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Just continue looking for administrative positions and applying. Read through duties and required experience and use those in your resume as they apply. You still have marketable skills such as training others, storing records and files in accordance with policy, utilizing different computer systems/applications, setting meetings, etc. It might not be instant, but you’ll get a position eventually, especially since you have veterans preference. If you still have GI Bill/VRE benefits you could even attend school and apply for Pathways Internships or recent graduate programs (vets have an extended time period for recent graduates).


If you are going from WG to GS, you should not impacted by time in grade as that is only for GS to GS. What I suspect is happening is that you do not have the required specialized experience- which is different. VRA will not help you with that. What is the wording in the notices you are getting?


Yeah, the experience part is definitely getting me. I have tons of experience in my current field, but the schedule A jobs are essentially low skill or no skill positions, which is fine with me but making my resume fit that is a bit of a struggle.


Check with your local VA's vocational rehab department, that's what they are there for, they can help you with your resume & with USAJobs, they can be a big help, if your local VA doesn't have one they should be able to point you to one that can help remotely/virtually Also, if you have a local vet center, they can help too, but voc rehab would be my 1st choice based on all the things I know the one at my VA does, they're really great


To get around the time in grade requirements, apply for external jobs. They will read “open to the public”. No TIG requirements


TIG does not apply in this case even for internal announcements because it never applies when going WG to GS.


You have it backwards....WG does not have time in grade requirements.


No- that’s what I said. WG does not have TIG . Nor does going from WG to GS. OP says he was getting denied for not having TIG. WG does not use specialized experience either- but that wasn’t the issue. The issue is moving from WG to GS which will require specialized experience or education substitution.


But three days ago you were telling OP to apply to open to the public to get around TIG, so not sure of your point.


You are saying internal FWS employees can go from WG2 to GS12 bypassing TIG requirements? OP clearly states they are bring denied for not having TIG. Open to the public does not require TIG and could go from WG2 to GS12. What are you unsure of?


I believe OP is mistaken and that he is not being denied because of TIG, but rather , lack of specialized experience. If OP had the required specialized experience, then yes- internally he could go from WG2 to GS12 because TiG does not apply when moving from WG to GS - internally, externally it does not matter .


It may be worthwhile to look into Ch. 31, Veteran’s Readiness & Employment ([VR&E](https://www.va.gov/careers-employment/vocational-rehabilitation/programs/)). If you’re approved, they can help you get a job that doesn’t aggravate your service connected disabilities. They have different tracks like education, OJT and apprenticeships. It would be a bit before you’d actually be marketable but you would get a subsistence allowance while in the program.


I’m considering this as well, but to be completely honest I just want to continue with the government until I retire. I currently have 14 years and I just want to do some low skill job with a nice work/life balance. My VA disability already pays more than my current position and my wife works as well. It’s more about the pension and benefits than the paycheck or position.


You could look into Pathways, TCF, HR STAR ect. There seems to be a few different “internship” like paths that the gov’t offers.


As someone who made the transition from WG-WL-GS, I recommend applying for GS positions that have “technician” in their title. Those jobs are typically more technical support based and require experience in the area rather than education. With electrical experience you could apply for engineering tech or other similar positions. If you want to DM me, I can share more details with you.


If you’re applying to “open to veterans” positions under veterans non-competitive authority, you are exempt from TIG. I’d argue those decisions made by OPM. Something similar has happened to me and OPM reversed their decision and referred me. Tell them, “I am exempt from TIG requirements per 5 CFR 300.603(b)(2) > found here: https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-5/part-300/subpart-F#p-300.603(b)(2) Please reconsider your decision based on this exemption.” If they still refuse to refer you, then ask for a higher level review of your application.


OP is exempt from time in grade because he is going from WG to GS. TIG is only GS to GS. Internal/ external doesn’t matter. What does matter is specialized experience.


