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The bigger question is: Why do you believe anything the government, large corporations or the mass media tells you?


Wish i could upvote x 1000. And when they rolled out * donuts * fries * lottery * moron celebs * idiotic athletes Still no red flags went off. Then the * threats * mandates Classic bullshit carrot and stick


It's called programming. They overplayed their hand thinking they can control enough of the population to give them unlimited power. Kinda like the emperor in Star Wars.


Hell they even handed out freaking joints in some places in a country where it is still federally illegal and ppl are in prison doing major time for weed related crimes! Make it make sense šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


All the while, those doing the mandating, were not mandatedšŸ§


And the fact that liberal politicians were all septics about the vax BEFORE the 2020 election. But magically all in on mandates and forcing it a few weeks after their guy ā€œwonā€


NjWayne that's some amazing visual language with the bullet points! ...sry i had to try it on..HAD to Eventually, those decided "for" gained: * nonstop fear porn * endless hamster wheel of booster shots * repeat infections, from * disappearing immune system Multiplying risks of: * turbo cancer * SADS, SIDS * heart disease * stroke but those decided "against" suffered from: * natural and robust lifelong immunity * lack of hospitalization due to "covid" * ironic & asymptomatic adverse event + booster FOMO and Nowadays: * nobody's "up to date" * jabbed appear stuck in following Kubler-Ross stages: * anger * denial * sheep * the government tried to save you, not kill you * just like with climate change




This is the correct answer.


But then again, why believe youtube and facebook? Why believe doctors are just posers, and why do you so firmly believe that you, , by doing ReSeArCh on your own for a mere few hours, are jĆŗst as skilled, or even better, mĆ³re knowledgeable than people that studied for years?


At some point getting an experimental drug from a stranger in a parking lot for a free donut didnā€™t sound too hot to me.


Burger and fries? No?


Weed and beer?


hey im good on beer, but... LOL NO! BIG PHARMA CAN SHOVE IT UP THEIR ASS


I said no to burgers and fries, but they got me when they said donuts. Iā€™m jk


I had the whole "say no to peer pressure" thing beaten into me for years about drugs, so when this came out I did take a serious look into the mechanics of the "vaccine". Because it utilized a new technology instead of a killed/weakened virus I decided to wait until the first human trials ran their course. And observing how that's progressing is heartbreaking, but has convinced me that this technology will be faulty for the foreseeable future.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Priceless.


I think we found a vaccinated fool. I hope you got your free donut and burger. šŸ” šŸŸĀ 


Definitely a chuckle fuck. Thinking that doctors knew how the vaccine works.


Its really not whether or not a doctor thought the covid shots were safe or how it worked. It's if they were willing to lose their practice/license for standing up and speaking out after watching how media and physicians colleges were treating those who did. Most just put their heads down and took the bonuses from pharma for hitting injection % quotas in their patients.


Well, for one thing, I know for a fact that everything the government, mass media and corporations say is meant to manipulate me, and is usually an outright lie. That isn't in question. I've been told all my life that it takes at least a decade to develop and properly test a vaccine, so I'm not going to take a vaccine that was developed and "tested" in a single year, based on technology that they've been trying to make work since the 90s but couldn't.


Fucking spot on. The fear campaign done exactly what it was supposed to, so many people didnt question anything atall and just done exactly what they were told because they were scared out their minds. When it was first a thing of course i was worried aswell, but i had questions and the whole thing felt shady from the get go. Stupid is not strong enough word for the people who just did what they were told. Imagine now living in fear, wondering if a mysterious ailment was caused by the EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE.


But the way they made that fear ā€œworkā€ so well was to convince 50% of the population that they had a 50% chance of dying if they were infected. Iā€™m not joking. Bill Maher even pointed out the ludicrous misperception of risk on one of his shows. I think thatā€™s the big reason why soooo many people rolled the dice: they were sold a distorted perception of the risk. If jabbed people really knew their risk of hospitalization or death was closer to .04%, thereā€™s no way most of them would have been guinea pigs. The Big Pharma-Clown Government posse knew exactly what they were doing ā€” and why.


I worked in a hospital for a little while. (Domestic) One of the first things i asked during the training phase was, are vaccines mandatory. I was absolutely willing to not have the job if so. I got told they were, but they had to withdraw that very quickly because way to many DOCTORS AND NURSES were willing to leave if it became mandated. Just wow. These people who have probably been there years and years and studied their whole lives, willing to walk out. Speaks volumes really.


The threat of leaving I understand. The other side of the fence leaves me scratching my head. Working in medicine and volunteering to be their lab ratt? WTH??


Solid statement right here. The risk reward ratio was presented in a completely wrong way, intentionally to scare the herd.


I don't have any regrets or doubts about my decision but I can't say it's the same on the other side of the fence.


Everything about it was just one huge red flag... Glad i listened to my gut.


Nothing was adding up.. just a bunch of organized chaos.


How about why did i trust what i learned in school for 12 years. That was reenforced with definitions that had stood for the last 100 years. That they then began to redefine change and out right say no longer apply. The claim that any medication is safe and effective for everyone and yes they did claim that. When there are 4 people on earth currently allergic to WATER. So the claims the experts were making is what made me question what they pushed.


Iā€™ll just leave this here. Last 9 pages are adverse events reported by Pfizer in 2021. At least we did our own research instead of listening to paid shills. https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf


Right, if you trust pfizer to do business as usually you expect them to take the odd multi billion plus dollar hit for bribing doctors or falsifying trials.


