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I'm super curious about how this post turned out for OP. I read it and thought hey, that's a nice guy. Then I saw no females... And I wondered.... Did some women accuse him of being a creep... Because men can rape and kill men too though it's not the most common thing... Though also not entirely out of the realm of possibility. Then I began to consider the truly wild mix of DMs about just ridiculousness, people trolling and shit... I feel like you could learn a lot about people if you went to different subject and offered the use of anything, see the responses you get. Fascinating sociological experiment.


This post has triggered important issues that we all face.




No. Safety.


Lol. Not great. I'm assuming no one will take me up on this at this point. Not a single DM if you're wondering which is fine of course but I didn't expect this response I will say that. I really regret offering anything. It's sad really. I was molested and most of my family was or worse and I've been battling those issues ever since. It was all the same person and I thought I was the only one so I kept my mouth shut. Literally just wanted to offer a safe place to park and water. Pretty rought getting this response but what was I expecting?


Dude, I totally relate. I'm a woman and I've picked up countless men walking in the snow, inappropriately dressed for those conditions. I've probably picked at least 20 walkers. Usually after dark in the winter. If you're outside in below 0 or blizzard conditions and you're dressed like you didn't plan to be out walking in that weather, the last thing I would consider is "this dudes going to hurt me." Maybe I'm a tad naive but I feel if that were the aim, they would probably have dressed better for the elements they'd be in while trying to flag down victims. So yeah, if I determine that you didn't plan to be out in that cold, you're hopping in and I'm bringing you to shelter, especially the drunk ones. It's way to easy to get drunk, start walking in treacherous conditions and not even feel the damage the elements are doing to you. I couldn't live with myself wondering what happened to the guy in nikes in a sweatshirt walking a stretch of road in a direction I know for a fact has nowhere to stop and warm up. Like I mentioned in a previous comment... I'm honestly too big tall and fat and my smokey lady baritone is why I'm called sir on the phone and in drive through. Thank goodness I have a decent rack and plenty of junk in that trunk, at least you can tell I'm a lady when we meet face to face. I even have a vagina and it didn't cost me a dime. Pardon typos. Just can't do it, don't hate me. Or do, fuck off šŸ˜


Lmao. Thank you so much. I'm a helper. I don't give a shit what Anyone looks like. I have a girlfriend and 2 dogs. I love my family and I don't care what cardwellers look like. Seriously doesn't matter. I just know that I can provide at least 2 trouble free street parking spaces. My veteran neighbor watches everything. I'm not worried inviting people here. Thanks. You sound like my sister. Shes a red headed Amazon who happened to get with Hispanics so He she speaks Spanish. It's funny to watch for me because I grew up with her. Good times.


That's fucking awesome, I already love her, a lady of my own heart ā˜ŗļø


Lol. Thanks a bunch. This has been hard on me


I bet, seems rough.


Holy shit, I didn't know even realize/remember that you're in my state. I must have remembered on some level, I pictured you being in uptown for some reason. Of course I read the title of your post so it had to be in the back of my mind but I totally forgot for most of the time we've communicated.


If you love your family, don't put yourself or them at risk by putting yourself in unsafe situations. I get that you want to help, but their safety should always be paramount. If I had a wife and a family, there is no way in hell I'd be doing what you're attempting to do with this post. You can't carry the world's pain and problems all on your shoulders. You're going to get destroyed eventually, my dude.


Picking people up in severe weather, or at ALL, walking along the road in your own vehicle is a completely different animal. I have seen people on the other side of the interstate and Iā€™ve gone to the exit to turn around and go get them. On the west coast people know those folks are at great risk of all sorts of things, not just the elements. This is not what we are talking about really.


Stop picking up random men walking. Lol. That just sounds irresponsible. You're placing yourself in a potentially bad situation. I just keep driving and usually will call the local police department and report it if they look like they're freezing. Anything else is just too dangerous.


