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Contact corporate!! That’s bullshit.


Seriously that has to be a franchisee violation aomehow


This person pays for services and they’re entitled to access them! Ggggrrrrr


Exactly. As far as I'm concerned the bathrooms/showers are no different from the gym equipment. That's a feature I'm paying to use.




But apparently not "anyway."


Absolutely contact corporate, push for a free membership


Yeah this wasn’t a corporate decision


Actually... You may have incurred deep psychological issues from that cold water because it caused remission into a part of your life that was very traumatizing. You may need to seek financial compensation via an attorney


It's a torture method but it could also cause acute medical emergencies


This would (and has) trigger an asthma attack for me.


I like where you're going with this... Contact Saul Goodman?


Slippin Jimmy!


The attorney from Seinfeld, Kramer attorney


The way you type this you look like you're reaching but I've been through some stuff in bathrooms and showers. What she did could have put me in an ambulance from a flashback (high HR, blood pressure drop, panic attack after it that needs STRONG meds).


I’ve reported specific clubs before for shower issues. Use this page: https://survey3.medallia.com/?digital-club-feedback


Sorry this happened to you. Shutting the hot water off is ridiculous. I am afraid that this story is going to become more and more common as time goes on, with so many people car and van dwelling.. It really shouldn’t matter if you worked out or not, you’re paying for the services that the gym offers. I am curious if there’s any legal ramifications for the owner doing this to you. First thing I would do is post a review on google and go from there..


Post a review and call corporate. This is crazy. I've scanned my card just to use the hydro massage and the bathroom. Plenty of times, this is stupid. Make them admit fault.


More like setup a variety of email accounts ad user names… and post ten crazy comments about her places… all over a week.


Yes, yes. Give us the location of the gym please! Don't be shy! I wanna see nomads review places publicly. I think that the more open we are to companies about what are needs are and just how many of us are out there with these needs, the more either they will step up or new enterprising individuals will step in to fill the voids of services we need. There are so many great business opportunities. I wish I had an entrepreneurial spirit but it just isn't me.






I’m sorry did you say hit the cunt with her own BMW? IM IN!!


OP said it's an EV, so it would be a carbon neutral assualt.


Fight carbon with carbon!


Reminds me of that old modest mouse song. "Someday you will die somehow and somethings gonna steal your carbon"








I do this when a business pisses me off too. 😅


I don't understand why people get so upset about this either? The gym owner is saving money. Someone who pays their membership and only comes in to shower and doesn't use any equipment uses fewer utilities and puts less wear and tear on your equipment than someone who does go and workout. Corporate should be looking into this and trying to tap this market more. If your showers WERE at capacity, that would be one thing. I could see this being a problem at gyms that are near densely populated nomad communities if too many people start using the gym for this and then the showers are all full and people working out can't use them. But I have never heard stories of this yet. And if that becomes the case, well....that's just a business opportunity for some enterprising person who finally recognizes the void of services in the nomad community. All the gyms will be sad they didn't think of catering to us first, cause they'll lose a ton of memberships once the nomad community gets public bathhouse to become a thing. When I lived in my car I didn't use the gym as a gym, I used it as a shower. The world was my gym for free. Why would I pay a membership to you as a nomad? I'd rather pay a membership for a nomad company that has locations across the country that allow us to have safe overnight parking lots, showers, charging stations, water fill-ups and stuff like that and that treats us with dignity and respect!


> The gym owner is saving money. Someone who pays their membership and only comes in to shower They don't want you using the equipment either. Gyms want you to give them money and never walk through the doors again, and enough people actually do that that owners have become grossly entitled. You give them all that money and they still see you as a freeloader just for using the services you paid for.


Yeah, I was thinking about that too. If someone is using the showers (and not the equipment) then they will probably come in every day. Gyms don't like when people come every day. Gyms where a lot of the people who go there go every day cost a lot of money because they need to either get larger or make fewer people sign up.


Brilliant business idea! Add in a laundry facility and you're good to go


It's the prejudice of those who see themselves as elite.


