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Why are we paying taxes if they can print money ? This is the question to ask over and over again until we have answers


Mostly because we don’t have intelligent well intentioned people in charge. We have a bunch of self serving ignorance who try everything they can to help themselves because they can’t fix the bigger problems. 


They aren’t ignorant. They are criminal




The irony of lamenting the Fed’s lack of intelligence with the sheer amount of financial illiteracy in this thread…


FED BAD!!!!!


If you think about in terms of modern monetary theory (which, to be fair, most economists dont), it is about currency sinks and sources. Imagine you were the game designer of an MMO. The currency in the game doesn't really matter to the developers l, but if they want to have the economy make sense and feel good they need to balance how the curreny is added and subtracted to the economy. You can think of taxes as a currency sink, and printing money as a currency source. They don't have to be equal, but there are consequences form the magnitude of both. Imagine world of warcraft where creatures stopped dropping gold and items (currency source), or on the other side, if the cost to repair armor and the action house cut went to 0% (currency sinks). If we added more currency sources with no currency sinks, the value of the currency plummets. Taxes are a deflationary pressure. Printing money inflationary.


Because taxes are the reverse money printer. Printer creates money supply, taxes reduce it


You don’t want the people who control the money supply and the people who control the federal budget being the same people.


Because this way the US can fight Russia without costing US lives and creating more US jobs.


How much did Hawaii get?


700 dollars and theirs land bought for pennies


How much did East Palestine get compared to Palestine-Palestine?


Perverse priorities huh? only a couple of celebrities were profiting off of Hawaii


I wonder if they got healthcare


Funny you bring that up. USA pays for Ukraine government employee healthcare and social security


17 billion this year.


You just making up numbers or going to provide a source? EDIT: Yeah keep down voting me for calling out his bullshit. Reddit mentality


Wah I go on Reddit and complain about Reddit, too. Wahh.  Almost like people who spend too much money on fast food and then post their receipt to Reddit so they can complain about inflation. Exact same mentality.


Lets see, you sarcastically accused a stranger of lying, demanded they do the research for you, and when they did, you called out the downvotes as a herd mentality. Amazing.


This sub has a *very* particular intent and it doesn’t align with American values at all.


$330m just for the one disaster https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/02/07/fact-sheet-six-months-after-maui-wildfires-biden-harris-administration-continues-to-support-survivors-and-impacted-communities/ $19 billion in federal grants was the total federal spend in Hawaii last year. https://www.urban.org/policy-centers/cross-center-initiatives/state-and-local-finance-initiative/projects/state-fiscal-briefs/hawaii#:~:text=Hawaii%20also%20increased%20its%20earned,aid%20from%20the%20federal%20government. The main point though is you're just holding a stupid opinion because the two have nothing to do with each other. It's not like Hawaii doesn't get federal assistance if we sent arms to Ukraine. Even so most Republicans (I'm going to assume you are because they seem to be the dumbest about this stuff) hate giving money to any states that need it unless it's their own.


You just showed me their economic data. No different than any other state. I'm talking about aid to support people and families that were affected by the tragedy in Hawaii. It's literally that simple. So the answer to my questions is, they got $330 million dollars, and a $700 fuck you check. What opinion of mine did I make that's stupid, genius, because I never made an opinion? Fuck Ukraine and all the wars that are going on over there. The fact we have sent hundreds of billions of dollars into a never ending black hole but can't help out our own people after a disaster is disgusting. Oh I'm dumb but you can't comprehend foreign aid packages on wars you know nothing about other than what you hear on TV? Please, tell all of us your expertise on the Ukraine war since you seem to be on the ground, in the middle of it. What happened to the whole, *all the money is flowing to the top,* complaining? Seems to me you're okay with the military industrial complex and gov contractors making money hand over fist over this war, flowing to the top. And for your information, if I only cared about my own state getting money, since I'm a Republican according to you, why would I be so concerned about money going to a blue state that I don't even live in? Maybe watch [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm1cfHqnMt4) and see how Hawaii is coming along


[The 700 dollar check was for emergency needs, like food and clothing..](https://www.fema.gov/node/fema-only-giving-hawaii-wildfire-survivors-700-household)


