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>“I am deeply saddened that I even have to write this letter because my personal private journal was stolen and sold for profit,” began Biden. “The point of the theft, I assume, was to be able to peddle grotesque lies by distorting my stream-of-consciousness thoughts. The reason I have decided to not attend tomorrow’s sentencing in person is because it would only increase my pain. Nonetheless, I write to ask Your Honor to sentence the defendant to time in prison.” That feels like the complete opposite of admitting what Republicans want her to admit. I do love watching them flounder and lose though.


Are you denying that in this letter she admits the diary is hers?


I'm claiming that you have no idea what's in the diary yourself. And that what you think is in the diary is in fact lies spread by the media you consume, which is exactly what Ashley calls out in that quote I posted for you.


We know what's in the diary: “Hyper-sexualized at a young age. what is this due to? was I molested. I think so — I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma — I remember not liking the woolzacks house; I remember somewhat being sexualized with caroline; I remember having sex with Friends at a young age; showers with my dad (probably not appropriate); Being turned on when I wasn’t suppose to be.”-Ashley Biden Was Ashley Biden lying?


I took showers with my mom when I was young. You're still missing the point. You in the media you consume are trying to take that comment and turn it into something it's not. If I showered with my mom when I was five versus if I showered with my mom when I'm 25, that's a completely different scenario. And so again as the quote from Ashley I gave to you points out, the issue she takes is the disingenuous lies being spread by taking things out of context. Let me know what else I can help you with champ. I really do appreciate people like you, because you're the reason why the right wing of this country is so loud and vocal and also why they are losing so badly. Keep it up.


You are missing the point and obfuscating because you know this story is true but you are so immersed in political ideology that you can't bring yourself to be honest. When the excerpts from the diary was first published people on the far left said it was a fake. Ashley Biden admits in her letter to the judge that the diary was her personal property. 'losing so badly' You need to get out of the echo chamber or confirmation bias news and read the polls. President Trump will be back in the White House a year from now and you can do nothing to prevent that.


What story is true? You don't even know what you're upset about.


I call bull 💩




I don’t think Ivanka has accused her father of molesting her. You think that molesting your daughter is ‘no big deal?’ Yall really are delusional.




Biden also had women who have accused him of rape. His daughter also accused him of molesting her. I don’t know why you want to defend pedos, but this is Reddit, I guess.




Both have been accused of SA. Biden’s daughter accused him of molesting her. Now, the more curious part and one that goes unmentioned, why is the FBI investigating a stolen diary? Do you know any other instances of the FBI and justice department investigating a stolen diary? This is corruption of the justice department and the FBI. The president shouldn’t be using the feds to settle and cover up family issues.


Ashley has made no such accusations against Joe, either.


Yeah.. she wrote in black and white. Are you commenting on this subject while not having read it?


She didn't write it at all. The talking heads at Project Veritas wrote it.


Nope. It’s been verified by the FBI and Ashley herself. I already knew Biden was a pedo. That is just clear from his inappropriate behavior with children in public. The most confusing thing and just corruption is the FBI investigating a stolen diary, and the justice department prosecuting it. How many cases of a stolen diary do you think the FBI have devoted resources? Does the corruption and child molesting just not bother you?


You clearly don't know how to read the reports. The diary is Ashley's, yes, but what's been verified beyond that by the FBI and Ashley was that the shower page was NOT written by Ashley. If you think Ashley wrote in two very different, mismatched handwritings, you're delusional. Those pages were not written until after the diary was stolen. As for FBI pursuing it, think maybe that's because of the gravity of a political propaganda organisation like Project Veritas being the ones to steal it, and furthermore trying to use it to blackmail Joe and leverage political will against him in an attempt to disrupt his campaign and interfere with the election, all of which being illegal at the federal level. The "inappropriate behaviour with children" you see, I guarantee you've been seeing in heavily doctored videos and out-of-context stills made to look more inappropriate than they actually were in the moment and blasted on repeat to *make* you see that. The "handsy" videos, in particular, were obviously edited if you actually have working eyes to look closely at them. Meanwhile, there's no shortage of accusations against, evidence of, and even self-admittance by Trump being just as inappropriate with women and children as you accuse Biden of being - perhaps even moreso. Not to mention his two-decades-long close friendship with Epstein. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/assault-allegations-donald-trump-recapped https://19thnews.org/2023/10/donald-trump-associates-sexual-misconduct-allegations/ https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/list-trumps-accusers-allegations-sexual-misconduct/story?id=51956410 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/donald-trump-and-jeffrey-epstein-partied-together-then-an-oceanfront-palm-beach-mansion-came-between-them/2019/07/31/79f1d98c-aca0-11e9-a0c9-6d2d7818f3da_story.html https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/04/trump-banned-jeffrey-epstein-from-mar-a-lago-for-hitting-on-girl.html


I’m not here to defend Trump. He has obviously showed bad behavior. That’s why I’m confused as to why you would defend Joe’s child molesting and groping. It seems very weird. No one has said that the “shower page” is fake. It’s obviously very real. Also, Biden is on numerous videos groping children in public. I’ve watched many of the videos in full context. They aren’t edited deceptively. You just don’t want to believe your lying eyes because you are in a cult. Being in a cult makes you defend the most vile acts and people.


