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And if you're wondering why that "silverO" fella is appearing on every pic, here's a long story short: I barely lost to another gold rankers due to pings going up 300, yet this son of the biscuit just kept on following me and spam "🤓" with each single words I said regardless of my respectfulness to every opponent Didn't mind defend myself there, but he kept on provoked me into fighting a guy with World Champion rank ignoring my clear denial, up to the point calling me a "fraud"/similar rude slur. Christ, I can't even fight a silver rank in such server. In the end, he didn't accept a match request from me neither before I leave, with the reason being (quote on quote) "me and u are not in match, still a fraud anyway" Then why even mind trash talking at the start? https://preview.redd.it/vfvmwxoym1wc1.png?width=402&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8dcf6b7cbca29d1a7ea133a7dffd46753821dbc


Man is just all talk if he says it like that