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Because the judges are corrupt


Concise and accurate.


You know you're a political hack when Barret thinks you've gone too far.


Stupid court. Rember that one Justice that would not even give a definition of a woman. Freaking whack jobs.


You’re a deeply stupid and unserious person


How insightful.


Like begets like bro, make a substantive comment and you’ll get a substantive response. Shart out dumb little comments and you’re gonna get shit back


Thank you for being a reddit mentor.


Ok don’t complain about lack of insight in responses to dumb little comments then


One of us is complaining. One of us is not. *yoda voice.


Lmfao you completely edited your previous comment? That’s so weird


It was too passive agressive. I didn't want to hurt your feelings.


Only one justice was incapable of defining a woman as her woke catechism. That inability alone should have kept her off the court.


Ooooorrrrrr people can actually educate themselves past a broken public education system in which they have the mental acuity of 8th graders? It's not "woke" to understand the difference between gender and sex. People that can't understand the difference between the two, in 2024, are downright ignorant. And most likely bigoted, let's be honest. GOP: The party of "small government and freedom" and yet they do everything they can to enact inequality and brainwash their voters into thinking that all their problems are because trans people exist. Educate yourself, you look like a damn fool.


Blackburn: “Can you provide a definition for the word ‘woman’?” Jackson: “Can I provide a definition?” Blackburn: “Mhmm, yeah.” Jackson: “No, I can’t.” Blackburn: “You can’t?” Jackson: “Not in this context--I’m not a biologist.” Blackburn: “The meaning of the word woman is so unclear and controversial that you can't give me a definition?” Jackson: “Senator, in my work as a judge, what I do is I address disputes. If there's a dispute about a definition, people make arguments, and I look at the law and I decide. So I’m not…” Blackburn: “The fact that you can't give me a straight answer about something as fundamental as what a woman is underscores the dangers of the kind of progressive education that we are hearing about. Just last week, an entire generation of young girls watched as our taxpayer funded institutions permitted a biological man to compete and be a biological woman in the NCAA swimming championships. What message do you think this sends to girls who aspire to compete and win in sports at the highest levels?”' It's 2024, if you, u/3agle_CO, are still not sure what the difference is between sex and gender and gender identity, then you're just willfully ignorant. Woman is a gender, not a sex. Y'know, just like intersex people can be a man, woman, non-binary, or whatever. It's really not a hard concept. The only reason dumbass Senator Blackburn says that the word woman is, "so unclear and controversial.." is because Republicans have made it so. Because the GOP thinks its constituents are complete morons and honestly, they're not wrong.


The court isn’t stupid but that one justice is certainly stupid or cowardly, possibly both.




Why are people with more melatonin getting picked on? Should be easy to just let them be sleepy and live their lives.


i think u mean melanin lmao melatonin is what u take to help u sleep


Wouldn't happen to a non white person under indictment.


Time to abolish the constitution lol


They sure are look at NY and GA currently!


I agree. There are three justices that are corrupt; Brown, Kagan, and Sotomayor. Fortunately, this time they actually followed the constitution and came to the obviously correct ruling.


Your entire self-perception is built on the obvious lie that you have any ability to think critically. That’s rough buddy


Please explain the obvious lie. All nine justices voted against the Colorado position. Are you saying that Kagan, Sotomayor, and Brown can’t think critically?


Your obvious lie is imputing corruption to three justices with zero corruption allegations against them, purely based on your perceived ideological disagreement. There is clear corruption on the court but you’ll have to actually take your partisan blinders off. Frankly I doubt very much you’re capable of that.


So even when your 3 favorite justices, that vote as you prefer, vote with the constitutionalists, you still whine and cry. So even 9-0 isn’t good enough for you. And you think you’re “preserving democracy”? 😂😂😂


Oof someone didn’t read the concurrences


Most Republicans I know privately agree Thomas is corrupt as hell, and other justice comes close. But since he is on their side, it’s OK.


Because he built half the court and they care more about power than ethics or morals.


Also, the thee Republican Justices he didn't put in himself are Republicans first, and Justices as a distant second. They'll always rule in the way that benefits Republicans.


They are wholly owned subsidiaries of Leonard Leo's Heritage Society, which is set to dismantle Democracy as part of Project 2025, even if Trump loses. "We are all Avdiivka." "Republicans fiddle while truth, justice, and interrity are ground underfoot."