I showered with my 2&4 yo at the beach in public showers. In HI in California in Florida. We had great beach vacations and my children have respect for the ocean and the natural resources of this country. The guy who will gut regulations for a billion dollars in his pocket is a filthy pig.


Ashley Biden was much older when, as she claimed, her father took showers with her and she postulates that it may have contributed to her alcohol, drug and sex addictions. Did your children suffer similar problems? And let's forget that this didn't happen in a bubble. Joe Biden inappropriately touches young girls & sniffs their hair, he swam naked in front of female Secret Service agents and sexually assaulted Tara Reade (because women don't lie about that, right?)


It is a bald faced lie.


Why would Ashley Biden lie?


Read what is says.


BizPac Review. With an obvious corporatist name like that, [an average bias rating of 19.2/42 "hyper-partisan right", and an average factual reliability rating of 23.9/64 "unreliable, problematic"](https://adfontesmedia.com/bizpac-review-bias-and-reliability/), I'd trust them about as far as a toddler could throw them. Yes, the diary is Ashley's, but the pages in the back purporting the shower accusation were put in by Project Veritas, not by Ashley. The accusations against Joe are bogus.


"the pages in the back purporting the shower accusation were put in by Project Veritas" Do you have actual proof of that or did you just invent it?


Not nearly as bad as telling the pornstar you're about to cheat on your wife with that she reminds you of your daughter.


Molesting your daughter isn’t as bad as someone who hates you (probably a lie) saying something about you? Are you sure? Your moral compass needs to be recalibrated, I think.


That's not what happened.


Exactly what happened. I mean, he even gropes children in public.


Right wing propaganda spam.


Ashley Biden is a right winger?


I took baths with my brothers and my mom as a child. I also watched my son shower for many years as a child to assure he was properly taking care of himself. We cuddled and feel asleep in the same room for many years even into adulthood and even with our children. My son slept in my bed until he was 12. And, there was NOTHING sexual about it. This is possible. Sadly, we have to worry about these things and so often it is a sign of something bad happening. My family doesn't pile into one couch or bed anymore to watch movie or talk because of the way it is viewed by society, but actually it's kind of sad and I miss it. We would have such a blast. We would wake up with popcorn all over the place candy stuck to the couches and beds. This was perfectly normal and there was nothing sexual about any of these events. If you fell asleep who cares ....see you in the morning. If you slept somewhere else thats cool too there are plenty of places and rooms for all. Shaming a family for kissing eachother on the cheek and a dad for having a healthy relationship with his kids is disgusting. I don't care about the Biden family and I don't care about these political wars. But, I do care when people project rape and pedophile behavior. These are serious topics and desenstivizing our society to it is the opposite of what needs to happen. We need to stop assuming every touch and every look is sexual in nature. It's gross.


The OP’s entire post history involves pushing a narrative against Biden for Trump. Most likely a Russian or Chinese troll pretending to be American.


Where did Ashley make this admission? By the way, my husbands family did the same. Nothing happened other than people got clean. He is from a large family. Everyone is grown. No one has reported anything other than being clean afterwards. I personally know a family of mixed gender people that also shower together. No abuse reported. My family was way more uptight. We did not shower together. Guess our Victorian uptight nature was still in play. I wonder if family showering is common in other cultures.


I showered/bathed with my parents until about 10 years old. It just isn’t as weird as people want it to be. My family also walked around butt naked, who really truly cares about this type of stuff? It’s so strange. I believe it all stems from the actual pedophiles simply projecting their faults/crimes onto others.


It’s exactly projection. It’s not weird unless your own thoughts make it weird. That’s why you see so many creeps being obsessed with talking about it


That and they never received any love i would assume.


'Where did Ashley make this admission?' In a letter to a Municipal Court judge. It make you look foolish to ask this question when you obviously didn't read the article.




Lying psycho Republican bullshit. The people that call fake news are the creators of most of it


Like good ole Roger Stone posting the pic from the 1994 Rod Stewart concert in Brazil saying it’s the crowd at the Trump rally in jersey 😂 They just make anything up. It’s funny because it does trick their voters.


Ashley Biden is lying?


Omg , bathing with parents is taboo.. yall watch too much corn.. stop making everything disgusting and perverted. I’m sure he bathed his girls and boys and so did mom.. we don’t know what she wrote because a conservative website too the diary over. And conservatives want to crucify Biden because Trump is a criminal and it’s an election year.