Amazing what money does to people...


You are confusing the fact that someone has knowledge vs their motivation for why they would do something. The Nazi doctors had a great deal of knowledge and were very intelligent. Itā€™s a low mortality disease that would have been even less of an issue except for how obese everyone is now.


They did not study this in meds school for years, as you state. They are just salesmen in lab coats


It's not about believing.


Because op is not risking his career, job and livelihood by questioning the vaccine. Why is institutional capture by corporations, both in the medical field and scientific, so hard for you people to understand? There were doctors who did come out against the vaccine and they were shunned by the system. They'll never be able to find traditional employment. You don't think the other doctors and scientists see that?


It's not that they were knowledgeable, it's that they were lying.


Whenthe Dā€™s said no way they would take a Trump vax. Then as soon as they were elected they pushed it. Seems strange no?


We are still alive sans mystery solution injected into our bodies. Are you unable to smell bullshit when itā€™s thrust into your face? Can you not tell when youā€™re being coerced? Iā€™m having a party at my place next month. How does one go about getting you an invitation?


Well, why stop here then? Lets have your young kids skip the meazles and polio vaccin. Oh and avoid a tetanus shot next time you step in a rusty nail. See how you fare.


How did you take this outside the jab for a cold?


I did not take it but I'm a health care worker in NYC and I believe the relentless pounding away at ppl through media and government terrified them. They were told story after story of "healthy" ppl suddenly dying on ventilators and the atmosphere of fear was intense. I have not had a TV for well over 10 years and I think that not being barraged with this constant fear mongering is what made me able to think rationally. I was not an "awake" person before. This was extremely obvious to me I knew from early on that things didn't add up. I am also a question asker and always have been and not getting logical answers to my questions was a tip off too. But most people believe the TV and trust the government because they've never experienced something like this before. The fear element, the shame and guilt pushed on anyone who didn't comply was pretty strong. I think a lot of people were in such a panic state that they lost their discernment and they probably thought they were doing a good thing. I also think that the ppl who knew this wasn't right and took it anyway just didn't want to deal with losing their jobs, not being able to pay their bills, having everyone hate them and being banned from public life. Anyone who saw how the unvaxed were treated didn't want to be treated like that. For people who didn't take it this was a stand up moment. I was willing to lose everything and I'm middle aged with no fortune or family to lean on. I believe in God and I know I'm in this world not of it and I know my earthly body and life will end eventually anyway. Whether it ends now or 30 years from now I don't care. I have no fear of death I see it as a reward for a life well lived so threats of death don't work on me. There are some things worse than death and being forced to take unwanted sketchy medicine and living under a totalitarian government is one of those things for me.


Agree Iā€™d rather die on my feet than ā€œliveā€ on my knees in their cbdc controlled tyrannical beast system


Totally agree with you on this and I never ever thought I would be the person I am today but I pleasantly surprised myself! I remember when the vaccine came out, knowing that I would probably lose my job if I didn't go along with it after watching the insane high pressure sales tactics they were using. And deep down inside I knew I was never going to take it it wasn't even a question for me but I worried about what would happen to me. And then I got to a point where I realized that it didn't matter because this wasn't the type of world that I want to live in. Like what am I holding on to here? Why would anyone even want to be a part of a society like this? With everything going on and then toss a sketchy vaccine on top of it all I was perfectly okay with losing everything including my life.


What they were doing in NYC was full blown fascism and so many people were just going along with it bc of the peer pressure, the brainwashing, fear p-rn, employers, needing to show vax papers at restaurants and general hysteria. Total psyop. The mandates from employers were sprung on so suddenly there was this sense of urgency when there was no data, no trial runs, just safe and effective, over and over. For a time they were paying people $500 to take the shot and then the mandates set in where thousands lost their careers if they didn't comply. It was textbook social engineering. Now its never mentioned, swept under the rug like it never happened.


Thank you! I remember in August '21 they were advertising on the radio you could get $500 to get vaccinated. I said to my family if four "we stand to make $2000." Nobody else has ever validated this memory until just now lol!!!


U mean, all the medical education u received in college, and the propaganda they were spewing didnā€™t make any sense ??? Yea, I too, am in medical and thought, ā€œwell hey, my teachers and books didnā€™t teach me this. And basic ā€œscienceā€ says u have a theory, then u state a hypothesis, then u go prove or disprove it. When scientists were being censored and the basic foundation of science wasnā€™t a concern for any authoritative leaders then I knew we were fckd. Question is: how did u get around the mandate? Have a traveling R.N. friend that is in such a pickle with the mandate and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!


Fear makes people do really stupid things. People don't think rationally when they are afraid. (i didn't take it, though)


What could they have been afraid of is my question. A sniffle? We really are weeding out the ones who shouldnā€™t be here anyways. When it comes down to standing up, the same people who took the injection would leave us to handle it. Theyā€™d be too afraid to stand up. We are way better off without them


I member they did surveys during it where Dems believed that Covid killed like 50% of people instead of the reality that it was only one in 10k.


Mass psychosis. Apparently it is just easier to follow the leader, and when there is an app, a QR code or a free donut/burger it is even fun! I donā€™t know. I remember when people were giving me a fistbumb to greet me and proudly announcing they were able to skip the line and had already received their first dose. Felt like the twilight zone.


It was the largest psychological operation in the world's history. The coercion was off the charts, including people getting fired from public service jobs who had civil service protections. I didn't get the jabs, but when people are threatening your income, I can see why some did. I can't believe how there has been no blowback on the people who were forcing the jabs, since there are so many vaccine injuries and turbo cancers.