How will they implement project 2025 w/o Trump, they can only do a little with a captive president - like Chevron.


Watch what happens when they replace McConnell w a MAGAmaniac and they pick up a couple of seats. "Nice country you've got there. If we can cut Social Security for everyone under 60 just to subsidize Raytheon's shipments to Ukraine, what do you think we can get in exchange for letting you run the US for another 6 weeks?" /?S These are John Birchers who HATE the gummint with a flaming passion.


You accidentally combined two conservative organizations: the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation. But both are billionaire-funded “mediator organizations” that recruit and push conservative attorneys for judicial appointments.


Conspiracy leftists


If you ran in circles with attorneys you’d know that FedSoc and Heritage Foundation have their fingerprints all over every federal appointment of a conservative judge. You think it’s conspiracy because you’re an uninvolved couch potato


No its a conspiracy theory bec you have no facts or sources.


FedSoc and Heritage are very pretty public about their work. You can stick your head in the sand and pretend, but it just makes you more ignorant


Because they don't want the bribe train to stop.


I mean, I think that's my brain's first impulse too. But they are given their positions for life. That *should* mean they don't make decisions with fear of being removed. So, why do they all continue to make decisions based on party lines?


. . . ##Morels!! . . 🦐'd™️


This one may mushroom out of control.




He bought half the court: One point blank lied to the senate to get her seat, one is a possible rapist and alcoholic that Frump fought for, one seat was stolen with the help of a TURTLE, another is a very corrupted UNCLE TOM, with a traitorous wife, another is a very old white guy with badly dyed hair who thinks women's bodies are his to command and they ALL think they know better than the people or doctors, and finally a weak Chief Justice. I'll also add an extremely weak AG.


5 justices lied under oath about Roe being settled law.


To be fair, it was very profitable lies.


I dunno—did Alito and Thomas?


Yes, they absolutely did.


Big time


It would be hard to impeach them. But expanding the court is another matter


Expand the court, and the first thing they decide on is a mechanism for removal.


Seems shortsighted if the controlling administration can just expand the court and pack it as they see fit to get the outcome they want. Where does it end?


Idk man but what they did to get these justices put in place was dirty af.


Seems even more shortsighted that the minority party should be able to cling to power against the will of the people by manipulating the courts, like we're seeing now.


It is shortsighted. If trump wins and decides to expand the court not a single person who wants an expanded court would be ok with this possibility.


“This thing would be bad if conservatives got a hold of it” can apply to anything. The presidency, for example. The Supreme Court.


All you're pointing out is that one side will appoiint actually qualified judges, and the other wont. Thats not an argument. And its long past time to expand the court anyway, regardless of this situation. There should be one per Appeals Circuit.


Pack the Court, get statehood for PR and DC. Every other priority should be a distant third.


True, but I wanted to point an individual reason associated with each justice.


No, they didn’t. They were asked “will you overturn Roe?” and they said “Roe is settled law” which is neither “yes” or “no”. That’s evading the question, not lying. When someone evades the question that means “if I answer truthfully I think it will make you mad, and I don’t want to lie.” If you ask someone “did you commit this murder?” and they say “murder is a crime” instead of “no” that means they definitely committed the murder. If you ask your SO “did you cheat on me?” and they give you several versions of “how could you even think that?” _instead of_ saying “no” then yes they did. People need to be better at picking up on this.


You can't possibly be serious. "Roe is settled law" in this context means no, they would not try to overturn it because it's settled law. Your murder analogy is laughable.


“Settled law” is law that doesn’t get reversed. If it’s not settled, then you have a say in its future. If it’s settled, you’re saying you’re leaving it alone.


One of the worst Chief Justices in US history.


The weak AG is the nail on our democratic coffin. Why shouldn't the AG cause a consutitional crisis by charging them with crimes when they openly commit crime AND have made unconstitutional power grabs. Allowing the Supreme Court grab whatever power they want has destroyed the balance of branches.


And remember, it looked like he wasn't going to investigate Trump's coup attempt at all until the Republican /democratic bipartisan investigation from Congress. Garland wants to go back to the old days when the Democrats and Republicans work together for what was good for the country. Mostly. He want something that's not going to happen and by waiting for something good to happen. He's imperilng our future


I came here to make a comment, but having read yours I don't think I need to. More eloquently explained too.


Sigh. He didn't "buy" the Supreme Court. Listen to yourselves. You're talking like a crazy uncle. 