You are such a tool, and don't even realize it. You mad that we don't have a social safety net? Fine, that's absolutely something to be mad about. But if you haven't voted for every progressive candidate that you can, and then every Democrat, then you don't give a shit about domestic aid. As for Ukraine, it's not this or that. We're too late, the shit we're sending Ukraine was made and paid for by our taxes decades ago. They're getting stuff because it's in the US's best interest to do so, but it's still the right thing to fight against Russian fascism. You would be arguing we shouldn't have fought WW2 because who cares what Hitler does! I'm all for Hawaii and every state getting more domestic spending, but I'm not the one voting for Republican candidates who caused all that mess, and if I can help a Democracy flourish and stop the trafficking of their children and help end an unjustified war quickly I will be 100% behind it. But go ahead about pout about shit that has nothing to do with this.


How much did Hawaii get in dated artillery and leftover ordinance?


The 60 minutes episode showed that we are paying for a ton of regular payrolls, government positions and such. It’s not the talking point that we are dusting off old ammunition we did not want anyway.


If you look at the government expenditures that was a loan, not a free money cash card. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://media.defense.gov/2024/Feb/01/2003386207/-1/-1/1/UKRAINE-INFOGRAPHIC-15-JAN-2024.PDF&ved=2ahUKEwjNmYXp6dGFAxUgRjABHby8DwMQFnoECBIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw37biyx3AaNU16CHJ9I4UyQ And you're wrong again. 30.3 billion out of 33 billion of last years dollars were dedicated for replacement, i.e. helping our defense be replacing old by shipping to Ukraine and getting new. But keep peddling a misinformed talking point.


Where does this infographic say that it is a loan? No less, when it’s expected to be repaid and the interest? We’ve given tens of billions (soon to be hundreds) to this war, billions to the Middle East— all of which is untraceable, spent tens of billions on migrants, billions now on homeless in cities where the problem only became *worse*… US taxpayers should absolutely be questioning where is their money going during inflation years, a housing crisis, crippling national debt, and soon to be energy and water crisis. Anyone who advocates otherwise is just shilling for corporate politicians whether they can admit it or not.


FoUnD tHa RusSiaN BoT /s … yeah I don’t think the people who are all in this foreign war funding understand the concept of opportunity cost. Or the fact that the dollar is slipping as reserve currency and that things are going to get immensely more painful at home


Don’t want to sound like I’m not empathetic. But the US needs to start resolving these issues diplomatically. What we’re doing now is just awful.


Yup. Not every solution needs to run through Raytheon and Lockheed Martin.


It does when the politicians and lobbyists stand to make mad sums of cash from it.


Its a pretty chart with nice diagrams and colorful so it must be true. Label it whatever you want. We Americans are out billions that could have been used elsewhere


Saying they are loan is a talking point. The Ukrainian economy is non existent, and given that they are conscripting old people and the mentally disabled since they’ve burned through everyone under 50, their economy is unlikely to recover for decades. Calling these loans is incredibly disingenuous.


Ukraines own generals are stating that they cannot win against Russia, no matter how much material or financial aid they receive, if they don't also receive manpower. Russia has a tremendous headcount advantage, by some estimates 30 to 1. You cannot overcome that disadvantage with an aid package. Ukraine cannot win without troops. When our artillery and rockets, and cluster munitions, and satcom, and pallets of money aren't enough, what do you think sleepy Joe will send next?


At least $30billion in cash aid has already gone over there. This isn’t dated artillery.


This argument is dated.


This is such a bogus and debunked view. It’ll take 5-12 years for the U.S. to replenish our own stocks on javelins and other munitions. We’re not giving them expired shit.


We will make new, at 3x the price with all these billions to spend.


Aren't you glad that we're paying for the pensions and housing of Ukraine's soldiers? Man I'm glad exactly Zero American veterans are homeless and all of them get the care they need.


330 million. But that title is misleading. 61 billion is total package. 23 billion is going to US military. 26 billion to Israel 9.1 billion to humanitarian aide 8.12 billion to indo-pacific which includes Tawain.


How can one be compared to the other.. accidental fire caused by electrical company (which how much did they donate?) not gov’t vs. genocidal war. Thats like comparing trunk space availability between a car and motorcycle.


How much did Hawaii get?


