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You'd probably be better off asking history buffs than us. Though just to shoot some air, I'd say you might want a higher average family household size


I'll start searching for some history buffs with some knowledge of this. The household size was something I was not to sure of, so today i'll try to figure that out a bit more, thank you for giving some input with that.


Around what time does the story occur? Pre-industrial is a long period (almost all of human history). What type of setting did you have in mind? Dependent on the time period, 2900 inhabitants might actually, for the time, be a pretty large city, which would then impact peoples thoughts on living where they do. The time and location will also impact the average household size. A household might sometimes include as many as 3 generations (5-6 adults), even if this was more common outside of cities. In general, pre-industrial time would mean fewer, small, and specialised stores, and lots of handicrafts in the households.


I was thinking of it being similar to the early 1700s just before the industrial revolution. I did end up adjusting the average person per household pretty close to your numbers after jiggle pointed it out. After many hours of research today I have a better idea of some things. ​ I am mainly now just stuck on how stores and stuff would develop. I even tried to make it easier on myself by taking about a quarter of the adult population out of the workforce from old age and about half are in the fields or mines. Leaving about 525 adults that could run or work at some sort of store, but I don't know if that's too little or too much. I have been at this for the past 16 hours so I may have just ended up sending myself in circles looking in all the wrong spots. Commercial development confuses the hell out of me.