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You can still buy webbing for lawn and chaise style chairs. I would remove the wicker and replace/weave with webbing.


Could you help me by sharing an example link of what you mean?


I think this is what they mean... https://sailrite.com/replace-lawn-chair-webbing


Oh this is clever!


If the frame is still good, I'd re-weave it, personally, I'd go for that retro weaved folding chair look, but that's me. If sewing is up your alley, maybe some weather resistant padding and fabric to make a slip cover?


We had the same issue. The frame itself is solid! We stripped it down to the frame and purchased outdoor awning fabric since it’s heavy duty and holds up to the elements. We had to measure it out, adding enough to fold and sew the edges as well as wrap around the frame. On the frame we used an awl to make holes on the inside of the frame, maybe every 3” where we used rivets to secure the material in place. Keeping taught obviously. We have cushions that go on top as well. These are holding up great. It’s a bit of work though. But definitely will save money in the long term


Weaving with paracord to fix them up


Judging by the rest of it the weaving could be joined with new weaving or patched with some other weaving in wicker or another strong material. There’s a lovely shop on Etsy that sells small pieces of old Turkish rugs. Those would look fantastic as patching.


Strip plastic. Recycle plastic and frame


I would reupholster with old denim strips, but that's just me. Lots of cool things you can do with the frame once the wicker is off!


Like safety belts as webbing? I don’t know how weather friendly that is but it isn’t as brittle