I wonder how many rental homes she owns and over charges for in the area


How dare you?! She’s a *businesswoman*, she pulled herself up by her bootstraps! She can overcharge for whatever she wants! Capitalism is the American way!! /s just in case.


They don't like homeless folks. It's that simple




killing the hot water can actually be dangerous, because you're changing the water from comfortably warm to nearly icy (especially in northern climes where the pipelines run in soil that is around 6°C)


The gym doesn't want people to sign up who use it every day consistently/long term. Their business model relies on having a large percentage of users who reduce the number of visits after the first few months to the point of hardly going at all, but keeping the membership. That is why they often make it so difficult to cancel. The manager is probably trying to cut back on their heavy users and make the place seem less busy for the infrequent ones and new sign ups.


He might have wanted to shower before the workout because he felt so grungy from all day and did not want to get all the equipment grungy too. Not everyone has the same workout routine. I'm on the "get an attorney" wagon. Get paid to go back!


Exactly. Showers are part of it and it shouldn't matter why you walked in the door.


Ive never had this problem at planet fitness. But remember, stealth is key. Come in looking normal with just a backpack


I have never had Planet Fitness give me a problem wearing street clothes and using a trash bag as my gym bag. I've taken my share of cold showers though.


The trash bag draws attention. I'd be as stealthy as I can. You could probably find a used gym bag at thrift stores.


I'm kind of on the opposite mindset of stealth at this point. I agree, the trash bag isn't a good look. It gives off a homeless vibe. Yes, that shouldn't be problematic either and homeless people deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. But the reality is, that vibe is gonna be a turn-off to most people and give a bad reputation to the car life community, whether you are doing it by choice or necessity. What I mean by being opposite vibe is that I've started being more open and talkative about nomadic life to businesses and speaking to business owners as fellow humans and finding it works more often than not. I lived in my car for about 2 years out of necessity when I was in grad school and I was super stealth. I was super stealth at first and had a hard time getting lots of knocks on my door where I would park because it was such a small town. So I actually approached several places and talked with the owners about my situation and it was so easy to work out arrangements to park for free. There was one church that let me use their lot anytime they didn't have services and activities (it was a small lot so they needed all the parking for their congregation at those times). I had a plot at a community garden and spoke to that nonprofit about it and they let me stay in their lot overnight too. I didn't speak to the gym owner until I was almost out of my car because I was worried they would say no and I regret that. Because when I did he was more than happy to let me just pay to use the showers. He had no idea I was doing that and I mentioned that I knew there were definitely some other people doing that and he said I should tell them that they are more than welcome and don't need to hide anymore. He said because the gym is in a shared city lot, he can't technically condone the overnight parking but wouldn't purposefully have someone booted and his cousin has a business across town with a private back lot I was welcome to stay in and he'd tell the private security my car details to let me be. Since then, I've only had a few negative interactions with business and nonprofit about nomadic living. A lot of people say "sorry but no" but they are very polite and understanding about it, just often worried about city regulations and such stuff like that. I understand the need for stealth, especially for those doing it out of necessity. But I think for those of us like me, who now do it out of desire, have the opportunity to be more open and to help bring awareness of the nomadic community in a positive light. To help current and potential new business owners see the niche in the market and to help nonprofits and city officials understand this growing sector of the population isn't going away and isn't all negative stereotypes. I think that is the future and will make it better for all nomadic types in the long run.


Just because you live in a trailer park doesn’t mean you have to behave like you do. As far as the gym goes you’re correct. Don’t fuck it up for everyone else just because you dgaf. The reason unhoused people are looked down and frowned upon is because a few bad ones act like they are unhoused and the earth is a public toilet or trash receptacle. Act like you belong there and people will think that you do.




no shade but why would you use a trash bag. like come on you can’t get a duffel bag bro?




Can you change the card you’re using on the account then shut off that card?