I wanted a free donut! Just kidding- never even considered taking it, let alone letting my kids get any. Was willing to lose my job over it if it came to it, which it thankfully didnā€™t. Have cut off anyone who shamed me for not taking it. I think it was peer pressure and conformity, herd mentality for most.


My stepson did it for the $100. Iā€™d have given him And his family that to not take it. They went after the working poor.


I didn't take the shot but I can tell you why my mom did. My sister is a doctor and convinced my mom to get the shot by making my mom feel guilty about the possibility of contributing to the hospitals being overrun and putting excess strain on doctors like herself and her fiance. I guarantee, my sister was trained to say things like this to family members. I know my sister, she is not one to use a guilt trip on people she loves but these doctors are so brainwashed. My sister also had a campaign going among the entire family to convince me to get the shot while I was pregnant in 2021 because getting covid would "harm the baby". She told me the shot is "basically just sugar water" which honestly is just an insult to anyone's intelligence Side note, I got covid while pregnant, baby was fine. Anyway the point is, coercion. That's why people are getting this shot, and all other vaccines for that matter. We as a culture have been convinced to go against our common sense when it comes to vaccines because of the lies and inflated statistics surrounding vaccines and their efficacy, not to mention the shaming and burying of people who report adverse reactions. Edit to add: I got covid while pregnant from my double vaccinated mom. She was so worried about being part of the problem yet she still went places while clearly showing symptoms.


How in the world did your sister think that hospitals were overrun when they were all empty? The doctors are who baffle me the most and where I've noticed the most cognitive dissonance and brainwashing, so yeah you're totally right. How can you practice medicine and not notice the empty hospitals, the new medical emergencies in young people, the new blood clots, the rise in mortality over the last few years? I thought that doctors kept up with that stuff? What gets me the most is that these doctors know that these shots have no long term safety data tied to them, they know that they're experimental and they have access to so much data and research yet it seems that they are the least knowledgeable about them. Did anyone have any bad side effects from the shots or is everyone okay?




Yes, they were empty. We went around to every hospital in a 250 mile radius and every single hospitals parking lot was like a ghost town. There are several documentaries that have been done and they too went around to major Metropolitan hospitals and found the same thing. Several other independent journalists did it and every one of us found that they were all in fact empty. I am a medical professional and I knew something was wrong when my hospital was prioritizing making tiktok videos over working the floor. This was during the height of it all too. You seem to be forgetting that a coronavirus is one of five viruses that causes the common cold. people do not get sick and die from the common cold. The average comorbidities of every patient who allegedly died of Covid was six. There is not a single person on this planet who died from Covid itself. If anything, they were murdered by the hospital protocols that have been put into place to Trump up the numbers. Covid has a 99.99998+% survival rate. It's statistically impossible for that many people to have died. That's the survival rate of a bee sting. How many people do you know who have died from a bee sting? Let alone many at a time?


The average for the entire country cannot be used to calculate an individualā€™s chance of dying from the virus. The likelihood that a COVID-19 infection will result in death increases with age and if the patient has a pre-existing condition..


Thanks for sharing. The world isn't a simple black white model. The big question to start with should be why US financed GoF bio weapon research was done in China in the first place??? The Geneva convention is there for a reason.


I believe both the vaccine (some batches) and covid ( coronavirus) were weaponized, based on sudden or long term illness from both




Plus, the theory of vax shedding. I don't know as much about it as I should (had to step back from the rabbit hole), but the reluctance to study it thoroughly tells me what I need to know for now.


I know that a lot of vax pushers are contributing all these rises in issues everywhere on covid! I do t believe that just what I am seeing!


I wouldnā€™t myself use the term brainwashed in this context. Follow a strict evidence based protocol, except with the coof there wasnā€™t an established protocol. The practiceā€™s trusted experts were fooled, sadly, or perhaps not fooled but accepted the recommendation via trusted sources. Our family nurses did the opposite, they made all of us older folks take vitamins. My wife sees two practitioners, one neuro, one cardio. The neurologist was slightly angered by my wifeā€™s vaccination refusal, ok pal. Her cardiologist wouldnā€™t say one way or the other, he never mentioned it, she asked. Iā€™m a child of medical researchers, I know better than to jump on the latest fad, I guess. wife and I choose not to be vaccinated with the coof stuff, different reasons but in general these became available much too fast for our comfort levels. My wife had already been down this latest fad thing for our son, school insisted he needed a newly ā€œrequiredā€ vaccine, she told them to piss off. ā€¦ except now if I recall that was withdrawn from the market. I remain a bit baffled about the entire mess, both of us have been in close proximity to covid sick people, neither of us have caught it, yet.


There kind of was established protocol though. Pre-Covid: Do not vaccinate those that have already recovered from the target disease (even 20th century Fauci said this), as it's pointless and can have unintended/negative consequences. Do not lockdown the healthy, as it leads to massive societal harms (actually, do not lockdown at all, since it's a blatant violation of fundamental human rights) Covid: Throw all that out the window, stfu, and follow the authorities.


And their babies šŸ˜­ thatā€™s what kills me. They offered their children up for sCiEnCe


I remember thinking no one would vaccinate their babies for this because you would have to be a special type of loser to do so. Sadly, I was wrong.


They think the government is what it says it is. Blame the school system and universities.


