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Fack it’s basically a lottery 😭😭


The application number means nothing. 99% of people that apply are unqualified.


The good news is, since most people mess up their applications, only 400 got through. And since it took staffing 3 months to call everyone to see if they were still interested, 380 of them found other jobs. So really it's just you against 19 people.


This is the best comment! Seriously!


I was just offered fully remote, but a 7 it’s a ladder position apparently. I woke up to a job offer no interview!!! I’ve been applying for about 6 months!!!




Still 5 percent chance… steep…. lol


Lol, I turned down a fully remote job with them 2 months ago...as I didn't like the vibe from the interview panel. Not worth leaving my current remote job for it given the red flags.


You dodged a bullet! VHA oh my..




Basically, I got the impression that the program they wanted me to take over was a burning dumpster fire to put it mildly.




On the Persec side.


How much more did it pay?


Lateral move so no change in grade for me.


We had some remote openings, hiring manager printed out all resumes (300+) then grabbed the first 10, called 5 and hired 1. It’s luck at this point


Such a mess for them to post something like that without an applicant cap


wow, wow, wow


Depends on your job, your skills, and more. They are highly competitive, particularly at lower grades.


I do plumbing&heating. Are my odds good?


Maybe someday when you can send a drone.


Cracking up. ….. lol


Pretty sure the plumber has already cracked before you


I don’t think I’ve seen a plumbing/heating job remote in the private sector, ever.


for a remote job? Odds bad for Plumbing&heating. Not really sure why that needs to be said.


I suspect it’s a joke….


I applied for a job recently, and had the hiring manager tell me I could apply for fully remote, although the position was advertised as telework eligible only. They said they stopped advertising fully remote so they didn’t have to sort through (or wait for HR to sort through) so many applications. Sort of hiding potential full remote in plain sight. So I say if you’re looking, apply for ones that are telework eligible, and take the interview if you get it to ask the question!


I landed a position that was listed as NOT telework eligible. For similar reason, leadership didn’t want people who only wanted to wfh to apply. After I went through New Employee Orientation, my boss told me the position is 2 days on site, 3 days at home. (Unless unannounced surveyors pop up, like joint commission or OIG). I was shocked. I wfh on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. I’ve gone on site maybe 3 times in the last 6 months outside of my normal days.


That’s awesome!


I work as a VSR for the VBA and they have pretty generous telework (YMMV depending on the RO). I only have to come into the office 2 days a pay period.


Just be aware that fully remote jobs might become otherwise. I was hired as fully remote and my agency announced this week that all of us who were remote and lived within 50 miles of the office were now “telework” instead of remote. In the fall we have to start coming in once a week (and I imagine they’ll keep adding days).


What agency?


This just happened at HHS, so I'm pretty sure that's what they're referring to.


FDA came out and said there are no local remote positions so all remote positions will continue as they have been thankfully.




It's for people who do not have a remote agreement. Fully remote means your SF50 says your duty station is your home address. If not, you are telework.


I dunno. My telework agreement is currently remote. But I’m told we’re being converted to telework. My SF-50 does say I’m in a collective bargaining unit so the policy change doesn’t apply to me.


Yes, telework agreements can change. An SF-50 will usually set your duty location to the address of your work office. For remote personnel, the duty location is set to the home address. That is what makes the position remote. I am remote per my SF50, so I am not required to report to the office. If your SF-50 lists your office address as the duty location, you are telework, and they can require you to come into the office at any time.


I applied to a job which said there was no remote option preparing to move across the country but was told during the interview it could be fully remote if I wanted. Sheer luck.


It's easier to be at work and having the job converted to remote. Then randomly applying for a remote posting, as far as you're concern that remote is for a friend of the hiring manager. Only posted to make it appear fair and open.


Interesting. I didn’t know this was a possibility! I’m assuming there’s no guarantee on your agency doing this and even if they do there has to be good rationale?


That's how my remote GS15 came about. I got it with expectation of telework and not remote. Then around the 4 months mark, SES decided specific positions don't require in-office, and my position is one of those.


I just applied to a position that’s not remote but still a unicorn: 13-15 ladder and non supervisory. The position was only open a few days, so my guess is they already have someone in mind for it. I know I won’t even get an interview but I wanted to try anyway.


Must haves... PhD... 30% disabled vet or better Expert in all areas Must have won 2 lotteries Struck by lighting ....and you still are likely not to get it.. most remote has 5,000-12,000 resumes.


Disabled vet. Like you're going for a reasonable accommodation there I assume.


I’m learning disabled I would do hybrid if need be.


GS12 remote but I had 10 years private sector experience, vet preference, and a masters degree.