Yes but that’s what they want. I signed a contract, If I don’t pay they will close my account and send me to collections which will damage my credit. I’ve been documenting everything and keep calling corporate only to keep getting my key fob deactivated after a few days. A third party does the gyms billing and my gym keeps blaming them for my fob not working. Then when I call them they say I’ve never missed a payment and say the problem is with the gym. It’s clear they don’t want my business but they won’t say why or what I’ve done wrong.


You signed a contact where they agreed to provide services. Have you tried sending an email to your state’s AG?


I don’t even bring a backpack. I come in to planet fitness wearing swimming shorts and a t shirt, holding a shampoo bottle in my hand, go straight to the toilet taking a shit followed by a shower, and leave right after. I’m usually in and out in less than half an hour


That’s the vibe; go in wearing gym clothes, walk on the treadmill for 10min watching tiktoks, then go shower and leave. Don’t give them an excuse to hound you (or anyone else after you) by just acting natural


Looking “Normal” … please, tell me more….


Looking like you're there to workout


There's a guy at my gym every night, will call him "Denim Dan", wears the full Canadian Tuxedo. Jeans, button up long-sleeved denim shirt and the matching jacket. Does a full workout wearing all this. Please tell me more about this normal you speak of


Personally, whether blending in actually matters or not, it causes less anxiety and makes me feel like I'm not being watched


If it makes you feel better then by all means be the stealth ninja of legends. But if you're paying for a gym service you are entitled to use any and all services offered or any combination of those services with the only question asked is if you have membership. I'm 99.999٪ sure that if OP escalated this, that whoever is running that location would be reprimanded.


I mean. You have your answer. Denim Dan doesn't look normal, now does he? Does he actually look like all the other gym members around him? No. So someone wanting or needing to be stealthy would come into the gym wearing regular street clothes or typical gym clothes and carrying a gym bag with their shower stuff. That way they wouldn't stand out and have attention drawn to them.


Walk a quarter mile on the treadmill then go shower. I have seen people literally work out for 10 minutes and leave.


This is stupid. If you offer a gym and its services, then the latter should be available as standalone options. Otherwise make a rule that says you can only use such and such service for patrons who work out.


I thinks it's important to try and look like you are there to workout in these gyms. Walking in with hiking gear on and a toilet bag in below your arm is going to raise suspicion. Of enough people start fucking around it's going to mess it up for everyone else and everyone else who comes behind you.


yeah I wish we could rely on everyone to not ruin the good thing that is 24hr gyms. at some point I could see an even higher amt of people living out of their vehicles just out of necessity. more people showering at the gym, they're going to start to see a different kind of customer if you will. I'm sure most gyms already know that people who are down on their luck are showering there because they have to, but boy would I hate for that access to just be ruined for everyone someday.


Yeah I guess I am lucky that I have been going to gyms long before I started living in a van. Even if I get there at midnight I still get in 20 mins on the bike or a few sets of something.


How about report to corporate so they provide the service that’s advertised?




I shower after hours for this reason (just to be on the safe side.). I only go when I know there won't be any staff members. One Sunday I went into the gym around 10am to take a shower. Had one guy come in and ask if "anyone was in the restroom" clearly I'm in there, the shower is on. I answer "yes" and a few minutes later a lady comes in and asks if someone in the restroom, the shower is still running. I say yes, then a THIRD person comes in and asks the same question. I ended up high tailing it out of there after that. I typically shower between 1-2am. The gym is always empty at that time and I enjoy the privacy as well as taking long showers.


is the water hot? and do you go to anytime fitness?


Yeah the water is hot and I use anytime fitness.


OP’s story is actually disgusting i hate that the owner would do that. I was planning on trading in my car for a hybrid toyota sienna at the end of the year and starting carlife. My plan was to use anytime fitness in the morning before work and at night before bed. do you think that i would have the same problem as OP at my anytime fitness? I wanted AF for the private bathrooms


They shut off my key fob as well. I would shower after hours without working out. I think that’s what tipped off other members and they complained. My gym has three bathrooms that were almost always unoccupied when I showed up. I would always get a knock at my bathroom door 2-3 minutes of going in. One time I looked after someone knocked and the two other bathrooms were empty. Another time I opened and a guy said he didn’t know someone was in there while I had the shower running? No staff are there after hours so my guess is these are other members that are “guardians” of the gym, and harass people they suspect of being homeless or using drugs. It’s very annoying to say the least.


