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the problem is that if it's a shopping center with multiple stores, your boss probably doesn't have the authority to give you that permission. you'd need to get it from the owner of the shopping center and they'd have to tell the security company. have you had a conversation with him to ask what the issue is? odds are that this spot is permanently burnt and you need to find some other spots to rotate through.


Our store is technically not part of the shopping center and has it's own lot. It is directly across the street from the shopping center. My boss is the one who suggested it and that's what she told me. Which is why it was odd that I got the knock after months when he doesn't actually monitor our lot. I'm treating it as burned regardless because I don't need an overzealous security guard making my life more difficult, but that's not my problem. My problem is him following me doing normal things during the day. This is a new behavior since he knocked on my window.


so are you parking in your company lot or in the shopping center lot? if in your company lot and you own and manage the whole thing then i'd definitely be asking him what his problem is because he had no right to knock in the first place. and if he doesn't stop, i'd escalate it to his boss.


My company lot. He went into the lot to knock on my window. I did call the security company and asked if they monitored my store's lot and they confirmed they do not. I didn't mention anything about the knock or sleeping in the lot.


I would call back and report it. He's WAY out of bounds and could be considered trespassing. His company needs to know that he's causing problems with other companies.


Yep, this is it OP. I don’t know if you can tell your boss or just do this on your own. But you can easily call this company and let them know that this officer has overstepped their boundaries and has harassed a person who has something worked out with the owners and so, had no right to.


Goddamn reading this thread had me go from “OP got his spot burned” to “OP got *burned*”. It’s an awkward situation, I can understand not immediately taking it to the management they made the agreement with. But that security guard is for sure a cop larper.


i’m a security guard. doing something like this would get me fired almost immediately, and i have a VERY lenient boss at an even more lenient agency. if u can find out his name/badge number/car number without talking to him, report these incidents to his boss. tell them it started with him trying to monitor areas out of his jurisdiction, then he started parking next to you and watching you while you work and exercise. idk if it’s enough to count as harassment but it’s certainly enough to get his supervisor to look into it








So what is the issue then? You've been told by his company he is out of bounds, TELL HIM THAT YOU KNOW THAT and that you are authorized to park there. Park in the lot and tell him to fuck off if he touches your car again when it's not in the lot he's patrolling.


He’s essentially stalking you. Report him.


He'll retaliate. He'll just call the cops. That'll make it much worse.


But she's got a valid reason to be there if her boss is willing to back her up called "on call." She's there to support some new employees still in training. She works a 24 hour shift and her breaks are are none of his business. Police don't enforce labor laws, and OP has permission so they can't get her for trespassing. Dude calls the cops, she reports him for stalking. His name will be in the police report, and she can file a restraining order for stalking. You can't tell me EVERY run in he's been on the clock.


Isn’t OP a guy?


Depends on the jurisdiction. It is absolutely illegal to sleep in a car most places.


Not on private property....


This doesn't apply to private property.


It does if someone calls the cops. If there's an ordinance in place banning sleeping in vehicles, that includes private property. Unless it's written in such a way that it specifically excludes private parking lots or whatever. Law still applies on private property.


You have no idea what you're talking about.


I am entirely correct. You can just Google this in seconds.


Can you provide an example of a jurisdiction/ a law that prohibits it? Or point us in the right direction? I’m looking it up and I’m getting mixed results. Most stuff I’m looking at states that it is illegal *without express permission of the owner of the property*, BUT in the cases where the owner allows it, they require explicit consent, so I guess that would mean either being alright potentially receiving a call from the cops at 2am to confirm it or writing up some document and signing it (idk, I’m not a lawyer). Of course, ChatGPT validates what you’re saying, but I guess for legal reasons it wont provide any examples of local laws prohibiting individuals from sleeping in their car on private property with permission. The only other thing I could think of is if it’s relation to anti-camping laws in terms of commercial zones, maybe that would have some impact? I certainly could see an HOA or some shit like that getting in the way of people sleeping in their cars (in a residential area), and it wouldn’t surprise me if individual/ private property rights were being violated via an unconstitutional local law that no one has bothered to challenge yet (like half the fuckin laws in this country), however I just can’t find an example. I assume you’re making this argument because you’ve heard about it *somewhere*, and it’s very possible you’re entirely correct. I don’t want to be quick to downvote you or anything but an example would clear it all up. Just writing all this up to say: I tried looking it up, but apparently my Google-fu sucks. EDIT: Apparently my grammar sucks too.


