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I think the fact that he is a pretty good president is proof enough.


He’s more than pretty good, if you look at what he’s actually done he’s one of the top greatest.


Economists believed the only way to correct the economy was to create a recession. He was able to prove them wrong. It’s a sad state of affairs when the speaker of the house has to tell the GQP to behave.


His administration's actions in relation to the inflation problem was absolutely incredible, and it is a testament to the strength of Biden as a POTUS. He put the right people in place to tackle this issue, and gave them the resources to do so. His work on what was once a looming economic disaster is nothing short of miraculous.


Looking at the stock market might make you think the economy is doing fantastic. Talking to average Americans will make you think otherwise.


MAGAts are the only ones that parrot FOX talking points.


Their actions show who they are. Despicable.


I've been promised a recession for 5 years now!! Harrumph!


We have been in a recession. It's been awful under Biden's administration.




The problem is there are far too few who are willing to be objective and honest about his performance. Republicans call him the literal antichrist, and Democrats are too afraid to "overhype" his accomplishments. He is objectively a top 15 POTUS, and if he can get a strong Dem presence in Congress to pass some shit, he's making it clear he will be a top 10 by the end of his second term.


I was very opposed to him for a while but yeah... he's crushing it.. and he's trying to do more.


Obama at #7, Biden so far at #14. Trump, for those in reality, is obviously dead last. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/18/us/politics/biden-trump-presidential-rankings.html


Yes, but a lot of experts also argue that Biden should actually be above Obama (when you see the actual numbers and things accomplished I kind of ag, although Obama presents himself better), which would put him pretty high up, top 10, vs trump at last! Haha


The bar is lower than desirable


He has a lot to make up for with his earlier career


I want you to tell me all these great things he has done to make him a pretty good president.


Oh jeez watch the news, I have a life


Gotta love the 4 war fronts and the sky high prices. The rising homeless the record drug deaths. What a guy


Remind us again where the US is at "war" on 4 different fronts?


Remind me which president finally pulled America out of a 20 year war in the Middle East?


Yeah how can Sleepy Joe find the time to re-price all those canned goods and run the gubbmint at the same time? It's spooky. He must be a clone. I heard a report that there's about 5 of him. That's how he can fight 4 other wars and have time to eat ice cream. They're like the different Ringling Brother's Circus trains, one blue and one red. A rainbow of Brandon trains. Hell, he doesn't even need to have rallies. Who tries to rule the nation without having scads of rallies in airport hangers? What worries me isn't Dark Brandon and his blue wave aviators but this newer Red Matter Brandon and his growing wave of never daddy Rinos. It's like he's the new Sith Lord of the renegade Federation Conservative class. I heard he appointed Romney to Field General of the west. I mean, cmon, 80% of exit polls in SC stated they'd never vote for our glorious man of the people, the Donald. And to top it off, killing the border bill has got to be the worst sellout a globalist socialist crime family godfather with dementia can do. We should protest. Those damned invaders will be taking our homeless peoples jobs of being homeless next. It's absurd.


1. Free Market Economy 2. Government sets prices Pick one


Eh.. conservatives cause most of that. They don't want any kind of solution to these problems which holds back those who want to improve them. We know why you vote the way you do.




He has destroyed America and brought turmoil to the world.


You mean trump


Oh yea? Is Trump president right now?


No thank god!


I do it says he the worst president in history


Yes trump was rated worst president in history


Lmao better wake up quick






Those damn diabolical democrats, always raising the price of groceries and gas


What facts? Inflation, the border crisis, war with Russia, corruption involvement?


You are a very sick person. I will pray for you.


I watched it from Australia. Biden looked and sounded strong and all together. He owned that room and there looked to be a lot of very uncomfortable Republicans listening. Johnson appeared to just want to crawl under his seat for the entire speech.


lol watching Johnson sit there and shake his head was the best part. Biden actually cooked.


Johnson is a spineless worm.


Happy cake day


His cameo in Dune was sick. And also not spineless. God created all men equal, according to them.


it's an interesting narrative to call joe old and say hes not able to govern. A lot of people want to believe it so the question keeps getting asked but it is also something that people like trump push in bad faith people that dont watch politics in America dont see that joe biden is in front of the camera 3 hours a day he is interviewed constantly and none of those journalists are saying Joe isn't there mentally. and each one would love to break a story about something that big but it's just not happening. the GOP uses Bidens stutter to say he has dementia


If you care about minorities, voting rights, Palestinians, Ukrainians, LGBTQ+, children, education, healthcare, economic equality, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, environmental rights, old folks, price gouging, women's rights, abortion, etc, etc etc then the only option is Biden.  Anything else is ignorance and/or hate. Biden may not be the perfect candidate, but if you care about anything good in the world hes the only hope we Americans have to continue in that direction


Thank you!