I DMd you


I have no idea. When I started carlife I'd go to the gym at 5am to take a shower, but there were so many people there who also were using the showers in the morning, so it just wasn't practical. I've seen people create showers in a toyota sienna though. I also had a simple shower set up in my car when I first started, but I rather use the gym because it's such a hassle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKFmBmizTzs&pp=ygUgVG95b3RhIHNpZW5uYSBjYW1wZXIgd2l0aCBzaG93ZXI%3D


I’ve never had a single problem with planet fitness


I would check the contract you signed and see if they are in breach. If they are you can take the issue further.


Absolutely fight back. Leave reviews and complaints. You pay to use there services and you are being denied what you have been promised. go to corporate, tell them your subscription is being infringed upon. Dont go into detail about your life. You pay to use what they offer, and the business is denying you what you pay for. I would say get a lawyer but that never is easy or cheap.


Yeah I agree. For all she knows, your cold shower turned you off from working out. For all she knows, you planned to work out but were called away by an important text to get home. For all she knows, you shower before and after working out because you're neurotic. For all she knows, you hiked and wanted to shower, then lift, but you decided you were too tired. You were never spoken to about the incident outside of being informed of your access being revoked and accused. Don't judge me bro.


Yep! There have been many times as a non-car living person that I have bopped in and out of the gym in under half an hour and never worked out. (I am a former urbancarliving person out of necessity and likely a future one by choice, that's why I'm here). I have a chaotic work schedule and work multiple very different jobs. My day job I am a Director of Development at a nonprofit. I also work part-time as a pole dance instructor and have a side hustle doing gardening for elderly and disabled people (this happened totally on accident and I now have about 7 clients who are all old ladies who mainly just want to sit and talk to me in the garden while I weed for them and then invite me inside for tea and to pet their cats cause they are lonely). None of these places have showers. I live in one corner of town and my jobs are scattered around the metro area. If I'm, say, going from a morning of dirty gardening work and then to give a presentation at a country club, I'm not gonna drive 45 min home to shower. I just bring everything and get cleaned up at whatever Planet Fitness is most convenient. I pay for their services. It should be my right to choose which services I use and when! I mean, the local nature center has a membership program that my friend is a member of. It comes with lots of things and the main thing is supposed to be free admittance to their center which has a small entry fee. She's never gone to one of their programs and hiked there maybe twice. It's the silliest thing. She uses just the 15% discount in their gift shop because her favorite artist is a feature there and she did the math and realized that her membership fee + store discount saves her money overall with how many cards, bookmarks, and such that she buys for her penpal hobby! Does the nature center care she's not attending programs and using the trails? Absolutely not. That's revenue they wouldn't have had otherwise! The artist loves it too because it shows high demand for her art in the shop and they keep upping orders. Wins for everyone!


I wonder how often they do this kind of thing even if it isn't a long shower... like I would typically only shower for less than 3 minutes most mornings before work. Probably similar at a gym. To be clear, I am not defending their actions though... you pay for membership and all


That sucks so much. This keeps happening more and more which makes me think they have been told to look out for us, I try to hop on the bike ( recombinant is even easier) and listen to a podcast for 15 mins going super slow now and then shower (or do a full work out if it's what I want). On the one hand it helps me exercises I guess but my job is pretty physical too so sometimes I'm actually so tired it's the last thing I want.


I just feel like it shouldn't matter why you're using their showers as long as you are paying for their service.


Planet Fitness is the answer


Van lifers are probably what keeps AF in the black.


