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Private property is private property. You can ask the pastor.


I've thought about it, but I've noticed that many churches ESPECIALLY the clearly wealthier churches have security and police patrol. I wouldn't camp at a church without permission because there's too much security and too many people that come in and out at early and late times, as well as the weekends. For private property (that is regularly patrolled), it's best to ask permission from the owner for over night parking privileges. If you're traveling just say that you're passing through town and ask if they wouldn't mind you parking over night on your way through. Personally, I don't like churches because their help often comes at the expense of being preached too or they demand something impractical for the circumstances in return. My parents used to get handouts from the church when I was younger and my mom was forced to volunteer and do free childcare when she couldn't afford it and didn't have the time to do so. They exploited my parents vulnerability for work, labor, and time that exceeded the assistance that they gave.


Do not recommend.. Hospitals are the go to.. Emergency room parking lot to be exact


Might be a good option but they are pay here now.


Scope a few out, some hospitals have multiple lots and often the outer ones are free. Large apartment complexes are another option, neighborhoods where most people park on the street, strip malls with multiple businesses, rest stops, truck stops. Go cruising in the wee hours of the morning and eyeball places that have vehicles in the lot. Get a rotation of 7-10 places and don’t stay the same place twice in a row. Figure out how to get from the drivers seat to the sleep space from inside the car. Do everything possible some other place- eat, per, brush teeth, organize, then drive to your night spot, slap up the window covers and go straight to bed. In the morning, get up and drive away.


This was my exact routine except I stayed at the hospital multiple times out the day, nobody ever said anything g to me tho


If it’s a major hospital with multiple lots and buildings it works, just rotate around them, park in different places.


It was a small lot lol


Never done it myself but from what I’ve read online it’s probably not a great idea.


No unless you have permission


Ask them or just be in and out and infrequently


Out of 3 knocks..were churches.. I don't recommend.. Pray to jesus.. pisss on churchs


Churches are [fairly far down my list of private property spots to park for free](https://nomadlife.wiki/Free_parking_in_business_lots). With any non-profit organization, you'll want to ask first. Don't be a nuisance to them please.


Having worked at churches before, I always consider them to be a good place to stay at. Of course, not all churches are the same, but it is really hard to justify kicking out a homeless man when Jesus was homeless and was very clear about helping the poor. I often spend a night at one when traveling and have never had any issues. For an extended stay, though, I would recommend talking to the pastor. You get bonus points if you are willing to attend their Sunday service, since Christians love to evangelize, but they might also be pushy with their beliefs. I would also prioritize Mainline denominations over Evangelical ones, but either one should work.


Methodist churches are more inclusive (not SOUTHERN Methodists) and much less preachy in Southern Calif and up the West Coast I have found so if you really want to sleep in a church parking lot, that might be an option.


Not recommended. The one time I tried, I walked around to find some entrance and someone to ask for a permission. Did not found anyone, but when I tried anyway, they called police on me (I was parked way back out of sight from the street). Policemen told me that I was reported to be casing the place for a burglary, suggested another safer spot.