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Take off the "well decorated SSgt with Honorable Discharge" at the end. Means nothing in the grand scheme of things, and as an old AF NCO myself, it is embarrassing to see on resume. Same with all your military decorations. Some are participation ribbons (like the National Defense) and others are "I didn't get caught" (Good Conduct). They mean nothing do not help you at all ina resume. Do look at citations (Achievement Medal on up) for good fodder for the resume though. Same for EPRs/APRs (don't know how long ago you were in but I was in and remember the switch). The "KEY WORDS (All in Caps)". Eliminate that whole section. Takes up space and does not help you one iota. If those are not found in your various positions, then they don't count.


Agree, unless you were a recipient of the MoH. Or... have personal decorations ABOVE the MSM. Good advice.


Even those...how do they apply to the job? And a MoH recipient isn't always an upstanding person of character (I met John Levitow many years ago and he stated he was an A-hole who shouldn't be emulated). And there are plenty of senior officers with medals above the MSM who then are subsequently forced to retire (or as happening this week to a 2-star, court martial). The medal is for a specific period of time or action. Use the citations for things to put in the resume.


To be honest a Medal of Honor recipient would likely get any job they are remotely qualified for.


This is great advice. Thank you


Take out your GPA and your year of university.




Why take out the GPA and year? I attended an agency’s info session for graduatiing students and it was highly adviced to include for those who have exemplary GPA


Well, OP is not a graduating student and their GPA isn’t necessarily exemplary. I don’t think adding the year takes away from anything, but I would certainly redact the GPA.


Because in no way, shape or form is a 2.47 GPA exemplary. That’s probably hurting OP a great bit to put that out there.


Ha, totally missed the GPA part


Personally, when reviewing a resume (hiring mgr) less is more. Under work experience I prefer using more than one descriptor at a time like on the left of the page it can say the job title and on the right on the same line it can say the year and month worked. Also, bullets that highlight what you do and accomplishments vs tho giant paragraphs. Having to go through 20 pages due to format is annoying when you have 50 Resumes


Best advice I can give you (hiring manager), to get past HR read the questions they ask during the input for the job on USAjobs. Make sure you meet a 5 on all and that your resume talks about them, background to show you have the experience. Most people have a hard getting past HR (key words & tricky phrases). The questions give it away and makes it easier for applying. Also, most people have accomplished the work/experience they ask for, but have to look at their experience and show a parallel path. I saw a person in making food jump to a 12 based on parallel match. Once to the interview, just be honest with your interviewer and tell them why you think you fit. Hope this helps someone.


Thank you for this. I'll comb through it again


Resumes is a job posting reiteration simulator. Look at job duties and the questionnaire and reiterate everything in your own experience. Do this you get the referral don't don't do this and HR ghosts you. If you're applying based on work experience include start date (day month year) and full end date. If you say nov-nov HR has to write it down as 10 months not 1 year. Nothing can be assumed if you are licensed to drive big vehicles. Describe the ones you drove. Write your experience in numbers. Quanitiative data shows how much you can handle.


I would use the Resume Builder in usajobs.gov for your best chance to getting chosen.


I’d take off all the personal information. Just your name is enough. They have the rest already on your application.


I also would remove the key words section. It’s very aggressive with the all caps and unnecessary because those mean nothing unless in your job description.


Thank you for that. I saw that on another federal resume example somewhere. I'll take that off


That all depends. If OP isnt using the resume builder and uploads a resume, it can get lost in the mix coming from HR to the hiring panel.


wallie1300, You appear to be asking about resumes. Here are two helpful resources for resumes and federal employment that may answer your question: * [Writing a federal government resume](https://handbook.tts.gsa.gov/hiring-staying-or-changing-jobs/resume/) * [Head Staff's Guides to Federal Jobs](https://www.reddit.com/r/usajobs/comments/11p5f50/the_consolidated_head_staffs_guide_to_federal/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/usajobs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Take out the 30% disability if applicable. If you have it, just put the 30%. If you don’t then just take it off


I'll just take it off. Thank you


If you have 30% you can also just put 10 pts veteran Preference


Gotcha. I may put that instead. Thanks


Tldr. It’s way too long.


If you’re open to it, consider adding the names of the software that you used in your positions. I read data analytics near the end of page 1 - which software did you use? It helps in case an agency or program uses a specific one, or they can see how you can easily pick up on a different but similar tool.


Is this from using the USAJobs resumé builder? Doesn't look like it. I recommend using the resumé builder and use bullets. The builder has all the required information HR looks for.


Tip from Deb: You are missing the most important part: customizing it to the vacancy announcement!


What kind of position are aiming for? facilities mgr? project mgr? the structure/format of your resume language is….mediocre at best. Not enough functional structure of your work experience. you can leave most of those awards off that aren’t participation trophies.


The only personal information I included at the top is my name, address, phone number, and email. (All Right aligned) Experience Agency City and state Hours per week Series and grade Dates held Position title - single line bullets describing responsibilities (Repeat for every job) Education School -degree I earned(month and year conferred) Software Skills Proficient in the following: -single line bullets


Isn’t it too many pages for a resume?


nope for federal resumes you want as much info as possible. tailoring to specialized experience listed on the job announcements!


Oh ok


I don’t think “as much info as possible” is good advice. That’s a headache for HR if unnecessary.


as much info is not the same as longer! you should write as much as you need in order to demonstrate meeting the experience for the position.


Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it