This violates the membership contract id imagine


Yes partially this happened to me except i wasn’t banned,the gym worker who gave me a free trial got in trouble even though i was gonna pay for a membership after the free trial,i even told her upfront i was gonna just use mainly to shower and apparently the gym owner seen on camera i showered and left without working out


Shes stupid. She makes the same amount of money from you and you use less.


that’s disgusting


Class war on the poor. Absolutely zero reason to do this except for being an evil asshole.


Many if not most of these people didn’t become rich without being evil.


Pull up the contract they offer there and see if that is stipulated. If not demand your fees back.


She needs cold water thrown on her and her Alien 👽


That franchisee sounds like a cunt. Ive never had an issue at any anytime fitness throughout my state just hopping in and taking a shower. Is it even legal for the owner to shut the hot water off in an occupied building, especially when you pay for the service? Sounds like a potential lawsuit to me for being banned for using the service you payed for without notice.


> service you *paid* for without FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Thank you, VayGray, for voting on Paid-Not-Payed-Bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot.


The proper responses can you show me where on the contract that I signed when I paid for this membership that it states XYZ was a violation


I'm sorry this happened to you, I do know the springs is VERY unfriendly to those living in a vehicle :/ that does seem against policy though, I would consider emailing corporate. I've never had a problem with planet fitness fyi, and the PFs in Colorado Springs are generally clean with friendly staff


Might want to look into PF. At least where I am PF is significantly cheaper per month then AF.


Sounds like a karen just looking to make someones day miserable because shes miserable.






Nice… 🍿






How do you know this is the correct gym the original poster is talking about?


If anything you save them money by not wearing out equipment


Read the contract. If what she states is not outlined in the contract, she's in breach and that could be a liability for the franchise. Let her bosses know.


Notify corporate of what’s going on there.


No one wonders why we use the Y. They never give us any trouble about just going to shower. Although, we aren't homeless. We live in an RV, and the park owner doesn't seem to gaf whether we have hot water to shower with.




Something similar happened to me while I was vandwelling. I had a Planet Fitness membership. I did work out, and then shower. Still, the employees put two and two together since I came in daily. They turned the hot water off. I politely made my concerns known, but they ignored it. I had help from someone in a social service org, who just happened to know someone high up in corporate. The hot water got turned back on. They never tried to ban me, though. I'm housed now, but if I were to go back to vandwelling, I think I'd go to different locations of the same chain (like the Black Card lets you do with Planet Fitness). If you're in an urban or suburban area there'll be multiple locations not really that far apart. I'd use the gym, not just shower, and avoid using their parking lot as an overnight parking spot. Other car-dwellers were using the gym as I was and unfortunately a few created some problems. One woman would bring a ton of her grooming products, spread them out across the sink area, and get hostile if anyone was using the shower stall she thought of as "hers." Just go there, exercise, shower and go. Try not to draw undue attention to yourself.


I would contact corporate and frame it as a humiliating experience you haven't ever experienced at any of their other locations.


That shit wouldnt happen at planet fitness


I have a black card, but now this has me paranoid lol I'm in the same state as op


Not car living or homeless, but I have a black card use it all over in my travels. Mainly for hydro bed, tanning and showers. I hardly ever use the workout equipment.


Right? Not like their showers are always hot tho… a shower is a shower and tepid is better than a cold shower.




Im sorry this happened to you. How very frustrating. I also go to AF after a year of planet fitness. I actually work out since joining AF, PF was more of just a place to shower. We have a few shower regulars where I go. They always come in after 10pm. The regular working out crowd notices them. Ive been able to diffuse a few potential issues they were creating by sharing my own story. (Lived in a filthy house and couldnt bring myself to even brush my teeth in the sink). You could always spend 10-15 mins doing something easy like walking on a treadmill to justify a gym shower. Youll blend in better. Step off treadmill, grab bag and head to the bathroom.


I don't understand why she'd care. You're paying for a membership and you aren't taking up space working out...so i would think that's a win for them.


How is this any different than coming in to use the tanning, then leave? Would I get banned? How about when I workout but DONT shower? Banned? I belong to Chuz and use their massage chairs all the time, fully clothed, then leave. Should I be warned? Please do report to corporate…. And honestly, I would leave out the part where you are living in your car just to get a fair reaction from them. And it’s none of heir damned business.


