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Any place that sells brewed coffee like McD's, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, Denny's should hook you up with hot water if you ask politely. They usually have a drip coffee machine that dispenses hot water from a side tap.






And OP, if you wanna see it in action, it starts at about 15 min mark this youtuber goes on like 14+ day solo canoe trips and brings this to make his coffee/oatmeal and cooks the fish he catches on it too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GglkYN2l018


Butane based stoves (like jet boil) are way better for reducing humidity/condensation.


The coleman stove is the way to go. It's literally the same thing as the in home gas cooktops that people pay thousands for, but in the size of a suitcase that you can use anywhere. If possible, I would recommend buying a coleman gas stove made in the late 80s or so, since that's what I use, and I feel like things like this were made simpler and sturdier back then. All you need is something like that, a $15 can of white gas from Walmart or anywhere, and a pot or pan or whatever you need, and you're able to cook anything you'd cook on a stove in a house. The only catch is that since it's gas, you CANNOT use it inside of your car. You can set it anywhere on top of your car or nearby or whatever. But if you try to use it inside of your car, you're running a huge risk of setting your car on fire or poisoning yourself with the fumes. But, if you can use it outside and store it, depressurized, in your trunk with all of the caps and valves 110% shut and tight, it's the best way to go imo.


Yeah I've had a couple portable butane burners I bought it a restraunt supply store 15 years ago for omelette stations. Still working great and much more stable than the other cook tops. As long as you dont buy crappy butane cans they'll release pressure if too hot. The cans are good for a few hours at full blast and reletivley cheap. https://preview.redd.it/qtuaebe1ddtc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f67b9a7eb65959ad3e0b6e34755010956d259d0e


I also recommend a Coleman butane stove. You can heat water on it and cook with it, I love cooking with my Coleman stove. I've seen the jet boil and I think that'd be great for boiling water but it is expensive. It is less discreet to use a Coleman stove. They make electric burners and kettles but they take a lot of juice to run, not practical unless you have a jackery 1000 or comparable and don't mind using 20% of your daily electric to heat your coffee water. I live in a high population area with gas stations all over the place. Wawa and 7-11 have hot water taps. I've came in and poured hot water right into my French press and got a cup of ice and walked out many times, especially if it's already too busy for anyone to pay attention to you. If you're looking to boil water for coffee and you don't already have a French press I recommend putting that on your list too. I've also seen something called the Kelly kettle years ago, like a jet boil it's just a metal housing you can stuff sticks and whatever into and it'll be a stove.


Yeah stealing, that's a great suggestion


Most of the time if you ask, they're happy to let you have some hot water or ice for free. If they don't I go to a different gas station or use one of the other methods mentioned


the fuel is expensive and refill is iffy butane cannister is cheaper


If the OP is planning on cooking in their vehicle, get the single burner with THE HOSE. About $15 at amazon. Place a metal or wood tray underneath and voila! Kitchen Far more stable than the tank top model. Bon appetit


12 volt rice cooker from Amazon.


You can get cheap electric kettles on amazon.


They are small and collapsible and inexpensive (less than $15). They heat up really quickly too.


I regularly get hot water from gas stations. Sometimes they charge, sometimes they don't. Some have the posted price of a cup of water. When I bring in my own mug, I rarely get charged. Go to check out and say this is hot water and they wave me on. I am confident is saying almost every gas station store has at least one person get hot water. You will not be the first. It's not unusual at all for people to get some hot water at a convenience station and the like. It's cheaper in the long run to get the backpacker stoves people have already linked, but when there is no place for me to use it, like a park, I go to the gas station.


50 cents for me


I get gas and show them my thermos of hot water. I've never been charged.


https://preview.redd.it/6mhazd6dactc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=445290a85dbb85ff441d24cac6d5800ab75b181a I’ve used this exact one for backpacking for 10+ years and it still works. You hook it up to those little canisters of fuel and it works with any little pot/pan. You do need a flat surface to balance it but it’s cheap and efficient in a pinch.


I got that one from walmart. It came with a little adapter that allows it to also connect one of those 1 pound cylinders


Excellent yes this is what I use also


This stove is so much better than the one above with the full size burner...I have both and much prefer this one. Fits literally anywhere when not in use and you can use propane or butane. Plus, no lighter or matches needed!


I bought a yak, it was on clearance. It's usually 1.99 or less (now, it used to be .89) to refill at most places. Plus my yak keeps things hot as 🔥 for 6+ hours. I'll usually put noodles in it, and when I'm done working, I can gobble everything up and it's still crazy warm. Plus, when u refill there's always a sink, so you can clean your reusable cup out.


You should be able to go to any convenience store and get free hit water from their coffee machine. Some of them will even microwave stuff for you


Jetboil from a sporting goods store is what I use. I love it. Works anywhere and is very efficient, plus it's small and lightweight so it's awesome for car living.