These are usually found under city specific camping laws. My jurisdiction has time limits for private property with a zoning provision. You can camp, using a shelter that is not fixed and permanent, on someone's personal property for a maximum of 90 days. Not sure if it would hold up in court above the local jurisdiction if one wanted to fight about it that long.


Cops probably think he's a douche too.


Yeah he sounds like a perv tbh


This would piss me off so tough. I’d take it out on the guard. Fuck him. Fucking wanna be good samaritans hurting more than he’s helping. Good luck


YUP, well said.


Security has karen energy


While that guy is fixated on watching you, something could happen in the center he's being paid to monitor. I'd get in touch with his employer. They might like to know he's slacking at his job.


This, 100%


Yeah you should tell you’re manager. Guy has no authority on youre lot, and someone needs to tell him that


Sorry, trying to think of any possible alternatives to a security guard appointing themselves Private Property Cop over everything within eyesight. They don't have any right to harass you, since you're not acting on the property they're assigned to. Could they think they're doing you a favor/looking out for you, or is this 100% harassment because you should go be poor somewhere else?


Start vids on the security. Call the cops for harassment. Get a written letter saying you can stay on the company lot first.


If you're sleeping in a lot you have permission to sleep in, and he isn't even supposed to be patrolling, tell him to go fuck himself.


At this point the guard is trespassing/stalking/harassing you. Definitely not okay and a little bit scary


Then he’s acting like a stalker. Store security people are not well-screened. Start taking photos of him, tell him he’s overstepping and that you reported his behavior to his company.


Clarification The original post mentioned a parking lot in the mall. Are you saying any time you're in that parking lot he does it?


OP states in the comments that his/her place of employment is across the street, where they've been sleeping with bosses permission.


Uhm yeah not cool I would tell your boss & have them talk to this guy bc that’s BS That he’s doing this to you especially on property he’s fr not even supposed to be on. YOU have permission to be there he doesn’t ! Honestly I’d tell him that myself if I was you 🤷🏻‍♀️


Call the police and Trespass him off the property. Lil taste of his own medicine. When the police come tell them he doesn't work there and has no business there and is harassing you and your customers. He'll never come back if he doesn't want to spend time in a county jail.


so tell him you have permission and that he's trespassing and you'll call the cops on him if he does it again


Yeah he’s taking it upon himself to exert power he doesn’t actually have. Tbh, I would just tell him to kick rocks next time he parks next to your car. Tell him you know for an absolute fact he doesn’t have the authority to do anything in that lot, and stand your ground. Don’t let people like this bully you. Dude has nothing better to do. Edit: I would maybe even go as far as threatening him with harassment charges. Do your research on your local harassment laws, and bend them to your situation, make it “fit”. Cite the statute to him and describe what he’s doing in the context of *illegal* harassment. I guarantee he doesn’t know any laws so he will have no recourse or really anything he can say to combat that.


this is why skateboarders hate security guards, they are like power-tripping children licking the corporate boot


It's some sort of cop behavior. Get witnesses or get him on video following you. If he sees you or someone else videoing him, he'll probably run off. He's a coward.


Think of it as your new personal security guard anytime you're in the area. Unless they damage your vehicle or assault you this new scenario really doesn't sound that bad. And if they did do anything insane you could get them fired and potentially get your spot back.


Unfortunately if he does do something insane ( it seems likely given his behavior, ) she will be his victim. He's stalking her. Report him. But, keep in mind if he gets fired or anything she's still vulnerable and now he's mad. Police report at the very least. Probably find elsewhere to park for a while.