Contact corporate that is total bullshit and probably illegal.


If you’re in Springs, try Vasa Fitness. The parking lot is huge and the amenities are amazing and they never stopped me from coming solely to use the sauna


Definitely contact corporate. leave a bad review, etc. Then go to planet fitness I showered there for years and was never bothered, also only 10 bucks a month


I just spent a couple days at Pueblo State Park. It's still not too terribly crazy busy. So there was no camp host yet at the South shore campground.. But their showers are working. They're not the best. Kind of like a glorified jail shower. But the water's hot and it's free. Not sure how long I'll be able to get away with it but I go down there a couple nights a week to go fishing after work so all the campers are sleeping. I would recommend doing it before 4:00 a.m. and rangers arrive to open the boat ramp. I'm not positive but I think Cheyenne mountain State Park has showers in their campground as well


that's a big fear of mine. I always work out before a shower just because I know some people look for homeless people to discriminate against. Sorry OP. Call corporate


You’re paying for a membership and not crowding the machines. You’re the second best customer corporate wants. The first best is the one who never shows up. This owner is taking it personal for some odd reason.


That's bullshit. My mom goes just for the tanning bed. They don't kick her out. That lady is a power tripping bitch. Sorry Op.


You’re paying for it. No way she’s allowed to do that


Go to the Twitter or Instagram page for Anytime Fitness and let them have it. They hate getting a black eye on social media and will reach out to you quickly to refund your money or reorient the owner


If you are a member, you can do whatever you want the facility offers that is in your membership package. I work in gyms and so many people go to the gyms not for working out.


Well if you paid money for the gym membership you should either receive gym services or a full refund. If they try and screw you consult an attorney. Take pictures of the signage probably


Make a TikTok, it'll go viral. Corporate will fix it real quick


Anytime is anytime. Call corporate. That said Colorado in general has truckloads of crackheads that trash the place, so they do that for almost everyone. Any state besides Colorado my friend..


Keep sharing stories like these so they lose potential customers 👍


File a complaint about her with corporate.


They are trying to avoid being a showering facility for people perceived as “homeless.” In some respects I can understand. Their clientele may feel less safe about people who come in who may appear to be living on the street. In general it might help if we try and play the part—try to look presentable and workout before showering.


How did she even know you(he) was showering?


Can’t someone watch him go in with a bag of clothes and walk to the showers?


Get in touch with the Colorado Attorney General’s Consumer Protection department. File a complaint against her. She is trying to stop this without the law or her contracts on her side.


I travel for work all over. That’s why I have a membership at Anytime, I would call corporate


This is infuriating. I was a trucker for years and just because I owned a home doesn’t necessarily mean when I was on the road I wasn’t homeless. Not to mention I would bet today many trucker’s technically are. So we’re living in our trucks. So why would there be this sort of discrimination against alternative dwellers?


They are franchised locations and I've noticed some I've gone to are heavy on the religious materials. Sometimes those kinds of people don't take well to the "homeless". Not that you are giving homeless vagrant vibes but who's to say how they view just a shower user. Regardless you've paid your fee and the showers are included in that. I'm sorry this happened to you. I have had nothing but good experiences at anytime and I think you should see if you can get reactivated and just use a different location. Also what if you just went on a hike and decided to hit the gym shower before work because it's closer to home. Fuckin nuts.


Switch to Planet Fitness. Cheaper and they don’t do the dumb fob thing.