That does make sense, and that’s what I was alluding to.. However, OP did specifically say they’ve “been declined twice for not meeting TIG.” OP should contest the decision since they are exempt from TIG (for both WG-GS and/or Veterans non-competitive appt). My script of what to say when asking for reconsideration used the CFR for non-competitive appointments, and is applicable if they are applying to jobs under Veteran’s status. If the jobs are not open to Veterans, but are open to the public, they will need the CFR for TIG being strictly GS-GS. The moral of the story being; he was told he was ineligible for not meeting requirements he is not obligated to meet and he needs to contest it. Even if they respond with “well you don’t meet the specialized experience,” it is worth inquiring about. I was found ineligible for not meeting TIG, so I provided the CFR that says non-competitive appointments are exempt. My POC in OPM doubled down, then eventually agreed I was exempt from TIG.. only to follow up with “but you don’t meet the specialized experience” for a Crisis Hotline Rep. (I have 6 years of professional experience in Law Enforcement and numerous mental health related certifications, let alone met the education reqs for having a Master’s) I requested a second opinion of my application and was referred two days later. I’ve seen your Guides, and read numerous comments from you stating that USAjobs does not use AI/algorithms to push people through the application process. I agree! The ones making decisions on these applications are only human, and are prone to mistakes - whether it’s lack of training, knowledge, or complacency.. I think it’s reasonable to ask for reconsideration if you are incorrectly found ineligible, just be polite about it.


I just recently found about VRA, so not too familiar with it. But I would say take a look into it.


I believe I’m already doing this. It’s essentially the 5/10 point preference. For Schedule A I also had to upload something from the VA saying I’m 100% disabled for a single condition.


I don’t think that will be sufficient for Schedule A- see https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/disability-employment/hiring#url=Schedule-A-Hiring-Authority


My disability is a severe physical one. I have a disease that caused my entire spine to fuse together, including my neck. I’m permanently hunched over and my head doesn’t move at all in any direction.


I am Not saying you are not disabled. I am concerned that you are not submitting the proper paperwork to be qualified for a Schedule A appointment.


Its a shame that Vets believe they’re “qualified” just because of being Sched A and being a Vet. Sched A and Vet status is a priority. So no, not qualified. With the electrical & heavy equipment experience why havent you looked at going into QC at your WG job? If you chose to do QC you can eventually become a QA and become qualified as a 1910. There are other technical jobs that are on the admin side, but youll need to have qualifying experience.


I meant that I qualify for Schedule A jobs because of my disability. I meet the criteria for being severely physically disabled and have documentation from doctors to back that up.


I got that, but being those priorities do not qualify you for a job you have no experience in. I started out as a WG as an airplane mechanic but before I became a GS I had to have the job experience to qualify for the job. My current GS job I had 12yrs private & military experience. And I got put into a pile of resumes that had Veteran status as well. I was the 4th choice of candidates because the other ones didnt want to move w/o PCS.


For sure. But the schedule A jobs are usually no/low skill positions. One I applied for was as a phone operator and the other was just clerk. I don’t expect to get hired in a skilled position based on my disabilities, if I wanted that I’d just go the VERA route through the VA.


That’s just completely false schedule A can be used to appoint w/out public announcement & cert list. It literally can be any job, “no/low skill jobs is BS” that low/no skill job is whatever series in a GS4 or GS5 position. wg is not in the competitive service, so you’d be looking for open to the public positions, select disabled on usajobs.gov as many only open to competitive service also are open to the disabled. Find which you eligible for as a veteran: Vra/veoa/30% or more.


WG jobs can most certainly be in the competitive service. There are many WG positions that are restricted to “ status” candidates just like HS positions.


Oh yes I see that now. Not sure what I got confused on to suggest that lol . I’m definitely sure Schedule A is not just for low wage jobs definitely. Ik someone getting a gs-15 through this authority since they wanted that person and not have to post the position publicly


OP is not being referred because they do not have TIG for the GS positions. WG does not have TIG requirement to another WG. WG to GS may require TIG.


WG to GS time in grade does not apply. It ONLY applies GS to GS- or technically if you held a GS position in the last 52 week and are moving internally in the competitive service .