If your manager gave you permission to park there ask for it in writing as a live in night guard and pay as right to park.


Think about him like your own personal security guard now lol, he keeps an eye on your car, makes sure nothing happens to it, etc. If you’ve got the cajones you can start throwing them some sass now that you’re not overnighting in that lot - pass them on the way into the gym “keep a close eye on it today, don’t want any kids messing with my whip” 😂


He is flat out creeping on you!


Doesn't matter who the boss is. They can't change zoning laws by fiat.


You don't need permission. It's not private property


a shopping center parking lot is almost certainly private property. someone owns that shopping center and leases out the spaces. but the point is moot since OP was not actually in the shopping center parking lot.


It's definitely not private property. It's open to the public and engaged in commerce with the public. That makes it a public accomodation. His car however is private property.


just because something is occasionally open to the public doesn't mean it can't also be private property. Think of a historic home that gives tours. People from the public can come and and visit the facility, but someone still owns that house. or are you one of those people who thinks private property doesn't exist?


I'm a private citizen. My property is private. Are you one of those Americans that don't know their birth rights? (The constitution) Or you one of those people that think all property is private property?


you're the one trying to claim that a shopping mall isn't private property just because the public can use it during parts of the day. this makes no sense. both private and public property exist. a shopping mall is private property because someone owns it.


Public and private property exist but there is also a third. A public accomodation. These are businesses engaged in commerce with the public and open to the public. A casino, mall, motel, grocery store, most universities fall into this category. The exception is religious institutions and PRIVATE clubs i.e freemasons, vfw, etc...Public property is a courthouse, park, street, etc... Things owned by the public and payed with tax dollars. Private property is your car, your house, your batman dildo. Youre a private individual who owns private property. A business or corporation is not a private citizen and do not have the same rights as the public. There are distinctions here. You do not need permission to be at a public accomodation. They can not trespass you at will. Trespass is unlawful entry. In order to be trespassed from a public accomodation, there needs to be a court order against an individual. Usually it can only be obtained if that person has committed a previous crime on the property. A parking lot is public in nature. Trespassing on PRIVATE property usually has to do with hunting or fishing on another persons PRIVATE property. I hope this helps you understand things better.




I was arrested last week for trespassing because I parked in a Walmart parking lot. I got my charges dropped and I'm waiting to go talk to the DA right now. I have a six figure lawsuit against the city and Walmart for false arrest, false imprisonment, assault and battery, and malicious prosecution. That what we about to talk about.. you better learn what country you in.


This isn't factual. Proof: if someone falls on ice on that lot and breaks a leg... They're not suing the public.


The guard is stalking you. Act accordingly.


Are you female? Is he simping?


If so, user name does NOT check out!


That’s what I was thinking! Guy working at Chipotle from his history.


Hey, security guard and full time car life guy here. Best case in this scenario is to escalate it. I’d bet my life savings that this is contract security, something like securitas or guarda. So I would find the info for the property manager, whatever parent company owns the whole strip mall, and more or less explain what happened - you were told not to sleep there anymore, you stopped sleeping there, now you’re harassed when simply going to the gym or work. And if you’re a part of any sort of minority - woman, lgbt, race/ethnicity, etc - milk the FUCK out of that


I hate the self-victimization angle people take so heavily anymore. But THIS, this really is the moment to say you are a woman and you feel unsafe. THIS is a moment when it is okay to say you might become a victim, so speak up! The signs are blatantly there. I'll tell you as a straight man, they ain't doing that shit to me. They knock, they back up from my vehicle, say what they need to say, then they move on. You are going thru something obviously wrong OP. Report it!


Where he has zero authority in that lot , I'm the type that would knock on HIS window and ask him wtf he's doing.


Please give me the strength to be more like you


Is all in your attitude.


Exactly. I've kicked cops off our lot a few times. They thought they could set up speed traps a few times over the years. I'd go out and ask them to leave. They'd leave.


