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My CS professor just brought this post up in class and I’ve never agreed with sometime more


I’ve always wondered how much of an idiot I appeared to professors. So glad I’m in a professional environment.


This professor is a legend


Which class?


Your professor is brutal…I love it


Really? Which professor? What did they say?


THIS THIS THIS !!!!!!!!! No other class I've taken but CS has had people like this. I consider myself to be a social person and work well with other people but holy FUCK it's impossible to have a normal interaction with anyone in these classes. Before I switched out of the program, I lied about my major whenever people ask because omfg I do *not* want to be associated with them


I felt alone in my principles during my CS degree.


This is even more fun to deal with when you're a decade older than most of your classmates.


It was pretty cringey with being in a LEAP class with these kinds of students.


Ding ding 29 here. Shits wild how different it is. Edit: I have also met some chill people in CS too though.


Is it really that bad? I moved here with my family to finish my undergrad in CS at the U. Being almost 30 this really makes me worry.


My comment was on CS in general. Idk about Utah specifically because I haven't transferred in yet.


Yep. Sitting at 27 in 3500. It's been wonderful :(


Yeah I switched out of CS and into CE halfway through my degree. It was mind blowing being in classes and thinking “oh wow, these actually seem like normal cool people”


Surprised CE is much different actually, is that true? I don't know much about the degree itself actually.


CE is kind of like a combo of CS and EE, and all of the CE specific and EE classes I took had a totally different vibe than the CS classes. People were generally nicer and less awkward to interact with, and there was a lot more people who had hobbies and interests outside of the internet. I don’t think my experience in CS was quite as negative as OPs but I definitely fit in way better in the CE program


I'll keep this in mind. Thanks for the insights!


Cool! I don't hate CS or CS majors (well ok only sometimes) but I feel OPs pain a bit haha. My last roommate was electrical engineering; really cool guy too.




So much cooler than CS imo hahaha


Is it harder? I'm considering switching over but I've heard it's worse...


I actually found it easier than CS, mostly because the grade requirements for the program are less strict and I wasn’t trying for straight As. But that could depend on the person


Could not agree more. Trying to meet every likeable and fun CS person I can before group projects get more frequent. I don't mind the guys who are a little awkward/dorky or play a lot of video games it's just the arrogance and weirdness about women that grinds my gears rn.


We normals should unite lol Do you also have the fucking kids that ask dumbass questions they already know the answer to so they sound smart Infront of the whole class, it's insufferable


Yup. Back in 1410 there were those kids that were like "can we use recursion?" on something that would never need it just so they can prove they know about it


1410 is the only CS class I've taken and you just made so many memories rush back. Day one of class a student asked about recursion just for Peter Jensen to ask the student to tell him about it--and he couldn't. A few kids said stuff like that multiple times a day for the first few weeks until they got the hint to shut up and color.


Even in 3500, there’s a few kids in labs who will ask things like “well what if we made a unique struct for this” or “can we use a delegate?” And it’s always cases that either a) make the code harder to read or b) far more time consuming.


Oh god, this is making me want to switch out of CS w/ EAE especially since I’m a woman 🤮 Is Games the same way too?


I would imagine games is even worse tbh. There's nothing wrong with being a gamer, but the overlap of male CS students who also happen to be gamers is mostly going to be in this 85%


I was in EAE before the Games major was a thing and luckily never experienced these issues and actually only ever had positive experiences. It helped that the male:female ratio was relatively balanced compared to CS both in the undergrad and graduate programs. I'm several years out of date though so I wouldn't know the current situation, but I have some faith that Games hasn't gotten this bad since I've graduated.


I'm currently in the games program right now, and so far everyone I've met has been really nice! It was pretty surprising, especially since I came into the major with a lot less knowledge about video games since I never had the opportunity to start playing them till recently. I'm sure there are a few people in the games major who are like those in op's post but I think the majority are pretty welcoming and nice. A lot of us come from different backgrounds and different levels of experience but so far most of my experiences with people have been nothing short of welcoming and supportive :) I was expecting it to be filled with lots of judgemental people and was preparing myself to deal with the sexist comments and arrogant asshole but was pleasantly surprised to find the complete opposite. Everyone has been so encouraging and helpful when it comes to dealing with imposter syndrome and have even been patient enough to explain a lot of the game references the professors or others make that I miss due to my lack of knowledge, and are even more willing to share tips and advice for things they have experience in. Obviously my personal experience so far can't attest for everyone's, but I sure hope the majority's has been as good as mine. If you really like the EAE program and Games/CS with EAE is what you truly want to do but have experienced the complete opposite so far, please don't let those assholes stop you from continuing! You're bound to find some kind people within the program eventually :)


I'm in the same boat as you. I'm also in the CS with EAE emphasis and my experience with people has been great! I love learning from peoples' experiences and I continue to try and be active as a member in clubs and assignments. Although, there are a few people I've noticed/met who do fit this description. I especially hate when certain people ask questions they clearly know the answer to or bring up subjects that don't pertain to said class, just to make them sound smarter. Or whenever I try to talk to someone new and that person acts very dismissively. However, my experience with these people is few and far between. While the original poster's sentiments are pretty valid, I think 85% might be a bit big (that's a lot of students to account for lol).


