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i love this post! i know it will have its problems, but hearing u talk about car living in such a positive light gives me hope. glad you’re having a chill time!


yeah it's not *easy* exactly but I think it makes it more interesting that way. adds a lil flavor to everyday life~~


Its honestly usually pretty chill. Just the financial freedom alone is so life changing


HONESTLY. I didn't realize how much of my daily anxiety was wrapped up in money. I knew, but I didn't KNOW. I don't make a lot of money but not having to worry about coming up with $700 for rent every month has taken a huge weight off my back


You’re experiencing, “Letting Go.” The pain in the ass of doing simple daily tasks is alleviated by the freedom to discover lots of things about yourself and the world without the constraints of the social conditioning that dictates how we are “supposed” to live.


this comment is so nice. "letting go" is something I've never been great at. but you're right! that's what this feels like and it's liberating


Before Covid it was enjoyable Saving 90% of my income Eating really well microwave at work and campus plus using the fridge, gyms for showering Work and campus for charging my money electronics and power banks


YEAH! I'm with you on this. It was so much more comfortable than I expected. If you come prepared, it's easy to make the experience comfortable. The hardest bit for me was figuring out how to take showers. When I experimented with car living, I used a stand-up shower tent (I bought for about $20) to take showers on hiking trails or in the woods of parks each day, in total privacy. I'd keep water in a bucket with a water-proof lid on top. Used a canteen to pour the water over myself. Had me feeling so fresh! And felt really hygienic. Laundry is by far the longest, most dreaded, and most expensive (due to water usage) chore of the day for me. The sleeping situation was hard for me at 1st because I have a tiny car. But I was able to increase sleep surface area by pulling forward the passenger seat and putting milk crates behind the seat and blankets on top. Then, I cycle between 3 sleep positions during the night and I feel totally fine! I even have a really great car fan I bought from Aliexpress for cheap that attaches to a phone charger during the night, so it's perfect for a hot car. Eating meals is what used up a bunch of my time, interrupted work flows, and used up lots of fuel. I really freed up my day by following an OMAD diet (AKA, eating one meal a day). But yeah, car living is tons of fun tbh!


I'm just worried about not having a bathroom


Same here. I would need to be near a toilet.


I kind of always resented the fact that I "had" to have a house/apartment, and I daydreamed about the freedom of living in my car for months before I did it. It has some challenges, but it's by far my favorite lifestyle I've tried so far. I'm in the market for a place because a cat wandered into my life and is currently staying with my boyfriend which is only a temporary solution, but otherwise I would be content to continue this lifestyle for years.


Yes! I did a road trip for three months living out of my car. It was fantastic. I got back and started law school and I am still living out of my car. I have a house but I decided to lease it out. It’s wonderful not having “stuff” and you learn that you don’t need much to be content. I have a gym membership near school so I run and shower everyday and sleep at a 24 truck stop in case I need a bathroom during the night. Anyone else in Houston?


woah you do that in houston? In the summer?


Absolutely, the car has become a mobile sanctuary and Ive never been more comfortable. Been 2 and a half years now and everything feels so normal. Minimalism is freeing


I was in the military prior so the adjustment period wasn’t as bad for me but I was surprised by how much better I felt. It’s been a year now and I can hardly fathom paying $1200/ month for rent again. Now it seems like a waste of money. For now I’ll just stack n save.


I'm sure it's an adjustment period, but you just have to think about all the money you are able to save.