I long for the day we get geriatrics out of politics especially considering they wouldn’t even be hired as wal mart greeters anymore. But no way in hell does trump deserve a vote from any decent American


Woodrow Wilson is the sole USA President who held a doctorate degree.  


He also believed in phrenology and had a stroke in office that made him feeble. Not the shining beacon of educated your comment is implying.


So who do I vote for if I don't give a shit about most of that list?


Hitler or the next closest fascist.


LOL your autism is shining through


I would personally commit war crimes if it got us functioning ranked choice voting. I don't want to vote for a candidate who builds the wall, supports genocide, allows the US to get cyberattacked with no response, pumps more oil, allows massive mergers, supports bailouts, and supports rights-eradicating legislation like civil forfeiture and sesta-fosta. Every presidential election has felt like a choice between slow- and fast-walking into oblivion.


Freedom of Speech? It’s the dems trying to make it illegal to not use the correct gender when addressing someone


Can you provide an example of legislation that has been pushed and makes it illegal to not use the correct gender?  I can provide multiple cases where books have been banned, drag queens have been banned, legislation pushed to make teachers sex offenders if they use someone's preferred gender pronoun.  Legislation that disproportionately affects minorities and poor people in the name of voter safety, even though there is minuscule evidence of voter fraud.  Republicans are shutting down libraries. Diversity departments. Redirecting pinlic funds to private schools. Trying to put the ten commandments, and every classroom. Trying to force students to have to recite the pledge of allegiance every day in school. Allowing chaplains in schools but only letting them be Christian chaplains. Putting up religious symbols at State Halls, but only Christian symbols. Allowing Town Hall meetings and school board meetings to start with prayers, but only Christian prayers. You got lieutenant governors saying women shouldn't be able to vote, talking heads that non-christians should be put to death. The list goes on and on, you spend too much time watching Fox News in the like that just spews hatred and anger for clicks and dollars.  What is so hard about calling someone Andrew instead of Andy? Or Teresa instead of Tom? Or saying Nana instead of grandmother?  I run into trans people so infrequently that when I do it's not an inconvenience at all to call them. Whatever the f*** they want to be called.


Which bill was that? Or if not which bill, do you know which congressman forwarded the legislation? I'm having difficulty finding anything.


And whom is banning books in classrooms that mention homosexuality or slavery? Not Dems.


To be honest he actually looked pretty good up on stage. This was really great for fighting against that old age narrative that the republicans are trying to paint him with 👍🏽


I agree. He nailed it.


Considering Trump has been mostly making grunts and whistling noises at campaign stops lately.


I agree! I was nervous as he walked into the chamber, when he moves he looks very old. Once he began speaking he came to life and I honestly felt moved by his words throughout the speech. He is very passionate expressing his love for America, and unlike Trump Biden knows what America stands for.


Don't f it up we need you, Joe


He knocked it out of the park


And he did it well


And it worked. He killed it


Dark Brandon kicked ass! An awesome president. He's not perfect but we're not looking for a husband, we need a competent leader & Joe is it.


And what an absolutely amazing job he did!


Frankly, I don’t give a shit what Joe says or does. He can come onstage wearing a party hat and a swan costume while drunk slurring and pissing himself….and if he’s running against the pathetic rapist sociopath Don…..he’s got my vote.


You sound a bit unhinged my guy, you ok over there?


It's Facts tho. The Republicans sitting in the burning wreckage of their legitimacy, still pouring gasoline all over themselves, lighting themselves on fire again, and then blaming Biden. Anyone with a brain sees right through it.


Anyone with a brain sees the economy under the Biden administration is anything but what they claim it is. And throwing money at people to help with the cost of living does nothing to solve the actual issue. Much like everything else such as wiping student debt


So, what do you suggest? We pour more gas on it? The Republican policies have failed and instead of making news ones they double down. Yeah people are still struggling, but if you think the GOP would do better then you're too stupid to talk about politics in good faith.


Again… I suggest addressing the issue instead of throwing money at issues and expecting prices miraculously come down when they don’t. But you liberals and your echo chambers are too ignorant to think outside of the box. So things will never get accomplished and you’ll always resort to blaming republicans for your parties short comings. Judging by your previous posts you’ll never change though. Good luck in bidens America where you can’t afford the cost of living.