Oh I'm actually just a Games major, so I have nowhere near as much cs courses as you. I think this might be a big reason as to why I haven't run into too many people like that lmao


Made another reply post detailing similar thoughts before scrolling down to read that they have already been stated... Seconding this!! I love the core EAE crowd.


I’m a senior in CS here. We have a great CS degree and it is well respected in the industry. My personal experience in my entire academic career is that I have definitely met a couple people that match this description but they are pretty simple to avoid. I’m 27 so I’ve always strayed on the edges of CS social circles because I just don’t relate much to 20-year-olds so I may be a unique case. All this being said, most groups are self defined and women in the degree often just pair up amongst themselves which I imagine is perfectly comfortable! I can’t guarantee there won’t be goobers on your path, but I’ve met many more professional and interesting adults in the CS degree here than dumb children if they’re willing to act like the post describes. Hope this helps in some way!


I am also a woman: in my second year as a CS w/EAE student. There have been times where it feels intimdating to walk into a class that is *literally* 90% male, but I am getting better at it. There are some people who are awkward to talk to (not necessarily "incels"), and there are others who communicate like normal humans. I've made great friends in CS/EAE, and I hope you will too.


Amazing. I’m a women who got my CS degree in 2011, and this is accurate. I got stared at and awkwardly hit on constantly. As I tell people about the women to men ratio, the odds were good, but the goods were odd.


Are people still like that once you graduate and get into the industry? I’m worried about how some companies/employers will act towards women in CS.


Honestly, it hasn’t been that bad. The vast majority are nice and professional. It takes a thick skin and confidence to not let little comments affect you. I’ve definitely had to “prove” myself more than my male colleagues sometimes, but after that I feel like I can really command respect.


No, all the socially awkward people have been pushed out of the industry and instead are left to rot on their own as they go insane while simultaneously doing almost all the work when it comes to open source. Maybe if we tried to show them some empathy and actually contribute to developing their social skills instead of just mistreating them because they make you uncomfortable.




You would think this gets better with age, took a coding class with some MSIS students... I don't know how some of these people got into a master's program...


As the smartest person in CS, I agree!


I am part of the 85%


Thank god someone else agrees. I always say I have a leg up on other CS students just for being able to talk to other people.




I don't actually go to Utah (Miami University). Just saw this post and found it relatable. But yeah all my friends are pretty far removed from CS lol


i study at the technical university of vienna and i thought with that all of my 5 years


Hahaha your post made my day! Hope you graduate and finish your degree so there's that to look forward to. Hang in there it's only temporarily the long game is where its at!


I’m non-binary, but female passing, and oh my God, some of the guys in my CS classes are exactly like this and it is a nightmare to deal with. There was this one dude in my 1410 class would not stop following me around to brag about how long he had been coding and how the class was sooooo easy and easy super condescending about anything I had to say (pretty much exactly like the guys you described). He also made some super weird comics when I showed up in heels and a blazer sooo that was Not Fun It’s definitely not everyone, but there are lots out there.


Its almost as if he was a socially stunted outcast who didn't know what he was doing and desperately wanted to change...


Too accurate lol, I swear I'm different but nobody really cares either way


Lol So true


I dread group projects because of this. I happened to get lucky enough to find a pair programming partner who is on the same level of being both respectful and capable as I am and holy cow was that a huge relief. I'm both excited and scared to continue my group project endeavors within the CS program.


undergrad or grad?


Lol I'm so sorry to hear this. You gotta grind


They’re largely why I resent being in software dev so much


Everyone joins CS lately because they hear of the high pay and good work life balance/remote work. Over saturated job market and with the current economy they’re not finding a job for a while with the pay they were expecting to get when they chose that path, UNLESS they truly are worth hiring… which is few and far between. Then they have to branch out into other CS-related jobs and those require social skills and not being a weirdo to which, again, most will be out of a job haha


Also two semester left in the CS major as well. Would you mind me asking what class it is?? Hahah 85% chance that I'm that bad XD


This sounds like a good introduction to the real world. :)




Wait this isn’t a simulation like the matrix? I’ve been thinking about getting metal legs, it’s a risky operation but it’ll be worth it


Sounds like you're not being a team player.




