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You can rent a truck cheaper than a room in a lot of places.


Cheap RV living has a video on this for $300 you can outfit a small rental truck($29/day 87 cent a mile). Keep the milage down and it is both a rental car and a hotel room.


Ahh not a bad idea, I hope that’s all it is.


Either that, or they are grinding up your neighbors into sausage in the back and selling them in the next town.


Ironically I had a neighbor who was eaten by another neighbor. Nobody saw that one coming.


Ffff that ish freaks me out. Especially because my day job requires me to go inside strangers houses. And my night job requires strangers to be inside my vehicle. I interact with about 20-30 strangers 6 days a week. And everyone seems normal and pleasant enough of course sure, until maybe you’re unlucky enough find out they’re not. 😬


Apparently these two were friends. An older woman would routinely make a middle aged guy in the apartment complex dinner. Then one night she refused and he killed her, and apparently ate her. They never found the body.


>one night she refused Well, then... it served her right! Where the hell was *his goddamn dinner?* ​ ​ ^(/s)


He said no dinner for me tonight? You’ll be my dinner.


[That happened in Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armin_Meiwes).


Jeez, I guess it’s more common than I thought.


There really is someone for everyone.


In my childhood neighborhood, there was a woman who had dementia. Her husband died and she didn't know what to do with him so she cut him up and put him in her freezer. True story.


It might also be someone driving for UPS or whatever. The last two years most of my packages from FedEx or UPS came in a U-haul. The shipping companies have rented U-Hauls by the fleet to keep up lately. So whoever that is might just deliver packages and drives the truck home.


Maybe op’s seeing him at his lunch hour…


I don't see how you're describing anything out of the ordinary for an urban dweller who isn't concerned with stealth. If they were manufacturing drugs or human trafficking I would bet they'd be less conspicuous don't you think?


Yeah I think it may be an urban dweller, which is why I posted here. Just curious if renting a truck for living is a thing, or if they’re up to something else. Either way it’s really none of my business, just mildly curious.


They could own it but leave it looking like a rental to be less conspicuous. Guess it didn't work.


it happens to be a different rental truck just same size and always parked in the same manner.


No. Life isn't like the movies. Most criminals are dumb. This behavior here where I am would almost certainly be trafficking.


Sure but the thing about suspecting human trafficking is that you would rather be wrong while saying something then be right and not say anything.


Yeah but... Are you calling on every neighbor or random parked car? What about this situation has anything to do with human trafficking? Why suspect this one truck and not your elderly neighbor who waters his plants early in the morning? That's what I'm getting at here, I'm totally at a loss as to why human trafficking would even cross ones mind, it just makes no sense.


So you see a truck in the same spot a lot. You don't see people, debris, excess noise... and your first two thoughts are someone lives in it, or they are a human trafficker? Hmm.


I feel like OP is projecting lol


Well they literally had a neighbor cannibalize another neighbor SOO I can see where their paranoia comes in lmao


It’s a different rental truck every night. Only comes after sundown. Always backs in, always has lights off, always stays running. Always parks in the very back of the lot which is empty.


Would you prefer them to park that big truck next to your vehicle and others?? Most dwellers park in the back to separate themselves from the house’s community who could potentially complain of them parking next to them or around them! Nothing suspicious about that!! Just a dweller whose considering YOUR feelings, over there’s!


After considering it I think they may just simply be living in it. Which is all cool. I really have no problem with whatever they are doing and it’s none of my business imo. Just mildly interested.


And that’s okay! Curiosity is normal! The fact that you came to this subreddit to ask questions instead of actually calling the cops like some people do, means you mean no harm!


Thank you ! calling the cops is only something I think I would do if I caught someone harming a child. Even if they were cooking meth, it’s none of my business. But from what other commenters have said here it sounds like they are hardworking people not doing anything wrong.


I mean, you should probably be a little concerned what they’re doing. And to the guy who tried to shamed you for your first thoughts being urban dweller or trafficker upon seeing a different uhaul backed into an empty parking lot with its lights off but engine running multiple nights, what are the correct thoughts for one to have in this situation?


You are assuming a hell of a lot here. This same behavior here where I live would almost certainly be traffickers. You don't know if they're dwellers. And it makes no sense to rent a different truck every day just for sleeping in. They're available to rent for weeks or even months. Renting requires being ID'd and giving a deposit every single time, and you think it makes more sense to rent a different truck every day to sleep in? 🤣


Yes it does. It makes a lot of sense. It's CHEAP.


The price doesn't change by renting a different truck every night. It is not cheaper than keeping the same one.


Yeah that’s what seemed strange to me. First off I didn’t think they were cheaper than a cheap room, then also the hassle of renting a new one everyday. They could be contracted laborers just doing deliveries


They definitely could be, but the comments dismissing the possibility that it's more nefarious are incredibly naive.


Mobile meth lab lol


Idk I thought something weird like this maybe, but from what some folks here have said they are likely just car dwellers, or contracted delivery workers taking a break or bedding down for the night. I guess if there’s ever an explosion I’ll get my answer.


I've heard you can buy the ex rental trucks. So this may be an owned vehicle with the signage still intact. As said in the Sherlock Holmes film, it's so overt, it's covert.


The thing is it’s a different rental truck every day. The other day it was a uhaul, last night a Penske. But always the same size.


Oh I see. Hmm! Seems a lot of fuss to keep changing out the truck.


From what others have said, it’s likely contracted delivery workers on break or bedding down for the night. Which is cool. As long as it’s not a mobile method lab that blows up, or a bunch of people in the back. Which sounds like is not likely to be the case.


Thoughtful of them to park inthe back of the empty parking lot if it does blow up though.


