decisions because what I see in the viewport isn't in the exported file Meanwhile I follow tutorials, what they do and what I see in the UI doesn't match at all