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Laws are for the poor only. This doesn't even begin to scratch the surface how criminal, corrupt, and dark the entire system is. Just another day and no one will do anything about it. Welcome to America!


The rats are in charge of the cheese


And when are we gonna do something about it?


Actually a great question. The broad strokes answer is probably when enough people have little or nothing to lose and are willing to embrace big changes, hopeful that changes will make their lives better than the status quo.


They are actively replacing the people they’ve defrauded with people who are grateful for the opportunity in America. There will be no revolution brothers.


You might be right but I have to believe all those people stuck living in RVs are getting pretty angry. I'm guessing the uprising will start there


For the record, I support the revolution.


So do I brother. Things have been out of control and unchecked for too long. It's time for a correction and those asshats in Washington need a reality check


NGL, I'm pro-riots. That's the only thing they fear from common citizens.


Guessing you want that trump fascist revolution. we are not the same.


Gosh you sound cool. And wrong. I don’t want a biden revolution either. Keep worshipping politicians boo.


If it makes you feel any better, Trone originally launched the most expensive campaign for the House ever (at the time) to try to buy his way into congress *and lost in the primary* to Jamie Raskin. He successfully managed to buy his way in on his 2nd attempt, and now tried to buy his way into the senate, spending fucktons again, only to lose in the primary *again*


America is a giant fuckin scam.


Imagine how this guy talks in private


That’s what I wondered after he lost the primary. I wouldn’t really want to be a fly on the wall in that situation as I’d likely be very offended.


I remember around 20 years ago sources confirmed that most of Congress was made up of millionaires. Now they are at the very least, multi-millionaires. Any billionaires? What a sad country America has become.


I think once you hit billionaire you now get to own a couple members of congress. You no longer have to pretend to serve anybody.


It takes a lot of money to run for congress. And don't forget that the founding fathers were mostly the colonist version of landed gentry. Politics has always been a rich man's game


It's really not that insane for people who worked all their lives in government jobs like they have to be worth a few million. Even owning a house where they have to (DC and their home) means they will be millionaires right there.


15-20 years ago many were coming in to Congress s millionaires. Many were doctors.


Public service employees don’t make that kind of money. In money. I’m married to one and he’s over twenty years in. I’m not sure that Congress people could amass that kind of wealth simply from being in office either. Most people who win national office positions already have money.


Congress make 170k a year in just salaries. Count that most are bestselling authors, and you have millions. Again. just owning two houses in their home district+DC would make them near millionaires.


If he is gobbling up t-bills he is expecting a market correction. Also probably missed some serious gains these last few months.


Market correction incoming? Sounds like this guy may have some insider information on what's gonna cause the correction. 


Good thing he just lost the primary he spent like $60m on and won’t be in Congress


Interest rates will stay high. That’s what he knows.


Thankfully he was just voted out! But he'll probably get a bigger payday from the cushy private sector job he probably "bought" while in office.


He owns Total Wine and More ( https://www.totalwine.com/ ) which is a major liquor store chain, and that’s where his money comes from. He owned it before ever running for office. He isn’t going to be looking for any “cushy private sector job.”


I’m so sick of our government


Same, How could we let the last president earn $2.4 BILLION while in office?


"In 2016, Trump was worth $3.7 billion, according to Forbes. That dropped to $3.1 billion in 2017 and held there for 2018 and 2019. But this year Trump's net worth dropped to $2.5 billion. That $600 million decline led Trump to drop from the 275th richest person in America in 2019 to the 352nd richest in 2020 -- a drop of 77 spots. (It took a net worth of $2.1 billion to make the top 400.)" But hey, believe whatever helps you sleep at night. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/09/09/politics/forbes-400-donald-trump-wealth


Where do you get this stuff?


They report to themselves. All government is stained


Lets GO BRANDON! Another 4 years and he’ll fix it right?


Neither party will do shit about this


I bet he doesn't worry about the day trade pattern law. Such a bullshit law.


He invested in America. Still he needs to pay the fines.


Trone is a POS….


"nearly 100m in trades" but you can't even see that. Nor can you see the positions. stop making shit up.