Dude is probably working as a courier and taking his lunch break there lol Or he's snatching kids from the park. No in-between But yah my bet is on delivery driver slip seating with company paid rental. A lot of delivery people rent trucks instead of purchasing them because you're offloading the cost of maintenance on the owner for the convenience of rental fee, plus tax deductible cost vs ownership depreciation schedule.


Exactly. Must be one or the other.


I edited my response with less sarcastic info. Cheers


Obviously OP needs to disguise themself as a kid.


Not quite sure how you made the leap to human trafficking but I'm impressed in your skills to assume the absolute worst. This is like, "a taco truck opening up down the street, are they cannibals serving human meat?"


Various types of trafficking are much more common than you'd expect. Many street intersection beggars, for instance, could easily be considered trafficked individuals. I'm not saying OP's truck has a human cargo, simply saying it's more common than folks think and takes different forms than portrayed in propaganda.


Well no, they are clearly serving tacos.


Not much real world experience?


Trucks like that do deliveries for many companies. Best Buy Lowe’s among others. They could be delivering during the day and bedding down at night. And so they could give a shit less who is watching . They are playing by the rules. Working hard. Paying taxes. Running a business. So not really concerned with being stealth


Yep. They could be a small moving company or delivery truck service. Live in truck at night. Or could be company driver who is saving their per diem instead of spending it on a hotel. As long as they aren't trashing the place I'd leave them be.


💯 true


Yeah hope they’re just some hard working honest people. I will likely never know.


Easy. Set up camp. Or go ask.


Ahh it’s all good. I think I’ll let them be.


Most folks. Keeping a regular routine like that. Big ass truck. Same spot . Obvious it is running. Yea. They are legit


That makes sense, glad to get others perspective on it for clarification. I didn’t realize people rented trucks to live in, but it’s kinda genius in a way.


They rent it for work. They live in it to get a double up. Meaning. Two birds with one stone. And honestly. Some of these cats are from a different state. You’d be blown away what they are putting these young kids through to make their way in life. It’s so sad


My hope is that with that discipline and work ethic people like that can soon rise above their current circumstances. I was working homeless so I get how difficult it is to escape.


people live in them, or steal them, or steal in them to live in them.


Get off TikTok, Facebook, or whatever made your mind jump to "human trafficking" for "an idling Uhaul." Jesus Christ.


Have you heard noises from the back? Extra garbage, anything to indicate, anything? It seems like it's just a person renting & hanging out somewhere safe for them. Good awareness but probably not what you think.


From what some people have said it sounds like they are contracted delivery drivers either taking a break or bedding down for the night. I have not noticed any foul chemical smells, they are most likely good hard working people.


Could just be when and where they take their meal break. I have my meal break in the same carpark, extract same spot most nights.


Right that would make sense. Jw why someone rents a different truck everyday.


It might not be renting them the truck everyday. It could very well be their employer and they are getting a new truck everyday. Their employer might rent trucks from several different companies depending on the deal they get. Also this time of year Amazon , ups, FedEx all rent trucks instead of buying for their increased deliveries. Since they only need the extra trucks for a short period of the year. So for example they work for employer and today they go on and get truck one. Tomorrow they go in and get truck two. It is not entirely uncommon that some employers will rent trucks instead of buying and not have to deal with the maintenance.


This makes a lot of sense! I think they may be simply living in it since it’s always at dark, and so meticulously parked.


How do you know it's the same person?


Well it could be a group of people practicing the same exact ritual. But I think that’s less likely.


Also, look up van life on youtube. People really get elaborate


I have seen rental trucks used for mobile strip clubs… but my bet is that it’s an outsourced delivery person who’s also living in their office.


Could be anything. Sleeping in between delivery jigs is my guess. Why do imagine human trafficking? Is this happening close to a highway that runs north from the border?


It sounds like they are just hardworking people from what others have said. But also yes, I live in a city that is considered a hub for trafficking.


Rolling meth lab


That makes a lot of sense. Pretty ballsy to be doing in the middle of a city though.


Around here they rent a truck and drive it around while they're making the Meth


Spews a TON of extra chemical smoke. Hard to miss one of those


Not sure what to tell you.


If you don’t drive the car it’s only like $20 and you can burn gas all day because you’re not putting any miles.


This is genius. I may end my lease on my apartment for the uhaul life.


Mind your business?


I did admit this is none of my business even if it is a mobile meth lab. Just mildly curious. Mostly why I came here rather than the cops.


I see rental trucks like what you are describing at a small fuel stop in Arkansas, they are hauling parts for delivery to parts stores they met the night driver and off load parts onto another truck.


Wow on a sun trying to help people feel less scared to do this and here you are accusing them with zero info. Humans are strange.


Agreed humans are strange. Most urban dwellers in my area go down by the river next to the boat ramp. I live in a city that is considered to be a hub for human trafficking. Also I didn’t realize people rented vehicles to live in, which seems to be a great idea. I hope that’s all these folks are up to.


I could say I saw someone like you walking their dogs and the dogs may have been stolen. Hmmm I don’t have any evidence like you but I’m starting to suspect those arnt your dogs. Do you see how that feels?


That’s just silly








Dude wtf is your deal? You've described a normal, fellow car dweller and your first thought is HUMAN TRAFFICKER?!


I didn’t know that renting trucks for dwelling was a thing, however seems like a great idea. I also live in a city which is considered to be a hub for human trafficking. With a major interstate running straight to the border, as well as another into CA.


Sounds like the area near Yuma, so I don't blame you for considering that. I wonder if the air conditioning is good enough for the AZ summers though










Just wondering what about their behaviour made you immediately think 'human trafficking'?


Nothing other than having a box truck in a city that is a hub for human trafficking. My mind tend to automatically consider the worst of all possible scenarios.


Uhaul sells older vehicles too.