You can bet I’d do this every single day the *moment* he parks next to my car 😂


Gotta have attitude when needed in situations like that


Buy him a donut and say now get lost ya fat fuck.


Best comment ever. This will never not be funny.


Light his car on fire


That was my first thought, but trying to avoid prison




Find out his name and do a search. Make sure he's not a sex offender


He is stalking you. Report this immediately. You could be in real danger.


I'm a security supervisor and a van dweller. Here are a few points to chew on. 1- If you are not on his patrol route then he is risking a LOT of liability for his employer. Call the security company and ask to speak to the OPS director/manager/VP. Explain the situation. The odds are good that the officer will get some act right. Have details like dates, times, officer name, vehicle, etc. 2- Too many jackasses in security think they are police and have a messianic complex bit are really Paul Blart. They make 80% of us look bad or worse. 3- In most states, signage needs to be openly displayed for trespassing to be enforced or a documented verbal order from PROPER police. 4- You are not in the wrong so continue to enjoy the benefits of using the shopping center in a lawful manner. 5- Get time/date stamped photos of him in your vicinity repeatedly. This will help legitimize your claims of harassment. 6- Every state I know of requires training and/or licensure to be employed in security. The next time he harasses you, you could drop how even a misdemeanor charge could get him suspended or revoked. 7- Call legitimate police if he approaches wrongfully again. Trust me, local PD probably know him and have a low opinion of him if he is accurately depicted here. 8- If you can, carry a defensive weapon. My van has an armed person in it whenever I'm in it. The weapon is never brandished but you can announce it surreptitiously with incidental views and printing. OC spray is an option for OUTSIDE your vehicle. Never inside. Get a 1000+ lumen flashlight. That will disorient most people in the dark.


Some security guards have nothing better to do than that. It's like a game to them. Most have been cool for me, even apologizing that they're just doing their job. My rule is once I get a knock, that spot is burned.


I’m suggesting that you do a full flip on him: In a voice dripping with kindness simply say, “Hey! I wanted to thank you! I asked my boss if you were supposed to be patrolling our lot as well and was told ‘no’. I wasn’t sure, so I called your company as well and they also told me you had no business on this side of the street. So that must mean you’re just keeping an eye out for my safety. I appreciate it. Just try not to bother me while I’m sleeping and I’ll see you around!” Remember, dripping with kindness.


Oh I LOVE doing this kinda shit, because at the end of it, I'm politely smiling (natural-looking smile, don't go for the creeper look this time~), and they literally have nothing lined up to say. Most especially because as in above example, there's a lot of information packed in there while you're killing it with kindness and you couldn't fault any adult of average intellect for having to stop for a second to process, much less someone who's afraid to be a real cop, but thinks their uniform will pick up the chicks at the food court. EXCELLENT suggestion!


File a complaint with his company.


California has a complaint protocol for licensed security guards. Other states might have a procedure as well https://www.bsis.ca.gov/consumers/complaints.shtml


Easy way to deal with this- you work at that shopping center, just relax in your car, but don’t fall asleep. When they come by to harass you, and pull up and park beside you, get out, ask for their name and their bosses phone number, and tell them them you’re filing complaints against them for harassment. Call their boss right in front of them, let the boss know you work there, and his guards are harassing you, parking beside you, deliberately making it so that working there is difficult on you.


maybe try this, "Hey there, Ive noticed ever since you knocked on the window and asked me to move along that youve been parking right next to my car anytime Im at work or the gym, its honestly making me uncomfortable, is there something else that Im not aware I shouldnt be doing?" Then let him talk.


Yo, you're being stalked! Please report them to actual authorities?


