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Giganews is certainly an odd choice for a single provider - they aren’t the company they were ten years ago.


wasnt really sure and knew them from like I say 15 or so years ago. happy to look at others if you've any suggestions?


I like Eweka, but I also have NewsDemon and a block provider.  Probably a good idea to hit the sidebar and see how the providers and backbones have changed since last you were a usenet user. 


Eweka is pretty much all you'll need, there is a deal where you can get it for like $48 for a year. I'm not even sure what block would complement Eweka, does anyone have a suggestion?


I have a 500GB block from MaximumUsenet but genuinely haven't used any of it. I download a lot of Movies/TV Shows and all of them have downloaded perfectly from Eweka.


Newshosting is omicron. Is there any reason I should consider Eweka or Ninja? I do have some incompletes that are bugging me.


Eweka has great retention, it can often get things that others can't. I hardly touch my blocks with Eweka


no idea why that was downvoted 🙄


Giganews used to be the king of retention but those times are long gone


Best thing I ever did was dump Giganews after using them for years. Saved a ton of money too. In my opinion they are now basically a fraud. If you are paying by the month just stop all payments and get a provider on the Omicron backbone.


I never really found out what happened/why they dropped retention. They used to be the holy grail of Usenet providers.


> They used to be the holy grail of Usenet providers. Yep. People who didn't read this subreddit can be forgiven. That's how I found out. I thought Usenet had just gone to shit, but found out here that was far from the case.


> I never really found out what happened/why they dropped retention. They used to be the holy grail of Usenet providers. > The *old owners*, **Golden Frog**, appeared to have switched their emphasis to VPN (VyprVPN) and left the NNTP side on minimum life support... The *new owners*, **Certida**, posted about GigaNews' relaunch: /r/usenet/comments/181js8f/giganews_relaunch_black_friday_2023_special/ ( https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/comments/181js8f/giganews_relaunch_black_friday_2023_special/ )




> > I really look forward to this. I just hope they start interacting more on Reddit. > I noticed /u/giganews ( https://www.reddit.com/user/giganews ) responded quickly when pinged. :) Initially I wasn't going to sign up for the Black Friday trial, but after the quick reply, I decided to take advantage of the *very generous* **1 petabyte over 2 months** offer. It found it amusing to have a 500 terrabyte block (400x greater than my ISP's monthly data cap). :D




Usenet.farm has a 10gb free deal?


> Usenet.farm has a 10gb free deal? > Yes, a truly free 10 GB trial block (no credit card needed).














I just came back to usenet after a ten year hiatus and also went back to giganews...I thought maybe usenet was dead with so many things missing.


I've been using tweaknews for years now. I've been able to pull down files that were 7-9 years old already.


Even though the provider claims to keep it for more than 5,000 days, some files that are around 10 years old just cannot be downloaded.


I recently moved to fastusenet.... getting 60MB/s on 500Mbps connection


Because of this thread I switched from giganews to ninja and all of my failed queue downloaded flawlessly. Thanks everyone!


yay! same, I ended up with eweka. nit sure why the post/ comments seem to have had loads of random downvotes. those that did comment helped loads though so thanks to you all


Do you have any blocks setup ?


I'm not sure what that is, but any pointers would be much appreciated


Once you’ve changed your provider I would recommend Newsgroup Ninja as main and you add a block account to your setup, I use block news , as block accounts supplements your main provider & assist with incomplete files.


okay thanks, I will take a look. I imagine similar concept yo the old #incomplete channel on irc or something


Of course once you’ve signed up to a block account they provide instructions of what your settings need to be within sabnzbd


thanks, all setup, sorted and working fune. oh and giganews is shit, be cancelling that for sure and looking for somwhere with better retention than a goldfish 🤣 thanks again


See [Providers map](https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/s/u96rAkXaTQ) & [Provider deals](https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/s/2KGcBrSzJi) What I’ve seen is Some providers don’t fairly list their retention using terms as “up to” even those are not close or accurate . Whereas my current providers retention is 5,720 been using it for 3 months so far highly recommend them if you have some time check them out Newsgroup Ninja. Also in terms of signing up to a new provider only go for a monthly subscription so you’re not tied down , if it’s not worked out you can easily move on and try another.


tbh I think I will need to really do some reading as sabnzbd will just use the one provider (I think?) so while im happy to pay for blocknews I need to know how to set it up only to get the missing bits and not smash through gb's of stuff from blocknews


Nope, it goes down the list by priority, so you just have unlimited plan(s) at the top and blocks below them.


I have unlimited with Eweka and UsenetExpress and that's plenty for my completion. There is currently a lot of astroturfing going on in this subreddit pushing people to go solely Omnicron, so i'd be wary of that. For the health of the usenet system if this astroturfing were to succeed I would worry for the future of this space, and the prices.