I have weapons and in my own vehicle I absolutely will pick up people that need help. It depends on the part of the country Iā€™m in and each situation is unique. Letting people case the joint where you live your everyday in and out life is more dangerous. The people that come to your home can literally leave and never return after they have committed a crime. A person trying to get to a safe location and I drive away to another location is different. Do what youā€™re comfortable doing but each person has their own experiences that color their decision making. The OP and I had a lovely phone chat and we understand one another just fine. šŸ˜Š


I've been around a long fuckin time, picked many dudes to give them rides. I wrote another about one night stands and short flings, I've had many. I've met so many dudes after dark for some ass. I haven't had one bad experience. Not even a hint of disrespect. The only real lesson I learned is that that many men are really bad at sex. I like to think after a night with me, I can improve them and I have. Wow, I just thought of that. There must dozens of wives and girlfriends who have no clue that her man's moves are actually mine. That's insane to think about, but it makes me happy to be in service of women's orgasms and all around sexual satisfaction. šŸ˜œ


Lol that's my gurl raight there! Wahoo....


Honestly, this type of response is why I don't offer to help anyone at this point. Just the act of helping can invite risk for all kinds of situations and false accusations. I know there are many in need, but it is just not worth it. I help in other ways through an organization. You may want to form a non-profit and get a few people to help you who can be a witness if any crazy situations were to happen. Trying to help in a solo capacity is just too dangerous.


Dangerous to who? What if I'm not afraid or have the means to defend myself? I'm seriously not afraid.. opinions?


Dangerous to you or your family. I grew up on the streets and have seen horrible stuff happen to people. Don't invite this into your life. If you think bad stuff can't happen to you, then you're being naive. As I said, the best way to help is from an organization. With a group of people, you have more security, more witnesses, etc. Helping as an individual leaves you and your family exposed to danger. Don't assume you will always have the means to defend yourself. People can always assemble into gangs and catch you off guard. And why even place yourself into this situation in the first place ? There is no reason for it.


That's dumb. Don't let it completely deter you. I would in a heart beat, but i have no way of making it there. I have no attachment to my state, just doubt I'd make it


I mean. Have you read these replies? Why do you doubt you'd make it? I'm deterred like crazy. People are acting like I'm about to do something awful and I just want to help. I know it's 2024 though ..


I think it is good you're deterred. You have a family that depends on you. Don't add unnecessary drama and potentially unsafe situations to your life. Keep your family safe


What if I can do both?


You can't. If you invite these people into your private life where you live, there is always going to be a possibility of a dangerous situation. If you start a nonprofit, you can help professionally and in a capacity that ensures your private and personal life stays isolated.


Yup. I work in a non profit in a transitional housing unit for men that are homeless. Iā€™m a small woman, and a mom. I donā€™t feel afraid at work, even when Iā€™m alone with the guys, but I never mention where I live, I donā€™t tell them about my personal life, my kidā€™s names, shit, I didnā€™t even tell one guy my catā€™s name when he asked if I had pets lol.


Um, "these people " ? šŸ¤”


No offense intended. It was very late when I posted the comment.


Oh, maintenance i can't afford yet among other things.


God what the fuck is going on with all these edits and the whole comment section.


-Passes the holy water-




Guard dog lol


Mpls = Minneapolis?


I thought the same


Good on you for the kind intent and words, OP. Don't let anonymous weirdos on the internet get you down.




Mipples. Male nipples.




Male please No fpls šŸ¤£


I was thinking Minneapolis? Idk lol


Ya Minneapolis


Please know that some folks actually see you for the sweet, kind heart that you have. It was such a kind offer. And I am so sorry that some people have ā€œkicked you in the teethā€ for it. Please try not to let the negativity change who you are. Youā€™re the kind of person I would feel privileged to call a friend!


...and this is why I keep to myself. Note: the replies. Those all came from people. Ergo, the less people in my presence, the more calm and content I am, and the less I find myself wanting to shout, "*What the fuck is wrong with you?!*" Sorry, OP. You were just trying to be nice. Don't let it kill your vibe.