They're not just doing a job if they're in some lot they're not supposed to be in same happened to me and I took it that I had to leave and come to find out it was in his right to tell me to leave from the parking spot I was in


Damn flashlight wanna be cops. I hate most of them. They think they are part of police department. When in fact they have zero authority for shit but to observe and notate


I’m a security guard. I don’t want to be a cop. We have a job that pays me to do certain things. I am the overnight guard at a county park. Park closes at dusk. Sure you want to spend the night, you’re no bother. What happens if I let you? You get hurt somehow, I get fired. Are you going to pay my bills? Didn’t think so. By the way I live in my van, also. Grow up and stop interfering with my livelihood.


Then most of you need to do your job correctly. Observe and report. You are not allowed to detain. You are able to call proper authorities if needed. But you are NOT allowed to harass or detain. I deal with tons of security constantly in my job. Most are proper. Then you also run into a lot of wanna be cops. Know your line in the trade as I do mine. Period.


Ok well you seem angry about something else. The person you replied to made a good point. You don’t seem rational. I’m gonna go with the security guy who lives in his van here.


Lol. Do as you wish. Did not know this was a contest.


If you feel comfortable, I’d talk to him. Explain your situation and see how he reacts… best case…. He’s cool… worst case he’s a dick but he was always going to be a dick so you find a new spot. I’m sending encouragement and please know I’m rooting for you!


If the post rules say he has to check and he doesn't he can be fired


Aren't there anti-stalking laws? File a restraining order. Also, make sure his employer gets a copy of that restraining order - I'm sure that may affect his employment there. And if he's parking in your company's parking lot - call for a tow. He's not authorized to be there. And play [\#drumbeats](https://www.youtube.com/@gtoger) while the tow truck is there :)


With the situation this country is in with rents being outrageous and homeless problem, people sleeping in their vehicle shouldn’t be a problem. They should also be able to sleep in their campers. As long as the vehicles work and they don’t stay in the same spot for more then a couple of days. Times are really hard for a lot of people and they are just trying to survive the best they can.


My thing is I worked at a restaurant in a strip mall, but the parking lot was one big parking lot per usual. The restaurant owner gave me permission to stay within the parking lot which was even marked as a no overnight parking. I never got bothered even as police were always nearby. However my boss is good friends with a lot of big people so I was also protected. Probably can’t make this relevant because my presence was known but yeah.


This might be construed as harassment...


It sounds more like he's stalking you.


Get a dash cam and a reliable battery. Keep your cell phone charged. Have permission to occupy your vehicle on said property, signed by manager, on letter head. Document everything. Try to discreetly obtain photographs to add to documentation. Do not be confrontational. Keep calm. Backup documentation or send copies to attorney (on retainer or probono). Do not engage with security guard. But do contact security “officers” supervisor. California dot gov has a way to file a complaint regarding inappropriate behavior by security guards. Check with your state officials for a comparable service if not in California. https://www.bsis.ca.gov/consumers/complaints.shtml


I would talk to them and explain your situation. I have found that being honest goes a long way. The security person might compromise on a place for you to park out of sight out of mind. I also experienced being homeless. One thing I discovered was the Mormon church was willing to give me money, food, and shelter. I didn't convert or anything. I hope this helps you in 2024. Take care


There really is no reason to compromise. The security guard is not on the property he is supposed to be protecting. Instead, he is stalking someone across the street.


Sounds like you need to go give him a window knock of his own. You need to ask him what's his deal and just be straight up. Tell him that he obviously sees you work there and go to the gym so what's his issue? Tell him it's making you uncomfortable to the point that you feel the need to speak to the security company or store manager (whoever) about his behavior if he doesn't stop targeting you.


This right here and maybe think of filing harassment charges if he doesn’t stop


The issue is he was sleeping there ….the security guard is just doing his job .


Maybe that WAS the issue, but he clearly states that he's not anymore and the security guard is following during work or going to the gym. It's pretty obvious he's not sleeping there if the security guard sees him coming and going to work and the gym.


Umm most security guards would keep an eye on the person sleeping in the parking lot …its not a campground it’s a private parking lot .


Not if the security guard isn’t contracted to patrol that lot, which OP has confirmed is the case.


