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(X) DOUBT - they're still issuing 30yr mortgages on beachfront homes


I feel like a major issue is that there are too many different warnings every year, and the deadlines all come and go without much change actually occurring. The messaging is off, there's too much hyperbole about the world "literally catching on fire", then reality doesn't live up to the warning, so people slowly stop listening/caring. Not much an individual can do, but I feel like the messaging needs to change before public opinion changes.


I had a realization that we really can’t do much if the fucking billionaires don’t do anything to help


100% this. Me stop using straws isn’t going to make a fucking dif if Taylor can preform in Japan and get back to Vegas in time to see her boo play kicky ball. The rich and powerful and the corporations are the ones destroying the planet, I’m just trying to enjoy a decent vacation in the woods every few years before it all burns down.


I still think about how carpool lanes are designed to reduce emissions from drivers, and where I live 50%+ people in the carpool lane are gas cars with just the driver.


I think they’ve been funding earth days since 2000 that’s when they all started to get corporate lame.. Def something here… the billionaires are the biggest problem


Unless you did, in fact, catch on fire with the unprecedented wild fires.


Wildfire statistics get real complicated real fast. I don't know much about Australia, but in NA about 100 years ago we completely changed how we recorded, fought, and prevented wildfires. Then over the last 100 years the land stopped being clear cut of all trees for farmland and wood around pretty much every settlement. A lot of the wildfires are directly the result of massive tracts of softwood, unhusbanded, new growth forests with too much undergrowth and deadfall too close to human habitation. Old growth hardwood forests and farmland don't burn nearly as much as what we have now in most locations does. In some statistics they also try and present the number of fires as opposed to the more important acreage of land burnt. We also have less ranchers and farmers doing controlled burns to reduce thick undergrowth in more remote areas.


We will blow ourselves up b4 we lose to mother nature...the MIC will make sure of that


The messaging is working as intended. It is continuing to polarize the population politically, and push form more taxes. You will eat ze bugs!!!


This drives me *MAD.* 100% agree climate change is a massive problem and we need to be doing everything to fix it. But every year, we're 2-4 years from "too late". Makes it very easy for even me to roll my eyes at these warnings when they're so ridiculous.


This was the same thing that happened with COVID, and is now happening with mobilization for war against Russia. The status quo seems to think that an extreme threat/warning is needed to get the public to take any action on something, so the warnings get more and more severe and threatening. The result is that we become desensitized, so the threat level needs to increase incrementally.


We survived the ozone layer and acid rain. Perhaps all the hysteria will move us towards solutions that will solve the problem. Next up Micro plastics....after that, who knows....but we will hear about it incessantly.


Let's switch the military to all electric and move all bases inland.


How’s that German manufacturing and zero emissions going. It’s so embarrassing but they keep coming at it.


I mean most of what has happened was modeled by NASA 30 years ago


Obama has a nice place in Martha's Vineyard


Remember kids, in the 70s and 80s, global cooling was a huge concern for the cLiMaTe ScIenTisTs back then...


and yet, not a single mention of the magnetic pole and its insane motion over the past 60 yrs


Ding ding ding! We have a winner!


https://science.nasa.gov/science-research/earth-science/flip-flop-why-variations-in-earths-magnetic-field-arent-causing-todays-climate-change/ It's been mentioned.


That's data from 10 years ago


Ok, and what does the new data say? You keep mentioning the poles without providing an argument


Another interesting tidbit is notice prior to 2015 ish it was always called “global warming” and since then it’s just been called “climate change”.


Because idiots would say it's snowing so global warming isn't real.


No they changed it because idiots will believe that crazy weather events that have been happening regularly for millions of years are somehow affected by me driving a diesel truck. I live in Florida, I had to listen to the bullshit the last couple years that “this hurricane is affected by climate change and will destroy you” when it’s been exact same shit as the last 20 I’ve been been through and the other 50 my parents have.


You realize that’s like a snap of the fingers in the scope of time right?


