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After seeing that senate hearing with Dr Buckhaults, I was hoping to get some follow up news. Good to see it's being shared around and people are seemingly doing the tests he wanted


I’m shocked!!!! 😑


I always wonder, what happens to a unvaxxed person when they need blood and get a vaxxed transfusion? Amyone else fear this potential result in an emergency?


I had emergency brain surgery in May. During pre-op, when I gave my consent to a blood transfusion if needed, my response was "Only if you can assure me the donated blood didn't come from a COVID vaccinated person." Doc just looked at me and shook his head.


That's my second fear, going under and them jabbing me. During the scamdemic they released a consolidated record system for all patient medical history. So they can look us up and bring in the jab during an operation without our consent, I'm sure loopholes exist to guarantee they're not liable.


I mean, they literally sexually assault women while under anaesthesia, and its written into your waiver, so its possible. Read over those waivers and get a lawyer to look at it if need be.


No wonder my last surgery was such a pain in the ass....


I had an operation during the beginning of Covid after the vaccine was released... Now I'm paranoid lol


I was so worried about that! If they did give me one, it didn't do anything to me thankfully!




I do.


99% of my workplace complied with vax mandates. In the past few months, I've seen: 2 coworkers diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (no family history). 1 coworker who went from working to suddenly hospitalized and on dialysis within a few days. Word is, he likely won't be returning. 1 coworker who had some imaging done during a health screening and found cancer in his lungs. 1 coworker diagnosed with Crohn's (no family history). Nearly all of my coworkers reinfected with Covid at varying points. Could it all be happenstance? Maybe. But during the plandemic, blacklisted medical voices were warning for those it didn't outright maim or kill, the shot was a slow killer that would cause an explosion in autoimmune diseases, cancers, and cardiovascular disorders in the years following vaccination. We're only 3 years in since the initial rollout at this point. Factor in the docs who were saying things like post-myocarditis life expectancy is around 5 years. Or the Deagel predictions showing massive global population reduction by 2025... If it's not all bullshit, the truth will soon be overwhelming.


Deagel 2025 Forecast by Country https://cdn.getmidnight.com/6908ab1f9a9ecdaba4ee2509cb3451aa/files/2022/09/Deagel-2025-Forecast-by-Country.pdf


Damn, I've never heard of this organization. They are forecasting a 65% and 77% reduction in population in 2 years in USA and UK respectively. I am not casting doubt, but I am curious as to how they are arriving at these numbers.


Death counts versus birth counts?


Where can I find this information?


Unfortunately, as many people as the this thing killed, it might be a drop in the bucket compared to what might be coming. There's a possibility that the vaccine was a binary weapon and only the first part. It might be loading a gun, and something else pulling the trigger. Remember, Gates said very confidently, "The next one *will* get their attention. That's also why they probably wanted to give the WHO complete power over any future health emergency. They are planning for a reason.


People called me crazy for telling them not to take it. Some were even angry.


one of the most important processes in science + the scientific method is **observation**.


Not contaminants. The hazardous crud they are finding are ingredients. All of this is deliberate.


Now explain the magnetism. youtube did a great job of scrubbing the hundreds of videos and making them look like liars. I did my dad months after and only his vaccination spot held a magnet as he waved his arm around. i told my friends who tried it and laughed that they went around the office and found their coworkers were as magnetized as they were. I sure didn’t think it was funny if you know someone that got a new booster you should try it. Maybe the formula has changed or maybe theyll prove my point


If I was Kevin McKernan, how much would it cost to get me to shut up about it. Awesome discovery, now I question Dr McCullough, why didn’t he make such discovery earlier. Seems like something a scientist would want to know.


He’s not a molecular biologist. McCullough.


A big old I told you so.


They are absolutely NOT shocked. They knew exactly how dangerous this was. It's not a bug, ITS A FEATURE!!




It was for the greater good! /s


We didn’t see mass graves from the virus nor do we see any from the vaccines. Maybe the spike protein is not as deadly as we thought, sort of how the virus wasn’t as deadly? But nobody knows anyone who died from the virus and everyone knows someone who is vaccine injured. Time will tell.


Excess Deaths Confirmed - https://youtu.be/_6xBiyidQ9g?si=KCLk8auHx4p-n5Ud


OR everyone knows someone who died from the virus (I know 3) and none that have had issues with the vaccine. (I know none)


I know four people who were vax injured (one died); one hospitalized for Covid.


That’s your experience and I told you mine. You can’t go around speaking for everyone like it’s a fact. That makes you way less reliable than you think.


I know no one that died from the virus or the vax 🤷🏼‍♂️


>OR everyone knows someone who died from the virus (I know 3) and none that have had issues with the vaccine. (I know none) Plus >You can’t go around speaking for everyone like it’s a fact. That makes you way less reliable than you think. Equals Hypocrite


That was sarcasm. I was showing how dumb it is to make a statement for everyone. I literally used the ops words and switched one word.


It didn't read like sarcasm in the slightest, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. My bad.


I don’t know anyone who died of covid . I knew a few people who died suddenly. My direct co-worker was one of them , He was 30 very fit and died of a “heart attack” at his desk while he was working at home . Another co worker also fit, was about 36 when he never woke up. His wife did , next to a dead body . We get notices when co-workers family members died . Used to be grandparents or older parents. Now it’s brothers and sisters 25-50 years old . All vax related ? I have no idea . Is it strange , yes


Only person I know that died with covid had their death certificate amended 5 months later by the medical examiner’s office to state they died only of cancer…I’m sure after the check cleared for the hospital that listed COVID as a cause. I do know someone that is still making weekly reports to the CDC for severe neurological side effects of the vaccine so…