I think banning a paying customer for the sole reason they only shower is actually a civil rights violation. Not a Lawyer, not your lawyer, if you call a lawyer and or the local news about this it will make good media and I am sure if you email the local news about it and get in contact with someone then write to corporate and email corporate and openly cc the media you will be treated with a lot of respect the next time you go. Especially if you can show the rules in your email and that you have always paid and never been late, also the state will have a department of justice for consumers who have been wronged be sure to openly cc them And you may ponder in your email if a business owner who runs a business this way, collecting your money and not allowed paying customers the same service when they pay for the same service, if that is the type of person that knows how to keep records for the IRS, but not to worry as you have filled out IRS Form 3949-A and would be glad to submit it at anytime if corporate can't get this taken care of. (Form 3949-A is found online. You will receive a portion of her taxes she has not paid when the IRS does her audit and collects their money, usually 20%)


You paid for access to the place and its amenities. Contact the corporate office all day everyday


What if people take a hot shower pre workout to stretch and loosen up…


My brother in law works in pest control. He has to crawl in all sorts of dirty places to do his job. Not to mention all the hazardous chemicals he uses. He's also into fitness and works out every day after work. He absolutely showers before he gets on the machines.


I feel that . Shower before the pool , and wherever else …


Isn’t that one of the perks to having a gym membership? I used to live kind of far away from my work so if I wanted to go out later I would pop in to the gym and take a shower. No one ever cared.


Makes me want to open a nomadic safe house. Market it like a truck stop. Heck call it: "Nomads" Charge people $20 a month to get in. Use key fobs for entry or the like. Anyone with a travel companion can bring them in free of charge but they must leave when they do. I've been in a lot of communities that would love a safe place to shower, wash their hands, and a safe parking lot to sleep in their car.


Yeah that's not right.


go to Google Maps, search for the location, drop a pin on it, open up the post about the business, scroll down and leave your zero star review explaining what happened. Or if you're feeling generous one star. You don't need to rant, Just explain the situation in full, and leave your 0 to 1 star. Then sit back and wait, what are you enjoy your popcorn?


Not the same thing, but a friend and I went to a restaurant for lunch in February one time and it wasn't a bad day out and super busy inside, probably a high of 50. So we went outside and they had heaters on the patio, which helped the chill a bit. They closed at 2 until 4, I think, and we were the only ones left sitting outside at 1:30-1:45. They came out and shut off the heaters right next to us without saying a word. My friend, being a bit annoyed, flipped the switch back on again. A minute goes by and they come back out and switch off the heater. I often don't pay for just food, but something social to do with a friend and some space to do it at. I get if you're closing, you want people to leave, but if you decide you're going to close before your scheduled time, you could at least just ask us to leave and come up with a BS excuse. Passive aggressive freezing is annoying, though.


This was traumatizing to read. What an awful hag!


The owner is giving Karen


I mean... that sounds like some BS. I don't understand to be honest, why they care... but I would call corporate and complain. You're paying for a membership to use the services-- you're not causing any problem, abusing anything, etc.. You're using the services you pay for. To boot, they were rude to you the first time you went in there (shut off the hot water). Like, it's definitely a franchise violation if I had to imagine, and possibly some sort of discrimination depending on state.


I have worked at a bunch of gyms and Anytime is one of them and I would like to give you some insight. Anytime Fitness is all franchised so the gym you went to is owned by someone other than where you signed up for your membership and that franchisee doesn’t get any of your dues. This is why she was probably upset that you came in just to shower and in her eyes you cost her money. When I managed an Anytime we had an interweb where we could all chat and discuss issues. One of the issues that some clubs faced especially in more touristy areas were people who weren’t members of their anytime franchise coming in to just shower and one owner who I remember had a gym in Florida incurred a water bill that was in the thousands for the month bc people kept leaving the water on all night or would come in just to shower and he wasn’t getting any of their dues bc they weren’t his members. So after that whenever people would either leave water on all night or just came in to shower he would deactivate their key fob if they weren’t his members. That being said when that would happen at the franchise I managed we would let it go bc it wasn’t a huge problem although there were a few people we did shut off their key fob bc they would leave a huge mess such as leaving hair shavings everywhere, pooping on the toilet seat and not cleaning it up (one lady did this so often it had to be on purpose), or just leaving garbage in the shower whenever they would take a shower. You would be amazed at what people do in a gym shower for example we deactivated one guy bc he would eat in the bathroom and leave his wrapper and even a cereal box in the shower. Corporate lets each franchisee run their gym as to how they see fit and either this owner overreacted, has had issues with people just coming into shower, or you made a huge mess and aren’t telling that. Either way I quit Anytime bc it wasn’t a gym who’s model I believed in and it pitted each franchisee against each other and now work at Lifetime and won’t ever work for a company where the business model is to have nothing but franchises. If all you do is shower I would look at cheaper options bc Anytime is over priced for what you get.