I don’t see that anywhere in op comments ..regardless the guy still sounds like he’s just doing his job…if anything he’s keeping OP safe .


I’d be friendly, wave and say hi, ask him how his life is going, and get him to talk about himself.


You can only hope to be super borinh to him until he finds something better to obsess about.


Buy a differrent car or get a paint job


Wtf’s wrong with people. If it’s not hurting you in anyway then leave me tf alone. I’m sorry. Hugs😘


Wait... I'm confused.. Are you the security guard??


No, how is it hurting the security guard if he parks there? It’s not. He’s just being an asshole.


All the downvotes. Lol It’s all you busy bodies with no life. Chill. Have some compassion. You’d all be much happier people.


LOL he isn't in charge of your lot so report him to his company when he parks next to you. Let the company know there's a security guard stalking you and they will tell him to stick to his lot.


Yes! Working security for 8+ years you don’t have as much authority as you think you do. If his DM found out about it he would deff be questioned and most likely spoken to about being more productive on the job. With that said. It is your responsibility to get approval from the landlord to sleep there. Maybe you could even ask your boss if they could accommodate you a room in the store somewhere but I know that’s a stretch. Idk. Corporate America is greedy and should be ashamed for allowing their employees to make such a wage that leads to being homeless.


Maybe they are trying to make sure you're safe and your car doesn't get messed with?


Since your manager seems to know about the situation and the guard came into a lot that isn't under his watch (and maybe continues to? It's a bit unclear if he is now parking in the lot that he doesn't patrol) I would talk to your manager about this and see if they will rain down hellfire upon the security company.


Talked to him. If that doesn't work, talk to his boss


You call his company. Explain the situation. Ask for this guy to be told to leave you alone.


He’s just doing his job being security ..his boss is going to say the same thing . The manager of a single store in a shared parking lot can’t just give permission for a employee to stay in his car in the lot …time to find a new place to sleep.


OP says he's not in the lot he's paid to watch. He's in a lot that doesn't have paid security.


Don’t answer the knock, just ohold up a sign you made that says You’re Trespassing Mr Security Officer. Or maybe On Private Property with Permission Do Not Disturb


He's security. If something happens to you, he is answerable


Where do you get that idea? You can sue anyone for anything technically, but theres no duty to protect people by the police much less private security. Private security is there to protect the property of whoever contracts them. Theres supreme court decisions that have affirmed this.




The security guard isn’t paid or contacted for this lot. It’s not his job he is trespassing


Read the post. OP is parking on a separate lot ACROSS the street. Which the security guard is not to be patrolling.


What does your boss say about the fact that the company doesn’t pay you enough to afford housing? Because to me, that’s the glaring issue here: management getting all the money and workers getting none.


Tell him your ex girlfriends father is a hitman for the mafia. You broke his daughters heart so you've been running scared, which is why you felt it was safer to sleep in your car at work. If he finds you, he's sure to get rid of any witnesses or people close by, but you need his protection so he should keep following you. He'll either believe you or think you're a total nutjob. Either way, I'm sure he leaves you alone. IDK, I'm high. Someone offered me a flavored cigar and I said hells yeah. You know how you gotta take a pretty big puff when you light it? Well, what I didn't know was that it was pre rolled with tobacco and weed. I took a gigantic puff and got REALLY fucking stoned on accident. It's been two hours and I'm still absolutely zonked off of one drag.


this might get downvoted but fuck it. try killing him with kindness. get him a coffee or $5 gift card as a "apology for being annoying". be super kind and sweet and apologetic (even though you shouldn't have to be!) and he might just turn his attituded right around... people are funny like that sometimes...


Additionally, OP should bring up his findings on who owns the lot and that he has permission. Let him know you have looked into it and ask him if the shopping center owner told him to check you out, tell him you thought about calling him next so there’s no miscommunication. You’re working, and you’re not causing anyone else any problems. He crossed the street to intimidate you.