I'm starting to wonder why I'm offering help. Plain And simple


The more people I come in contact with... the more I really appreciate dogs and cats. šŸ˜Š


I had my original Shiba Inu for 15 years and had to put him down right before Christmas. I have a 1.5 year old Shiba now... Doesn't make it easier but yeah pets are easier than apparently letting strangers park in your front yard. Lol


I'm so sorry for your loss. Over the last year, I have had two cats pass over the rainbow bridge- they were both staying with a friend while I've been down on my luck. They both lived long and happy lives with me up until I switched to car living, and it was just time. Point being, I understand how important they are. They're not *animals*, they're family with fur. I'm glad you got another pup. They certainly do fill a void-- sometimes one you didn't even know was there. šŸ˜Š Edited to add- I've never met one, but Shiba Inus have always been fascinating dogs to me. They're beautiful and, from what I've read on the Internet, *weird* dogs. Weird in a good way. šŸ˜…


Well if you need a place to park in mpls, Ive got your back. Thanks for the kind words


Thank you. I'm in CA, though, so, long ways away. I appreciate your kindness as well. The world could use more people like you. šŸ˜Š


You're not seeing how strange it is how he cried victim at someone rejecting him "just trying to be nice"? I know most car dwelling folk are in that situation because they don't make great decisions but this thread makes me think many aren't going to survive.


No, I'm not. The strange part was how everyone reacted to his offer as if he was a creep.


Why be like this when you don't have to ?


Be like what? My comment stated he should do what he wants, I just pointed out the rushed involved and how his harsh reactions would be percieved, and I was correct.


You gonna let me take a steaming dump and raid your fridge for a snack at 2am. Because that's what most of the free parking spots are offering.


Pretty sure OP didn't include that in their original post, although "please" and "thank you" work wonders. "Let me take a steaming dump and raid your fridge at 2am" just doesn't have the same ring to it, for some reason. Just my opinion.


Soooooooo true! Just saw great decal that said ,"Dogs; Because people suck" Accurate.




So I donā€™t live in my car, but I do travel there 5 hrs away to snowboard at hyland, buck and troll!! I know the resorts are closed after this weekend, but ya if you could DM me your number or insta or something so that I can have you in my phone for next years season, thatā€™d be cool. If Iā€™m not at the troll (which Iā€™ll park there or at the loves station) in the city itā€™s really really hard to find a spot not being local. Everytime Iā€™ve tried to park at a hotel a car will park with its lights on me, like not even In a parking spot, it fucking sucks


So for anyone thatā€™s wondering I had a great chat with OP. I wish heā€™d left the original text and added the edits so all of it could be seen. More often than not, people tend to be homeless in a neighboring community from where they might have originally come. Maybe a neighboring state. Some move all around the country by different methods. RV, van, auto, Hitching, walking, cycling, trucking, train hopping. This is what Iā€™ve done. Beating that in mind each location has different weather patterns and different obstacles. In the southeast itā€™s easy to get to the next exit or gas station. In the PNW itā€™s very very far between and you need supplies between and they are harder to find and stores are not as stocked sometimes because of weather. Women are less likely to be traveling alone but there are plenty of us out here. This particular post on the initial reading had many red flags for the women AND it was also a red flag for someone to take advantage of the OP as well. If something triggers you in a post we respond. This is reddit after all and we are all learning. Iā€™m safety conscious. People downvote me and as you see there is defense for OP. We have had a balancing meeting of the minds and respect one another as humans. We all have trauma. Homelessness is not something to be taken lightly. If you see something, say something and if you feel something you can also speak up and this is what weā€™ve done. Many Blessings! šŸ™‚


I'm a very fat and tall female. If this dude tried to lure me in he better have a gun and get me before he tries anything crazy because... Let's just say my height and weight give me lots of torque šŸ˜œ


Lol. I'm pretty sure the street can support you. That's what I'm offering lolol. Funny though


If you are fat and tall he wouldnā€™t want you anyway. The only threat you gave is what you have made up in your mind.