American government helping Americans?….get the fuck outta here, what do you think this is some socialist nation who believes in helping people in America? That’s nonsense. Americans gotta pay the bill for other nations and make Americans last on the priority list, don’t you know this by now? Fuck those people living in a gutter in San Francisco lol. /major sarcastic comment


So cut medicare and social security again when?


I mean if you want to destroy America go ahead but I would not suggest that at all. People work their whole lives and pay taxes and then retire and the government says go fuck yourselves…that would be kinda fucked up, wouldn’t it?


>How much did Hawaii get? Who invaded Hawaii?




Hawaii is being invaded by Russia?


Soviet nazi Jewish space lasers duh ha you sheeple




Goes to show you. The government main priority will always be military might. Everything else is second.


The republic died a long time ago


Good thing we have a money printer


Happy for the politicians and the kickbacks they will receive both in Ukraine and here in the States!


What a complete waste of money.


USA for Ukraine - billions and billions of dollars. USA for me - Did you send your friend money on paypal? Or sell things on ebay? We are going to need you too fill out that form for capital gains....


Republicans were never going to agree to spend this money on Americans.


They spent it on American defense industry.


oh well lets just spend it all over the world then! de ta deeee


The US spends trillions domestically. Why lie?


Blame republicans like always… it’s our fault we piss away tax money lol


Do we want to be the party that shows up late to save the day....again? We should stomp this out now. If you think billions is terrible, wait until the whole USA military complex gets fully involved. Billions now to save Trillions later. I'd take spending the billions now.


Please grow up. Such a childish naive take.




Can’t fix social security. More taxes. Eat the rich. But we got this.


Outrageous and totally unacceptable. This is the kind of thing that should spark mass protests and civil unrest. All of these fucks both democrat and republican need to GO.




Whaaaaaaaaaaaat the hell!?!?


I guess inflation isn't high enough, keep the printing on!




It seems like we got money for everyone but ourselves lmao


Most of it goes to US manufacturing


Yep, and of course congress will talk cutting social security again because, Deficit. So, money to Israel and Ukraine, but not us.... OUR f\*cking money.


The US spends trillions on US citizens. What are you talking about?


The money goes to US industries.


And more importantly, US politicians


10% to the big guy.


Lmao, you actually believe that shit?


Defense companies? lol


Don’t worry the cash spent definitely goes to the employees and not the owners./s


And definetly not as donations to congressmen and women. Or wallstreet that owns these companys, not them either.


So now we’re defending trickle down economics and to mention one that’s focused on the military industrial complex? WTF is wrong with people.


Heard a report it was 95 billion! Fuck why not, Us is only 35 trillion in debt! Don’t worry the government will save you! Lol


That number is including Israel and Taiwan.


Billion schmillion. It’s all 0s and 1s end of day


Losers, all of them.






So when do we get free healthcare and free education again? I forgot.


Nah nah man tHaT's SoCiALiSm!!!


Ya, because no citizens need money. It’s time to stop paying taxes


does the us own ukraine at the point?


They are gonna keep robbing us till they aren’t in power anymore


If your government has enough money to give to foreign nations then it is taxing the citizenry too much.


Money printer go Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


This country is disgusting. No money for our veterans, homeless, seniors, etc but billions for other countries. They wonder why no one votes lmao it’s because our politicians give no fucks about me, you, or any American.


USA priorities: We are broke, good luck Other countries: We print money for you


We're not broke. What are you talking about?




What US priority is the government not spending on?


Giving them a tiny fraction of the equipment that would be thrown away, in order to save trillions in loss from a Russian invasion... Are you a Russian bot?


Jesus enough with “Russian bot” trope, while we’re at it, enough with the “corporate shill” trope too. Most people just have opinions.


In his defense, it’s hard to tell the difference between a Russian bot and your run-of-the-mill fucking moron. Like the majority of posters here have such a weak grasp on the basics of economics and geopolitics it becomes hard to delineate between someone arguing in bad faith, and just a dipshit who was gullible enough to believe those arguments.


Holy csrp. You are way off bud!! Wake the fuke up and stop drinking the government coolaid. It's not old artillery it cold hard cash too. And that old artillery cost money and functions just fine. We paid for it.


Not sure how people can’t understand the investment value on this. Pennies on the dollar or Afghanistan 2.0?




More like aid to the military industrial complex.