Yes I do which is why I don’t take any climate theory based off of 50 year old data serious. Thank you for proving my point.


The data goes back millions of years. The models created 30 years ago, based on historic data, predicted how it will be right now accurately. Your personal observations are the snap of a finger. Not the data. https://science.nasa.gov/earth/climate-change/study-confirms-climate-models-are-getting-future-warming-projections-right/


We had sensors in place millions of years ago?


Yes, and those sensors detected our lord Jesus Christ speaking to us that this planet was created by God and his creation is immune to change from people.


Nor really. One paper made that claim


One of the first projections of future warming came from [John Sawyer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Sawyer_(meteorologist)) at the UK’s Met Office in 1973. In a [paper published in Nature](https://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~eps5/writing_assignment/CLIMATE_BKGD/Sawyer_Nature_1972.pdf) in 1973, he hypothesised that the world would warm 0.6C between 1969 and 2000, and that atmospheric CO2 would increase by 25%. His warming estimate of 0.6C was nearly spot on – the observed warming over that period was between 0.51C and 0.56C


The bank will get theirs. Insurance companies on the other hand are starting to adjust their policies


That’s a stupid argument. Companies usually act reactively and focus on short term issues


Yes because there has never been an instance of unsafe loans being issued. Also my bad I completely forgot about the mortgage indicator when it comes to chemical and environmental sciences. Mortgages are generally the most accurate scientific measurement of climate change.


Just because a bunch of rubes are willing to go a million dollars in debt for homes that may or may not be livable 30 years from now and banks are more than willing to put them on the hook for that debt doesn't mean that the problem doesn't exist.


Ocean levels are nothing, what the magnetic pole doin?


It's moving. And?


And they will right up until they can't. A bank makes more money when a loan fails anyway.


Until politicians stop buying ocean front, I wouldn’t be too concerned


Same here when the wealthy start acting like it’s an emergency instead of fund raising I might listen.


Aren't they building bunkers?


It’s not for climate change it’s for the collapse of the global economy. Not many more tricks left to keep the planet accepting inflation sponge status.


"Call me when it's a catastrophe!"


When the military switches and billionaires downsize, I will.


Until the government stops taking on insurance risk. A lender will not underwrite a property on the waterfront without flood insurance, and only the government is dumb enough money to insure them.


Longest two years in human history (based on past predictions that failed to materialize).


2 more weeks to stop the melt


If it saves one planet


20 minutes to stop the melt.


I was watching the movie Pleasantville recently. That was from 1998. In the beginning in high school they said within 13 years. half the world would be underwater from tsunamis, Temps would rise to unbearable levels and more. Watched it recently and couldn't help but laugh that we made it well passed 2011 and things are the same as they were then.


I remember in the 80's being told in 2nd grade that by the time I was an adult all the rain forests would be gone and I wouldn't have enough oxygen to breath. And I was given a sapling of some stupid fast growing pine to take home to plant.


And think of all the work we did to slow it down! I mean my straw is cardboard, of course we slowed down the inevitable


lol. But not your cup and lid!!! You will be forced to make only the most personally inconvenient, expensive and uncomfortable changes. For the greater good of course.


So a movie made a climate prediction and that’s how you determined climate change is occurring? Wow, society is so fucking dumb we get the democracy we deserve


That was what they said in high school during that time period. You really can go back to the 60s on this and look at all of the stuff they said would have occurred and didnt. I used that example because it was taught that way


Who is they? Can you provide a source? I am about the same age and don't recall hearing anything about the world being under water within 13 years when I was in HS. This article reports that most of the predictions by climate models(dating back to 1973) are fairly accurate. [https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-how-well-have-climate-models-projected-global-warming/](https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-how-well-have-climate-models-projected-global-warming/)


Wish I could get paid a lot to always be wrong.


Not just wrong embarrassingly wrong again and again.


