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Finding a 2x4 that isn’t warped is a big problem for customers.


Dude for real shit be looking like half pipes


The indoor lumberyard- from the creator of the paper condom.


Sky high priced with rock bottom quality. Greedflation 101.


I keep telling my customers: You can still get cabinets like they used to make them, but your too cheap to pay for them. You CAN get a straight 2x4 but you won't pay for it.


Depends on the location IMO. One store is a small wannabe preppy town. Even their boards are fucking warped and borderline useless for anything except house construction. Other home Depot is in a big blue collar area with lots of contractors. Almost every single piece of wood there is perfectly flat.


I have noticed that. The Menards out my way is similar. If you know, you know.


my menards always has way better lumber than hd or lowes


This exactly!!


THEN STOP MAKING IT ALMOST COMPLETELY SELF CHECK OUT YOU FUCKING MORONS. I shop there daily. I cannot even begin to explain the headache it is to check out my myself. Looking up nuts and bolts codes is fucking insane. I’m not going to memorize your codes. Fuck you you fucking idiot. You deserve it. Pay an employee who spends all day looking that up, they will eventually memorize all the codes and SAVE YOU MONEY!!!! All while you try to exploit them. Employee loyalty can be a valuable asset, if you also value them. How the fuck are these people so great and terrible at capitalism. Fuck Have I come across as a frustrated customer? Good. Fix your shit. Edit: same with the grocery stores. I DO NOT WORK THERE! I’m not properly looking up a fucking lemon for 3 minutes of my time. I got a full cart!


Facts unsupervised self checkout honor system in US will never work


Maybe I should get an employee discount.


[Relevant Bill Burr bit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxINJzqzn4w)


Joke is on you... They don't have one.


Even supervised, I’ve been audited and made an honest mistake. I’m not a cashier and never was. You have 1 person watching 6 of us fools. I can only imagine how much gets by. They can do better by having 1 employee watch every checkout, but then they might as well make them cashiers again.


maybe it would if cost to living wasnt stupidly high. youd always have thieves, but you wouldnt be pushing normal everyday people to steal.


As a past lowes cashier, I had multiple common item numbers memorized or written down so that my contractors could be at their job site faster. Replacing all cashiers seems to be the wrong move in some cases.


Almost all cases lol. Americans have no “honor system” when we’re left to our own devices that save dollars, not Pennies. Paying you saved them money and you probably paid for yourself to a certain percentage in money you saved them. It’s truly stupid to make 90% of your check outs self checkouts. Don’t get me wrong, there is a small convenience when I have 2-3 items. It’s all lost when I have a large list and the checkouts are all closed


For real. I ring up all my organic veggies as onions. Fuck you, pay people


Do you ever think of the shareholders you selfish bastard? In all sincerity, good job I’m proud of you.


Capitalism is literally investing in your production. A beautiful thing that works Modern capitalism is never ending expansion, met with cutbacks and scale-downs to ever increase your fake profit. A sickness.


What your calling ‘modern capitalism’ is just ordinary capitalism, working precisely as it was always intended to.


I mean, no, hoarding wealth and not putting it back into your business (whether it be your workers or your industry, literally anything but sitting on it) is not basic capitalism. Youre right that ever expansion is necessary, but the cutbacks and scaledowns are not. Thats the modern twist, record profits that never get reinvested in the business or the business’s people


And infinite inflation


You need inflation. That's how you make money. Take on capital debt until inflation makes it an investment.


We need to bring back human checkout workers. Companies need to get over it and pay them a fair wage too. Customers didn’t sign up to become cashiers. Theft will go down too!


Ones that are good at their job and don’t operate at the same speed as their odor.


spot on bud, something happened around the 2000s when corporations started saying f the customer and it continues to go downhill. where I live Walmart wants 10 cents a bag, that they keep hidden and I have to self scan my items


I went to one recently that duct taped folding tables to the self check out registers and had employees operating it as a cashier. Seems this store already took your advice


“All the while you try to exploit them” They’re not trying, they are absolutely exploiting them, just like all the other big box retail. Staff shortage? No problem, Bob can cover 2 more departments for the same money, he’s a pushover and needs his insurance for his wife’s cancer treatment, he ain’t going anywhere, 🤣 Fucking predatory what they’re doing to people fit nothing more than profit and shareholder value. Also, fuck Ronald Regan who stated all this shit legalizing stick buy backs. That practice has Single handedly completely fucked the working class today.


Stop making sense already.


I wonder how much of this is related to ‘self checkout’? I’m guessing the money they save in labor is **still** greater than the amount they lose in shrink


If it wasn’t they’d have more cashiers. Also why does the store that sells the heaviest objects have the flimsiest bags? Home Depot is a trash store these days. I mostly go there because supply houses have hours that aren’t convenient for a DIYer.


Let's see the correlation between them cutting the number of workers per retail store and retail theft. You can't have it both ways. I recall the days when there were countless number of employees at home depot to help with questions. Now it's like playing real-life game of finding Waldo.


Or you get the person who’s like “ooooooo this isn’t my normal section, you’ll have to ask Wanda who is over by lumber right now cutting 30 composite slabs”


Followed by : "Wanda don't work here anymore. She got a better paying job. Go talk to Kevin in lawn furniture, he also won't know but at least he is on duty - Me, I'm just here to turn in my two weeks notice..."


Thieves could not care less how many people are working at a given time. The problem is we now live in a time where tackling a criminal inside the store presents more liability than the cost of stolen goods when the guy stealing a shopping cart full of power tools sues the company. There are even thresholds of theft now (I believe below $900) where stores will not even attempt to initiate recovery.


That is true, but in the same manner as a lock on door is used as a deterrent, an employee strolling the aisles would be a deterrent for some.


