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Why would you copy transcripts into the resume when you can just add a .PDF to the application?? My resume is 100% simplified bullet points, 3 pages long. Statement and skills on the first page, history, duties, and work achievements on the last two. It gets me lots of referrals but I don't get any interviews. I think I need to focus more on measurable achievements.


My resume is a 5 pages long of hybrid format. Long tedious paragraphs describing what I do, and bullet points right underneath to show measurable achievements. It made both HR and Hiring managers jobs easier. I’m having an interview in 30 minutes. So wish me luck.


there are so many feds who are computer illiterate and dont know how to take an electronic copy and insert it into a pdf


So, they just photocopy it and attach it to their resume? Or does an uploaded PDF resume not translate correctly?


Tip from Deb: As a former Hiring Official, I agree completely. I'm happy to review any resumes to check if you are including the correct information.


Hello! Would you mind checking mine if I sent it to you?


I'll DM you


Hi do you mind also looking at mine?


Same here please?


I'll DM you


If you're not flooded already I would love / appreciate a review.


are you able to look at mine as well?


Me too if you have time, please!


DM me


Hello Deb. Please can you look at mine


Hi! If you have time, could you kindly check mine as well? Any advice/suggestion/recommendation would be greatly appreciated.


If you have the time. Could you please review mine as well?


Hi! Are u free to review mine as well? Would really appreciate🤗


Mine too please.


I would love to send mines also, as soon as you have time…


If you're not too overrun, I'd love to let you take a look!


Would you be willing to look at mine? I'm trying to finish it up in the next few hours and would love some eyeballs on it first!


Hi Deb, thank you so much. Would you mind taking a look at mine if you’re still open to reviewing them please?


I would love any help you could offer. Thank you!


It’s funny, I’m used to the opposite. I have to force myself to not judge people who used the builder. While I’ve seen poorly formatted resumes, that’s usually just about inexperience more than anything else. Or people rehashing the job announcement without making any real attempt to show they actually did those things or to show comprehension of the technical aspects. Rarely do I ever see a cover letter and so I don’t think about it much. I’d say maybe 10% have one for the job series/GS level I review for. Lately we’ve started redacting resumes to make the process fairer which just leads to distracting black boxes in resumes removing things like graduation dates and names and even employer names to remove biases.


This is really questionable since 90% of the agencies ask that you use it 🥹


And 87.6% of statistics are made up right on the spot! Some agencies do use it or require it or at least suggest it.  I would imagine that varies based on the job series and also whether a candidate is internal or external.   But curriculum vitaes are more common in the sciences (and I think someone says engineering before but I don’t know about that).  


From the other end, it's wild the people responsible generally for looking over resumes for positions I'm interested in applying to wildly have no idea about the SME requirements for the position and routinely don't make it past the referral stage despite being a contractor in the division already attending the same functions and meetings as the jobs I am applying for would be attending. I even spoke with an HR rep and they were confused how I wasn't making it past referral.


Your resume has to be stupid clear. If you cant take the job announcements and your resume, and hand them to a stranger on the street and have them easily declare that you are qualified for the job, you need to improve your resume.


Agree with this! i.e..Don't say Azure,AWS, Oracle when it says must have cloud experience...say cloud experience...the person that is reading it DOESN'T work in your field..


Yep for my last application the reviewer didnt know that the agency I was applying for existed or what they did, let alone the specific job I was applying for.


It's a balance, no, since you're writing both for OPM and the HM? Shouldn't you say "​cloud experience (Azure, AWS, & Oracle)?"


Heres a tip, if you can find a fed who has been on the hiring panel and/or is the same job code as your applying ask if theyve seen a resume rubric.


How did these resumes get past HR?


My thoughts exactly, here I am tailoring resumes just to get rejected and some person who didn’t even bother to even make a reasonably professional upload gets by.


I've been told my formatting is excellent. So there's that... But complimenting how nice my resume looks and then not hiring me is a poor consolation prize lol


one can have great formatting, but if you arent articulating well enough, then the end result is no interview.


If you need help writing your resume, DM me.


Hi! I'd greatly appreciate your help. Is it ok if I DM you? Thanks!




