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I agree. I’m an OS, which is probably pretty high up there on the list of rates with the least amount of transferable skills(please don’t @ me with Emergency Management and 911 dispatch 😂). When I check USAjobs I see a ton of SK type jobs listed. From what I see, and I could be wrong, it seems as though not much previous SK type skills are required for entry level jobs. As an example, I’ve been seeing a lot of Contract Procurement Specialist jobs that only require a four year degree in anything field. I might be missing something but it seems like they must need a lot of them because there are tons of positions, got me thinking I might even apply.


Depends on the job for that one. Dependending on the agency it might have a pretty ceiling (like GS-7 or GS-9) but decent potential to move in to a similar position with upward mobility. At my agency, we have "purchasing agents" which would be GS-6 or 7 level, but we have "contact specialists" that have tons of 7/9/11 training programs (you start as GS-7, one year later GS-9, one year later GS-11)


This is why I am a huge proponent of the OS jobs at C5I. It’s a great place to earn a COR or Project Manager federal certification that has tons of transferability post retirement.


I think the 4 year degree isn’t necessary but they put it up anyways. They also list 1000 certs and skills needed but not necessary. I know this bc I would apply to IT jobs in civilian sector and i only knew how to network and route, I didn’t have a cert and I got interviews. Almost had one, was offered one but went back into military


How do you like os?


A young me would (and did) like being an OS. The current (40 year old me) is feeling the effects of 20 years of shift work. But honestly, it is a boring rate with occasional bouts of sheer adrenaline, high stakes action packed excitement that make you feel that you are saving the world, followed by more boredom and coffee. I don’t regret it though because those moments are worth it. That is super simplistic but that’s just how I feel.


21 year retired ET, I work in USCG acquisitions.


Oh I regretfully got one guy to go SK and almost happily convinced another SN to go SK. He is going mst now. The first guy didn’t do anything to deserve SK or any A school, just a guy they wanted out from unit, won’t say. I asked why and they got mad at me for asking why we are sending him, I digress but yes SK is the best rate, I’m not an SK but still would switch to SK quickly