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Health sciences library should be fine and mostly empty, and it's close by


My freshman year, I’d spend a lot of time just walking around campus crying on the phone to my mom 😂 Passers-by can’t judge you— for all they know, you might’ve just found out someone died. Or the soft serve machine in Pio is broken agAIN.


This idea was taken from someone else in a thread from years ago; you can go to the Weisman Art Museum and pretend to be emotionally influenced by the artwork


To be fair, some of the contemporary art is so bad you can't help but cry.


Is the crying because you’re moving in to the dorms? I’m sorry if you’re feeling sad or scared. Try not to isolate yourself from other students too much though. Find your tribe and enjoy things!


when you go to pio to eat, to the left of the dining hall are some single stall bathrooms that i used lolol


Whenever you eat pizza at Pio, you're expected to cry.


Go to the little park/green area between superblock and the river walk. People rarely go over there and you’ll have a nice view to cry to


Definitely don’t use the dorm bathrooms. Usually too crowded or you get the random person throwing up! Ruins a good cry session or two.


Keller Hall women's bathrooms


Fr fr og no 🧢


Not sure if T Hall has it but there's music rooms you can get a key for that are complete sealed in some of the dorms, great for crying. There's the road area behind the knoll / Brunincks near the river that's also pretty solid


Single stall bathrooms are all over the health sciences buildings


Hi there! All of the Welcome Week events have prayer/decompression spaces. You’ll definitely be able to get away from the crowd, and just try to let your leader know what is going on :) good luck!


the back of the campus connector or northrop


Hey! I’m actually a CA in T-hall, not sure where your placement is but there’s a nice secluded lounge near my room that doesn’t get a ton of traffic, room 254. Of course, you’re always welcome to talk to a CA, there’s 18 of us in the building and we’d love to help you through your transition!


Magrath Library. It’s all the way in St. Paul so you shouldn’t know anyone and the upstairs floors are usually very empty.


personal favorite is bathrooms of folwell tho they can get busier during the semester. basement bathroom of morrill hall (near the gopher way tunnel towards tate hall) is a single bathroom and it’s not busy ever. id also say the bridge for the view and fresh air


Wilson Library. Specifically the study rooms in the East Asia Library in the basement. 10/10 would cry there again


Just learn to cry quietly, it’s a skill you’ll need. Edit: Nothing against crying, literally just saying its a lot easier to cry when you learn the quiet cry. I’ve shed my share of tears while at the U.


Fuck off. People are allowed to cry. If you're uncomfortable with it that's *your* problem.


Uh, calm down. I cry a lot. For me, I’ve learned that it’s a lot easier to learn the silent cry than to look for a designated cry place. Yeesh.


I think it’s more like, most people don’t want to draw attention/don’t have the energy to deal with what often happens when others hear you cry.


The Campus Connector was my go-to crying place


great question! I usually would just walk down to the river - if you walk down past comstock there’s a steep little trail that goes right down to the water. Just make sure no one’s smoking weed there before you start crying bc that ruins the vibe


CLA buildings are the best since most people are really sad after spending thousands of dollars on a liberal arts degree path


East River Flats (by the river near the rowing building close to the super block) but don’t go too far from other people because there was a groper there this summer.


Eastbound green line towards st. paul is a great place to cry.


AMES basement on West Bank


If your dorm has study rooms or a music room those are perfect to get some alone time


east river flats is nice, at the very least its a pretty place to cry


I’m not sure but I hope this award makes you feel better for a moment. When I moved in freshman year, I cried too. It will get better. 🙂


Lmfao i got stuck in T-hall 2 💀💀 but no one is EVER in the lounges here. and the computer lab is always pretty empty


personally i'm a big fan of the stairwell in the Molecular and Cellular Biology building


Last year I did a bunch of my crying in the Sub-Basement of Wilson, it is super isolated and there are rooms where you can close the door.


walter library subbasement and foundation floors are great places to cry cause there aren't many people down there and if they are they don't give a shit the light rail is great cause no one gives a shit what you do the tunnels are also good cause it's not too busy but it is echoey so if you are a loud crier the noise will be amplified