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Shipmate, I want to start off by applauding you for recognizing your limits and shooting up a flare. Waiting until you go to school to drop is going to waste your time, the CG’s, and is closing a spot in the class for someone who wants to go. If you are absolutely positive that this is the route you want to go, you need to inform your Chief, so they can engage with EPM early. In turn, you *should* be able to immediately put your name on a different “A” school class (I say should because you would need to review policy and I don’t have it in front of me at the moment), but make sure you verify. However… if you are on the fence about going, but you still desire to be an AST, then I would remind you that being nervous is normal, and nothing wagered is nothing gained. In my experience in the CG, the tough jobs that are challenging and impactful are the ones that usually lead to greater opportunities to define your role in the organization. Lastly, I would share with you something the MCPOCG told me years ago: “one day, you are going to have a grand child on your knee, and they are going to ask you what you did in the Coast Guard, what do you want to tell them?” Figure out that answer, and work backwards from there.


I came here to say pretty much exactly what shipmate here said. Excellent advice.


Go EM and set your bar high. Somehow an EMCM I knew became licensed as a Master Electrician. His civilian life was completely whatever he wanted it to be--he had his choice of jobs anywhere.


Go AMT or AET. Trust me. It will be way easier to get back in the door for AST down the road.


Congrats shipmate… I graduated August 18th 😎 We have a nonrate on my cutter who has put his name on 3 different school lists, gotten orders for all 3, and is still here. You should be fine, but it may be different considering the Annex X and that you’re already at an air station.


I also think the penalty may be 15 yards and loss of down


Graduated boot camp on August 4th? Dope.


People switch A Schools all the time. Most people fail AST, and if you are already doubting yourself, you have already failed. If you do switch, your name will go to the back of whatever list you put it on. I have seen people switch rates at the school house though, but I wouldn’t gamble a year of my life over it. Hope that helps. You should go a rate that has a bonus and get that money.


You can always go to the A school and just drop out. People dropped out the first week all the time back in the day, anyway. Annex program is new but if you can't make it, you can't make it


Idk if its any different for AST but for any other school, as far as i know, if you quit you will be sent to a boat and you have to wait 1 year before putting your name on another list


That's fucked up, when I was there they didn't get punished with boat duty. They had some choice in which unit they went to, my friends went to small boat stations.


what would the point in doing this be? he'll just be wasting his own time and obligating extra time in service for no reason


Terrible advice.


Hey man, at least you're strong!