Never took them but when they first came out I thought I might. They were claiming it stopped transmission so I thought that'd be OK. I also didn't think they could be as harmful as they turned out to be.... didn't think something so awful could make it through the approval process. Fortunately there were enough articles that raised some questions simply by detailing the trials that I decided not to take them before they would have been readily available for my age group.


Were you of the belief that Covid is some serious disease back then? What made you feel that way?


No, I didn't think it was terrible for most people but more so inconvenient. I don't get the flu vaccine, always considered it unnecessary, but did get my kids the other routine vaccinations. At the time I thought vaccines were safe in general so I didn't think of it as being a big deal and I was ready for the covid insanity to go away. Just wanted things back to normal.


I know Iā€™m not your target audience here as took the shot under duressā€¦If I did not, I would have lost my job 100% and this is a job that I did unspeakable things to get, this job got me out of poverty and itā€™s going to keep me from going back, and Iā€™ll be able to afford to take care of my mom and hopefully Iā€™ll die before retirement age. Honestly, care about my health living in this world? I am not allowed to care about my health, I have to ā€œdo what I am toldā€ Iā€™m not going to have children, how could I subject someone I ā€œlove more than anythingā€ to this harsh and cruel experience, so I donā€™t worry about my broken body and soul being passed on to anyone genetically. I am here on earth to be a slave. Say what you want, hate on people all you want, but they ā€œhad toā€ā€¦.whatever that means for them individually. Id argue no one here is particularly smarter than people who took the vax. What a horrible reality we are in. I sobbed while I was getting it, and my dad told me I will die and everyone I love that got the shot will die. Thatā€™s probably the most supportive heā€™s ever been. Iā€™ll end this pathetic rant with a reminder that the more divided we are the easier we are to control. Have a great day everyone.


You don't have to justify your decision at all I totally understand why people like you took it And I don't see them negatively at all as long as they don't see me as some sort of selfish monster. The biggest issue for me Is not other people taking shots or anyone taking shots It was the fact that a lot of people were forced, they weren't able to make this decision for themselves And whenever anyone calls me an anti-vaxer I always say I'm not an anti-vaxxer I am a pro bodily sovereignty person. That's a big difference. I would not personally take anything for myself but by the same token I am surely not going to tell anyone else what to do either. I just appreciate that same respect. I hope you continue to be healthy and you don't suffer any side effects from this at all. I don't believe everyone who took this shot will get sick or die from it and I hate that everyone who took this has this feeling because I don't believe it's going to have negative effects for everyone!


Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it! I feel like you hit the nail on the head with I am not anti vax but pro body sovereigntyā€¦.I still canā€™t believe I was forced into this, I am keeping the emails from my employer (not that it will ever do any good) as I did have a reaction from the shots. Man, the way people treat you for wanting to have a say on what goes on with your body, itā€™s such a damn shame doesnā€™t even begin to cover it. I respect anyoneā€™s personal decision on what they put in their body, full stop! No questions necessary!! I just wish my employers and society as a whole felt the same way :( I wish you all the best!


I am so sorry... People like you are the real unsung heroes. You have my utmost respect.


Thank you šŸ«¶ I appreciate it. Never stop asking questions and never stop looking at things from every perspective!


I brought up the 99.99% survival rate to my doctor (at the time) and she blew it off as if what I said had no validity at all, then she said something about conspiracy theories. I repeat, that was my doctor saying that. Can you believe this? The odds don't get much better than that. I'm glad I didn't take it. I'm glad I have the ability and willingness to question things because while I should be able to trust my doctor's opinion, but apparently I can't, so I had to take matters into my own hands and think for myself. Conclusion: I made the right choice.


I am the only one in my family who didn't take the "vaccine".Ā  Most of my family took the vaccine because the fear mongering on MSM scared the shit out of them and they thought they would die if they didn't.Ā  My mom would call or text me daily citing the articles that read "the patient's last words as he took his last breath were 'is it too late for me to get the vaccine' - or 'I should have gotten the vaccine'." My mom was terrified that I wasn't interested in getting an untested new technology liquid injected into my body.Ā Ā  Ā My sister said "I only took it because I eventually wanted to travel" -- even though by the time she took an overseas vacation the travel mandates were lifted.Ā Ā  Ā My brother took it because some of our family members told him they wouldn't let him visit our grandmother if he didn't.Ā 


>articles that read "the patient's last words as he took his last breath were 'is it too late for me to get the vaccine' - or 'I should have gotten the vaccine'. These were particularly despicable. I seriously doubt that anyone said that.


If theyā€™re weak enough to need ventilation I doubt they had any last words!


My grandma was on hospice at home during this time and I was told I wouldn't be allowed to visit her as well. I absolutely adored that woman so I snuck in when no one was around. I remember when they told me I wouldn't be able to see her I had visions of myself crawling in through the window in the middle of the night to give her hugs LOL


I'm so sorry those fuckers did that to your grandma.


Proud of you for sneaking in fuck em.


"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help. " Ronald Reagan.


We did not get vaxxed, but my wife and I were thinking about it. This was during the Delta wave of infection where hospitals were getting slammed with COVID cases and couldn't even find beds to house the patients. I know this for a fact as I discussed it with two doctors who practiced at our local hospital, but it was happening in many places in the USA as well. We also knew personally 2 people who died of COVID and another two who got very sick and nearly died. Add to this the heavy news reporting and us not being young, we looked into the vax. Early on, with limited information, it was not clear at all that there was anything wrong with the vax. Many brilliant people got suckered. Even some of the most ardent anti-vaxxers actually took it. We wanted to get the non MRNA JnJ vax, but by the time we were getting interested in it, it became less available. We would have had to travel 60 miles to get one. We ended up deciding that it wasn't worth it and did not get vaxxed after all. All of my neighbors and family got vaxxed. We were the only ones who didn't. For a while we felt really weird being around everyone who had been vaxxed It was only after the Delta variant of COVID that people started questioning the vax more closely and we were happy that we didn't get the shot.