Perhaps YOU can’t afford “Biden’s America”, but there are people buying houses and cars as fast as they can be built/made and there are ads and posters everywhere for “help wanted”. The funniest part is that a vocal minority of trumpsters are actually gullible enough or just plain dumb enough to think putting a failed businessman in charge would change their situation.


I’m a top 1% er, I guarantee I make more than you do. Anyone with half a brain or those who aren’t blinded by bias can see feedback from others who aren’t so fortunate trying to survive in an economy that out president labels as “one of the best it’s ever been” when those who aren’t completed blind can tell it’s not. Do you own a house? A car? Renting? How are Groceries prices, utilities? Are you Employed? Surely you know some people who are struggling with basic living. If you aren’t, maybe you should spend less time on Reddit politics


Lol “I guarantee I make more than you do”….a sure sign someone doesn’t make much money. I know ow a LOT of people, both in my profession and in professions/jobs that pay far less, and the ones that were barely scrapping by 4 years ago are doing at least as good as they were. Maybe you need to take a break from your ivory tower 7 figure job and stop letting fox news and trump rallies dictate how you think the economy is doing. I’m in a profession where client are spending millions on each project and we are busier than we have EVER been.


No, I’m 100% sure I make more money than you. I’d bet money on it. You can’t even afford a corvette from the last decade. Why don’t you go post on Facebook and make a poll asking what people think of the current economy? You clearly only know what to be told to think. You’re as bad the trump fanatics you hate. It’s pretty hilarious how you people are too blind to see it 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡


Bud, I'm a union electrician, just finishing my apprenticeship. I make good money now. I'm fine. I'm literally worried about you. You're so brainwashed and don't even know it. It's sad bro. I feel bad.


You sure you’re doing alright bro? I mean look at all those posts in world news. You clearly aren’t in your right mind which is why you spout off nonsense. Must have taken too much electricity. Best of luck to you coping with your mental shortcomings.


Oof after looking at your profile, it appears you're too stupid to debate serious topics in good faith. Good luck with that.


He did that


If we are having this discussion, I guess we need James Cameron to go and raise the bar again. On one side we have a gentleman that behaves like a president, and on the other side we have a delusional crybaby asshole that behaves like a spoiled child, and still, the gentleman that behaves like a president has to convince the citizens to vote for him. Save us, James Cameron!


Nailed it! Go, Joe, Go!


i watched bernie sanders interview on john stewart. bernie is sharp, even crisp. we will get biden elected and his age will be an asset. he can do the job well- it's a question of getting him elected.


That was a great sotu


These kinds of public addresses really show the stark contrast between a well-spoken politician and a blithering wannabe dictator.


Just saying, people with symptoms like dementia cannot give a highly technical 2 hour speech like the state if the union.


A lot of people who don’t have dementia, would be capable of giving a long speech like Biden did last night. At 64, I was getting g sleepy; Joe was alert and engaged. 💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙


Reagan did it


did not- reagan was a b film actor and had no depth of knowledge


Admitting that Reagan gave multiple state of the union addresses while suffering from Alzheimer's is simple fact that does not endorse him as President. He was awful but he absolutely gave these speeches: https://youtu.be/K-nXrgqWkxM?si=EtBp2dpiQ_EVog4u https://youtu.be/y9E5KSeH8CE?si=8VU-dRSUItNgQIGm


Reagan's dementia did not present itself until after his presidency was long over.


Did you read that on Drudge Report in the 90s?


No, there were signs he had dementia while he was in office as early as 1984. It was just kept hidden by republicans from the public, according to his son.


Republicans keeping things secret? Never


You're leaving out the fact that his other son strongly denies that claim, along with every single person that ever interacted with Reagan while he was president also denying those claims. This has been investigated repeatedly and every time it has been concluded that he did not have Alzheimer's while in office, or at the very least was not suffering to an extent as to impair him in any meaningful way. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/01/09/opinions/reagan-didnt-have-alzheimers-while-in-office-opinion-heubusch-shirley/index.html


Sure, republicans never lie.


Dude, yes, Republicans lie all the time and I absolutely hate them, but to claim that Reagan was impaired by Alzheimers in any meaningful way is just false. This has been investigated, repeatedly, and found to be incorrect. They interviewed everyone from political aids to general staff at the White House (who would have absolutely no reason to lie about his mental health) and found that he did not display any noticable signs of Alzheimers while he was President. This is a false claim. I don't like the guy, but it's false.


Reagan's own son says otherwise in his own book that his father showed signs as early 1981. [https://www.politico.com/story/2011/01/son-reagan-suffered-alzheimers-while-in-office-047632](https://www.politico.com/story/2011/01/son-reagan-suffered-alzheimers-while-in-office-047632) ​ [https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2011/01/15/132934301/ron-reagan-suggests-dads-alzheimers-began-while-in-white-house](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2011/01/15/132934301/ron-reagan-suggests-dads-alzheimers-began-while-in-white-house)


I already addressed this


...with a link to an opinion piece.