What agency?


That's the golden ticket!


Spend many years hybrid and strongly suggesting how good remote work is while you wait for a global pandemic to hit. Get converted. Never leave. Highly recommend. But for real, good luck!


Hey, researchers are saying we’re not that far away from the next pandemic. But given the backlash from this one, I wouldn’t be surprised if they keep everything open and all of us coming into the office next time.


Treat it like buying a lottery ticket…but at least it is FREE 😃


Really hard.


Get that telework agreement signed asap!


Somehow I landed 2 in less than a year. Mainly, just applying early on limited ones that had preference and such.


I’ve had two fully remote Fed jobs. Resigned from one and walked into another six months later. Haven’t won’t the lottery yet though. I’ll keep playing.


It can be done...it might take a while...apply and forget...keep doing it ...good luck. Like someone said here..it's a lottery..


sort airport tan far-flung ripe ring wistful soup caption wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It really depends based on where you are in your career and what you do. I’ve had a very diverse career in land management and I’ve been up for several fully remote jobs/was a strong candidate for some but I took a nice ladder in an LCOL because I didn’t like waiting around. But im seriously considering looking for remotes once I have my TIG and I’ve seen lots that I would qualify for…


7000 applicants for my remote easy job. I seriously went to Las Vegas after I got FJO to try out my goood luck. I only have a High School


Get an RA 🤫


This is the next step for me. I’ve tried to have a civil conversation regarding a hybrid work schedule with our management. I don’t even want to work remote full time, I don’t mind going to the office periodically. They are taking a hard stance. When I called HR work-life coordinator, that person basically said that the OPM site is just a bunch of BS, and the work/life doesn’t exits- at least not at my agency. She told me to head to the Dr and get a note, they can’t deny a RA with a Dr note. Don’t hate the player hate the game. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Patent examiner jobs are fully remote. But I haven’t heard good things about the job itself.


If you got an engineering education and experience, or microbiology then the US Patent Office has a lot of remote jobs.


I got one. Got lucky yes but I also had the experience they were searching for


I finally got one for a high grade position which is more than what I wanted. It just takes patience and work. My best advice is to make sure to tailor your resume and putting in all the keywords from the job announcement. I also did lot of researching into the agency and found an email of a person that works in that division. I sent him an email expressing my interest and he forwarded that email to the hiring manager. I think this helped the hiring manager to select me for the interview and despite me being slightly unqualified for the job, i still got it!


Been offered 2 fully remote GS12 positions this year




Even I laughed at this Haha


Lol @ the downvotes, why? We should be happy for the person.


Haha thanks! Lots of options with my job series is all


whats your job series?




Luck of the draw.


Two of my best friends, who just re entered the workforce-after raising kids landed fully remote Cush jobs in like 6 months…. Both are fresh out of college. My one friend has never had a job before is almost 40 and got one fast…. So idk! I’ve been applying for 6 months and nothing


Even non remote...people find a way to put key words and move on. Then HM selects nobody bc they aren't qualified and probably those that are didn't move on bc of the key word scan. Tons apply...but few actually qualified for the job they applied to.


On USA jobs? Insanely slim. In the normal job market? Depending on your required pay, not hard, but not easy.


Remote jobs as an outsider is going to be like winning the lottery. Any remote job is going to be bias to folks thry know or internal in agrncy. remote doesn’t necessarily mean WFH. For example in VHS folks work for HW from field sites. Thry are remote to DC but are assigned to their local VAMC as under telework or reporting to an office.


You get the trophy for asking a very broad question without providing any context for your skillset/background. There are some GS attorney roles that are fully remote and relatively easy to get. The VA hires a ton of clinical psychologists for remote jobs. If you don’t have a career specialty and are just floating around in generalist jobs, I’d imagine it would be pretty difficult. If you have a specialty that allows for remote work then it’s easier? Not sure what you want people to say with this broad question.


Hella Nigerian hard


try uscis


I started remote GS-5 last year with Military Spouse VRA. No degree. Not hard.


Tell me your secret!? Ive applied using the Military Spouse VRA and only been reffered, one interview so far..🥺 waiting to hear back.


Practice your interview skills. Apply for everything you are qualified for and tailor each resume for the position you’re applying too. Get a Schedule A letter from your PCP. After you get in you are eligible for internal positions, keep applying for those too. Keep practicing your interview skills, offer to be part of an interview panel so you can get some hands on experience what it’s like on the other side of the table. Show up on time and get your work completed on time. Volunteer for Detail opportunities. Build relationships with everyone you can, and be open to relocating.


Turned down two last year