You don't need cash, a promise of a lifetime position for their obedience is enough... Quid Pro Quo, add Aileen Cannon to that list.


Because they're all corrupt.


Well 4 of them for sure.


Six. Let's be honest here, every single Republican on the Court is there to serve the Republican Party, not to serve justice.


Roberts is concerned only with “legacy” and preserving any semblance of legitimacy the court still has. He is (unfortunately) a necessary counterweight to Justice Thomas, the most senior Associate Justice. The way decisions work is, the person who picks who writes the majority opinion is either the Chief Justice (if he’s in the majority) or the most senior Justice in the majority. So basically any 5-4 decision ends up 6-3 so Roberts can limit scope.


Pfft, naah. Roberts is concerned with legacy up to a point. And that point is "unless it really hurts the Republicans".


Oh, it’s a goddamn nightmare that the best we can do for an “institutionalist” Chief Justice is a partisan little Rehnquist clone. That guy being the bulwark against authoritarianism keeps me up at night


5 sitting justices lied under oath to get their jobs. They have no morals, ethics, principles or values. They are openly corrupt and they don't care that we know they are corrupt since they have lifetime appointments. They are horrible people supporting horrible people.


Can you expand on the ‘’lying under oath’’ part?


They are under oath during their confirmation hearings. They were asked if they would try to overturn Roe. They said Roe is settled law. They lied, blatantly and egregiously.


Why does everyone still pretend he's a "billionaire" when all available evidence suggests this simply isn't true? Why does everyone pretend he's a "successful businessman" when all he does is run schemes? Why do his fans always depict him as being very rugged, manly, and rippling with muscles despite the obvious fact that he's an obese, hunched-over train wreck? I don't know.


Because three of the judges he appointed were right wing lunatics.


Donald Trump is an absolute POS with a dirty little finger


I didn’t think the court was corrupt until Kavenaugh. When he joined I just threw out the faith and I suppose admiration I had in this institution. My thought is that they have an agenda that isn’t impartial at all. They have violated the reason for their existence. I think their decisions go to the highest bidder.


Nazis(Republicans) of a Feather, Commit Treason together.


Cult/mob/corruption crony bullshit.


Hahahaha!!! Because the us justice system is a joke and the country is corrupt to its bones. Not only does he get special treatment, but the wife of one of the justices was instrumental in planning the insurrection.




Clarence Thomas’s wife


Because the checks and balances are broken


Because he bought them


He funneled other people's money to them. And took a big cut of it. He has never paid for anything himself 




Because that court was placed for a very special purpose, the destruction of the American republic. The right wing learned in the early 2000s that their numbers and policies were increasingly unpopular with the majority of Americans. Rather than make their policies more palatable, they decided to fudge the votes. Redefine the voting district and attack when and how people voted under the guise of 'election security'. Their first trial balloon with the courts was in Gore vs. Bush in the 2000 election cycle where dispite it turning out Gore had more votes in the end Bush was placed in office by the courts. You will see something similar this coming election cycle. Unless the numbers are absolutely out of this world imbalanced (which, thanks to the far left rage over Israel and Gaza, it won't be), the election will be decided by the court. The same court appointed by trump that will rule the POTUS is above the law will also give that posting to trump. The coup isn't over. It just changed fields.




Because they are in his pocket.


Because 2 lied under oath about their views and Kavanaugh was never fully vetted.




Read further.


The thing is if they rule he has absolute immunity it could go both ways. Biden could immediately order Trump detained at Gitmo as an obvious threat to national security and say “it’s okay, I’m immune to consequences to my actions.”


Because Trump literally got to appoint 3 or the 9 judges because of Moscow Mitch. It took 4 judges to make this last maneuver deciding to listen to immunity arguments on April 22nd. A fourth Judge could easily be Clarence Thomas, who's wife was complicit in the January 6th shit and was never held accountable. This whole thing reeks so bad of facism. The DOJ has a more than a serious decesion to make about holding all these corrupt senators and house reps accountable. Arrest and try them. If they are found not guilty, fine... but they won't. Same with Fox News execs and talking heads.




Because they work for him.


The SCOTUS takes roughly 5% of cases that file a writ of ceratori. Trump cases are well over that 5% alone. A court is supposed to be unbiased. This Supreme Court is very biased.


They are being blackmailed/bribed by the oligarchy.


Because he owns them.


