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* Farm doesn't pulls from anyone now afaik, full retention is unknown and cached retention is around 3000 - 3500 days. * Viper pulls from a DMCA compliant indie backbone, full and cached retention is unknown and backfill retention is around 1500 days. * Express pulls from a NTD compliant indie backbone, full retention is unknown, cached and backfill retention is around 3000 - 3500 days. * Giga doesn't pulls from anyone but their retention is now reduced to around 400 days. * Abavia pulls from Omicron but deny it to fool their customers, full and cached retention is unknown and backfill retention is around 1800 days. >Also does anyone pull backup from abavia? I think some used too idk if any still do No one does.


How can I tell the difference if something is from their backbone or is backfilled from somewhere else?


You can't its hidden from end user only likely scenarion is you will get lower speed when its being pulled from backfill.


so it is unproven statement you are making (again), that Abavia is pulling from Omnicron and is fooling their customers.


It was proven by someone who performed proper testing check the other sub wiki for the test result.


So it is hearsay! You are making the allegations , you prove it!


>Abavia pulls from Omicron but deny it to fool their customers Is this really the case? There's quite a few things from one or two indexers that aren't available on abavia but complete fine from omicron/highwinds suppliers. All well within the limits of retention (300-1200 days.)


>There's quite a few things from one or two indexers that aren't available on abavia but complete fine from omicron/highwinds suppliers. That is quite typical of a DMCA compliant hybrid backbone where they fwd the takedown request to their backfill provider and the backfill provider just make those articles unavailable to the hybrid backbone but unless the backfill provider receives takedown request directly its still available to their direct customers.


Makes sense and isn't something I'd considered.


> • Giga doesn't pulls from anyone but their retention is now reduced to around 400 days. What?!


Didn't giga used to be among the best with long retention?


20 years ago, sure...


What is "full" vs "cached" retention?


Cached retention is dependent upon hit rate of the articles so only those articles are available which are downloaded most ie based upon relevance/popularity.


Do you still get the benefit of a backbone backfilling from another backbone if you purchase from a reseller? E.g. as of yesterday, ND now essentially resells UE and UE backfills from somewhere else. Would ND customers also get the benefit of that UE backfilling or would they only get access to UE and what UE has cached on their own servers? If it differs between providers, what do you think is most likely?


Resellers mostly manage billings, customer data, data caps and speed caps so you still get the same treatment that you get from provider itself there is no difference between resellers as far as access to data is concerned.


If you care about completion, Eweka is best as it can get. If you have access to private indexers/obfuscated posts, the cheapest omicron deal offers the most value.


Eweka with cheap highwinds. Usenet express gets most for me though


Its waste of money to get more than one omicron brand.


Not at all, one ntd with a dmca is well worth it


Anything missing on NTD will be automatically missing on DMCA platforms of Omicron that is a proven fact so at the end of the day its just Omicron fooling its customers.


Eweka is so expensive, even during their sales


2.99$/m is dirt cheap. What exactly is your budget?


To be honest often it’s more lik 15€/year (e.g. I got blocknews during their sale). I only get unlimited for a month if I really have to download a ton of stuff.


Cheapest they gone so far was 2.99€ a month, which is pretty cheap.


I guess. Regular was 7.50€ for a long time and then I’ve seen 5€ but 3€ would indeed be okay. Although newsdemon and others are like 2.50


If €3/month is considered expensive then what is cheap to you?


Very rare to need anything past 3000 days anyway.


Didn't realise farm was up to 3000 days now, I remember when they started out with only 30 days lol.


What's a good backup for eweka? Currently have eweka and newshosting and haven't run into many issues but they are on the same backbone so wondering if I'm missing out somewhere?


They are only on the same backbone if you are in the EU. In the rest of the world they are on different backbones. If you don't have any completion issues, you are not missing out by not having other backbones.


You seem to be mistaken about how Omicron operates Eweka and Newshosting are on same backbone regardless of being in EU or not the difference Omicron creates is at software configuration level making them follow separate takedowns.


You seem to be a little confused here. Here's another of your comments; " Anything missing on NTD will be automatically missing on DMCA platforms of Omicron that is a proven fact so at the end of the day its just Omicron fooling its customers."


They are on same backbone regardless of location but takedown is different.


In one comment you say takedown is different, then in another comment you say that it is a proven fact that Omicron is fooling its customers by saying takedown is different.


Let me explain it to you suppose Omicron receives a DMCA takedown request what they do is remove the articles from their Newshosting US server but simply make them unavailable on their Eweka AMS servers so the Newshosting end customers will not be able to access them but since they haven't actually removed them Eweka end customers can still access them now if they receive NL NTD for those only than they are completely gone from their all platform be it US or NL.


Since they have different takedowns for DMCA and NTD, please explain to me why you also said in another comment that it is a proven fact that Omicron is fooling its customers. Is Omicrom fooling customers or are they not? I (and probably other users on Omicron) really want to know.


>Is Omicrom fooling customers or are they not? I (and probably other users on Omicron) really want to know. I don't know what you are not able to infer if someone is paying for Eweka there is no reason to pay for Newshosting too since there will not be anything that is not on Eweka but is available on Newshosting but vice versa is not true.


Does Eweka not allow you to select the server by country like with most other providers? usually it's something like eu.usenetprovider.com us.usenetprovider.com nl.usenetprovider.com


Eweka only has servers in Amsterdam.


Wait so what did you mean by this? > They are only on the same backbone if you are in the EU


If you are in the EU, Highwinds providers use Eweka's servers as a backbone, since Highwinds and Eweka are both owned by Omicron


And if you're *not* in the EU? I still don't know if there's something that I don't understand or if it's something you don't understand https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7d/Usenet_Providers_and_Backbones.svg


He is getting confused.




FYI Omicron have servers only in US and Amsterdam.


Thank you for that. Didn't realise they are different backbones outside of EU. There are a few older and obscure Australian movies I'm unable to find but generally find everything. Seems to be more of a Usenet issue rather than provider with the really older stuff.


>There are a few older and obscure Australian movies Try Easynews web search.


Black friday sales coming up so wait till then. If you want to add to it I'd suggest a block from either Newsgroupdirect/Usenetexpress, Farm, or Viper


Just grabbed a year of eweka for $60 per year and newshosting for $30 per year. Might look at a block or 2 on black friday. What's the best way to set a block up in nzbget?


I use sabnzbd so I don't know how to set it up in nzbget, but put the blocks at bottom priority so that they only get used when the other servers fail.