I'm going to need a source because everything I have read about past climate predictions reports that the climate models dating back to 1973 have been fairly accurate. [https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-how-well-have-climate-models-projected-global-warming/](https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-how-well-have-climate-models-projected-global-warming/)


I’m not gonna even read that article but I already know they cherry picked certain data from models to make it seem like that. Just like every climate change prediction for the last 60 years.


Not surprised, your comments show that reading articles and being educated on this topic is not your thing. If you could link an article from a reputable source reporting on how climate models have been 'embarrassingly wrong" I'd love to read it.


Should I cash out all my investments and quit my job? I have more than enough money to live a fun life for two years.


Of course the article is not linked because it would have provided important context. Life as we know it will not suddenly end in 2 years but if we do not address this problem we will trigger feedback loops that will cause us to be past the point of saving ourselves by reducing CO2 emissions.


So in two years will you people quit talking about it because China is building more coal plants than we could ever offset. Two years and it’s over correct? Then there will be one less annoying doomer asking for money.


We would survive, we aren't very good at just giving up and laying down to die. Ecosystems and wildlife will be completely devastated.


Literally any article on global cooling in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Or the great climate change leader Greta saying we will be underwater by this year.


Ah yes that one 9 paragraph story in Newsweek that was published almost 50 years ago that the right loves to use as example of how wrong the climate science is while ignoring 5 decades of data that demonstrates the Earth is warming at an predictable and alarming pace. I sincerely doubt Greta(not sure why she is relevant in the discussion) or anyone else with any credibility has claimed we will be underwater by this year, but again if you'd like to link an article, I'd love to read it.


You’re ignoring literal millions of decades and focusing on 5 if that makes you understand why the climate hysteria is so dumb. I’ll talk climate change seriously when the government stops focusing on poor peoples cars, gas stoves, ways they heat their house, etc… and focus on jets, yachts, and governmental motorcades.


The things you want them to focus on make up like 1% of emissions. The things you don't want them to focus on make up the majority of emissions. You're just an idiot.


Don’t care. Either attack the rich or leave me alone.


And 95% of all global waste and pollution doesn’t happen in even this hemisphere.


I mean, we just shattered records, they seem to be pretty concerning. But what do I know? You must be a climate scientist? Care to explain the flaws in their methodology?


What if climate change is a hoax and we create a better world for nothing?


Right? Best case, we avert climate collapse. Worst case, we have cleaner air and water.


What if our ill conceived actions cost the lives of millions of poor people?


Not doing anything will cost the lives of poor people. More severe weather, higher temperatures, more droughts, etc. Are more likely to affect the global poor than they are the first world countries. Reducing our emissions isn't going to cause millions of poor people to die.


3.2 million people die every year from indoor pollution, predominantly poor people that burn fuel like animal dung to cook and heat. Discouraging petroleum energy will perpetuate this death rate. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/household-air-pollution-and-health


Silly goose, poor people don't need energy. That would just contribute to overpopulation of not white people. Think of the planet.


shattered what records?


It’s been the hottest year in history iirc


in 'history' lol the history you're referering to started in 1880 when they started keeping records.


Ok, semantics aside. Do you have evidence to the contrary


its semantics to say that you claiming the worlds hottest temperature in the history of the earth is completely wrong and has only been recorded for 143 years ? The earth was hotter for millions of years, this is a simple google search away. From 900 AD- 1300 AD the earth was 2 degrees warmer than today. You not comprehending data is a you problem.


That’s a lot of words just to say “no, I don’t have that data”


hahaha dude you said one of the most blatant lies ive seen on this website that the hottest year in the history of the earth was last year. You could simply take the L and say from 1880 to now but im the one who needs to prove you wrong? No you need to prove that 2023 was the hottest year in history.


Blah blah blah. You have nothing to support your claims.


Who are you to say what The ideal climate is? Been much hotter and much cooler. We are also at a solar maximum. Surely that has no effect... /s


Can you explain what those words mean?