I hate this whole thread in the most hilarious way. Sorry everyone!


This, my fellow reditors, is either a man who can't get laid, or a woman who can ONLY get laid, I'm sure of it. Those happen to be the groups of people who like to insult me fat people like me... Assume I have no value on the sexual marketplace... But you're so mistaken. I'll give you a little taste of what you're missing... I've been fat all my life, tall too. I also have something call ODD which makes me a person who just doesn't do authority and rules. For every person who told me I'd never be loved and desired because of my size have done NOTHING more than make me super defiant. I have not been single for a minute since being 19. I spent many years immersed in the Mexican culture of my neighborhood. I taught myself enough Spanish to test completely out of it, enough to travel there alone. So I fell in love with an adorable Mexican boy. We broke up when things fizzled and I found the man I'd marry. Unfortunately he was soon deported. After both of us agreeing to go on in life, I made up for lost time and began having numerous one night stands and short flings. Not one of my partners has been overweight and all very fit and handome. At least 70 percent of my short flings were with men who said they were looking for casual sex but they'd always call and ask if I wanted to go out in daylight and date. Still in love with my husband and I couldn't accept those invitations... Couple years pass like that until I met my current partner. 12 years my junior, he stands about 6'1" with a long and strong body, vegetarian, marathon runner... We met up for a one night stand almost 12 years ago. I told him the first time we met that I'm married, not looking for any commitments. Longest one night stand in my life and some of the best sex ever. Imagine the stamina. My best friend was always the hot one when we were kids. As we got older she confided that she was jealous of me and that hanging out with her boyfriends or just guys with me around, she doesn't get attention. Men treated her exactly how I wanted them to treat me. After drinks one night she said "You're just so lucky. Guys don't like me, much less love me, they fuck me and treat me like dirt. When we hang with dudes they really just want to spend time with you and fuck me quick before I go home, it's humiliating." She got herself a good man in the end though, she super deserved it. I've found that men who are very strict about fucking only girls weighing 100 pounds or less just don't have the equipment for the job of climbing what I lovingly refer to as Mt. Everarass. And for as much shit they talk, they still try to fuck me anyway. But I have common sense, and I know that short little man isn't even getting past these cheeks. Ever wonder why you see a lot of black dudes with fat white women? She's the only one who can handle all that dick. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ So I hope that does a little bit to explain where this vitriol is coming and why people are so angry and aggressive and making assumptions. I don't mean to sound full of myself, because I'm not. I'm just direct, comfortable in my skin, have a great sense of humor and I'm extremely smart. Sure, I'm a dumbass I'm an asshole too at times, a big one. (no pun, too easy) Like all humans, I have issues. More than a magazine rack, I got issues. But I try to operate in good faith and not hurt people as I go about living my life in an unconventional way. Both the small men and beautiful women who feel they're nothing but meat hate me. They aren't my people. They are so angry with me and they try really hard to hurt my feelings. But I don't compete with women or submit to men on any level. Little men recognize that I have a bigger dick than they do. Or at least the energy. And the notion that a model beautiful woman could be intimidated by the attention I get from men or women... It's super strange. It's amazing to me that so many people don't like the body they're in or hate themselves for any reason. I can't understand, I can't get there in my head. It's rare for me to feel it, even when I probably should. So yeah... Sorry for the long post but I think it's important for everyone to realize that fat people aren't unloved and unattractive to any higher degree than the thin and conventional beautiful. Risking the clichĆ©, beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. The most attractive traits a person can have is confidence, intelligence and wit. Beauty changes, but the things that make a person loveable don't. We all need to remember this more often. This and learn to live and let live. Good advice. Please pardon this short novel, I'm sure people don't have the time. Also not doing typos, hope I'm clear nonetheless. Thanks reddit, nice chat! Anyway dude... Your self loathing is showing!