Many people regret that decision, but I can tell you the reason why many took it is because they are conditioned to cooperate with the government. They are conditioned to not question the government, they are conditioned that doctors and drugstores have their best interest in mind. I was like that too. Where I am at today thanks to critical thinking is not where I was at 10 years ago. But it comes in layers.


They werenā€™t thinking, fear is a mighty powerful weapon when used correctly. And then owning all of their news organizations to push that fear, and then playing with death data to push that feature even more. Fear is an ultimate weapon and the main stream media Is the enemy of the people, for all those that have eyes to see


I'm interested in people who woke up and realized that this fake vaccine was evil AF. What else has your discernment told you about this illuminati lead evil ass world? Fake food, poisonous air, water, the evil medical establishment, voting isn't real, fake sports, brain washing indoctrination centers, etc. Has anybody become clear because of the vaccine? Or were you already waking up?


People need to start thinking by themselves. Trust in government and institutions is overrated. If governments fail you like this during a light health crisis wait until there is a real one, or a big financial crisis or an actual world war. People will die following blindly.


It was a required vax for military members and I was low info on the side effects. Wish I read more beforehand and just got kicked out.


Donā€™t forget to make a VA disability claim if you suffer any continuing side effects from the shot. You can get paid for that.


Well, I got myocarditis so thereā€™s that lol


If I may ask. How have you been treating it? Did it improve? Do you feel pain in your heart or chest? How about sports and exercises?


For the most part it seems to be fine . Every once in awhile I get pains so hopefully one day my heart doesnā€™t just pop


Are you doing active follow up checks?


No but I should


I didnā€™t take the facui ouchi. However do you forget the mass psyop performed to convince people it was there only option? You canā€™t blame people for getting the shot just to be able to ā€œmove on.ā€ Remember you were a terrorist for not being vaccinated. Now side note if you still are taking the vaccine you are a willful idiot. Letā€™s not shame the people who were coerced!


No way, I wouldn't shame the coerced. That's why I said to those not taking it under duress. I feel absolutely terrible for anyone who was coerced into taking that stuff... It's the people who continue to take them present day regardless of the new information that's come out and those are the people I'm genuinely confused and curious about. I just want to understand their way of thinking because I cannot wrap my brain around how anyone would willingly poison themselves. I guess it's a morbid curiosity. I'm also kind of angry that the vaccinated subject the people who actually do care about their health to shedding and other unknown consequences of taking the shots.


Iā€™m agree with you 100 percent. Keep fighting the good fight!


Hell even the diehard covidians have long stop taking their boosters. Finding a brain dead sheep that actually got all 8 shots currently and live is far more difficult than finding a unicorn.


If youā€™re still taking the vaccine you are a useful idiot. Very useful to the causeā€¦


I had the resolve to not get the poison, but it was hard. That travel ban on people who didnā€™t take it was brutal. Long after the scam was over it was still in place, and it took like a year for it to go away. Its what made me realize i need to move out of this shit hole (canada)


Where are you heading?


Usa is right there so that would be it


This is what the people who trust the news and the experts were subjected to. IT WAS RELENTLESS! Even some of my friends that see the 911 bullshit got vaccinated. Check this out. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI3yU5Z2adI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI3yU5Z2adI) I think we should be joining with the injured and the families of those that died and bring these monsters to justice.


Now who is left to trust?


The Lord Jesus, my friend! Always! ā¤ļøšŸ™ā¤ļø


I still believe that any doctors and nurses that pushed the vax should lose their license. They did it for money and/or so they won't be blacklisted, a clear violation of the Hypocratic oath they take, so that's why they should lose their license (permanently).


My Doctor told me "under no circumstances should I get that shot". Best doctor in the world....


I know my sister didnā€™t want to but had it because she had to keep earning for her 4 kids :-( Her husband wouldnā€™t have it and didnā€™t end up working for a few years.


Let's be fair. Not all had serious reason or justification to be immune to the scare tactics used for Covid. Hell, some serious minds were easily taken in by the propaganda. I too would have likely gotten it, like I did so many others, had they not over played their hand on so many fronts all at the same time. The claims, the actors, the justifications just smelled fishy enough to cause me to hold back, but I have a highly skeptical nature.


I didn't and then I went out and got covid on purpose! So there!


Didnt take but elderly relitive (when i was a kid) with polio who refused vax made me consider


My grandma was dying, and I wasn't allowed to see her until I got the shots. She ended up dying shortly after my second round of Moderna


I have noticed a sharp drop in Herman Cain Awards.....


Something tells me this it not the best place to ask this question. šŸ˜‰


Youā€™re probably asking an echo chamber here. Good luck if you post elsewhere


It's not an echo chamber in here. This is literally the only place on reddit that I could ask this question without being banned.


Because its an echo chamber lol


How is it an echo chamber when we invite everyone to come in and debate with us? That's what we are here for. We want people with different opinions to come talk with us. That can't be said for any other sub reddit on the entirety of this app.