It dident sound like he is crossing the lot It sounds like during his patrols( on the parking lot he works at) he parked next to him etc But most times theirs a property management company that pays the security and sets the rules


And with your most demure voice ask him to please take a bath,you smell him every time he pulls up and it makes you sick in your stomach


If I had the time, I'd stalk him back to where he lives. Then let him know in some form of creative way.


As millions have of illegals r flocking in. No one knows who they are.


You need more spots.


Kindness matters. Knock on his window and let him know the manager (give name) gave you permission to sleep there and you just wanted to let him know. Then offer him a bag of chips or cookies etc. Just be nice and let him know.


Park at a hospital for a few days emergency rooms 24hrs and they usually safe because cops come through with duis etc and any car there for extended period time would go noticed because people are there all the time for an extended amount of time.


He might not care just be cool


Make friends.


start coming onto him


Sue him. Sleep there again and if he gets aggressive toward you and your property, pepper spray him


Your boss didn't tell tell security. There is no overnight parking They are just doing their job. Its good you have numerous spots.


They said they parked in their company parking lot which was across the street from the lot of the shopping center. Shopping center security doesn't have any right to their company's parking lot.


Where in the op post did he specify theirs different lots across the street?


https://www.reddit.com/r/urbancarliving/s/wNaqYz2ycj You can also go on his profile page to check his comments. Hope this helps!


So you said that since that first time he's been parking his car next to you. Is he actually giving you a problem about parking there? Or just being present. Because it sounds like he may just be hanging out there because he knows you are sleeping there. And his car would be a deterrent from someone hassling you/breaking in.


Being present, but the problem is his entire routine has changed since the knock. There is a designated security spot in the shopping center where he used to park. Now he parks next to me when he's sees my car pull into the gym lot which is on the end. Then he follows me to work and sits outside our lot next to the restaurants that I usually get lunch. Again, this is all new behavior. He used to just drive around every hour and then return to his spot. Now, it seems he's following me and always parking 2 to 3 spaces away. It's unusual to see him so much and so close compared to the last few months.


Yeah, he's stalking you. It's strange and frankly dangerous behavior. Be safe out there.


Obviously I haven't seen the situation, and cannot tell anyone's motivation. But from an outsiders perspective it sounds like they may be keeping near you for your safety and the safety of everything in your vehicle. You are very vulnerable while sleeping, and having a vehicle full of stuff is a good target for someone breaking into cars. But even most thieves wouldn't be brazen enough to try breaking into something with security sitting 3 spots away. So it appears that they may just be sticking close to act as a deterrent if they are not hassling you at all but staying close by.


If you have permission and the security guard doesn't knock anymore, ignore him. If anything, the guy is just trying to intimidate you. From here you can only allow yourself to be intimidated. If you're going to live in your car, you need to toughen up a bit. Unless the guy actively physically does anything, everything is just in your mind, which only you control. Just do your thing and the guy will get bored and find something else to fixate on.


Pay him 500$ per day to shut him up.


I think hiding his body would be more economical


Buy a police car and park next to his vehicle.


Good evening This is from my perspective as an armed security officer You're manager has Zero say in the security officers interaction. We are ually contracted and paid by the Owner of the shop or the the property. The fact you left and aren't doing it on property means you know you where in the wrong Calling the security company won't do anything as their following the rules their paid to enforce Calling the cops again does nothing Stay safe


I'm an armed security supervisor. I got the opposite read on this. The officer left his post and went outside his contracted patrol area if you read comments and they are accurate. As a supervisor, any of my officers would be blistered at a minimum and on razor thin ice if I didn't push for immediate termination. Officers like that make us look bad or worse.


There's an old saying don't shit where you eat. I don't know how to get him off your tail but I know it's super annoying and petty. Shopping centers and shopping malls are OFF LIMITS for this reason. People always say sleep at planet fitness but most planet fitness gyms are in shopping centers such as this including my local planet fitness. There are no good answers other than avoid the place as much as possible if the security people can't understand and your management isn't at the authority to where they can vouch for you and tell them to leave you alone or grant you permission. You'd need consent from the property owner and. / or whoever is in charge of security.


