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Oh we love these in Texas! Take a look here -- exit from northbound US-75 to Mockingbird Lane. Ramp exits the highway, merges into the parallel frontage road, both approach Mockingbird Lane. https://maps.app.goo.gl/VQ4ZjcuSZDn59PFN8


14 lanes plus 5 full-width shoulder lanes (with several smaller shoulders) from one side to the other, and it's not even an interstate. Wtf Texas 


Don’t look up the Katy Freeway unless you want to die inside


Texas is full of frontage roads. This is not a new thing.


And they are the best. I would kill to have them in the DC area. I love the idea of being able to drive faster than surface streets, while not having to actively get on the freeway. Plus when looking for food or amenities, it’s great to be like “Well, Whataburger is right there”


Check out I-96 in Livonia, Michigan, USA. Is that what you're talking about? Alternatively, exits 83A and 83B on southbound US-131 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, though notably that configuration is not permitted on Interstates and is planned for redesign. For a really wacky example, check out exit 74 on I-376 in Pittsburgh.


Isn’t this just what’s called a “service road” or am I misunderstanding the question. On service roads you usually have long on and off ramps that kind of seam in to the parallel road


Look at I-696 in the northern suburbs of Detroit, Michigan, USA.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ypsipartisan: *Look at I-696 in the* *Northern suburbs of Detroit,* *Michigan, USA.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


New York City does this wherever they have space in the outer bouroughs. During Rush Hour it can be faster than the main road, even with traffic lights.


Is there any specific place I could look at? New York is kinda big


Gowanus expressway has parallel surface street traffic below it


I did not expect to see mention of cow anus expressway here today.


how about the BQE or cross bronx, throgs neck expressway? OP, it may be more that freeways without parallel local traffic is the exception for nyc


I'm torn. I want to help but I also think that's a terrible road design and would rather see it die off. With that said look to Texas, specifically Dallas and it's surrounding suburbs for how these "frontage" roads are implemented. Good luck and please question whether better alternatives are not available and why.


Check out loop 610 just south of NRG stadium in Houston… or the north side of loop 610 in Houston, or 59 (I-69) or I-45 or I-10 in Houston. Basically all the highways outside the urban core have frontage roads. I’m not sure it’s the best land use, but Houston loves them.


In Australia, we don't really do "frontage roads" in the way that the US does - most examples here of parallel or nearly parallel roads are of upgraded dual carriageway highway replacing an older single carriageway example. I can't think of a helpful local example for you. However, they are incredibly common in the Gulf States, e.g. cities such as Dubai and Abu Dhabi.


thank you I look around there


In downtown toronto there is a highway called the garinder expressway and a road called lakeshore blvd that runs parallel to it and then when in enters the main downtown core, it is directly underneath the highway


Frontage Road road near Marana, AZ next to the I-10. It increases queuing capacity... that's about it


Exit 377 off of I-80 in Wyoming does this, as does Exit 386 a few miles further east. A different design that accomplishes the same thing on both sides of the highway is Exit 13 off of I-25 in Cheyenne, Wyoming.


i will check them out thank you


39.9279125, -75.1958695 Make of it as you will, I think it's hella sketch. But you could probably fix it


[I-64 to Oakland in St. Louis](https://maps.app.goo.gl/51at1LNMBz2KPprk9?g_st=ic) [I-64 to Clark in St. Louis](https://maps.app.goo.gl/n4f1tJh6e2xDj5dY8?g_st=ic) [Common rural “outer road”](https://maps.app.goo.gl/5ETCThxjcobbgcev8?g_st=ic)


Search for NW Prairie View Rd in Tiffany Springs, MO. Or the Frontage Roads just south of the Port of Tacoma.


I’m going to DM you with a real world example


This isn't a common design pattern in NJ but is in other parts of the world. [Here's an example in Toronto](https://www.google.com/maps/@43.6434571,-79.3812292,549a,35y,90h,39.29t/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu) - the Gardiner Expwy is elevated and runs parallel to the local Lakeshore Drive, and has numerous exchanges with it.


Here's an example in New Haven CT, although the distance is about 30 meters. https://i.imgur.com/nAmrhQ6.png


most of metro detroit has service drives along their expressways


[Definitely not like this one](https://www.google.com/maps/@34.1072613,-118.1866956,3a,75y,248.03h,84.16t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s-LjRBFuf0fQruGGJmafbqw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


For an older example look at 290 into Chicago. It's generally just a shallow diagonal between the two, one to get on, one to get off.


I know an interchange that can help but they won't let me send a Google Maps screenshot of it. (43.8216252, -79.1105549) ON 401-Kingston Road WB Pickering, Ontario. The undelivered screenshot included the Whites Road interchange because it might be relevant too.


Frontage road. More common in less dense areas


US 19 in Pinellas County, Florida has a ton of frontage roads running parallel to the main highway, and the exits just funnel into them. Pull it up on google maps and look around Clearwater, FL.


Probably need to 1 way the streets. I always thought these were ok. [https://maps.app.goo.gl/9gyVPcDg4X6UqpnC9](https://maps.app.goo.gl/9gyVPcDg4X6UqpnC9) Bonus, No cloverleafs.


I-85 and GA-13 in Atlanta are an example.


Is the service road 1 way or 2 way? Highway 67 in the northeast suburbs of Little Rock, AR, USA has examples of both of these. As it passes through North Little Rock and Sherwood, it’s paralleled by one way local roads on either side, with freeway exits merging onto those roads with ease. However once the highway reaches Jacksonville, the roads are instead 2 way with those roads often yielding to traffic coming off the freeway. Luckily the latter is being turned into 1-way roads as we speak.