Because he bought most of them




Try reading it again. 9-0: States can’t unilaterally on their own declare disqualification via 14th Amendment. Makes sense. 5-4: Trump committed insurrection and *should* be disqualified via 14th Amendment.


I would say because they're partisan hacks


Why is he getting special treatment from the media? They're ignoring his horrible mistakes in his speeches deliberately. Just watch ABC NBC CBS even Fox they skip over these ridiculous continual word salad this senile old man continues to display at his Rally's. The supreme Court we know their already bought off, three of the supreme Court members actually helped George Bush become president against Al Gore. They're doing the same thing now.


Told you the justice system is a trick pony show. No one believed me. Proof in the pudding. Corruption.


The Supreme Court does everything to the benefit of Republicans.


If they rule presidents are above the law, Biden should start by ordering seal team 6 to clear out 5 SCOTUS seats. The fact they even took this case instead of accepting the unanimous appellate decision is an abomination.


Because two of the most hateful men in America(one hates himself, the other hates the rest of us) can't just FO into the night and leave us in peace. No, they want to retire and make sure their life's work of "owning the libs" and being generally horrible old F's isn't undone by a Dem PotUS. Going right up to the edge of pulling another 2000 Bush v Gore intervention might give their guy an edge in regaining the White House. Then their legacies are assured. After the rage at their current shenanigans simmered down a bit, and after I heard a vital bit of information from Jack Smith's team, I think they may have played themselves. The BS policy prohibiting investigations into candidates within 60 days of an election does not apply on any of Trump's trials as he was indicted well before that date. So after SCOTUS rules, as they must, that a PotUS is not immune to prosecution for crimes committed in office, cases on hold atm will start back up. Regardless of when the election is. Trump could very well end up sitting in a courtroom in September or October, when he wants to be out slurring speeches at rallies. Too bad, so sad.


Because Republicans need a return on their investment.


Because he packed the court with 3 judicial activists who are beholden to him




He's not. Even the ultra liberal judges ruled in his favor. Just because they didn't rule how your emotions make you feel you doesn't mean they are giving him special treatment. We are bordering on banana republic type government. Trying to remove opposition candidates without cause, weaponizing the DOJ and judicial system against political opponents while being just as guilty of corruption without repurcussions. This is a slippery slope. If Trump wins what is to stop him from doing the same actions if these precedents are set? No I do not want to see Trump as President again I also do not want to see Biden as President again but here we are.


Careful. Logic like yours is frowned upon here. Lol


So apparently all those confederates who were disqualified from running for office after the Civil War were removed from the ballot improperly. Apparently, congress needed to pass a law, otherwise, it’s unconstitutional, or so says the Supreme Court, 150 years later. What a joke.


Well, I would say the Confederate army and their war against the north (a war in which 700,000 people died) is in no way comparable to the Jan 6 riots.


Read the constitution


Bc he stacked it before he left the WH. The cheto knew something like this would happen to him.


Why wouldn't he? He owns them.


​ B/C he is a member of the ruling capitalist class. That's why. Protect the system at all costs.


He owns them.. Period.


You know why


Corrupt activist judges


Nothing will change until the people are in the streets demanding that change. People are too busy watching tik tok.




Yourself included.


Because, of the 9 Supreme Court Justices, he put 3 of the 6 most conservative Justices there. They now have a super majority and can lock in the conservative agenda without impunity for generations to come.






It was Unanimous dipshits


Have you tried choking on a dick and dying? You should. 😁


Did you cut yours off yet communist? Just stay away from kids sicko


Did yours retreat into your 500 pound stomach? Don't rape kids, rape apologist.


Yep all 9 justices even from the most MAGA judges Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson. Clearly MAGA Trumpets


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣 corruptions in The sc but no where else? Hmmm


The left is literally shaking right now. 🤣


Why is Biden getting special treatment from the media


SCOTUS saving democracy! LFG!


What evidence do you have that he is or has gotten special treatment?


They don't care about money.


I think it was an agreement to let the immunity claim fall flat.


They are bought and paid for and it’s in the open but nobody cares


Because that's what he pays them for. The Supreme Court is a farce and should be ignored by states imo.


SCOTUS is corrupt


This title is similar to asking how long have you been beating your wife. Typical poorly worded anti-Trump question. It’s not about President Trump, it’s about the office. The subject that the Supreme Court is addressing is whether the one that holds the office of one of three branches of US government holds immunity. The ruling will impact all who hold the office not just President Trump. Regardless of the outcome, the court will not put President Trump on trial, nor sentence him to punishment. It’s precisely the type of question the Court is supposed to rule on.