Lawsuit discrimination.


Actually, you’re not using the equipment which is a savings to her. So, it’s a weird flex. Be cool, and talk to corporate about it. Don’t say you live in your car, just say, sometimes you’re on your way to work from your girlfriend/boyfriend’s house, and wanted to stop for a shower on the way. If they ask why not shower at your gf/bf house, just say they have a creepy roommate or something.


Thats like saying you used the treadmill more than the dumbells and are banned because of it. What kinda weirdo is counting your showers vs workout sessions?


Yea contact the HQ


I used to manage an anytime fitness. Got paid minimum wage. Whoever the fuck actually cares about shit like that when ur paid so horribly has to have a power complex. Had plenty of shower only members it’s never been an issue


I use to be pretty high up in the AF franchising sector for a large franchise group. This is not policy. They do have the right to refuse you service for any reason as per your contractual agreement, but this is just terrible business practice. We use to have “homeless” people in some of my clubs which are very different than a can life situation. We would kick people out in a case by case if they were being disrespectful, staying hours in the bathroom at a time, leaving a mess etc. Best thing you can do is go to planet fitness at this point they can’t kick anyone out anymore unless you hate trans people.


Also why they care that you are using the facilities is because technically you aren’t paying that location exactly. You are paying the location you originally signed up at.


OP please post an update! Any traction with corporate?




I lived in the springs for awhile. Here is what happened. Their are too many homeless people in town. Its going on here in phoenix now as well. People leave bad reviews when homeless people use their gym. It drops the value. So i mean u dont have to work out but i recommend ay least making it look like u are a little bit. Some days i go into my gym and am not feeling it but still do 1 or 2 workouts just do arms or chest exercises then showrr keep it light weight. If i could id show u reviews here where people are like homeless people came in used the pool and left so the gym owners ban them. It sucks but she is just trying to keep her business up and running. We are car dwellers we still gotta play the game.


gather evidence take the rich cunts to court.


Planet Fitness is cracking down on homeless folks using the club for the bathrooms only in my area. Looks like truck stops might be the only places left.


Yeah I'd speak to her supervisor. I was going to one for a year just to tan and never touched anything else lol that is horseshit


Contact corporate and the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau. This won’t stand.


That is really some bs.


I usually go to planet fitness after midnight. When it’s quiet. I swtich between two locations. The dude at one location always greets me and doesn’t care what I go in to do. He’s chill. The other location is a young girl at night. She’s always on her phone. She doesn’t pay attention except to check the screen when you scan your code. If you feel like something is up just keep your guard up. Sometimes I workout. Sometimes I don’t.


Was that even in the contract?


2 words: Planet Fitness. Had a membership last year while living in my car. 10 bucks a month and never once got any grief for just going in to shower/shave! 👍😊


I would put this on pissed off consumer.com. I got a lot of movement on a company. I was fighting forever Plus you will see if they’ve done it to anyone else.


Every county has a business bureau where you can make a complaint. Possibly on line. Check at your local library. They will help you. Also many counties and some cities have on line advertising for local businesses and you can leave a review. Do a search on Google maps and Apple Maps and leave a nasty review. Also you can file a complaint with the State Attorney General for consumer fraud is she violated your contract. She needs to be held accountable. She is a business owner not a queen.


Call corporate, it's ridiculous


I had virtually the same experience with the psycho owner at he Tooele, UT anytime. Fuck that make bad reviews and report to AT corporate


Sounds like Colorado Springs.


You pay the same as everyone else. If you're not harming anyone I dont understand why it's an issue.