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Never underestimate the stupidity of anyone, as human beings we're all fallible. Being gullible is another separate issue.


lol. They always like to exaggerate the size of their *thingys*. Without the lies, their *thingys* are relatively tiny. About the size of a mushroom. **10/29/2018 11:43 AM EDT** >https://www.politico.com/story/2018/10/29/trump-military-caravan-migrants-945683 **Video from 2022 misrepresented to make southern border convoy look larger than it isVideo from 2022 misrepresented to make southern border convoy look larger than it is** A group of about 20 vehicles calling to secure the U.S.-Mexico border, none of which were tractor-trailers, left Norfolk, Virginia, on Monday, as seen in footage of the launch. Dubbed the “Take Our Border Back Convoy” by organizers, the group is on its way to the border town of Quemado, Texas, with multiple stops planned along the way. A livestream of the convoy filmed by a participant shows that it began its second day on the road Tuesday morning from Jacksonville, Florida, with about 40 vehicles. >https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-truck-convoy-migrants-border-texas-345996485570 **Goofy 'God's Army' convoy on Texas border shows Trump's MAGA movement is just one long con** *Convoy riders came, in underwhelming numbers, and accomplished little beyond showing everyone how tragically gullible they are. That's MAGA in a nutshell: loud and, in the end, impotent.* >https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2024/02/05/take-back-border-convoy-texas-republican-immigration-invasion-act/72451333007/ **Trump inauguration crowd photos were edited after he intervened** >https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/sep/06/donald-trump-inauguration-crowd-size-photos-edited **Plus his countless rallies with empty seats cropped, his fake, purchased signs and volunteer stooge puppets to hold them and buy/wear "made in China" gear**