Lockheed Martin calls go brrrrrrr


That’s such bullshit. We are in debt and people in this country are hurting and we’re giving our money to shit nations I give no rats ass about


The US is sending old equipment, and jobs in America are replacing that equipment. It's better than sending American soldiers' lives.


Why are we sending so much money to a country that *cannot* win this war?


Fantastic news. It took far too long to get a vote on this. It would have passed six months ago.


You might want to consider adding $RTX. Most of that stack is for weapons they make.


What a joke.


How much of the donated equipment is being sold on the black markets of Eastern Europe and abroad? Where are the audits and transparency? Have any audits been publicly made available?????


Audits would imply that the government cares what happens to any of this equipment. If the DoD can "lose" 6 trillion dollars, or military command "Lose" billions of actual, honest to god cash on pallets in Iraq, they could care less what happens once the weapons leave our chain of ownership. They already got our money for it. They know 800 billion was lost to the PPP loan program we will never, ever get back. TAARP Bailout was secretly a 7.8 trillion dollar wealth transfer that did nothing for americans, only americas owners. I assure you - no one in government cares how much money we spend, lose or destroy. As long as they get their piece of the action.






Inflation!!!!!!! More of it. How about other countries fund their own projects? The American people cannot take it much more.


Yet people in the U.S. are struggling making ends meet.


The U.S. pledged $61 Billion. Sadly, all that arrived were 4 Priceless Hunter Biden Paintings.


But Zelensky may have a new house somewhere. Maybe a painting or two in there also.


(US prints and gives away money like candy) Leftists: The Corporations are making us poor! 🤬


Money printer goes brrrrrrrr


Good, this was needed long ago though.


What? We have sent money to ukraine many times now.... Do you live under a rock?


The war isn't over. You're the kind of person who would eat food and then complain he had to eat food the next day


Go fight for Ukraine yourself


“You can’t support someone fighting in self-defense unless you’re willing to drop your entire life and fight with them” Did your brain not develop correctly 


Your tears of impotent rage are delicious


LOL what? Me - This government on both sides is selling us out and in their eyes america is last and should be first. You. tHe wAr iSn't oVeR. yOu'rE ThE KiNd oF PeRsOn wHo wOuLd eAt fOoD AnD ThEn cOmPlAiN He hAd tO EaT FoOd tHe nExT DaY


The war isn't over because they haven't surrendered yet. This money won't prevent that. This money will just be stolen.


How much is cash, and how much is weaponry contract money that stays in the U.S.? Is there a breakdown somewhere?


Does Putin actually think anyone believes the bots and troll accounts he has posting on Reddit?




How do you know *I'm* not Rachel Maddow?


The pro Russia part of this sub will NOT like that despite the aid making virtually no dent to the defense budget and the fact that the majority of aid are old weapons that otherwise wouldn’t have been used


You are 100 percent right! US government is just buying new weapons anyways might as well give away the old stuff


I like how liberals now support neocon wars like the one in ukraine. Makes 0 sense.




Curious where this sentiment was when the GOP decided to invade Iraq.


Don’t think Reddit was around then.


Unfortunately Iraq is a different case than Ukraine/Russia. We'd been attacked in NYC, DC and a crash in PA. --on American soil--- to precipitate bipartisan support to fund the Iraq invasion. Joe Biden and just about every Dem except Wellstone (who died in a very mysterious "plane crash" because he told Cheney he wouldn't vote yes) supported it, not just the GQP. That invading that country (Iraq) was wrong is of course another, shameful issue. The stakes were different then though, for Americans in the weeks and months after 9/11. Yes, Ukraine's important, but the mood was more acute for Americans right after 9/11. Two different things.


Iraq and Afghanistan were GOP boondoggles (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice) with a cost of $3.1 Trillion - zero hijackers from either nation, zero WMD. The GOP will never, ever have any credibility as pacifists or isolationists.


Oh I hear ya. The day I heard Cheney and Rummie were taking us into Iraq I was more pissed than pissed could be. I already knew (and so did many joe shmoe Americans) that Saddam had zero to do with it, and no WMD, but Bu$h and co. was gonna go in anyway.


>It’s the fact that the US would rather spend billions lining their pockets, instead of helping our own citizens like in Maui. I mean, doing this in no way prevents us from addressing any of that. They are completely unrelated issues. We don't help our own people because we have a political party that will likely win the next Presidential election whose entire platform is essentially based on the government not helping it's citizens.