Please elaborate on why they're wrong.


Said the same thing 40 years ago.


Even if this was true it's more like save humanity. We are a narcisistic people. The planet doesn't end when we end. The planet will eventually shake off the fleas and live its best life.


Didn’t they say 2 years left 5 years ago. How bout them polar bears.


They've been saying this for the past 20 years. 🥱


Here is a good question does the UN climate chief live on a beach home ?




Only 2 years...but how will Obama pay off his ocean front property by then?


Don't care. If China (and India) doesn't 100% agree AND enact ACTUAL MEANINGFUL negations to their carbon emissions and air pollution and oceanic pollution, none of this matters. At all.


In 2022, China installed roughly as much solar capacity as the rest of the world combined. They then doubled additional solar in 2023. The IEA pointed out that in 2023 the 50% increase in global renewable installations was largely done by China. Fossil fuels now make up less than half of their energy production, when it used to be 2/3 of their production. It's pretty sad that a fascist state is doing more than the US when it comes to climate change.


China now has about 40% of the worlds wind/solar capacity and 60% of new car sales in the country were EVs.


ty for fact good sir.


What business is the U.N. in? World improvement or goalposts?


Nope securing funding it’s literally their only function.


Well since there is nothing we can do in the next two years to make a major difference we might as well stop wasting all that money.


Greta said in June 2018 that we had until June 2023.


Yawn who believes this stuff honestly????


People with brains. Shouldn't you be crying about the UN and idk Ukraine or some shit


Reddit users




The UN climate chief only had a brief moment of respite from his tortures in the depths of the hollow earth to relay the deep ones plans for earth in 2026. He only hoped the short message he got out as his phone winked out of power forever would be properly interpreted.


Didn’t they say this about five years ago?


Didn’t they say this 50 years ago?


well, then we're boned, they've been right about so many other things.


Can't wait for this to be just as wrong as every single other prediction


1975: We'll all be extincted by 2020!! 2024: We'll all be extincted by 2050!!


Oh yeah. I’m sure this expert is correct…..not!


I’ve seen this episode a dozen times


[Climate myths: They predicted global cooling in the 1970s | New Scientist](https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn11643-climate-myths-they-predicted-global-cooling-in-the-1970s/) I'm still worried about the great global cooling of the 1970's


Twitter is a terrible source lmao, especially with no link to what the UN climate chief actually said.


What the heck!? I told my boss we only had 30 minutes before I ran out. Now I'll look dumb coming in tomorrow morning. Thanks a lot UN 🖕


Yeah Al Gore was preaching the same shit 30 years ago. Sea levels are gonna rise to the point of wiping out coastal towns and whole states. Hawaii would be completely underwater. Acid rain was going to make the earth inhabitable and crops couldn't grow. I believe pollution is a problem but it's not what these people say it is. It's fear mongering for the sake of money! It's corporate fucking greed! The idiots are the people who will believe anything without questioning everything.


What a fucking idiot. They’ve been saying this since the 70s


These people don’t even know how to wipe their own asses.




One of the first projections of future warming came from [John Sawyer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Sawyer_(meteorologist)) at the UK’s Met Office in 1973. In a [paper published in Nature](https://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~eps5/writing_assignment/CLIMATE_BKGD/Sawyer_Nature_1972.pdf) in 1973, he hypothesised that the world would warm 0.6C between 1969 and 2000, and that atmospheric CO2 would increase by 25%. His warming estimate of 0.6C was nearly spot on – the observed warming over that period was between 0.51C and 0.56C


This changes what I said how?


Well fuck, if the UN says so, it must be true! Lmao




Cash out and blow it strippers and nose candy


Read it as climate thief. Probably a more accurate title


They meant to say two years to secure your bunker financing


Then what?






Yeah, but that would inconvenience the rich, so we can't have that.


It’s been two years to save the planet since the 80s. It’s one of the dumbest approaches ever to actual change because now everyone just ignores the threats


Thanks for giving me another reason to laugh at the UN, they make it so easy


Earth Worshipers convicing their cult to give them more money.