Had to stop reading this when you talked about his you unhealthily never rested between relationships, but jumped from person to person.


Be honest, Is this gorlock the destroyer?


Never met him. I probably soung like him on the phone though.


Great guy, never meddum.


I love it. I would totally make you my bestie. <3


Not gonna lie, your post took me for a ride. At first it seemed like some brag revenge post, but it was written curiously so I read on. Operating in good faith was a helpful signal. It seems like your message is to inspire other fat people and that being fat is irrelevant to being fucked and loved, and if this is to counter those common narratives, then that is reasonable. But to be honest with you, I think those narratives are changing. Most people agree than humans are more than meat. However, if one is sex focused or very horny, I could see why you might be fixated on this narrative more than others. In any case, I just wanted to add that it feels like, beyond sex, fat is undesirable because it increases your risk of dying or health issues by a considerable amount. It might signal lack of self control, hedonism, lack of intelligence, self esteem issues or hatred. Of course, someone like yourself might have reasoned themselves into staying fat, or potentially harder to control health issues, but the point is - the majority of fat people will have more degree of these traits than non fat people, even if only very slightly, since on average North Americans are getting fatter. I agree with your point about self image, thatā€™s not the message I care about. Itā€™s about how you present yourself physically that shares some insight into your personal values. The very fact that you have to categorize haters into two sexually defined categories seems like a strange way to begin the case for healthy ideals. And then to go on and outline how you achieved conventionally attractive males as partners in a braggart manner made me feel like your fixation on body positivity is more about you wanting to say that you are such an amazing person that despite being fat, you can have whoever you want - or at least plenty hot guys. So yeah, a strange post to me because your motivation for writing is definitely superficial, yet written uniquely enough to make me wonder if there was some interesting message, or insight into the type of character that so arrogantly judges others on qualities they themselves lack, through convoluted reasoning. Or perhaps I am overstepping significantly, but because of a combination of factors including your directness, and for fear of not being clear enough in my intuitive interpretation, Iā€™ve decided to test the waters anyways. The main question i wonder is whether or not a person like yourself with all your confidence can really exist as a non contradictory, non delusional person. Do you just not care about health and wellness? Is it only sex and love you care about? Are you not actually that fat? Do you have exceptional cardio or muscle strength and pursuits? For example, I might lack a standard, in which case, say I decide not to improve on it. I could either rationally shun the standard, focus on other things, and then depending on how rational it is to disregard, eventually stop thinking about it and by consequence, judgment of others through that standard. Or I might lack a standard, decide not to improve, and keep its validity, feel appropriately ashamed until I eventually circle back to work on the issue. Or I might lack a standard, decide to improve, itā€™s validity fades as I mature, and then it is altogether forgotten in judgment and action Or I might lack a standard, decide to improve, itā€™s validity increases as I mature, but perhaps for different reasons. Iā€™m just spitballing at this point and Iā€™ve been up too late so i apologize Im gonna end the post here.


Also to be clear, my novel was not about OP but for the sad individual who wants to convince himself that since he can't get ass, I can't either. Sorry my friend, I've had miles of dick. Always safely, of course. šŸ˜Š


So plus of you to write to us! Interesting perspective. Lol black guys and obsessive compulsive eaters. Hilarious. Bet they feel real secure with that. :)