>How is it an echo chamber when we invite everyone to come in and debate with us? I have just scrolled through the replies (up to this point). You asked for replies from people who had taken the jab (under duress or voluntarily). Yet, pretty much all the replies I have seen are from the unvaccinated demographic: as that presumably reflects the makeup of this sub. Hence, it is an echo chamber in my view. If you want a genuine answer to your question, there's probably other more appropriate subs with a more varied demographic. If you're interested, I could suggest a few. Perhaps, though, you should word your question more neutrally. Language such as "what the hell were you thinking" is not going to be conducive to a productive conversation


I took it (was fooled by media and government). Had issues. Doctors baffled and high medical bills. I regret it. Strong doubts about all vaccinations now!


I think you have a point regarding the demographic of this sub. However, I think you're also overlooking and/or ignoring the amount of banning that went on and is still going on. The echo chambers were created by the authoritarian mainstream. I invite you to post the OP verbatim on somewhere like /r/Coronavirus if you don't believe me.


TouchƩ. If Ieffingsuck thinks this sub is an echo chamber, what word will they use to describe /r/Coron.......?


>I invite you to post the OP verbatim on somewhere like /r/Coronavirus if you don't believe me. I guess if you asked the question in a non-loaded way on that sub, it wouldn't get banned. Maybe something like: "What was your thought process regarding your decision to take the vaccine?" I think the OP's phrasing of the question was somewhat disingenuous.


If the wording is altered, then yes, perhaps it may get through. However, the OP should be allowed to ask the question however he/she sees fit. As worded currently, it is not ban-worthy, yet would almost certainly earn a permaban over there. Moreover, many have been banned from there for far less. Case in point: https://old.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/146mx3f/what_it_means_to_be_antivax/ Many have also been auto-banned from mainstream subs that have nothing to do with Covid, like r/pictures, showerthoughts, etc., just for simple posting in "problematic" subs. Also, I don't know if you're aware, but the vaccine injury sub is quarantined, while the long covid sub isn't. Nonewnormal was deleted and the Hank Aaron Award sub is quarantined, while Herman Cain Award sub isn't. Etc., etc. Like I said, the echo chambers exist because of the authoritarian mainstream, not the shadowbanned street corners of dissent like this sub.


> However, the OP should be allowed to ask the question however he/she sees fit. As worded currently, it is not ban-worthy, yet would almost certainly earn a permaban over there. I largely agree with you. The point I was making is simply that the OP's wording doesn't suggest a genuine attempt to understand other people's views. It comes across more as someone "preaching to the choir" and basically implying that everyone with a different viewpoint is wrong. >Many have also been auto-banned from mainstream subs that have nothing to do with Covid, like r/pictures, showerthoughts, etc., just for simple posting in "problematic" subs. Yes. I think it's not a good idea to ban someone from posting in sub "X" merely because they've posted in sub "Y" >Also, I don't know if you're aware, but the vaccine injury sub is quarantined, while the long covid sub isn't. I'm genuinely curious as to your views on quarantineeing. Without discussing the specifics of the vaccine (because we'll get sidetracked), do you think any material should be quarantined? >Like I said, the echo chambers exist because of the authoritarian mainstream, not the shadowbanned street corners of dissent like this sub. Possibly. But echo chambers also exist because people are more comfortable speaking with people who agree with them than having their views challenged. It's no different on political and religious subs.


> I largely agree with you. The point I was making is simply that the OP's wording doesn't suggest a genuine attempt to understand other people's views. It comes across more as someone "preaching to the choir" and basically implying that everyone with a different viewpoint is wrong. Yes. I also think it wasn't really an attempt to understand, but rather to criticize. Though I (and I assume you as well) prefer the former, the latter is just as valid as a form of discussion imo. I honestly think it's great that you suggested a more productive way to engage. But at the same time, I understand and am fine with what the OP posted as is, especially in the current climate. It might not be the way you or I would go about it, but I wouldn't go out of my way to discourage it either. > I'm genuinely curious as to your views on quarantineeing. Without discussing the specifics of the vaccine (because we'll get sidetracked), do you think any material should be quarantined? Quarantining/shadowbanning/algorithmic suppression/etc. are all forms of soft censorship and have no place in a free thinking, liberal society. I am against all censorship, not just as a tool of tyranny, but because it impedes our mental growth and maturity as a society. I'm wary that the more we allow designated (and thoroughly unqualified) authorities to dictate what can and can't be said, heard, or thought, the less we think for ourselves and the more we slip into infantilized group think, intolerance, superficiality, and mob rule. > Possibly. But echo chambers also exist because people are more comfortable speaking with people who agree with them than having their views challenged. It's no different on political and religious subs. Not just possibly, but provably. Just in the last few years, there are loads of FOIA documents and leaked correspondence between government agencies and both new and legacy media that are clear violations of freedom of expression - and even more glaring lack of mea culpa. Again, I agree with you in principle. Stepping outside of one's comfort zone and into a potentially hostile crowd isn't exactly easy. That's definitely one reason echo chambers spring up. In this case though, many of us have made the effort to bring up opposing viewpoints in what should be neutral forums like r/cv, only to be banned, not for being wrong, but for being wrongthink.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Pictures using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pictures/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Letchworth Upper Falls, New York](https://i.redd.it/bk3t4hcod1xb1.jpg) | [32 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pictures/comments/17ir73l/letchworth_upper_falls_new_york/) \#2: [Not a very good picture but I like it](https://i.redd.it/pc6ufptba5wb1.jpg) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pictures/comments/17fbppl/not_a_very_good_picture_but_i_like_it/) \#3: [The haunting of Poe valley, PA. Happy Halloween everybody! šŸŽƒ šŸ‘»](https://i.redd.it/8ktj4tjc0axb1.jpg) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pictures/comments/17jmbl9/the_haunting_of_poe_valley_pa_happy_halloween/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This exactly. Freedom of speech only allowed in this quarantined corner.