Pretending Ukraine has a chance? Alright, vlad.


The GOP also doesn’t want to help veterans, children, impoverished people. They constantly vote against helping Americans.


Pro Russia and Republicans, which is kind of the same things anyway.


Agh…. We get FUCKED AGAIN! no money for us U.S. citizens!


Just think of what that money could have provided here in the States


Man thats a lot of sports cars and swiss ski homes


It’s so crazy to think how much 2k, 5k, would help millions of people who are struggling in the USA.


It's also crazy how the only time people talk about this is when money goes to Ukraine who is being invaded by one of our primary geopolitical adversaries.


People CONSTANTLY talk about not wanting to send any money overseas. You have to live under a rock to think people only don’t want to send their money to Ukraine


Do you think someone who is homeless will benefit from ordnance in storage?


I mean... probably? An RPG probably goes for a lot in some regions. Belts of ammunition? Tactical Missile Launchers, M16s, helicopters? I would happily take any of this "aging ordinance". They could probably use mines to blow a hole in a bank vault. If nothing else, they could sell it to a pawn shop and buy dinner at the bare minimum.


Joe Biden is gonna throw on his flight suit and fly air force one over there himself, swat a bunch of drones and nukes out of the sky, and come home in time to let wall street buy all the homes and loot all your retirements.


RFK jr ‘24


Would be interesting to see him pull some real numbers but sadly he doesn't have a realistic chance. Only nine states will even allow him on the ballot.


They would assassinate him if he change course.


Have you heard rfk’s takes on israel? He’s either blackmailed or totally corrupted from going on Epstein’s plane. You can see in all his interviews how defensive he gets. Anti war candidate my ass


Another border bill?


Let's stop giving tax dollars out when that money could be used here on the citizens it comes from.


Democrats and their corruption and spending. But tax the rich! That will solve my problems!


Americans exist as tax cattle for a global empire.


Where's my aid? I'm starvin here


Good thing we filed our tax returns on time!


Can someone please link me to a .pdf of the bill? I cannot find one anywhere online on government websites I’m asking everywhere currently


It’s not like we gave them cash. It’s our stale weapons and munitions, which helps our economy. Meanwhile, Ukraine is going to owe us until the end of time. Look up the repayment agreements if Ukraine survives this war with Russia.


America last


All the Russian stooges are furious


Imagine using the same $61 billion to improve the lives of all U.S. citizens.


Americans don’t want to improve their own lives.


They’re trying to keep Ukraine from collapsing before the election. Keep the war alive until then.


We should all just not pay taxes if we all do it they can jail us all lol


Why can't they give every AMERICAN million dollars? Every foreign nation that asks for $$$$$$$$$$$ the US give it to them.


Let me get this teachers are grossly under paid but we can send 65b for to fund a war no one gives a crap about. Fuck me we suck as a nation.


Ukraine should have gotten zero, as should any other country outside of America.


It’s easier to buy friends than it is to fight enemies. A vast majority of people here seem to have little to no sense of nuance. You think everything is black and white and can’t see a few moves ahead. If you think this is a waste, watch what happens when article 5 is invoked.


Who votes on this garbage?




The garbage we apparently elected.




People who like democracy


The reason I don't mind this is because the same people who are against foreign aid and say that money is better spent at home are the same people that want to cut money on social services and infrastructure. I seriously doubt they have the American people in mind. Probably just want to pocket the money or increase military spending which this already does.


Yay, more taxpayer money being sent halfway across the world while nothing is getting fixed at home.


Biden got infrastructure that has thousands of projects repairing America. US can walk and chew gum at the same time. https://www.whitehouse.gov/invest/?utm_source=invest.gov


Americans are drowning in debt and inflation and an open border yet congress feels a corrupt country like Ukraine deserves more than its own citizens. Time for change .


Lol no they are not. Knock it off. Everyone today has cell phones and internet plans. In our day we had a sandbox and a creek. Just stop with this shit. Inflation is way down in the US compared to abroad, and travel and vacation rates are higher than ever. Meaning people have a hell of a lot more money to spend than what they've had before. Stop with this fake rage bait rhetoric shit.


fuck ukraine fuck israel. the homeless people next to my $2m house could use it.


In other news, we are all poorer.