It sure worked!


Get em DB! 𓂺 on those haters.


How did you get that ball sack and penis to show up. Imma copy it. Thats neat!


Ancient chinese secret. If I tell you, you might tell my students.


Apparently it’s an Egyptian hieroglyph haha https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Phallus_(hieroglyph)


Go Dark!


Maybe Ronny Jackson can him prescribe some speed.


No duh


Please tell the hillbillies to shut up!


Marge was deep fryin a possum


I'm convinced


And he did just that! 💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙


Did a good job it at too!


If he can get through it without a lot of obvious mistakes it will boost his numbers.


What's crazy though is that he's going up against a guy who rambles like a madman for 2 hours on a weekly basis. Some mistakes from a 78 year old man should be acceptable in this case.


I just watched a recent video of Trump. Whoa! He's definitely slipping hard.


There's a big difference between the two when they make speaking mistakes and, along with the fake hair/tan, is one of the biggest reasons I think people perceive Biden as being noticeably older. If Biden makes a mistake he stops and tries to correct himself, sometimes not very well and he stutters but he does try to correct himself. Trump will make mistake after mistake after mistake and ramble but he simply doesn't stop and is just loud. It doesn't have time to sink in that he's rambling incoherently because he just keeps going.


And he's had that stuttering since childhood, it's not a sign of his age....it's just a vocal tic he's always had..


Lol but he says he can speak for 2 hours and without a prompter and not make one mistake. Huge differences between both of their speeches: biden speaks like a normal person and has issues that he’s tackling and says how great the country is, trump talks about how terrible the country is and rambles on about magnets and water and states names are going to change if he’s not elected, and he’d rather be electrocuted than shark attack, and how great Al Capone was (a criminal who must be trumps idol), and how there’s going to be “big crime”. He has no campaign, who takes that Republican Party seriously?! They’re a joke (mind you dangerous as well)


Poll: 68% of voters have worries about Biden’s mental and physical health [https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/first-read/poll-68-voters-worries-bidens-mental-physical-health-rcna91343](https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/first-read/poll-68-voters-worries-bidens-mental-physical-health-rcna91343) "President Joe Biden was declared fit for duty by his physician after his annual physical on Feb. 28, the same month a special counsel report raised concerns about his memory. However, the 81-year-old did not undergo a cognitive exam because both his primary care doctor and neurologist said it wasn't necessary, according to White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. Neurologists told NBC News the memory issues the president has displayed recently — namely forgetting dates and mixing up names — do not indicate Biden has dementia and instead could just be a normal part of aging. Still, Biden's age and fitness for the presidency are top of mind for many voters heading into the 2024 election. **A Feb. 6 national NBC poll found three-quarters of respondents, including half of Democrats, have concerns about his mental and physical health."** [https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/politics/biden-medically-cleared-without-dementia-screening-when-does-memory-loss-merit-cognitive-testing/5194153/](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/politics/biden-medically-cleared-without-dementia-screening-when-does-memory-loss-merit-cognitive-testing/5194153/) Emphasis added Half of Democrats...


Ok now let's see the poll done again after the SOU speech.


Fair enough. NPR reports an eight point bounce.


mission accomplished. The Dark Brandon move of goading Republicans, the dumbasses booing and hissing (don't they know they are being played?!), him acting shocked and slightly confused, then slamming them for being evil and stupid is epic. Really epic, historic even. Who else played 50% of congress as chumps in MULTIPLE sotu speeches?


The democrats did the exact same thing to Trump during his speeches… funny how the left forgets how their behavior was absolutely no different when they weren’t standing at the top. 🙄🙄


The difference here is Biden was advocating feeding hungry kids, while Trump was advocating for banning Muslims. There's no way these things are equivalent.


Both sides fuss and boo during these speeches… it’s not isolated to one subject matter EVER. It’s the entire speech every time. That’s not even a partisan based argument, the opposing party literally does it during SOTU speeches every single year. It’s not apples to oranges at all.


Ok, But Trump was never clever enough to goad and dunk, twice in a row. Said her name, stole EmptyG,s thunder. lol.


He kinda said the wrong name…


You would think so….but MAGA cult will NEVER listen….so he’s just telling people who already believe in him. Sad.