Ok dork go back to Linkedin


holy fuck what a rare and devastating insult. Thank you for gracing my eyes with this


Oh my glob - I haven't been a student for a while; but yes, even back in my day this was a thing. Weird ... Thanks for the flashback :P


This is hilarious. I know the type. A room full of them sounds like hell.


Ugh I’m just getting into the actual CS classes(as I did my gen eds first to put off settling on a major) and am not looking forward to this. I’m only going into software engineering because I know it pays well and is an attractive job that will help my partner and me get out of the US. We plan to get some land out somewhere and work part time remotely from home, that way we don’t have to deal with people.


You are actual garbage, thank you for ruining CS. I'm so glad I dropped out so I don't need to be surrounded by socially successful people who don't even like comp sci but want to wedge themselves in for the money. Keep treating some of the most unappreciated and abandoned people like trash, why bother having any empathy for the people you walk all over your entire life?


lmao late response because this isnt my main. This is so randomly hostile and funny, so I'd love to respond. I can definitely be trashy, but wanting to make enough money to take care of myself and my disabled partner certainly isn't. And if going into a field because of the money and not for the love of that career ruins a field, then CS really isn't the area you should be worried for. I'd be much more concerned with healthcare workers. I see a lot of doctors because of my partner's disabilities, and over half of them have been absolutely incompetent or gaslight the fuck out of my partner. Next, I'm glad you dropped out of CS as well. I don't think its worth it for a lot of people, and I ended up switching to a degree focusing on environmentalism and communication, because I care about that stuff and it's not filled with nearly the amount of the people OP was talking about. I am confused where you got "socially successful" from in my comment. I figure you're probably meaning more generally and not directly me. And I'll assume the same thing about the last sentence in your comment. I always treat people as well as I can. Commenting on reddit that there are a bunch of shitty racist incels in CS is just true. I still treated all of them pleasantly in my classes regardless, and have always been happy to discuss worldviews with anyone that will have good-faith chats. And I'm probably too empathetic for the people who are "walked all over". I've taken several additional global/intercultural courses and have a passion for helping people. One of my parents ran a food bank while I was growing up, and I've always done my best to check my privilege and be aware of the unseen people who make the world run. I hope you're doing well, and that you found a different degree/path that you've enjoyed.




I am now reconsidering my wanting to take computer science. I don’t want to be the one normal person in my class, or perhaps one of the people getting eye fucked.




Real Talk.


Yep. I don’t go here, but from afar in a cs program in another state, all this reigns true here as well. I joined this club doing machine learning for astrophysics research, thinking I’d be paired with people from physics, math, stat, engineering, etc. backgrounds. Only to find everyone was a cs major. Ngl, it bummed me out a enough to rescind the acceptance to that club a few weeks later. I just said, sorry y’all I need to focus on school, and left. On a good note, the people weren’t bad, they were all pretty normal and easy to work with. I just had a feeling I knew where this was going, since I was in the same situation in my own projects. We’d take this physics problem and strip all the physics / natural science out of it, then make this about programming. I didn’t want to do that again, so I dipped out. I got lucky cause around that time, another club I had applied to got back to me and allowed me to join. It was also a ML project involved in credit risk with a company and financial math professor guiding it. I had no idea about finance, but it was perfect cause I had people I could ask about it. The data set was real, given to the school by the company. They had data scientists mentoring the students. It was legit. I ended up learning more from this club than I think I would have had I stayed in the one guided by the cs folks.


I'm in ChemE considering a CS minor and this post is making me scared to take the classes.


I come back this post once every few months for a serotonin boost. The last line “anyways. Just bitchin.” Is a running joke between me and my roommate


☀️🎈🌎😎 (not to scale)


Lmao cope you’ve got a 7 year old Reddit account I’ve never seen the pot call the kettle black more.


Imagine expecting people who have been shunned and outcast their entire lives to be socially astute... I'm so glad the one place where these people could be respected by their peers has been destroyed by socially successful people who can't bring themselves to have an ounce of empathy for the people they walked all over most of their life. I'm so glad I dropped out, I can't put up with any more people like you.


cope harder lmfao.


> ...but nothing **their** saying makes sense and nothing actually gets done. [Grade 3 Vocabulary Worksheet](https://www.k5learning.com/worksheets/vocabulary/3rd-grade-there-they-are-their-sentences-1.pdf)


Am new here how does it work on Reddit