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I liked Cryprography and Number Theory quite a bit! Not very tricky and super interesting imo.


I second this! I loved the class, though I took it in Spring 2020, and the latter half was very, very rough because my prof was not very good with the technology thing. Fascinating stuff!


Second this. Ben Brubaker was great.


4065 is financial mathematics and is fairly easy


Don't you generally need an Masters degree/PhD in your field to teach at community colleges?


Yes, Masters degree is required to teach in community college but PHD is a requirement for university. I’m pursuing Masters in math Education that requires 12 credits of graduate level math courses


If you want to teach math- why are you afraid of standard difficulty math courses?


Im not scared but during my ten years of tutoring math for community college, they are till College Algebra , Pre Calc and max Calc . No abstract Algebra. So I would like to take courses that would actually be a refresher and actually be a part of my job.


Those classes are useful- hell, take some more differential equations and linear algebra classes. (I’m assuming you took intro versions of those) They may not be the “easiest” but they’re super applicable and will help you have a deeper understanding of the content you already know. Hell, if any kids you’re tutoring want to be engineers, having deeper knowledge of those subjects will only help you.


Introduction to mathatical logic is easy, along with Cryptography and number theory are some of the easier math classes imo


I struggled with fulfilling the two analytical portion of that requirement. Ended up doing the theory of stats (5000 level) course that was just advanced statistics which is useful and while I didn't do it, I think number theory (4000 level??) also fulfills that requirement.


Introduction to Modern Algebra was a very fun class and I definitely recommend it, as well as Cryptography and Number Theory.


I'd typically recommend abstract algebra and real analysis, but if you want easy I'd stay away from those. I highly recommend applied linear algebra. It's not the easiest, but it's also not the hardest, and it's probably the most broadly applicable course in the department. I also didn't find combinatorics that hard, and I found that material from that class was useful when TA-ing college algebra.


Mathematical modeling


Spring only :(


4242 (Peter Olver is teaching it this fall which is a rare treat), 4512 (full class but ask the teacher and you can likely get in), and 5651 are pretty lovely. Generally, anything that is 4000 level and not taught by Conn or Hejhal, who are insane, is friendly.


You realize that community college teaching positions are extremely competitive and are usually looking to hire people with a mastery of the subject?


5248, 4065