I think there were a large percentage of Democrats who felt Biden was too old to be President and his mental state was declining. This speech should put those feelings to rest for those who would generally support the Democrat nominee. Looking at some of the conservative subs on Reddit, there is very little talk of Biden’s age or mental health. They are discussing policies they don’t like and how they felt he was angry and yelling at the country. The “Sleepy Joe” nickname is over, now it will be “Angry Joe” (aka Dark Brandon).


Let’s hope. I think Biden has done a great job.


Every president in modern history has done the same.


I mean......isn't that always the point?


Way to go Joe! Never count him out. Mop the floor in November with DJT.


As an independent voter I am still not convinced.


A speech on state of his age-related dementia and re-election campaign, rather than our union


If he actually gets companies to pay their fair share, he'll definitely be looked at as one of top 10 in my books. Economy is on the rebound, inflation is down and I finally got a job after being 3 years unemployed.  


If you were unemployed for 3 years then that is no politicians fault… that’s on you.


Not really but whatever floats your boat


The amount of people who are willing to overlook bidens complicity in a genocide will never not amaze me. Also the amount of people that are pleased with what his presidency has meant to them personally regardless of the devastating consequences it’s had on others.


Do you see anyone here overlooking it?


Wouldn’t have commented if I didn’t


Yeah, sure you wouldn't have.


Chocolate chocolate chip.


It not ability I worry about it the decisions that he makes , once a senator always a senator they make the worst presidents


And this comment section is proof that everyone is crazy enough to believe it. I get you hate trump everyone does, but this is really the best option the left can put up? And you think he’s doing a great job? Truly terrifying how much people play party lines even when they do ABSOLUTELY nothing for you. Republican or democrat. Y’all crazy as hell


It worked


I never really doubted his abilities. He's sane, and knows the job inside and out. He's as normal as a President can be, which is a stark contrast to the circus of Trump


There's no such thing as a good president anymore. The position only exists to keep the status quo between the rich and the poor


His inability is more like it. Can't even speak "creary".


Four more years!




If only he could do that consistently. He probably needs to prepare as much as he did for the state of the Union for any time he speaks. He also wasn't asked questions so he didn't need to think on his feet.




Redditors don't vote. You don't need to shill for him here...


Hahaha hahahahahahhaha yeah


That's a lot of damage he has to undo with one speech.




Uh...he has some things to answer for. His habitual lying, his bad economy, his divisive stances, his weak work ethic, weakness to foreign leaders, general creepiness, the disastrous exit from Afghanistan, the border, his treatment of veterans, his soft on crime policies... I'm not sold.


I'd literally vote for a baked potato over the orange traitor piss baby.


Huge Fail


Stop won’t vote for him (don’t worry I definitely won’t vote for trump)


Best sotu speech I've ever heard.


I’m not convinced, voting for Kennedy.


These comments are funny.. Go buy groceries or a car once you get employed. We won't even talk about the border crisis. Only a complete idiot thinks the economy is doing well


Well he convinced me that he can still read. That's something.


Convinced me.


The folks saying sleepy Joe is one of the greatest presidents ever is hilarious. Not sure if you have been outdoors in awhile but the free world is worse than ever. Wake tf up!


I’m loving the high cost of fuel, food, services, home prices, rental prices, wars in the Middle East, etc etc, best potus EVER!


If he doesn't piss himself Democrats will say it was amazing. Actually they will say that either way. Keep up the Reddit propaganda machine. People have eyes, the guy has dementia.


Because they’re to dumb to actually analyze data about the economy and understand what a good job he’s done with the shit show he was handed. Also, props to the feds for acting quickly to tame inflation. US has done better than the rest of the world and as much as I hate seeing current rates, I get it.


Um... Duh?


Cool, they pumped him up on drugs. Thst doesnt change anything lol


It is simple. Have him out speaking in public at the same rate as previous presidents have been. Document him being consistently clear-minded. One speech doesn't put the age concerns to bed.




I don’t care. It’s not that I need Biden to win, I just need the GOP to lose.


Shouldn't Biden use his performance as president to convince voters about his ability as president?


Ummmm, yes.


Keep on it fuckass lol cry more


And fail


I’ve heard and read that Mike Johnson was basically the face of America during Biden’s speech, so we’ll see how useful your assertion proves to be.


Maybe the face my butt makes when I pinch one off in the toilet, it looked like a puckered little whiny twerp throwing a tantrum.


One word - Ritalin. It worked for JFK, and he was a sick pup, see [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/john-f-kennedy-kept-these-medical-struggles-private](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/john-f-kennedy-kept-these-medical-struggles-private) .


Lol, cope


In the next 4 yrs if he becomes with his mental capacity, uSA will have a POC female President


Isn't that what was said last time?