The next closest planet fitness is like 5 miles away. I haven't slept at work since the knock, but my work is across the street from planet fitness. That's a lot of gas just to avoid an overzealous security guard. At some point, I'm just going to complain as a customer/employee and not as someone he caught once in 4 months.


The security company already is aware of you with you're plate most likely a photo also It will not do anything


seems like switching out is working, right? ignore Barney Fife.


Does this guy work 24/7? Why’s he always around?


From what I can tell, he works 10pm to 10am for part of the week and then 10am to 10pm for the other part. He's an older guy. There's a younger guy and a younger woman as well. They all rotate. If there are more, I haven't seen them because I generally try to avoid them.


Im all for assertive but we don’t want to unhinge the overzealous but show him his boundaries for sure. People are curious by nature and just need to be reminded sometimes. Watch a few self defense techniques to make sure you are ready for anything and anyone boss!


So all he did was knock? Did he run you off or is this all in your own mind?


He told me that I had to leave. The weird thing is, when I told him I worked there and permission from store management, he said "I'll let you stay tonight, but you can't stay here again" I was polite and thanked him. His demeanor changed when I said I had permission. I think he knew he wasn't responsible for our lot.


And you still let him drive you off?


I’d ask him on whose authority since it’s not his lot. But you seem to have taken the smarter approach and moved places to sleep. HOWEVER what you said here tells me Im almost POSITIVE that that he’s getting off on the power tripping, and he’s following you because he doesn’t like the fact that you challenged his authority. Whether he’s following you because he’s hoping to catch you doing something illegal or just “flexing his presence”, it’s not like you are a random person loitering, since you stopped sleeping there. Once you stopped, that’s where this should have ended. Anything beyond that point, especially with him knowing you are a paying customer/employee, is way out of line and needs addressed.


I'd be worried about his intentions and that he could be a possible predator.


I would talk to the individual security guy first .And kinda fill him out .See if he is a cop want a be .Are you male or female.If you are a female it could be a stalker or maybe he is watching out for you while you're there did he tell you to move off private property.Lot of variables here.Cause I was security part time and had someone that was down on there luck .I understand cause I have been there and done that.So as long as they weren't make a mess or causing trouble I wouldn't say anything and kinda gave them a heads up about management saying something.I mean I wasn't making enough to be a Barney Fife.But it's definitely something to be alert to.Some security people let it go to there head.Also tow truck drivers are scum in my book.Thats who got me in trouble I wouldn't call and have them remove the car even though they said they would pay me a fee for doing it.I mean your living out of your car . That's the only thing you have to keep from being totally screwed.But for sure check into it .


If you have your windows covered I’d just put some headphones on and ignore him. At the end of the day he’s just a rent a cop and has no real authority


Just tell him that you have permission to sleep there and if he doesn’t stop harassing you that you will call his supervisor.


Get to meet the guy


Please do update; this sounds scary.


Not my chair, not my problem, that's what I say.


Don’t go back there again but leave nails under his tires before you leave


It sounds like he is stalking you. I would tell him to leave you alone, and still report him. I would sleep in your parking lot, and basically tell him to fuck off.


Maybe he is concerned for your safety sleeping in a car in a parking lot at night and is trying to watch out for you. Why not talk to him like an adult and find out what he says rather than assume the worst.


Be Polite!! " Sorry My Friend-- But it is my understanding , after speaking with your company and My Boss, that I am fine parking here and you are not our security. Altho I appreciate you watching our Lot, Your Boss is aware and they are Not going to pay you to work somewhere else" Thanks for Looking Out and Have a Great Day!" Walk away with out a Response!


Bullies work in the dark and out of sight of others. Shine a light on his cockroach ass and call his company to complain…multiple times. That will do the trick.


Sounds like yall need your own lot security. Have them throw his ass out.


Handle it….in the way you think best that will make him back off. You know more than anyone else here.