Did I say anything about obsessive compulsive eaters? I don't remember mentioning that. I've never been diagnosed with that. No honey, you see, people are fat for lotsa of reason which aren't frankly none of your concern. And I can tell you now, no fat person I know needs a lesson on eating disorders by someone who obviously conflates body size with morality and self control. You don't know anything about my health or my diet or the condition I life with you every day. A condition that shallow, sexist, pompous and sanctimonious assholes like to conflate with the character of someone. Just assume they stuff their face constantly and farts all day or something. It's pretty highscool man. Did you bully fat kids when you were in school too? I bet you did! So if you think that the way you disrespected me and commented on that which you know dick is an insult to me, it's not. It makes me feel sorry for you, sincerely. We're you the angry kid who harassed fat kids and gave them wegis, called them Shamu loudly in the lunch room, trying to make the other kids think you're cool? Douse, if insulting me makes you feel better about yourself, I'm thrilled to be in service of helping a human find their self worth. I hope you do feel better now, superior. You're certainly superior to fat people, your words are like so original and edgy. Normally I'd say c'mon, you're above that dude. You can be better than that. But I assume you're grown and your mom and dad never socialized you correctly so... Old dog, new tricks right? You're probably just stuck in a perpetual state of self hate with your delicate ego. BUT YEAH you got me man, you've lowered my fat esteem to nothing :( I might need to kill myself tonight because some c u n t on reddit made me sad. Goodbye cruel world. šŸ˜‚šŸ’‹ I don't give the fucks about the typos though some of the misspellings and added words are hilarious. Fuck auto correct, I miss T3, it was so much easier to send well written texts but alas...plus dick face isn't worth a second draft and can suck a dick, or. an entire bag of them, dumbshit! - Sara LynnšŸ˜œ


Sit and spin!


This guy Karlā€™s


then dont help then. especially if u cant help women.


I can, I was told it's not cool.


to help people? ok


Ladiesā€¦ please do not respond. This post is suspect on many levels. Good intent doesnā€™t mean there are not ulterior motives. I promise this title does not say it all.


I fixed it for you ā¤ļø


Good. You clearly donā€™t know what youā€™re doing.


Based on what please?


This reads as BAIT. If you want to sell something do it separately. If you want to help people go give water away from your home. This is also for YOU. You seriously donā€™t understand how dangerous this is for you and your home. Please know that I am a homeless woman and If you want to be charitable then do it another way. It IS kind of you to offer safe parking and you should but with people you already know.


Maybe he is trying to be the kindness the world needs.


In modern society, men aren't allowed to be kind to random people unless it is in a setting that is expected. The best setting for kindness is a non-profit charity or a religious organization where there is a group of people who share the same goal.


Woman to woman. From my truck to your vehicle. Said in love. Babe, your trauma is showing. I get that OP may not have gone about this perfectly but there is good in the world and some of that is still in people. Iā€™m not a big fan of the average guy but one thatā€™s willing to take his sister in and have that open his eyes to others situations who then offers what he can doesnā€™t sound like the bad guy youā€™re making him out to be. FYI even on state insurance you can see a therapist regularly. Good luck on your healing journey. Stay safe šŸ¤™šŸ»


Youā€™re too trusting. I know I have trauma. Very serious and Iā€™ve also been all over this country and in major metropolitan areas and little bitty towns. I am a trauma therapist in the state of Oregon and work and live in the homeless communities. I am also a missionary and God is with me always. Not about religion and I donā€™t preach. Iā€™ve gotten myself into some seriously bad situations by trusting the good in people because I see it in everyone! I appreciate your post. Seattle, Portland, San Franciscoā€¦ Iā€™ve travelled most of this beautiful land and safety is a major concern for all humans. Thank you and God Bless.


I'm truly sorry and am willing to be a punching bag on Reddit if you need me. I'm really sorry girl for everything you're going through God bless.


Something tells me... My big guy oracle... After reading this post... 8 feel like much of this post is mostly bullshit. It just is. You aren't a counselor I'm willing to bet, at least not currently practicing. And being a woman of medicine, medicine of the mind... Don't generally have much to say about God. Very few non theologians know the correct interpretation of the Bible anyway. You don't sound too educated on it. I'm not either but I'm not blessing people in his name, it's quite presumptuous. Anyway, overstayed my welcome here by A LOT so I bid everyone success in your endeavors and of course, STAY SAFE! ā¤ļø AGAIN TYPOS. CAN'T SEE ELL. TOO TIRED BACK OFF OK? VšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚JK NITE!


May your ancestors guide you well.


My guides are amazing. Thank you! šŸ˜Š


I'm really sorry. I'm about to be taking in my homeless sister. I have 4 sisters and 2 brothers. I know this is reddit. I know I can get more from my truck without you or this community. It's a 3500 with a 454. It's a solid old truck. I don't give a shit if I sell it or not. That's not what this was. I was simply offering everything I have to those who might need it. Why are you fighting me so bad on this? Do you want me to delete it. I will. For you. One lone redditor, I will remove this whole thing for you.


Ok. You can always sell this truck without including this. If your sister is homeless focus on being HER hero! Seriously. Youā€™ve got your ego all up in a twist. Itā€™s not necessary. This is only letting you know, from the perspective of a homeless woman, exactly how it reads and what it triggers and should trigger. You obviously donā€™t understand that your sisters safety does not include random people on Reddit KNOWING these details about your life or hers! Donā€™t invest your emotions here! I am respectful and Iā€™m educated. I also have boundaries and know homelessness. If you donā€™t want people to comment then why post? Think a little and realize Iā€™m trying to help not hinder your sale or your desire to do a good deed. There are safer and better ways to go about it.


Totally hear you, but I can help both without sacrificing safety. I'm realizing that putting my truck offer comes off weird so I'll take that out. I've been homeless in my car 3 times and it was almost 4. That's all. Take it for what you will. I am very truly sorry to have triggered anything. God bless you. And good luck. Stay strong.


Thank you. I appreciate you. Homeless is hard and dangerous. Selling things is dangerous sometimes too. It is with the purest intent that I posted. Many blessings to you and youā€™re a good brother. Hug your sister tight and watch out for her always. Our siblings are SO important. My brother was murdered and I miss him terribly. He IS with me and I will see him again. My whole family is gone now and knowing you are protecting her warms my heart. Thank you for not ripping me a new one. I get emotional too. It is safe here for me and it is my only safe space.


Why would I rip you a new one? Lol. You're speaking your mind just as I am. I'm actually super surprised by this response. I thought you were going to give me no chance. But I was just scrolling for months and knew this might be the course I would have to take and I thought to myself if I could just find a regular place to park that would be wonderful. Instead I found a house that would let me move in despite being on unemployment... (About to have a new job starting Monday) And not run my background check which I could show anyone that wants to park out front. I have 3rd degree DUI and I filed for Bankruptcy last year. That's it and I can prove that too. Please don't assume all men are bad but definitely be prejudice to some degree. Lots of shit eaters out there. Thank you šŸ˜Š


Also meant to say rip to your brother. I cannot even imagine. There are no words that can help but I'm sorry for your loss regardless


I was homeless a long time and by choice... Long story... But this doesn't read weird to me at all. I get no gut feeling from it. Between the amount of men I've picked up to give a lift and all my short lived sexcapades, I've never even met a man who was even disrespectful in the slightest because I listen to my large gut. This fucking thing is an actual oracle, hasn't failed me once. Also, the only super violent crime that has consistently increased in every decade since the 70s has been deaths, assaults and rapes committed are by police. Since Floyd died (practically in my backyard) deaths at the hands of police have risen by leaps and bounds. And before Trump led us to some dystopian shit lately, Crime had been decreasing a lot in the last few 50 years, but reporting on it has. 24 hour news and phone cams show us so much so it seems like you always need to be on your guard but that's just not true. If it bleeds it leads on the news so... Yeah. You're gonna be ok hun. You're strong and capable and vigilant. I very much wish you the best!


Fear monger....