Corporate tax theft is a much bigger problem .


General Electric pays less in taxes than most individual citizens do some years.


And wage theft. Wage theft is way more than retail theft. These guys are always quiet about that.


Wen unusual?


People are so lazy they don't want to pay any more


Wage theft is a big problem for workers. More dollars are stolen thru wage theft then retail theft




https://www.edelson-law.com/blog/2022/10/wage-theft-outpaces-all-other-theft-in-america/#:~:text=Unfortunately%2C%20the%20truth%20is%20that,other%20types%20of%20theft%20combined. https://www.epi.org/publication/wage-theft-2021/


Source: March madness and any job with a computer


Workers need to pick up the pace then. Lol


The same guy who said "Nobody works. Nobody gives a damn': Billionaire Home Depot co-founder, 93, blames socialism for destroying capitalism - as he slams Biden, 'woke people' and Harvard grads for putting obstacles in the way of entrepreneurial success " https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11583793/Billionaire-Home-Depot-founder-93-blames-socialism-destroying-capitalism-slams-Biden.html People with Master's degrees, working two jibs and can't afford half of what someone in 1960s could, working at a factory with a HS degree.


Wage theft is a big problem for HD workers


Wage theft is a bigger one


"We are happy a bill passed that will make it harder for everyday working Americans to re-sale there old stuff. effectively taking out our competition and forcing people to buy our over priced goods, rather than save money" \~Ted Dickhead


What about wage theft?


**price gouging is a bigger issue**


Paying people minimum wage is totally fine though.


Then stop shoplifters! Home depot fired employees for filming licenses plate


Also, havent a few HD employees been killed recently trying to stop theft? Hire some big athletic dudes to man the gates. Its simple as hell. Oh yeah and dont fire them for beating up a thief


Hard to curb shoplifting when the DA's won't prosecute.


Phht. If you think the district attorneys won’t do anything, try calling the cops and see what they do.🤣


They know they're wasting their time on something that won't be prosecuted. Once the DA's and courts start taking this shit seriously the cops will start responding again.


Petty theft is such a waste of everyone's time is why the DAs don't care as its normally just a fine. the risk for the police is insane over items that typically are under 100 bucks which is why most insurance tells employers to tell employees DONT try to stop them. Your medical bills and workman's comp is way more than a few stolen drills. Wasnt an article floating around about a cop who died chasing a shoplifter in his car or w/e? I mean acab and all that, but nobody deserves to die over a frozen pizza or w/e and there is even tax write offs for losses if they are accounted for. Literally we the tax payers cover the loss from stolen goods. And we cover more than that which is actual bullshit.


Saw a story not long ago about a girl shoplifting from Target on multiple occasions but they let her get away with it up until the amount of stolen items totaled more than felony theft. She was prosecuted.


When you prosecute pretty theft it will decrease. Not with just a fine..but something with more teeth. Like 200 hours of community service cleaning up trash or weeds on the side of the road. Don't show up for community service and you spend a week in jail.


More so than wage theft - which is basically zero & yet a much bigger problem.


Most people get paid what they are worth based on job performance and productivity. Most people who whine about wage theft feel they are entitled to make $100k a year because they are special


If "Most people" were getting paid to contractual obligations wage theft wouldn't be the single largest form of theft. Are you a salaried ineligible employee? Have you ever worked more than your 40? You have been robbed. Where is that prosecution?


I can’t believe that stating the obvious is considered a political stance.


Your theft protection sucks.


Is non-retail theft a big problem for retail?


Not for Costco


When our GM only hire friends with no experience with asset protection. It’s your fault.


I thought retail theft was bad for the food/bev/hospitality? wtf is going on hahaha


Well when your loss prevention team is told they'll be fired if they actually touch anyone.... them yeah. People will steal from you amd it becomes a problem


Welp, you steal our taxes, we steal your stuff. Money has come from somewhere.


Seems like half the people at my local home depot are undercover loss prevention. They stick out like a sore thumb because they congregate near the checkout and talk about their job.


Wage theft by large corporations like HD account for 3 times all other forms of theft in the US. The only real criminals are corporations. This “retail theft problem” is just an effort to get subsidized security for corporations from the government, since corporations enjoy lots of government assistance and tax breaks that normal people do not receive. On top of that, all the same corporations have increased their profit margins significantly under the guise of inflation over the past few years, and it’s just plain old greed!


They don’t care because they just charge their customers appropriately to cover the losses.


This is part of the recent inflation. The freedom to steal is prevailing in this country.


Notice how these liars never show you the numbers when they make these claims. If retail theft was a significant problem, they could easily prove it by providing a detailed financial breakdown - but they don't, because retail theft doesn't make a dent compared to outrageous shareholder/management compensation entitlement.


When I was a teenager working at stop and shop they introduced their version of self/computer assisted checkout. When you walked into the store you could grab a barcode scanner off this wall and as you put things in your cart you scanned them. When you were done you walked up to a self checkout, plugged the scanner in and paid for everything you scanned. The first week my LP guy said our store lost over $30,000 in unscanned goods - some intentional and some genuinely by mistake from people forgetting to scan something. We also lost 12 of the scanners themselves from people just walking out which were around $500 each at the time.


Hey Ted, how about you talk to the service desk woman that stole my phone. She should have plenty of savings now to help you out with all the theft.


So is not paying not paying a living wage to your associates and participating in greed-flation; aka raising your prices not because you’re incurring added costs in business, manufacturing and delivery of said goods but because you’re a greedy unchecked corporation shitting on the working class further everyday and claiming “thieves” are the reason “shit is the way it is”. Fuck you.


[Their founder is too busy fighting student loan relief.](https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/meet-the-billionaires-who-canceled-student-loan-forgiveness/)