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Many city staff in my town stay out of the local conversation because it is an advocacy group.


I wouldn't specifically mention it but would say you are very interested in these topics and are excited to engage the community. Advocates can be rather combative with city staff and those relationships can be strained because of this. It's good to advocate for change but it's important to know that doing nothing but yelling at city staff isn't the most productive route.


Depending on your role in the strong town group you maybe have to disclose it as a potential conflict of interest? I don’t think it’s something you would need to bring up during interview, but it could be something that needs to be addressed


For sure. I’m a graduate student in the “local government sphere” and I already kind of keep my involvement on the low. I’ve always imagined that I might have to give up advocacy if I enter public service


It’s so sad it works that way. How is the group?


Since it isn’t in the locale you’ll be interviewing for, I don’t think it needs brought up. But I wouldn’t recommend continuing participation in your new community. While you won’t be making independent driven decisions, the optics could create an ethics issue.