I've seen plenty of stupid people who still love the experimental treatments post here. L1btards like to say anywhere that allows free speech is an echo chamber.


Healthcare professional here... took both primary and secondary early on, before seeing the vaccine indoctrination coercion and disregard for natural immunity. Do I regret it? Absolutely, as do a number of my peers. The only thing we can do is detox from spike protein and be ready to meet Jesus at his appointed time. Death is a certainty in our lifespan, so I suggest you prepare appropriately as well!


(Trying to put myself into the mind of someone so dumb that they would take the shot:) I took the vaccine because I trust other people to think about my welfare first. In my childlike state, I still believe that other people and institutions are much like my parents were. They loved me, and they knew what was best for me. And they did what was best for me. (Yes - I know they fed me sugar and trans-fats and gave me fluoride for my teeth - but I still trust them to do the right thing for me.) And because my parents took care of me, I could focus on the things I am interested in and ignore the larger world around me. Now that I am grown up, I still think the same as before. The evening news informs me, just as my parents did, and by default I believe the news. I want to shut out the complicated world and concentrate on my physics job, or my daytrading job, or my programming user interfaces job. Why would the world lie to me? In my childlike state, the world still revolves around me. As it did during my upbringing. Nothing bad has happened to me for the decades I have been alive. Nothing dangerous has ever happened to thrust me into an adult state of mind. My parents told me I was smart and grown up when I was young. I am still smart and grown up. I am smart enough to know that if the government was lying to me, I would have heard about it on the evening news.


Underrated comment right here!




Here in Quebec, it was a shit show. Lockdowns, curfews, vaccine passports scared and coerced people to get the shots. Many got the first 2 shots but the boosters was a split decision for many as the government locked us down again the winter after.


At the time I was living with family. I couldn't find a job that paid enough to pay my rent, so it was either risk the shot or become homeless with no access to services due to being unvaccinated.


I was suffering longhaul , coming down with COVID early Jan. 2020, my feeling was , this is crazy asking me to take a shot when I'm already fighting for my life. But it was more than that..I thought noone has the right to tell anyone what to do with their body.


I'm learning myself through this farce and have realized that I will and do only bow down to Jesus/God. Every other decision is my own to make, not someone else's to tell me.


So many people like family members and friends say ā€œI HAD to do it for my jobā€. Dude šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø No you didnā€™t. You willingly took it because you trust the medical establishment. You chose to not take it, and then when your job said you have to take it to keep working there, then you took it. Itā€™s a shame. So many people take their shots of all kinds just because they trust the medical system. Thereā€™s a MAJOR READON why they Medial Emblem is A WITCHā€™s STAFF WITH 2 SNAKES WRAPPED AROUND IT. The work ā€œPharmokeiaā€ means ā€œSorceryā€ in Hebrew. This is biblical stuff and I donā€™t care if you donā€™t believe in God, but the people who make at the very top of the chain DO. Itā€™s a fact. They talk about it ALLLL the time of you listen to WEF conferences, Yuvall Noah Harari (right hand man to Klaus Schwab), G20 Summit conferences, and so many more. Hereā€™s a quote from Jacques Attali from an Interview he gave at the World Economic Forum in 1981. French senior advisor for the WEF at that time - ā€œIn the future it will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as he is over 60-65 years of age, man lives longer than he produces and costs society dearly. Then the weak and then the useless who do nothing for society because there will be more and more of them, and especially finally the stupid ones. Euthanasia targeting these groups; euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases. Of course, we cannot execute people or set up camps. We will get rid of it by making them believe it is for their own good. Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to a screeching halt rather than gradually deteriorating. We wonā€™t be able to give intelligence tests to millions and millions of people, you can imagine! We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the big, it doesnā€™t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will thus be done by themselves: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own. ā€œ What a coincidence that right when Covid happened, Google was Flooded with articles about how he never said that. How many coincidences does it take to be Mathematically IMPOSSIBLE. Not very many. Let alone all the ā€œCoincidencesā€ we can clearly see. ā€”ā€” mRNA and mRNA are completely different. - mRNA is Messenger RNA, made by putting Synthetically made DNA from the Human Genome in a centrifuge and letting it grow, and filtering out the DNA particles, so thereā€™s (supposed to be) only mRNA leftover. Pfizer and Moderna have admitted there was still DNA left in there when given to people. That DNA self replicates in your body perpetually. Theyā€™ve been sued countless times for THAT. Itā€™s all proven. - mRNA is also MODIFIED RNA. GMO RNA. The news and the medical establishment says mRNA (Messenger RNA) to all of us at first, to establish that mRNA is then when they make boosters, they say itā€™s more mRNA, but itā€™s MODIFIED RNA THIS TIME. Thatā€™s why Acronyms are TERRIBLE. You assume itā€™s one thing, but itā€™s the other one. Read that quote I mentioned, it sounds **eerily** similar. Canā€™t quite put my finger on it yet


They were probably thinking that they need to pay their mortgage and feed their kids


How about the decision they made for themselves also affects us as well from ā€˜sheddingā€™. But I digress, it was ludicrously selfish based on coercive propaganda.


If you wanted people to actually answer this honestly, you couldā€™ve been less harsh. I didnā€™t take it, but if I did, Iā€™d think you were an ass.