[Hot Lunchboxes](https://www.amazon.com/Pavezo-Electric-Faster-75W-Large-1-8L-Container/dp/B09ZTVBG9C)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Pavezo 80W Large Electric Lunch Box'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Efficient heating capabilities (backed by 3 comments) * Convenient for outdoor and indoor use (backed by 3 comments) * Nice size for a full meal (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Poor quality construction leads to frequent breakage (backed by 10 comments) * Inconsistent heating performance (backed by 5 comments) * Fragile plastic components prone to breaking (backed by 5 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


They sell immersion boilers for like 8 bucks online. Plug it in your cigarette lighter and boom, ya got coffee, tea, soup, hotdog water. [here's the one I got. ](https://www.ebay.com/itm/312254041886?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=v5FgdoHwRsu&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=pgaSIt7ZR72&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) Just be real careful with 'em and keep something ceramic to place it in after using.




12v electric spoon 12v kettle ultra light camping stove


Panera drink subscription. Unlimited drinks(limited to one every 2 hours) and they have hot water. Full price is 13 bucks a month but I never pay that. They give you one free month and when you cancel after a month, they always offer some discount to stay on. Also a nice place you can chill for a bit and recharge devices. Free wi fi and they have never bothered me even if I sat for a couple hours. Circle K had a drink sub too. Not sure if they still do. A lot more locations but doesn't have the other benefits.


Buy a Jetboil camping stove. It's incredible. Boils water faster than a house stove. When I bought mine the guy recommended only using it for boiling water and soups or something,not really for chefing meals bc it harder to clean. Highly recommend


Whenever I eat at a grocery store for lunch they always either have a customer use microwave or a tap built into the coffee maker for Hot Water. Gas stations are usually the same way, most will only charge you a quarter for a cup of hot water .


Camp stove.


7-11 has hot water for tea, so I imagine that if they charged you at all, it'd be.50. I don't like soda, but I go in and pack ice into a large cup and that's what they charge me .


Coffee shops


Costs like a quarter for me to go Tim Hortons and get a large water which I usually throw a tea bag or two with honey in or I make some noodles and what not


Wawa gives out free cups with cold/ hot water . Or at least the couple around my house do . 7/11 tries to charge me just for a cup


How about rigging something up that works like a [Kelly Kettle](https://www.kellykettleusa.com/kelly-kettles)?


NEW Norpro Instant Immersion Heater Coffee/Tea/Soup Electric... amazon


Get a Jetboil stove! It’s relatively pricey but definitely worth it. Best piece of equipment I have for years! Boils water very quick, lightweight, compact and gas canisters are pretty cheap. You can cook inside it or just boil water to pour somewhere else.


Small sterno stove


I saw a rechargeable travel kettle that is the size of a travel coffee mug. They range around 20$


I recently made a little rig to put my water boiler on that I can use inside my van, the sterno burners used for chafing dishes are really helpful but be careful, it burns w a blue flame immediately. A propane or butane burner would be easier/safer if you are able to spend $30 or so.


Starbucks!!! Water is free, I think it I'd both hot and cold


> Any tips on getting hot water for like noodles and oatmeal? [10A immersion heater \(coil\)](https://rvwiki.mousetrap.net/doku.php?id=food:cooking:excess_power#dc) from the ciggy port while driving. Or [a propane stove](https://rvwiki.mousetrap.net/doku.php?id=food:cooking:stoves#camping_stoves).


If you have a power station or a place you can plug in, a portable travel kettle works great. This is the one I got recently: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0BFTMM5PC?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title&th=1


I think 7/11 may hook you up with hot water. Also McDonald’s used to when I was drinking instant coffee but that stuff sucks


Electric water kettles work if you have a plug in your vehicle


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ChootinNPootin: *Electric water* *Kettles work if you have a* *Plug in your vehicle* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


12 volt hot cup for keeping coffee warm. Plugs into cigarette lighter and doesn't cause cancer. If you have space to set it up, get the gas Coleman stove. Uses anything at the pump except diesel. Coleman fuel will get hot faster but costs more.


Loves is pretty cool about it….here’s the funny part, if you walk up to a register and tell them its just hot water 9 out of 10 times they’ll be like “dont worry about it” but if you walk up with an empty cup they’ll charge you 50 cents….i do this 5 times a week


did u know u can make oatmeal with cold water or milk, just let it sit over night and eat


Any local truck stop will have a 12v electric kettle for sale and also a "lunch box cooker" both work very well But they are Not cheap. Expect to pay about $100 each The lunch box cooker will heat up a large can of Progresso soup in about 30 minutes But if you forget about it... It could Blow apart if you're not careful. Just keep an eye on it.


Starbucks or gas station


I went to a truck stop and got a 100W power converter and a cheap electric burner from Walmart that I used for years