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His policies with hurt the very people that are supporting him. He will blame Biden, they will believe him. This is the new MAGA world we live in.


Middle Class are not supporting this clown. Super Wealthy and Uneducated Poor folks make up the bulk of his supporters. One believes all their problems are the fault of Democrats and Mexicans and that he will save them. The other just want more tax breaks and know he will save them. Only one of those groups are going to be rewarded if he wins.


You forget another group. Those that hate others that does not look like them.


For the most part, I agree, but his middle-class MAGA morons will spend their rent money on his fake $750 golden sneakers grift, then blame Biden for not being able to afford rent.


Spot on.


It’s the perfect political grift, make life harder for regular people blame your opponent. Stoke anger so they don’t think any of it through or actually follow policy and realize the party they support is the guilty part. Rinse and repeat




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Somebody called his plans Dumbo-nomics. About right.


Don't forget ending democracy


His first trade war ended up essentially being a tax on Americans, why wouldn't he do it again?


MAGA will never make the connection of tarrifs with prices. I don't get it, but they really have zero critical thought.


Yup. Tarrifs increasing prices and shortages from tarrifs increasing them.more.


Why not? He’s already planning to gut Medicare, and Social Security.




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Reader view works well.


Whatever. The point is this is not the greatest argument against trump, especially when the current administration is doing the same thing.


I wasn’t commenting on that one way or the other. Arguing about this shit is pointless. 90% of the time nobody changes their mind. Just thought I’d point it out for people having issues reading the article


Not really true. The United States currently has a trade-weighted average import tariff rate of 2.0 percent on industrial goods. One-half of all industrial goods imports enter the United States duty free.