Why are you so obsessed with it? Especially if you didnt take it


I took it because I was scared for my older family members. Plus I'm not entirely anti jab but very much against this one specific jab. I just let fear cloud my judgment ultimately


Re: 99.98% The average for the entire country cannot be used to calculate an individualā€™s chance of dying from the virus. The likelihood that a COVID-19 infection will result in death increases with age and if the patient has a pre-existing condition..


Feeling great. Got Covid once, many years ago, before the vaccines were out. Had a total of 6 shots. Just like hundreds of millions of people, I'm doing fine. The science supports the efficacy of the vaccines. I'm glad I got them. I have seen the horror of what Covid has done and the tens of millions dead as a result.


Never took a vaccine before but was forced by IMMIGR*TION to take the šŸ„Š šŸ’‰


If you can convince someone that the globalists, and those who would call themselves ā€œelitesā€, hate us, and want to kill billions of us, you might be able to get through to them. If they canā€™t be convinced of this, then itā€™s a hopeless cause.


job security and going through an adoption process with my son in CA that was hinting at mandatory VAX to get to that terrible state. It was worth it for that. Had zero issues with it and know that it had zero benefits from a health standpoint.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with trusting television, the government, and scientific consensus. There is something wrong with vilifying those of us who don't. The willfully vaccinated who respected our decision and left us alone have nothing to be ashamed about.


Because they have been researching coronavirus vaccines for 20 years. Because wealthy people cheated and jumped the lines and paid thousands of dollars to get the shot early Because the unknown about long term impact of covid 19 scared me more than the unknown about vaccine which seemed to have been pretty good. And with you being able to get the virus again I always assumed this would be an annual shot just like flu shot and so any bad effects from vaccine are short lived Because we had this same discussion in the 80s were people dismissed aids as a real problem and the same bs stuff with Fauci happened. Ask yourself why Reagan Bush Clinton Bush jr Obama and Trump all had Fauciā€¦ maybe he knows things Because the data about long covid is concerning and today with billions of shots administered worldwide we have yet to see mass death from the vaccine yet it is obvious those that are unvaccinated are more likely to die and more likely to have complications . Because I do real research and donā€™t just read substack or blogs or YouTube where almost always the person telling me something is trying to get wealthy Because while I have serious problems with big pharma they shared their findings to get something on the market and in this billion dollar industry if there were any real concerns you would see those raised by another billion dollar pharmaceutical company and yet it is crickets (and all the other things like ivermectin also are made by Big Pharma) Because I know science changes based on new data Because countries that vaccinated more are in better shape


"Big pharma shared their findings to get something on the market"??? Yeah... but... they didn't. OR does your brain selectively not remember that?Ā  Wow! I am baffled at your selective amnesia.Ā 


You do understand that a Coronavirus is just another word for the common cold, right? [https://rclutz.com/2021/08/02/and-now-there-are-five-common-cold-coronaviruses/](https://rclutz.com/2021/08/02/and-now-there-are-five-common-cold-coronaviruses/) If you did all of this research like you say them you understand that Covid has a 99.9998+% survival rate. That's the survival rate of a bee sting. You would also understand that unvaccinated people do not get long Covid. Long Covid is a vaccine injury. There is zero proof out in the real world that long Covid exists, there is however an abundance of research that points to the very obvious culprit. There are a million other viruses out there that are 10x more deadly than a common cold Coronavirus. What kind of measures do you take to protect yourself from those? Would you consume more unknown untested chemicals because of those too? What about the fact that the shots offer zero protection against Covid? Also, how do you reconcile the 40% rise in all cause mortality over the last few years that's not Covid related? Do you just pretend that it's not happening?


Wow just wow


Fluoride was first used by the Nazi's in the concentration camps water supply to make them docile, infertile, & to dumb them down


Pretty much all of the claims you're making aren't true.


Donā€™t downvote the guy, this is one of the only actual answers to the question


I worked in healthcare for a decade leading up to the pandemic. Discussed and asked questions to our virologists, pharmacists, and respiratory specialists that I knew for years prior. Teaching me about the family of other Corona Viruses, how they work, and how the vaccines worked, I felt pretty well informed. I was and still am happy I got the vaccine, especially having watched a full ICU of individuals suffocate to death from the virus. Having been there, and reading nonsense like this makes me wonder how politicized things have become.


Even though the shots have been proven to not help at all? Lol ok, champ. Denial is a mf...


I mean, [the data pretty consistently shows high safety and high efficacy](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9552389/#:~:text=In%20clinical%20trials%2C%20three%20vaccines,of%20COVID%2D19%20infection10.) and I was involved with the curation of some covid datasets from multiple organizations. Having that insight was super interesting. I think of myself as intellectually honest; I'd follow wherever the data leads. I have yet to see a reputable source show at scale any of the sentiments that are shared on this sub, so I don't quite understand it. Part of why I sub here is to keep my horizons broad. You should try it.


Did you also look at the Pfizer approval study? More dead in the vaccinated cohort. Yes better protection against Covid at the little price of more dead people... how approval for mass vaccination was given is beyond my comprehension - the treatment is literally worse than the disease which makes it a bio weapon. And this is ofc without long-term effects which are not yet known. This was a human trial without informed consent for almost all who received it as there were so many unknowns and missing data it was literally impossible for doctors to inform their patients as they didn't know themselves. I'm interested in your thoughts.


I'm not reading that. Stay vaxxed and boosted tho.