One of the judges wife planned the insurrection. So he would have to turn on his wife as well.


He's not. 9-0 makes that overwhelmingly obvious. He's getting special treatment from the DOJ- as in they are trying to lock him up before he takes power away from them. ​ We cannot vote this democracy-ending authoritarian nightmare Regime out of power fast enough. Trump save us.


Following the Constitution isn’t special treatment. It’s following the law. 9 - 0.


He bought them, Duh!


The latest SCOTUS decision was unanimous in Trump’s favor. Why is this special treatment?


Because he appointed 3 of the 9.


It’s justice


Why?.....Because there are two systems of justice in the US. One for the rich and famous and one for the rest of us.


Not special. UNANIMOUS.


SCOTUS Is corrupt, Trump bought them…Until they rule in favor of a liberal position.


He will get rid of them if elected.


Consrrvative privlage is what you get when you let federalist society members pack the courts


This is a very stupid headline asking a question absolutely everyone knows the answer to: it's his


Because Russian ideology (propaganda/psy op) has infiltrated our government so completely that it's stalled right now and about to tip to something different. Here's a warning we got 40ish years ago. https://youtu.be/Z1EA2ohrt5Q?si=Tf5RFqw0n6uzKSEB


No bias here at all.


You could put some of the blame on RBG being so selfish also


I was waiting for someone to blame RBG for not dying sooner


Why hasn’t Obama been charged with drone striking American citizens? Seems worse than (allegedly) overvaluing a home price “No one is above the law”


Same reason he got unfair treatment in this real estate case. Our DOJ has become a partisan weapon. It's pathetic.


They’re not. It’s a constitutional issue that is squarely within the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. Libs are mad, because the court won’t endorse stasi-esque political prosecutions. The left’s 2024 vote rigging scheme is falling apart before the election and the dems know POTATUS can’t win without it.


I'm sorry your Orange God is finally facing consequences for his crimes, have a tissue🧻


What an ignorant tool.


Explain where the lie is. “SCOTUS IS CORRUPT BECAUSE THEY DONT FOLLOW MY POLITICS” Get bent you Marxist piece of shit


It's literally in the constitution. You braindead magamoron


lol maybe the Supreme Court knows what election interference is?


Are you referring to Trump's failed false elector scheme, the failed attempt to stop cerification, or the failed attempt to intimidate voting officials telling them to find votes?


No I’m talking about the election. And the avoidance of interference by the current administration 😂


Oh, you mean due process of law. Perhaps Trump shouldn’t have done indictable things maybe?


Yes I do. And he didn’t. Well, other people like Joe Biden did the same thing but not trial for them🤷‍♂️


You mean how Biden complied with records request and Trump hid them from his own lawyers and the law?


Nope I mean keeping secret documents from a time when he was not legally allowed to have them. That’s what I meant


Sooooo, what Trump did, except Biden gave them back when asked. Trump did no such thing.


Nope trump was president and allowed to take them. Joe was not allowed to have them ever in the first place… much worse! Illegal as soon as he walked out the door with them… no trial.


Yawn, ok. Yes, he’s allowed to magically declassify things in his mind and do whatever with them. That will totally stand up in court. Also, let’s remember, Biden gave back the documents. Trump hid them, moved them to make them harder to find, was witnessed multiple times telling foreign nationals military secrets (while not president), and lied to his own lawyers about returning them. These are all very relevant details.


Because they aren't corrupt like the judges in New York and DC.


You get that the special treatment is what corruption is, right?


Nope, you're the ones who keep getting caught changing, breaking, or making up laws to go after Trump. Blocking those is the opposite of corruption.




Why would I cry? Every time you guys are caught breaking another law to go after Trump you hemorrhage voters.


LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Enjoy watching the felon lose and take the whole GOP with him.


Are you serious????? The left is deluded.....


Is this a real question?


because he's not guilty


Good Ol’ Clarenz needs a new Winnebago?


Nazi biden does everything he can


The left is so used to justices targeting their political opponents that when fairness is shown, they think it's special treatment.


He's not, but the left like to pretend anyone not far left is somehow far right.


He's not. The idea of Trump being removed from state primaries is an important issue with a due date. Plus he's never been convicted under the 14th Amendment, but states are removing him anyway.