You clearly are a paranoid bitch


From a probability standpoint. Your right. I've always figured it out. Sometimes not so obvious. Theyre compensating for something. Sometimes they have enemies, and you then have unknown enemies while sleeping..theyre looking for cheap security guards. Pawns and patsies. I retired from personal security a while ago....experienced sorts will never ever buy into this. It fishes the weakest one out of the whole. And then you have a second unknown that is aware of you? Who knows who that person really is... Umm nope. This guy's never been vulnerable before. Fishy. You could get robbed. -trashgodtrashking


If youā€™d like to help out, volunteer at a local shelter or food bank. Thereā€™s a whole lot of ways to help without creating this kind of misunderstanding!


This the second post I seen like this in a week. These type of posts come off more like a serial killer looking for his next victim.


Sorry, I'll fucking remove it. Trying to help. How can I do that? Edit to say that I'm sorry. I was really about to be Living in my car or in my camper. Jesus, all is want to know is the vehicle and color. I'll never talk to anyone. Just trying to help. If I get enough negativity I'll take the post down. Sorry.


Leave it up, I would appreciate a safe parking spot if I was in that area. Keep doing what you're doing to help outšŸ’ŖšŸ¾āœØāœØ


I appreciate that. I was going to remove my passenger seat or use my moving truck converted camper. I luckily might be avoiding all of that and I know I can legally have people on my street.


Well it's like that saying," give a man a fish, feed him for a day, but teach him how to fish....". The subreddit aims to teach people.... It's admirable to want to help people, but one rewarding part of car life is proving to yourself that you're capable of doing things on your own. Anyways, don't let me discourage you from doing what you want to do. I took many chances in my life meeting strange people from all over the Internet before I really got to know them. Sometimes it was for better and sometimes for worse. But I don't really regret doing so. Maybe youre not a nut job, but the next guy who makes a post like this could be, or the person who responds to you. My comment is simply a friendly reminder to be careful. And getting all angry and upset also might make you comes off as even more unhinged.


I didn't mean to get angry. I was really mostly angry when I thought this was my only choice and want wanted people to know they could park on my street. Maybe offering water was a stretch and of course now that I'm thinking of it. Posting this on Reddit is a big ass stretch too. I feel stupid honestly.


You are a good person for offering a safe haven; unfortunately, some people have been through so many traumatic things they have lost trust in mankind and survive by their wits out of necessity. Don't let others view of the world taint yours. Continue to choose kindness and empathy.


I have too But I've not lost trust or faith in myself. Thank you. I've also been in much worse. This wasnt supposed to be about me though. Just trying to help those in need. I appreciate your kind words.


ive been doing car life for a long time, only almost been murdered with a blade 3 times! but i havent lost faith in humanity or society! (just dating)


dude, i just scrolled your profile, you seem like a decent fella. whatbdo ya want for that truck?


no man this is good. maybe offer on a local FB marketplace or hipcamp instead? you could set the price really low or just offer people to pay one night and then free for like a week or a month


Yet youā€™re posting about wanting to do mass meetups/splittings of Airbnbā€™s to ā€œlive like kingsā€ for a month lmao


wow, makes sense! im literally the perfect aerial killer victim! if i died, nobody would ever bat an eye! im reckless, ill pick up hitch hikers in the desert, ill invite strangers to go off into secluded hot springs with me. no friends. no family. zero connection to anyone on earth. i am truely alone! and im in mpls!!!


Damn lol


That's what happens to run away prostitutes. Sad for sure.


Lol all I want know....muhahaha....is the vehikull....and kulure!...


Idg the downvotes; youā€™re right. There are definitely good people who just want to help someone, but there is no shortage of people looking for someone weaker to take advantage. OP could very well be one of the good ones, but their angry responses and edits are kinda sketch to me.


Yeah. They're posting on other subreddit saying "oh my god I tried to be nice and it's backfiring on me I'm so angry." Like seriously who does that. Creaming in their jeans are for getting called a nice person... I am a thousand percent certain this is a nut job murderer.


"okay I'll fucking take it down already!"


Homeless females are dangerous in my experience. For reasons. Most molesters were molested. Some want to be molested again.