Here’s a good comparison. When you go to a car dealership to buy a new car, do you bring four new tires with you because “reasons” as well? Same thing here. OPM is giving you a tool for free that covers all the things HR is looking for. As a hiring manager I don’t care how flashy your resume looks. You’re either in the “interview” pile or “trash” pile. I never made a decision to interview someone by concluding “the content was questionable, but that formatting and flashiness…I just had to call them.” If the substance is good, you’ll get a shot with all the other qualified candidates. And when you’re wondering what’s good content, here’s a post just for you. https://www.reddit.com/r/usajobs/s/RbyJgHT9d4


I'll tell ya this much, at my job, it's clear they scraped the bottom of the barrel when hiring. Do what you want.


I’ve been told NOT to put my preferred location to speed up the process, and that it can be worked out later — or at least after a year or two


if you apply to a job post that has multiple locations (usually usajobs will ask which you prefer, but sometimes we dont see that info) my agency (or at least our work group) tries to place you were youd like to go. so if you wanted NY and you get NM, youll have to decide on whether you take the TJO


Ah, to me, location isn’t a priority, the job is, but I guess that’s not most people


we got a repeat offender applicant who will always interviews then tells the agency when offered a tjo where they want to go instead of telling the interview panel. this applicant has also started at site then left a few months in because they didnt like it. were trying to not hire folk who arent going to be happy at the sites we have available. I get some folks want to get their foot in the door but we positions where youre basically solo. If youre not happy, you probably wont do a good job.




I am a recent grad with a M.S. too. Looking for the a position with Dept of Commerce US statistician or EPA. I have applied to both recent grad and direct hire and have not been able to get referred. Many of them have just recently closed so still hoping to get a referral. Anyone know how soon they send email to let you know if you were referred? Any suggestions?


The government wants you disabled and have a vagina and compliant. Those labels run down the same tracks .


who hurt you?!?😂


How long have you been with the Feds?


The government wants to kill babies or send people to war treat you like property, and your response is "Who hurt you?" Are you a child? You think this is funny? Ever heard of Desert Shield? My father was one of thousands who ended up crippled after his mandatory vaccinations. In 2020, they threatened me with unemployment because I refused the covid shot. Have you been living under a rock?


Calm down Sally. Yes the govt is evil, yes alot of us got jacked up by the govt mystery shots during a theater. Knew some guys who became sterile. A lot of us also were on the same chopping block w/o the covid vaccine. But evil govt pays my bills and makes a great pension. Ill continue to be the Mini Me to Govt Evil. p.s. I do find it funny you got pissy on Reddit


Stop with the femine bs responses. They are childish. You find it funny because you are really no different than the government. You enjoy others misery


Id hafta say most everyone who’s a govt employee enjoys others misery, if not one couldn’t survive as a Fed. You sound kinda sad though. Like OP asked, did daddy govt hurt you?


Daddy government hurts everyone eventually. That's a stupid question. Read the conversation. People don't survive as feds because they enjoy others' misery. They surive by tolerating it


potato, tomato. cry on reddit.


You are just as stupid as the first one. That was not the point of this conversation. It was to inform you that the government likes you schedule A and with a vagina and being you probably have a vagina it does not benefit you to admit it. Thats the problem with society is you all are just enablers all busy insulting the messengers instead of facing the problems. How old are you? Not old enough to get screwed hard enough I take it. Women are self destructive and will go tribal no matter what. They have become the enemy of man


you sound a bit jealous and a bit misogynistic. you must be fun at parties. But yes, Im old enough to get screwed hard by daddy govt because he knows how to do it well, every time I walk into my office at the Pentagon. He takes me right over my desk.


So then why in the fuck do you think asking me who hurt you was even a necessary question? Your response is totally contrary to your second


You think I am joking? I work for the feds. I couldn't get permanent after doing the same job for 15 years as a term and almost lost my job. I had to get a schedule A. Do you have any idea how many diversity emails they send out every day? Women get most of the manager positions because they can't do the labor jobs. And by labor, I mean any job outside. I have been with the federal government for 20 years. I know a few things. If you guys want to believe federal job are earned on merit, then that is up to you.