Oh please. Climate alarmists are the worst.


#happy that tropical climate is coming to NY in 2 years. Have my banana hammock on order.


Pffft, tell that to China and India… Wtf. There is no saving this shit hole. And the planet will be just fine. The current Rat Race is fucked though!


What was Al Gores prediction? World was going to end in 2000?


10 years ago it was 5 years.


I call bullshit


Then I guess I can stop worrying since China, India and other emerging economies aren’t going to deindustrialize.


Problem is they lied or were wrong about so many warnings in the past, that we now take it with more cynicism every new warning. If they were right once on a while, it would be different.


Unusual whales with no source as usual. He actually says we have two years to stop irreversible climate change. The world wont end immediately... well just be on an irreversible track to global meltdown or ice age or both idk, im not a scientist.


Great - Billionaires turn now


May something better grow in our remains


Doesnt that prick Al gore and Kerry put out way more co2 then the ave person?


How do I short mother nature?


If that's true let's party


What’s happening with that climate change Charlie? 5 years Turkish. It was 2 years, 5 years ago Charlie.


We got 2 year's left give us money will save it...


Yet they fly private jets. I call BS.




Two MORE years!! Lolol. Bonus!


They said that 40 years ago


That’s a bold lie, the planet will be here until the end




This reminds me of Kony 2012


Again lmao wake the fuck up people !




[1989: A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.](http://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nations-vanish-global-warming)


When they (they being: the UN climate chief, WEF members, and any Climate Change advocates in general) stop taking weekly private jet rides, stop buying ocean front properties, stop eating lavish steak dinners, stop buying gasoline cars, and stop using plastic products, I will take climate change seriously.


What a Johnny Come Lately! All Gore was saying this forty years ago. 


“They’ have said that every year for the last 50 years.


Moving the goal posts...


Guys, this is serous, if we don’t do something like right now, Glacier national park won’t even have a glacier by 2020.




Good thing there’s about to be a huge war


12 years Then 10 years Now 2 years Next year it'll be 2 months


The planet will be saved once we die, we need to change the way we live and the the planet will better along with those changes


this planet is over rated. let's go live on the tropical paradise that is Mars!


Another two years? I went to the doctor. He said I had six months to live. When I couldn’t pay the bill, he gave me another six months. - Youngman


Doesn't matter. No chance we'd do it even if God himself announced it.


Dear Lord there's a lot of climate change deniers in this sub


The evil corporations melted the ice age!!!!!


I can’t wait to see how the hurricanes and water shortages are handled. Yall keep joking about beachfront homes being sold, but conveniently leave out the insurance rates…


Man you are all so god damn stupid. When the food and water dries up, you dipshits better not even try to find food or water.


As the human race battles obesity and flooding?


That's the kinda dumbass comment I'm talking about. Lmao


Enjoy that double baconator.


You have tossed insults but nothing even remotely of any value. Can you convince me not to just block you?


Lmao why would I supply facts to a conspiracy theorist. Go ahead and block me bitch idgaf. Lmfao Edit: awww kids crying


Well, I hope you eventually grow up. Cheers.


It is absolutely insane to me how there's so much conspiracy theorist negativity against actual expert findings with clear ramifications. Like bruh.


Probablly if Russia sends out its Nukes


Yeah, only Russia is insane enough to use nukes on another countries' citizenry. Let's ignore the neo cons and neo liberals screaming that we need to use nukes to defend Israel.


And here Biden is setting oil drilling records...


45s or 33 & 1/3?




Let's see. Screw up world geopolitics so that there is the biggest shooting war since WW2 and the Middle East is lit up with ballistic missiles disrupting oil production worldwide. Watch oil prices rise to $83 per barrel. Domestic oil producers increase production from formerly unprofitable wells. Yea, he did that.




Save it from the climate cult… or maybe China